Mrsa. Joseph R. Noel and her miother Mrs. Warner of Oak Park were guests at the Reichelt J+. home Thursday. Mrs. Buelah Tibbetts Ward of I~-- dependence, lowa and sister Miss Joy 'Tibbetts of Lake Forest were the guests of Mrs. Robert E. Pettis Fri-- Arthur J. Ender has resigned as Deerfleld postmaster. He has served the village very faithfully for the past nine years and he will be greatly missed, Applicants for the position are Mrs. Fred Meyer and Herman Frost, . day. Rev, E. A. Ramige visited friends in Deerfield Tuesday previous to his departure for his home in Des Moines, lowa. Mrs. Carl T. Anderson' spent Fri-- d.ymds'mmymumm and Esther Teckler of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gunckel were hosts at a "500' party Saturday eve-- ning. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pettis were the successful prize winners. D. B. Webb of Antioch visited C. W. Pettis Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Skully and two daughters Margaret and Jean have returned from Excelsior Springs, a birthday party last Tuesday after-- noon for her little daughter Ro-- Ark., where they were visiting this The Ira Hole home has been sold. Fred Meyer is recovering rapidly from his recent operation and was brought home from the Presbyterian hospital Sunday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Christ Willman and two daugnters of Glenview visited at the John Willman home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lanning Sandwick sail for Europe June 24 to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siljestrom of Highland Park were Sunday guests at the Henry Siljestrom home. mmummlm vl*dlr.nglulnbenm-u of Gurnee Sunday. Mrs. 8."Unger has returned from the German hospital in Chicago where she underwent an operation several weeks ago. Mrs. Edward Bach Jr. of Sher-- merville spent Friday with Mrs. daughnter Doris May visited Mr. and ; Susic Easton were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Corlett of Livertyville lnst gelical church on Friday and Sun-- day evenings and st the Northficld church Sunday morning. He was the guest of Mr. and Mra. John Stryker during his sojourn in Deerfleld. Mrs. A. H. Muhike is spending a week with her sister Mrs. George Peter Perry has soid his home to a Mr. Smith of Wheeling. John Huhn sold his house to a man living guests last week Mrs. Alvin Heck and two little sons of Chicago. Two men stopped north and south bound traffic Sunday on Waukegan road at Five Points and handed motorists a red card from the Minois Automobile club of Chiecago with the following inscription: _ "Warning! Speed Trap! Watch out for officers in Studebaker and Cadillac touring cars patrolling in vicinity of Lake Forest and Lake B # on Waukegan and ville preached in the United Evan-- Muhike will keep house for -- her brother during Mrs.. Muhike's ab-- Mr. and Mrs. George Harder left Saturday for a two weeks' vacation trip in New York. -- Misses Jane and Martha Karch gave a miscellaneous shower Sat-- urday afternoon for Miss Mae Con-- roy of Chicago, who is a fellow em--« 'loy!!ht!vglufiono!leeofth eighteen guests. Those from ou* of town were Misses Gertrude Farmar, Anna Paulsen, Marie Kelly, Martha Prestin, Mae McSweeney, Kataryn Wren, Mabel Helander, Ruth Eng-- strom, Hattie Pashke, Lillian Gobe-- ille, Ida Anderson, Claire Helander, Ruoth Moran, Barbara Hochran and place cards which were uniformly alike, a bride in full wedding regalia, Miss Conroy's gifts were so numer-- ous that they filled a large a1tome a m. to 9 p.m. Phone 218--R. _ _ Dr, J. P. O' Connell, dontist, has an Eller of Naper-- entertained at AUCTION SALE Containing thirty choice building lots located just south of the Warren Town-- _ ship High School building. We have bought this tract from Mr. George Mc-- . " Cullough and are now busy platting, laying out and grading streets, making it '5 a real addition to the town. _ We positively will, regardless of price, _ sell every one of these lots to the highest bidder on 4 Gurnee is a thriving little town and has the best rural school in the state which is attracting many people to locate. _ --It's going to be a much better town and Property bought here is certainly safe and sure to pay you a handsome profit. West View Addition Saturday, June 24, 1: to Ladies only. Get a ticket at the stores at Gurnee or on the grounds day of sale. You must be on the grounds to participate We give the gold and other mllf.'thu away free to the crowd--You do not have to bid or buy--Just attend the sale and pit your ticket in the box. . A Beautiful Rocking Chair Free $50 In Gold Given Away. FREE Perhaps never again will you have this opportunity to buy lots in Gurnee--You can, no doubt, save from 25 to 50% by buying in this sale. If you ever expect to want some lots in Gurnee, you should not fail to attend this sale. \ If you have some money you want to invest where it is per-- fectly safe and sure to pay a big profit, be at this sale ready to buy a bargain. ain.s BUILDING LOTS GURNEE, ILL. Your One Big Opportunity Spring Valley, Minn-- on enendenene en enannennne zuen nenenenneenentin s o e o o n omm en en mm en en o en o en en 00001000200 No by bidding, no reserve bids. I1 M 0 ARARNNENE We invite all of you to attend our sale whether you want to buy lots or not. We have some funny auctioneers and a general good time. Tell your friends about the sale. Everybody come. TERMS:;--One third cash, bal. one year, interest 7 per cent, or 2 per cent off deferred payments for cash Warranty Deed and Abstract furnished for each lot. Wemxhvealnrdfi-ewmth&mmp m'fiu""";'.fl"{:' persons said, "Wal, I 1 had many I known lots would sell that leuhflyfilfl&am and bought some of them." But it was too late then. LISTEN! THESE LOTS ARE GONG TO SELL It will be a clean, straight forward sale. Additions sold this way, all at one time. build up quickly. Don't fail to be there. THE LIBERTYVILLE BAND WILL FURNISH MUSIC. THE T*AS-QUINN REALTY CO. . Elkader, lowa. IMPORTANT 8e