i ~PAGE TWO Park on Sunday. Rev and Mrs. A. N. MacDonald, Mrs. Taomas Russell and Mrs. John Mitchell motored to Chicago Monday. ~~Mrs. John Gosswiller spent Wed-- and Mrs. Dean Aynsley of Highlana Don't forget the G. W. C. dance on Tuesday evening at Ray's Pavilion, Diamond Lake. Remember Tuesday, July 11. Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Smith of Ro-- chelle were guests at the home of | the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.i J. J. Rouse over the Fourtn. of Chicago are spending the week at the. Wm. Eddy home. -- Mrs. Alina Jones spent last week visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mr#. Ed. Joaes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ra. of Gilmer and Mrs. Church of Sarr-- Mr .and Mrs, Albert Roder were guests of Wauconda relatives on the Mrs. Vandermark and children of Lake Forest spent the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D| Hough-- telling, _ Mr. and-- Mrs. McGuire who formerly lived in the Dressen house are living in the Dean home. _ 'spent the week end and the Fourth with Area relatives. Dr. and Mrs, E. V. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rouse called on Mr. Ruth Wells of Chicago enjoyed a few days vacation over the Fourth. Mrs, Thomas Russeli spent Thurs-- day in Waukegan with her sister. Miss Mary Rouse spent the Fourth in Racine at the home of Mr .and Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Langworthy of Libertyville called on Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Jerrett Sunday. C uh Miss Dorothy Harding left Wed-- nesday morning for Battle Creek for a six weeks' course at the Normal School of Physical Culture. moved to a farm near Long Grove. Mrs. Drury of Libertyville spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. R. D. Cook axd went to Grayslake Thurs-- Miss Ruth Shaddle of Chicago is spending am indefinite vacation at ~A large number of Area people are attending the Chautauqua this 1'0"!&; % and Mrs, Walter Stark and Mr. and Mrs. Stark of Waukesha 't'amumw .nd\&.!.fl.lhhhn &db cottage in Diantond for the summer. r 'Mrs. Harry McBride spent Monday Dean Wells of Chicago spent the Fourth in Area. Miss Mary Rouse spent Tnursday with Miss Viola Wells. . Nevmmed ons Sre. Mesprrantd ao. and Mrs. MacDonald at-- tended the Elks picnic at Higaland Park the Fourth. Arthur Grant of Chicago is spend-- ?ahhnvulrndln . J. Wiliams. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells spent the Fourth visiting . relatives in F. C. Shaddle called on Palatine relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells were Barrington visitors Saturday eve-- Mr. and Mrs. Lelaad Jerrett spent the Fourta with Mr=.and Mrs. August Gadke of Ivanhoe. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Zersen were Mrs, Maud Lusk of Lake Forest spent the Fourth with Mrs. R. D. Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Sr. and Charlie Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roder spent MRS. M. L. CHANDLER Local Editor with her son Ed. Gosswiller Area Phone 122--J Thursday _ Next Sunday, July 9th, the St. 'Mathew's Lutneran church will cel-- ebrate their annual mission festival. | At 2:830 p. m. the Reverend Thies | of Saaumburg will deliver a ser-- i mon in the German language and ' at 8 p. m. the Reverend Peeper of | Des Plaines in the English lan-- Mr. and Mrs. F. Stancliff visited friends in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Mason spent the Fourth in Waukegan and is also spending the week visiting. i Dorothy Ott éntertained company at her home over the Fourth. Reverend Koten returned home for HKis summer vacation after spend-- ing his scaool year teaching in Cal-- iHfornia, He looks as if it agreed with W. J. Sauer and family spent the week end in Mendota, L. G. Hutcaings and family were Libertyville etlleuAWedmsdly after-- noo:. y Mrs. L. Maether and Florence were city shoppers last, Thursday. The Misses Nellie and Florence Conklin spent the week end here re-- turning the evening of the Fourth to the city. Mrs. H. Reineke Sr. who b@s spent the past winter in Mil waukes, Wis., is again at her nome here, --. E. Hitzemann is visiting BMS brother A. Hitzemann this week. Misses Ethel and Haze! Schu-- macker, Harry Snales and Harty Landow of Ravenswood, !!!., spent the first of the week at the F. C, Schumacker home. Miss Louise Heise of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is spending a week's vaca-- tion with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Knudten, Mr. and Mrs. E. Albrecht Jr. of Mil-- waukee, Wis., visited at the A. G. Schwerman home Sunday and Mon-- The Gilmer Union Sunday school enjoyed a picnic and outing _ in Egger's Grove last Sunday. -- guage. Mrs. L. Macether entertained some friends from the city over the Ray and George Granger of cago are visiting at the Edw Nagel home. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ritzentaaler entertained relatives from the city over the Fourth. Mrs. Stevens (Esther Knoff) and husband of Chicago were callérs in town last Thursday afternoon. Marian Herschberger spent her l'outluuhhflrh.ndh "in was a Burlington vis-- x'n-brtm'gm'!_'b"' day. Fourth. the fire works at Des Plaines July o f The entertainment committee con-- sisting mostly of the Corner class, were on the job as there were games for all. The baseball drew the crowd as well as the tog of war, while some of the smaller ones got prizes in the races. We can't leave without giving Mr. Dagner honorable men~ Mrs. F. Stancliff Jaly 18. evening. Mr. and 'Mrs. Emil Nickoly of tion in the races. bungalow in Libertyville last week. hthprlMycndac.hl! 11, for the benefit of the church. Chocolate and rupb::y sundaes and banana splits, ice -mlahand-flunflm!\n?':l; be good music. Free transportation from Diamond Lake to Area, the Fourth Mr .and Mrs. Harry McBride and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Thompson of Round L-& spent the Fourth at Round Lake. and Mrs. F. C. Shaddle are enter-- taining relatives from Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Smith were in camp at Potters Lake over An Mr .and Mrs. 1. E. Payne and Mr Fourth in Elgin visiting PRAIRIE VIEW GILMER ning to go to Dixon are making good preparation. They are prepar-- ing songs, yells, and alzo the Bible play, "Ruth." They are going to give their best. Are you with them or not? They need your help. Milwaukee avenue will} probably be closed the last part of this week. Materials have arrived and the con-- .Mmmmdyeohdnwrk. Contractor Gosswiller and his crew are moving the town hall this week and putting it on a cement foundation, The church and the com-- THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAY, Sumner Sprague was i2 Liberty-- ville on Wednesday. Miss Mary and Grace Kelly, Rus-- sell Schroeder and Marshall Wylie attended the dance at Diamond Lake on Monday evening. $ Mr. and Mrs. G. Cook were in Libertyville on Saturday night. Lowell Schroeder was in town Wednesday. leveled we will have a very attractive Mr. and Mrs, Joun Gerbert and son Waiter were Libertyville shop-- pers Saturday night. India is a human place and in her actions that missionaries are human beings. She enjoyed her stay very much and the community enjoyed her. We hope that more of ner type go to the foreign field. -- Robert Dawson has sold his farm Reverend -- Keithah» _ transacted business in Libertyville on Wednes-- day. _ The Half Day Junior baseball balls played Waeeling Sunday. Score 9--5 in favor Wheeling. Choir practice--Friday at 7:30 p m. at church. James McLaughlin and Mrs, Al-- fred Stancliff were in Libertyville on Wednesday night. Russell Schroeder is working for Mr, Witt. Mrs, K. Luebbe is on the sick list. Mrs. P. J. Bocke!mann of Liberty-- ville is taking care of her mother, Mrs. Luebbe. diginity and when the: grounds are Sunday school at 10:30. Everyone in the community should be present, botA young and old. s we want everyone in the community munity are dividing the expense. It will give our public square more Teachers training class on Sun-- day at 9:30. All that are interested in children should be present. Evening service at 8 o'clock. Ser-- mon, "Freedom." Our evening ser-- vices have grown, In a year we have more than doubled our attendance. We think they are worth while and with us during the last week énd.| 'The Ladies Aid will meet at the She made her headquarters at th¢ hnome of Mrs. Ray Bush at Prairie Ernest Schroeder home and visited vyiaw on Thursday afterncon, July Mhflnmndty.&w'm at both the church school and eVe--| mms pupils of St. Mary's parochial beautifully some Indian songs. She helped us realize in her taiks tnat to the present Chicago Chief of ; Police Fitzmorris We are sorry to hnthop-mlunthm-' ;-r-ltyndbmthc'ywillmtgol Recently there has been consider--| able amount of . law--breaking in why.smmphmtohu' no respect for either private or pib--| lic rights. We complain of Chicago ; mlendtbm'dotht-nthinnl as they do. We have no right to trespass private property and we certainly have no right to destroy | wholesale the fish in our streams. 'The people that break the law ought to be dealt with accordingly, And | let's not complain of others when we | are as bad ourselves, Remove the beam before you notice the mote. ' Everybody has the improvement fever. Mrs. Knoll is fixing up her home as well as Ernest Schroeder's. Two new refreshment stands have been built. Mr. Kruger is building a Boy Scouts--Thursday 7:30 town Miss E. Elizabeth Vickland was The young people who are-- plan-- High Grade Holstein Cows, Heifers and Calves CHARLES HOLMBERG, Superintendent Westwood Farm, 3 miles South of Libertyville HALF DAYX All Animals of High Grade and Good Stock FOR SALE sang very | for selling: because of going into pure bred stock, selling out all grades. : The Curran family are eatertain-- ing relatives from Chicago over the Fourth. , A Ford car crashed fito John | Wagner's car at the Frémont Cen-- ter cnurch Sunday g. The Ford, driven by a ger, was Mrs. William Einsman has re-- turned home from vufing her par ents at Waterioo, lowa,. Her sister, Nrs. Lohrmann of Chicago is visit-- had from a cherry tree a short time Several Diamond Lake ;eopln en-- tertained guests over the Fourth. The Diamond Lake Ladies Ala @1 give on ice cream social on Lemp-- kers, lawn Wednesday evening, July 12 I% at Third Lake Thursday The Diamond Lake Ladies Aid will club will meet with Mrs. Leroy Kane on Thursday evening, July 18. Mrs. Charles Tattler and daugh-- ter Kataryn of Tacoma, Wash., are visiting Mrs. Tat:ler's people at Long Grove, Mrs. Ost was seriously injured in an automobile accident a few weeks ago. She is gaining as well as can be expected and was able to make the return journey by automobile. new house. Let's go a little farther ni'ufldnp-rcharutmm Mrs. William Hoist and Ella Doris are visiting with relatives in Ber-- mwllof&w-mhial school will give a play at Hertel's pavilion Tuesday, July 11, as a part of the program given at the big booster meeting of the Lake County The of | pavilion Tuesday of the program booster meeting Fair. Good speaking and a regular time at Half Day on Tuesday night, July 11, which is the time and piace of the second 'Lake County Fair The Diamond Lake Ladies Cem-- etery Association will meet with Mrs. Ed. Butterfield of Libertyville Mrs. Elizabeth Roane of Opdyke, IIL., a sister of our last year teacher, has been hired to teach our school for the coming year. i Mrs. Gussie Townsend : recover-- ing from a severe fall she Mrs, Henry 0: and son Hiram left dn Wednesjay for their home in St. Louis. It will be remembered on Thursday, July 18 Mis. Howard Converse and Mrs. Forrest Thompson mototed _ to North Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Howard Converse and Mrs. Lew Lusk and children attended the Ivanhoe Sunday school picnic noon, July 6th. Each 1 was re-- quested to donate an a to the The Volo Ladies They are GOOD! DIAMOND LAKE damaged. Mr. Wagner's car 111 Meeting. FORT HILL Phone 272--W. 10° Aid It JULY |l¢¢.Ndfiurlr.Dunnorlr. New-- ton were hurt and they were able to lobuhdnnmhercldnodnrur | which proved to be from Chicago. Ilr. Dunn was obliged to return 'bom.'ndhwrmttoChiagofor | repair parts for his car. The ten members of the Champion class wno so successfully presented the play, "Deacon Dubbs," motored to Starved Rock Saturday and re-- turned Sunday evening. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dunn. _ All enjoyed the glorious drive and the interesting scenery of this historic spot. A. E. Ransom acted as mail carrier during C. A. Dunn's absence Saturday. 5 Mr. Petersen is having a well drilled on his farm. Just now water seems to be growing quite-- scare owing to the long drouth. We under-- stand they nave gone about 168 feet and have not struck water yet. Churen services as usual. Sunday school at 10 o'clock and service at 11 a. m. Reverend Keithahn will occupy the puilpit. Come out and enjoy the good music and interesting talk and bring a friend with you. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huebsch and family spent Sunday in Wau-- kegan ° visiting _ Mrs. . Huebsch's brother, Mr. Wagstaff. _ * Mrs. Gertru'de Beach is making her home with Mrs. Ella Smith for a time. L. A. Huebech, A. L. Dorfler and W. E. Dunn attended the farmers' cenvention at DeKalb, Ill, Friday. They reported an interesting meet-- ing and a fine drive through some of lliinokts' most prosperous farming country, Choir pra--tice will be held at the chirch Friday evening. Miss Louise Ransom and George Frear were married Wednesday morning, July 5th, at the Methodist parsonage at Libertyville by Rev. C. J. Dickey. The bride was attended by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ransom. Both . young people are well and favorably known and 'the best wishes of their many friends go with them. They will re-- side at Grayslake. Reverend Wirtz, our former pas-- tor, made a short visit to Ivanhoe frie@ds Tuesday and Wednesday. He will go to Nebraska for a visit with hnis parents during his vacation. Mrs. J. Scott Carr, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Dunn, for the past two weeks, returned to her home at Forrest, Il., Thursday Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ransom and Mrs. Julia Ransom visited at J. M. Graves in Waukegan last Taursday. 'The Philathea class will meet with Mrs. Doiph Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Aicholzer and daughter Gis-- ela of Chicago are visiting Ivanhoe friends for a few days. © There is going to ve a big crowd at Half Day next Tuesday night, July 1lith, to attend the second Fair Booster Party. Everyone is invited. 1t Mrs. Poken and family of Chicago spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder. We are glad to note that Mrs. R. E. Dunn, who has been seriously ill; is able to be out again. morning. R. E. Dunn and Roy Newton had the misfortune to be struck by a touring car as they were driving to North Chicago Wednesday morning. Mthymohflnmmm car approached in a tigzag and although Mr. Dunn gave all the road he possibly could without going into the ditch, the driver seemed un-- able to go straight and struck Mr. Dunn's car doing considerable dam-- mon by the pastor . 10:30 a. m.--Sunday school, Mra Caroline Mitchell, Supt. DIAMOND LAKE COMMUNITY M, E. CHURCH Charles J. Dickey, Pastor, Libertyville. HL IVANHOE FOR SALE--Girls' Tricycle in ex-- cellent condition. W. W. Grum-- mitt. Phone 212--W. ©b1--2t FOR SALE--Cherries. L. D. Knox, 121 Third St., Livertyville, Phone 310-- M. ' bl--It FOR SALE--One pure bred Guern-- sey bull two years old. On! Duro¢ Jersey sow with seven pigs three weeks old; one year old registered Duroc Jersey boar; one new barrel butter churn; one all around norse; caickens geese and ducks. Phone 306, Libertyville. 51--2t FOR SALE--Seven room bungalow, new, modern. Apply on premises 338 Jackson avenue. 47--6t FOR SALE--One seven passeager Hudson car. Cash or time. Car can be seen at 601 West Park Ave. after 5:80 p. m. Pnone 286--J or write Libertyville, Box 605. FOR SALE--Ford touring ear. In-- quire after 4 p. m. 322 Brainard avenue. T. Schellenberger, Lib ertyville. 50--2t FOR SALE--Dark oak dining table FOR SALE--125 agre farm, west of FOR SALE--Two Hostein bull FOR _ SALE--Registered _ Jersey FOR SALE--Houses and lots at reasonable prices and easy terms. Insurance and notary. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. j If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you, want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results, # Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. and 6 chairs, leather seats, A--1 tondition. Also kitchen heater and garbage burner and other articles. Pnone 281--R--2. 49--6t large barn, silo, milk house, hog house, corncrio, deep wells. Good soil. 15 acres of timber. Price only calves. One from a 20 lb. Jr. 2--yr. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Libertyville. 49-- line bred Prince Hengerwill Siges who has 52 A. R. 0. daughters. old, now on yearly test; the other $140 per acre. heifers of the best of American breeding. Four due to calve this fall These'are of the same blood and breeding and really better $1,004.58, sixty head selling for $60,275.00. Also a bay mare 9 yrs. old, weight 1200 lbs. Phil Donegan, individuals tran those sold in the Washington st. and Green Bay rd. Waukegan, Il1. 49--4t ris Jensen, Area, I!L., Phone "Depression" Is Passing Edwin Austin, Libertyville 21-- FOR SALE ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Classified Ads Trained observers of business declare that conditions are steadily improving. There is business for those who go after it. But all are agreed that a--superior quality of salesmanship is demanded. We believe that nothing will give greater impetus to the return to normal conditions in trade than a wise use of Bell Long--Distance telephone service. It is the personal touch which counts in competitive salesmanship and this touch is obtained in a dignified, effec-- tive manner by telephone. Our "station--to--station" service is quick and reliable and the rates offer a saving of about twenty--five per cent. Bell Lines Reach Everywhere 51--6t '{'i' FOR SALE--The most fertile 80 acre farm in Lake county. Fine black loam soil. No foul weeds, and every acre producing. Only one--half mile from town. Nine room house, large basement dairy barn, silo, corncrib, milk house, large chicken house, tool house, hog house, garage, deep wells, fruit. Everything in fine shape. It is an ideal farm home and will make money for the purchaser from the day he moves on. The price is very reasonable, and very easy terms will be made to good reliable persons. For fufther in-- LOST--New dark gray navy blanket June 26. Finder return to Reg-- ister office. Reward. S1--1t PRIVATE TUITION--Frexch, Span-- WANTED--Housework by WANTED--Rags for wipers at 5 cents per pound. LOST--Pearl necklace with silver clasp. Probably in Area or va the electric. Reward. Address R. J. Fries, Area, I!!. Phone 281--W--1. Get our price for Fir Silos, We furnish doors and hardware. ZION INSTITUTIONS & IN-- DUSTRIES., * (Wilbur Glenn Voliva) . (Dept. 4.) MORE ABOUT THE BULL. There are all kinds af milking machines on the market but thre is only 1 Bull Teat Cup and 1 Boll Milk Claw 1 Bull Hot Water Tank which heats water free of charge springs,. Mrs. C, 1 .Casey, Lib ertyville. Phone 283--W--1. ©. "44--6 formation see A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Liberty-- ville, 49--tf girl. Situation with Libertyville family preferred. Write care Reg-- ister office or call Livertyville 90. Phone 381--J. plete installed $230.00. in the barn LOST AND FOUND / Telephones 31 or 49 Lake County Register. WANTED 44--57 Sil