t * "Areg i f : :G, Prescott returned to his home ~___ in Aurora Wednesday after a couple .' days spent with his daughter, Mrs. + Mrs. Thomas Russell and Mrs. John Mitchell were Waukegan vis-- Mr. and Mrs, George Hogan and family spent Thursday in Chicago. '.l;mawk a business trip to Arlington Feights Thurs-- Am' Ross spent Thursday at the home of J. J. Rouse. . Miss Mary Rouse visited a few days this week with Miss Bessie Wagner of Grayslake. Mrs. Myron Wells spent Tuesday with mer parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gross of Lake Zurich. -- Mrs. I. E. Payne was a Waukegan visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Edwin Roder and sons motored to Lake Zurich on Tuesday after-- George Smith motored to Palatine The G. W. club held a bakery sale at L. A. Murries 'store Thursday afternoon and found ready sale for ~Mrs, W. Stancliff has been on the alling list the past week. W. J. Sauer and gon accompanied by Mrs. W. Stancliff were business tallers in Libertyville Tuesday after-- Mrs. C,. L Casey of Libertyville. _ Tae G. W. club will give a dance on Tuesday evening, July 11 at Ray's Pavilion, Diamond Lake. 3 . Miss Clara. Nelson -- and Miss Darby of Grayslake left Friday eve-- ming for a trip to Boston. home with her for the remainder of _ Miss Carweise of Chicago spent the first of the week with Misa.Clara _ Mrs. O. C. Jarrett returned home Thursday morning after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mre. J. W. Chandler spent Thurs-- day in Chicago. Her sister Mrs. Frank Miller of Belvidere returned Miss Esther Schwerman of Aurora is at homeé for the summer. . Mre, L. G. Hutchings and child-- ren have 'been quite under the weather with severe colds the past few days. .. A naumber from here attended the :d'-laulnnz(}m Sun-- .!hhlsy?*?dvmhnlfbll;' baateticistedts : i; in Ad8 Rera ith, in wernmeditess P | 10 a. m.--Sunday school, Mrs. Kruger's grove. i: line Mitchell, S The Ladies Aid will meet with! 2:30 p. m.--Preaching service; ser-- Mrs. F. Stancliff July 13th. I mon by the pastor. You are invited. Mre. J. A. Mazon is home from tie MRS. M. L. CHANDLER FEst e Local Editor es Aid society of Fair-- ive a pienie on July 4th school grounds, Besides a of all kind~, supper articles also will be Mrs. G. Cook, Miss Alice Hersch-- berger and Charles Herschberger !:;-mm-m | Fim Mann 'and Lioyd Mann of Janesville, Wisconsin, called on Mrs. 'Lhudllnm. \ . Mr. Frieze and «on were in ! Libertyville» on wm, e :X Miss E. Elizabeth Vickland, mis-- slonary from--Assam, India, will with us over this week end. Sag M speak at the Sunday school and also at the evening service on Sunday. Her subject will be, Just Folks as We Are." Miss Vickland has spent several years in that interesting land of India and she will have many interesting things to tell us. She has spent the last year at school at the University of Chicago. All are invited and no one should miss this opportunity. Many of the young people of the Half Day church are making big plans for the Dixon conference to be held July 10--16 at Dixon. The church has decided to pay part of tie ex-- penses if the people will only pay up their pledges,. Are you going to keep any of our young people from going to this conference? It is going to give them a new attitude towards life. They are going to come back better citizens and Christians . of this 'community. They are already planning to come back and enter-- tain you one evening with a "Dixon Night." Think of, and pray more for our young people. The teachers' training class is held at 9:30 Sunday mornings. More of our mothers should come as well as the teachers. It is for you, come and learn more about your children. Mr. and Mrs, Hobart Small and Miss Viesselman, Mrs. Small's sister, arrived by car from Fairmont, Minn-- Mm'rud-y afternoon.' Ho-- bart is the youngest brother of Mrs. Bert Smail and is an old friend of Ralph R. Keithahn at Fairmont, Schroeder, Sumner Sprague and R. R. Keithahn. The group met last Tuesday evening at the Honeywell home and made prelimninary prepara-- tions for the conference. They will meet again on Saturday evening at the Rockenbach home. The church school is held at 10:80. Be there, old and young and do your here in Hlinois. 4 A large delegation of Half Day ienss Uhoia were 1 * Holst and the Cook family. f Vernon Cemetery Association met at the home of Mrs. Carrie Schroeder at Libertyville on Thursday, A very pleassnt meeting was held. 'Those who attended from this village were Mesdames M. Mason, Ben Cook, M. Holst, Peterson, Geo. Stancliff, Al-- fred Stancliff, John Gerbert, Charles Bierie and Emma Mason and Miss Ella Doris Holst and George Holst. Alfred Stancliff® Jr. and James McLaughlin saw Wallis Reid in "Across the Continent" at Highland "Happiness is a wayside flower that grows along the highway of usefulness."--Richter. The following people have sent in their registration for the Young People's conference at Dixon, IIl.: Anna Lindstrom, Helen Honeywell, Myra Gerbert, Elizabeth Rocken-- Half Day baseball team is sched-- uled to play Lake Zurich on July 4, at Lake Zurich, | DIAMOND LAKE COMMUNITY Charles J. Dickey, Pastor, HALF DAY THE John Bornnofen Jr. WAs a at N._F. Busch's Tuesday evening. George Zimmer from |_, n HWeights was a caller KA L Raupp's Monday evening. Don Schley is spending his vaca-- tion at the home of his grandmother Mrs. Mary Schley. Garage men and machinists try Zanol Jiffy soap paste. It removes dirt instantly and leaves a fragrant order after using. . | George Weidner was a business .':j-luotWhelin:&tumycn- J mHMF..~ . . _ Mrs, Emma Rudoiph from H land Park visited her mother, li:: Mary Schley last Tuesday, A. J. Raupp and family enter-- tained company Wednesday evening. R. Weidner was employed by Emil Géest last week unloading coal, lumber. and cement. 1 Max Miller and family were callers at J. N. Busch's last Satur-- day evening. George Zimmer and family, also Mrs. Chas. Fitzpatrick and daughter Gertrude from Arlington Heights attended theCBntertainment at Buf-- falo Grove Friday night. Clarence Busch spent Sunday at his home. «--Rred Weidaer from Chicago spent Sunday at the G. M. Weidner home. Ray Busch was a caller at N. F. Busch's Saturday afternoon, Mathias Wickersheim entertained company from the city last Sunday. Emil Geest attended the ball game at Wheeling Sunday. Wheeling and Glencoe teams played. Score 18 to 3 in faver of Glencoe. Chas, Sauer from Long Grove worked for Henry Potts last week. . | --Emil Geest is contemplating the ege paxct "We all love to listen to it but for some good reason can't buy one; Emil is a good old scout very accommodating. i Alice and Alexander Bunton at-- tended the entertainment at Buffalo Grove last Friday night. ° Lon Krueger was a business caller at A. J. Raupp's Saturday morning. _ George Weimer from Cung wmsnumym" y at J. N. '8. Dorothy Push from Chicago is spending a week with her aunt Mrs. George Pfister. Clarence Busch attended the dance at Half Day last Saturday night. "'mmw!.d,mu- 'the dance at Half Day Sat-- urday night. x8 George Lartz from Morton Grove was a business caller in this vicinity George We'dner and family en-- tertained company from the city last Sunday. Rev, Keithahn was a calier at the Crestmore farm Saturday morning. Our men folks say haying is fur when the old lady meets them every load they bring in with a good cold drink of Zanol's soft drinks, such as lemonade, orangeade or root apple cider, Vinola, Zoia Cola, cherry, strawberry, raspberry and grape cider, a variety and they never tire of them. ' three others whose names we haven't Mrs, Aug. Grewe and daughter Ruth were callers at M. Wicker sheim's Monday. Alexander Bunton Jr. joined the Half Day junior baseball nine last week.. They played the Diamond Lake juniors last Sunday, Score 18 to 6, favor of Half Day. Herbert Weidner played with the Half Day team that day and helped them to Eleven members were added to the Half Day church last Sunday eve-- ning. James Matousek, Caroline Busch, Clarence Busch, Alice and Alexander Bunton, Mr.. and Mra. Max Miller from Libertyvilie and Fred Busch and lady friend were S*h"uunllcnlnt&lhym Tgt. High Grade Holstein Cows, Heifers and Calves CHARLES HOLMBERG, Superintendent lt Phomne 272--W . A Westwood Farm, 3 miles South of Libertyville APTAKISIC _ All Animals of High Grade and Good Stock Reason for selling: because of going into pure bred stock, selling out all grades. FOR SALE REGISTER SATURDAY, JULY | LAKE ZURICH { I The Lake Zurich baseball team | win play Everett team July 2 and Half Day July 4 both at the Lake _ Zurich grounds. Come. Mrs, Filora Clark was in Chicago Tuesday on business, Mrs, Olson, Mrs, Cy Mohrmon and Mrs. J. 'Waiton ail of Waukegan spent the week end with Mrs. J. Heronmious. Mr. and Mrs. John Prehm and son Jack, and and Mrs. F. Prehm visited in Chicago Tuesday evening. . Mrs, Albert Hoeft, Mrs. Auna Geeska, Mrs. Chas. Weaver, Miss Haze! Hurst and Arthur Blanchard attended"the bunco party the Royal Neighbors gave at Barrington, _ Lois ahd Charlotte Weaver are visiting in Wauekgan for a few days. Irene Ernst spent several 'days with her cousi.s at Barrington last week, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kratch went to the Post Graduate hospital in Chicago Monday to see Mr. Krateh's mother who is recovering from a serious operation. J.-- Louis, traftic superintendent; i. i. Kkoots, ireasurer; E. F. Montz-- heimer, superintendent b.idge '&Nd building anua F H. Masters, assistant superinter:dent bridge and building ali of E. J. t. were visitors at the locai oftice and had dinner at the Lake Side hotel. Mr. and Mrs, Alsert Hoeft drove to Lake Geneva and spent the day. St. Peter's Evangelical Church Notes There--will be neither Sunday sthool nor church services July Znd. July 9#th Rev, Wm. Weltge of Pala ti:ovfllprufi.tlb:fllin.&n- school at 9:30 a. m. 16th &urvmrhmnrvku.bflu The choir of the Evangelical churen enjoyed a day's outing at St. vharles Monday., Work started on 'the new house for F. hHarkness in Dymond's sub-- division, P The home of J. Pankanin was placed under quarantine for scariet tever Wednesday, one of the younger children nave the disease. 'The pastor, Rev. Paul E. SeMoppe, and his sister Miss Anita Schoppe left for St. Louis, Mo., on Wednes-- weeks' vacation from his duties at tae Lake Zurich creamery. Miss Edith Dymond is spending a few days in Chicago. William 'Tonne is enjoying a two The confidence our depositors have in this in-- wflfi@mfid@eemritb.eirsw@yw WE PAY 3% INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS in number, should be ample proof of service well rendered. With assets of over one million and opem under state supervision, safety for your is assured. When you are making momy'u\the hest time to gave, when you want money we have it for you. will convene at the usual The Wheeling State Bank Confidence WHEELING, ILL July wm spent Miss Evelyn Barbaras of Highland Park spent several days with Ethel Umbdenstock. William Sauer and son Victor of Prairie View called here Monday morning. , Mrs. Holtie of Prairie View spent Sunday with her son Frank. Miss Emma Kalkbrenner of Ben-- somville spent Sunday with her par-- ents, Rev. and Mrs. Kalkbrenner. Mrs, Wolff and daughter Lillie of Chicago spent the week end at the R. Reimers home. Don't forget the ball game Sunday July 2nd, between Long Grove and Crystal Lake, Battery by 'Len Miller and Franklin Meyer. Let's Go! Miss Elsa Umbdenstock and Louis Arns of Park Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brandt of Oak Park spent Sunday at the Matt Umbden-- stock home. Mabel and Marvin Laseke re-- turned home Friday after spending several days with Relatives in Chi-- Mrs. Sam Gilder of Chicago called on friends here one day this week. Mrs. Milton Litwiler and sons at-- tended a birthday party in Chicago Taursday. . week end in Chicago with her daugh-- ter, Mrs. Raymond Minnich. ~ 12 N. Genesse St. Mrs, Raiph of Maywood visited at the George Cleveland home last week. funeral of his aunt Thursday at Harvard. Mrs. Mitchell of Chicago visited her daughter Mrs. Will Frost here a few days last week. Miss Lilih Brown attended a party in Grayslake one day this week. Mrs. Floyd Renchan entertained her brother and sister of Madison We Insure Glasses Against Register Want Ads Get Results Mrs. 'Nellie Renehan spent the ef ROUND LAKE LONG GROVE FOR SALE--Ford touring car. In-- quire after 4 p. m. 322 Brainard avenue. T. Schellenberger, Lib-- ertyville. 50--2t FOR SALE--Seven room bungalow, new, modern. Apply on premises 33% Jackson avenue. ; 47--6t FOR SALE--Rock day chicks. Phone 298--R--2. Mrs. Russell Rouse, FOR SALE--Dark oak dining table and 6 chairs, leather seats, A--1 condition. Also kitchen heater and garbage burner and other articles. Phone 281--R--2. 49--6t FOR SALE--Fumed oak library FOR SALE--Two Hostein bull FOR SALE--125 acre farm west of Libertyville. Nine room house, -- large barn, silo, milk house, hog FOR _ SALE--Registered _ Jersey heifers of the best of American breeding. Four due to calve this fall. These are of the same blood and breeding and really better individuals than those sold in the FOR SALE--Currants. Gordon Ray, Diamoad Lake. Phone 296--R--2. FOR SALE--Houses and lots at reasonable prices and easy terms. Insurance and notary. u'i.Anr.h.nglh. ~tf If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. b d Te s se There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. $ 4} Minimum charge, 25¢, 6 insertions for $1,00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. '"at" calves. One from a 20 Ib. Jr. 2--yr. old, now on yearly test; the other line bred Prince Hengerwill Siges who has 52 A. R, 0. daughters. Chris Jensen, Area, Ill., Phone 250--W--1. 49--3t Grayslake, IIL soil. 15 acres of timber. Price only $140 per acre. Terms. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Libertyville. 49--tf table. Phone 832--J. 48--3t FOR SALE Classified 49--2t FOR SALE--The most fertile 80 WANTED--Position for practical nursing. References. Phone 118J. WANTED--Housework by capable WANTED--10 acres of standing timothy hay, Call 260--W--1. 484f WANTED--To pick cherries on WANTED--Rags for wipers at § cents per pound. Get our price for Fir Silos. We MORE ABOUT THE BULL. Thers are all kinds af milking machines on the-- market but thre is only bed room _ set, including box springs,. Mrs. C. 1 .Casey, Lib» ertyville. Phone 283--W--1. 44--6 acre farm in Lake county. Fine black loam soil. No foul weeds, and every acre producing. Only one--half mile from town. <Nine room house, large basement dairy barn, sile, corncrib, milk house, large cnicken~ house, tool m hog house, garage, deep . wells, fruit. Everything in fine shape. It is anjdeal farm home and will make money for the parchaser from the day he moves on. The price is very reasonable, and very easy terms will be made to good reliable persons. For further in-- formation see A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Liberty-- ville, 49-- girl. Situation with Libertyville family preferred. Write care Reg-- ister office or call Livertyville 90. furnish doors and hardware. ZION IN&ATTUTIONS & IN-- DUSTRIES. . (Wilbur Glenn Voliva) (Dept. 4.) ' Zion, Tllinois. Telephones 31 or 49. «* in the barn while milking.. Com-- plete installed $230.00. _ -- 1 Bull Teat Cup and" 1 Bull Milk Claw 1 Bull Hot Water Tank which heats water free of charge LO8ST AND FOUND in Lake County Register, WANTED town. Phone 90. 50--1t B. Finstad. «f