thtp B tFpq "DYING Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wells and som Donald of Antioch were enter-- tained at the J. H. Aynsley home on Sunday. Mr. Louis Schumacher with his Tamily visited 2t Fred Schumacker's Wednesday evening. | _ Mr. Gerhard Peters of Chicago is enjoving a week's vacation with his ~--Baspbail game to be--played Sun-- day afternoon in Egger's Grove be-- tween Fairfield L. A. C.'s and Long Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roder and Mrs. J. T. Mitchell and ner--guest, Miss Hazel Biederman attended the Soldiers' reunion at Grayslake on 'Thursday. ~ Miss Nirtk Smith of Rochelle visiting her grandmother, Mrs. . Miss Louise Heise has obtained | m position with the Manhattan' Electric company of Chicago. . | --The Rev,. and Mrs, Ed. Albrecht | ,'ljwmddfingu A. G.] >' ~' 'Jabbe of Waukegan was an '# . #tor Monday. wadies Aid will hold a bak-- } 'p at L. A. Murrie's store on ay afternoon. ' is Hazel Biederman of Edger-- 4 /is., is spending a woek at the t.. Mitchel!l home. | Adovris and Joel Chandler made a i siness trip to Chicago Tuesday. !lr_s. Thomas Russell entertained Forest relatives on Tnursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Eddy spent Taesday in Chicago. j Ult Ed. Nage! and children and Will Nage! are spending their vaca-- tion with relatives in New London, _ 'Mr. and Mrs, John Beese, formerly | of Area, moved from Chicago to, ghrtyvflle and are now living on est Lake street. ; .. Spend Labor Day at the Central 'Wnion Picnic at Electric Park speaking. Big Trap shoot, games and other free at-- tractions. _ Dancing afternoon and evening. Good. Music. 61--5t Miss Cora Goxzswiller of Liberty-- Yille spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goss-- depta of 275 feet. home Thursday after spending sev-- eral days with friends at Barring-- A recital given by the music wd Miss Luelia Weidner, was at the Hans home Sunday after-- " | ,\om 124 i ms was a | \y. f "labbe of Wa '#,~ #tor Monday .adies Aid wi 130 -- = c a a~ noon,. Some very pleasing selections were rendered. About twenty--five meople attended. Refreshments were -- William Sauer and son were ealled here on Saturday. w g.ulu- Wolff returned to Chi-- eage Thursday evening after spend-- nml days with her sister, R, Reimers. & Mrss John Hans and _ daughter Mabe!l spert Thuraday afternoon with Mrz. A. Moldenhauer. «_ Mrss John Han« and daughter| Mis« Lillian Reimers left Thurs-- '.." spent Thuraday afterno0n jay for Chicago where she will Mrz. A. Moidenhauer. spend her vacation with relatives. * Messre. William and Victor Sauer| Miss Virginia Sigwalt of Barr-- wete Wheeting callers Saturday af-- ington spent the week end with terncon. Luella Herschberger, " A rge number of our people at-- | Miss Martha Saver was an Arling-- tended the bail game at Glen Ellyn ton Heights caller Saturday after-- Sunday. All reported having a fine noon. Miss Lillian Schwerman is visiting » munt, Mrs. Bertram in Reinbeck, LONG PAGE * Saver spent Monday in GILMER kal Editor rone 122--J as a Waukegan v CHANDLER ieomumnuyoummdenjoy | the evening with us. A show table is ! provided where the children from the |difluent Sunday sthools can display it.hoirwork. In the back of the fair prize book are some of the things tnat can be worked out. Mr sand Mrs. E. J. Giss enter-- tained company over Surday. Roy Koten spent the week with relatives at Joliet. Mré. J. A .Mason attended the soldier's reunion at Grayslake this convention at tre Baptist church at : Lake Zurich August 27. Good music and program. Speakers from the | county as follows: Devotional, Bap-- tist pastor; Scripture reading, Rev., Kalkbrenner; Prayer, Rev. Schoppe;| Secretary's report; Rol] call of Sun--| day schools; Election of officers;| Children's program; "Graded Les--| sons--Why ?" Miss Bushnell, Wau--| kegan; Solo and address, '"The Jun--. iors and Intermcdiates in the Sun--, day School," state worker, Mtss | Nellie Huger; "The Sunday Scnool ; Standard," F. Sherwood; Song by congregation; Address, Mr. Faxon,{ county president, Highland Park;| Conspcration prayer, Rev. Koten; | Song, "Blest Be the Tie;" Benediction | Rev, Keithahn. Everyone is cordally' invited. Program at 7 p. m. Do not stay away if you can not get thm* on the dot, it will all be good, so | |\ _ Spend Labor Day at the Central tL'annSoaPlclic"EmP"k | Good spéaking. Big Trap shoot, Baseball games and other free at-- |tnfl.iou. Danciag afternoon and evening. Good Music. 61--5t W. J. Sauer and family spent Su day at Long Grove the guests of h father and sister. Mrs. Zeller of Harrington, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Hutchings. Mr. and Mrs. Weston entertaine. his mother the past week or more. Fill up your cars and come to the Vernon--Ela annual Sunday school to Chas. Herschberger and C. J Mason were Waukegan visitors Mon day. "Mr. and Mrs. George Ritzenthaler are spending a few days visiting relatives here in this vicinity. ~ _ W. J. Sawer was a visitor at ington Saturday also called at conda. taine Sund Mr. and Mrs,. C. Gilman enter-- tained ecmpaay from | Milwaukee over Sunday. -- We' have a new agent at the depot in the absence of Mr. Gilman, who is on the sick list. Mrs. L.« Maether and Florence were visitors at the Pageant of Progress last Wednesday. { _A very inspiring sermon . was given by Mr. Lochoff, wao comes 'Q.Tnu.n'h' who is holding evangelistic meet-- ings in the city at Ashland and Van Buren. He was entertained at the Lockhead home over Sunday. The county secretary from Lake Villa and township president visited Long Grove Sunday school on Sun-- day. Mrs. Meyer and son and daught« Alice and Elmer wese visitorm i Grace cnurch Sunday. Mr. Dawson of Half Day start« to plaster for L. Maether Monday. Nr. and Mrs. F. Stancliff and M and Mrs. 8. Dagner were visitors i Libertyville Saturday evening. Miss Florence Conklin was ente tained at the Lockhead nome ov Mrs. 8. L. Tripp, Mrs. Jos. Rich-- ards and Mrs. F. Mitchell of Area and Miss Irma Ritsenthaler were visitors at the Ladies Aid last Thurs-- day at the L. G. Hutchings home. . --i-r. and Mrs. Maiden and daughter of Elgin were entertained at the L. G. Hutchings home Sunday. _ _ that our boys lost. Misses Rosella Wagner and Mabel Hans speat Monday in Chicago. time, Tae only disappointment was PRAIRIE VIEW Bart W au . _| Sunday evening after ice cream Mr. | cones, so they said. We have our . «t opinion. (G& at Ed. Volz and family from Arling-- ton Heights visited at George Volz's last Sunday. Al. Bunton Jr. and Miss Alice motered to Prairie View on business Monday afternoon. Gladys Giss, daughter of Mrs. Ed. Giss, now has a case of blood poison-- ing. The little girl had her adenoids removed a short time ago. We hope for her speedy recovery. Emil Geest and several chums from Wheeling attended a show at High-- land Park Saturday night. Mrs. Ed. Giss visited her mother, Mrs. Schar, last Tuesday. James Matousek is at present em-- ployed at Waukegan doing chauffer-- ing for the detectives. Emil Geest, Clarence Busch and Al. Bunton Jr. motored to Whéel-- ing Friday evening. A business trip, of course, so they say. Later Emil proceeded on to Shermerville on more business. Miss Victoria Weidner was visit-- ing at her sister's, Mrs. Fred Oben-- auff at Fremont. last week returning home Sunday afternoon. Isabefle Weidner is visiting | in Chicago witha her sister, Mrs. Kes-- ter. Emil Geest, Al. Bunton Jr. and Fred Busch motored to Wheeling Mrs. Ed. Giss was a caller at Mrs. Emma Sturms Monday. Emil Geest was a business caller in Shermerville Tuesday night. John Cargill and family were Waukegan callers last Thursday, . Mr. Pfister went to Leigiton@last Friday to assist Mr. Nelson with Will Landan was a caller at Henry Potts' last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs M. Wickersheim spent Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Mathilda Frillman. Donald Busch has been spending several days with his brother Ray at Prairie View. > Jennie Calairac from Chicago spent last--week with Caroline Buscda returning to the city Sun-- day evening. Max Miller from Libertyville was a caller in this vicinity Friday. Mrs. Chas. Meyer and". children from Waukegan spent Saturday af-- ternoon and evening with Mrs. N. Walter Weidner and sister Mrs. Kester, motored to Chicago Tues-- day morning. . Max Miller and family were call-- ers at the Crestmore Farm last Tuesday. ( Max Milter and family and Mrs. J. N. Busch were callers at N. F. Busch's last We?nuday. A great game of basebaill was played here last Sunday, Buffalo Grove and Aptakisic play&. The score did 'run a little high but all taken togetner it was a very in-- teresting game indeed. Score 13 to 12 in favor of Aptakisic. ~ Say,° that pitcher Buffalo Grove has, is some twiller of the pill, Boy, he is a swift thrower but some of his throws are a little wild. He hit three of the boys, nearly putting them out of commis-- sion. But with & little more practice he will be all right there. The junior girls are trying to get up a nine. Beware of them, we'll say, only one troubl e there are not enought of them. Has any town some to spare? Emil Geest motored to Mt. Pros-- pect Sunday to see a game of base-- ball, Wheeling vs. Mt. Prospect. When he got: there he was elected to play with Wheeling, which was a bad one for Mt. Prospect, as you will see by the score, 16 to 6. Mt. Pmpoetq-'moin'-ee'ond.m 2 James Matousek from Waukegan spent Saturday night at N. F. Busch's. Ray Busch has a position as a truck driver at at Highland Park ---l';r;:INWeidner from Chicago spe Sunday at home. S s y Fred Obenauff and family also a numver of friends from Fremont spent Sunday afternoon at G. M. Weidner's. Frank and Tom Matousek, George Calairac and Paul Shebranva spent Saturday night and Sunday at N. F. Busch's. 'On Sunday afternoon John Bom-- hofen Sr. reveived a telephone mes-- have our sympathy, denth of his mothér. The bereaved sage telli~nc the and H LAKE COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAY APTAKISIC the grain elevator \ QOur boys played the Diamond |Lake team last Sunday and a fine game it was. Not a score Was mmde' | by either side in the first four inn-- ings, both teams working splendidly. |\In tile fifth our team managed to | | get three to one for the visitors,| | while in the--sixth Diamond Lake | pulled down three to our one. Then Art Kruger was in Libertyville on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Meyer re-- hlzd home Tuesday of last week after a three weeks' automobile trip to Yellowstone:. Park and western points. They were greatly delight-- ed with their experiences, having | traveled about 3500 miles. The| roads were comparatively good, with the exception of considerable rain; and the scenery grand and worth while seeing. Visitors at the J. G. Cook home the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Rice and son, also George Cook and Miss Payne all of Lafayette, Ind. Robert Dawson, who a short time ago sold his farm on Milwaukee av-- enue to the chief of police of Chi-- cago, last Friday bought the Jacob Holst farm from Mrs. Jennie Hin-- ton, one of the heirs, who bought the estate at a recent court sale, which was executed in order to clear the title on the property. ville on James McLaughlin and _ Roy Freeze were in Libertyville Wednes-- Mrs. Alfred Stanclif spent Tues-- day at the Luebbe nome. ing. Mrs. J. E. Barrett, living on Mil-- waukee avenue, was taken to the Highland Park hospital Wednesday morning and was operated on . for appendicitig at 11 o'clock that morn-- »Mr. and Mts. Edwards transacted buginess in (Libertyville on . Thurs-- One of our boys then made @ wild throw, which set things agoing and the conseequence was that the Lake boys scored twice in the--eignth. In the ninth Half Day could not man-- age to make a run, which left the score 6 to 4 in favor of Diamond Lake. Never mind, boys, you played good ball and it was worth while watching. The handsome score board which the Lake boys have at their grounds is quite a novelty, inasmuch as the spectators can at all times see the standing of the teams. in' the seventh our boys got in an-- other score, which tied the game and made things very interesting. made her headquarters gt the C. J. Herschberger nome . several days last week. Miss Robbins is working in the interest of the Illinois Home and Aid society. -- Gust Peterson drove over to Grass Lake Sunday morning, returning in time for the ball game. Gust is get-- ting to be quite a ball fan. _ A. G, Maether, C. J. Herschberger and C. J. Mason visited Libertyville and Waukegan on business Monday. Chester Gilman, our genial Soo Line agent, is at present on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery, H. H. Albrecht of Waukegan called on friends here and at Prairie View Sunday. Mr. Albrecht has bought a home in Waukegan and is doing Mrs. Hinton of Berwyn visited Half Day and Prairie View on busi-- ness last Thursday and Friday. C. J. Herschberger drove to Area, Miss Mary Kelly was in Liberty-- YOUR INTERESTS Long Grove Grist Mill Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurgd@gys, Saturdays ' Sweet Cider Only Kegs and Barrels, all sizes money to Invest Our aUuvict id y VC valua{de. The Wheeling State Bank HALF DAY Open Monda: A good banking connection en-- titlee you to more than the priv-- ilege of drawing checks or borrow-- ing money. The Wheeling State Bank is ready at all times to diseuss your financial problems with you. If you have money to invest our advice may be en Monda 8 and P0 Cider filfl Open WHEELING, ILL. We Have At Heart 80 {17 1 . AUGUST 19, 1922. Next Sunday evening, August 20, there wilt be no preaching service, but we will have the pleasure of | entertaining the Arlington Heights | choir ,who will favor us with a song *service, beginning at 8 o'clock. There | will not be any admission charge, | but a free will offering will be taken, | which is to be given to the Half Day church, through the kindness of |the Arlington Heights people. Among those that attended the Woodstock fair this week from here were Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brainard, i Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown and : daughter Lilah, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle 'Litwiler, Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Crappel, | Mr ..and Mrs. Raliph Litwiler,. M. B. Huson, John Daley and others. | _ Several from here attended the big 'picnic at Diamond Lake Tuesday | evening. Teachers' training class as usual next Sunday at 9:45 a, m., and Sun-- day school at 10:30 a. m. Song ser-- vice at 8 p. m. Everybody invited to attend. Lake Villa, Winthrop Harbor, Zion City and Waukegan on tax business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Huson were Waukegan visitors Tuesday. Bob Sheldon had the misfortune to slip from the running board of a car and strike the cement and cut his face quite badly. We hope he will soon recover, Mrs. E. Crappell and Mrs. R. Litwiler visited relatives in Grays-- lake Wednesday afternoon. Our justice of the peace has "vn-l ished" and our constable is in dis-- ; tress, What will we do to keep peuei in the old town now ? | Mrs. Fred Fortin of Chicago is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Milton Litwiler. Mrs. Earlandson has been enter-- taining two young ladies the past Mr. and Mrs. George Cleveland motored to Chicago Tuesday and brought Miss Marjorie home. She has been visiting friends in May-- wood and Chicago the past week. "Remember that the Washburn gational church will serve linches, ise cream and soft at the Lake County Fair, and arrange to make their ~tent your headquarters. Mrs. George Shober is spending a couple of weeks with the Arthur Shober family. *"Miss Laura Hepdéé is assistant postmistress during the fairs. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Litwiler enter-- tained company last Monday from Jefferson. EVERYBODY STEPS Laurell & Kelly's Pavilion Opposite Crane's Hotel DIAMOND LAKE Snappy Music by Essex Orchestra Saturday Evenings and SUNDAYS ROUND LAKE Dynamite For Sale Admission 50¢c FOR SALE--Carload of fresh FOR SALE--Gray reed baby car-- riage in good condition. Mrs. Emil Fredrick, Deerfield. Phone Deerfield 224--M. 63--1t FOR SALE--Oak library table and rocker. Mrs. Robert E. Pettis. Deerfield, Phone Deerfield 224--R. 63--1t FOR SALE--Strictly modern seven room house in desirable location. Extra large lot. Priced very low. See A. R,. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Pnone 90, Libertyville. FOR SALE--Six room house with sewer, water, gas, electricity, etc. Centrally located. In good shape. Large lot. Price only $2450. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Libertyville. 63--tf gor 8 € GotolSpecial attention will be 80 Acres. GoodlmprQVQ.! given to t i hing of young ments, Good Soil. Nurl m:'rilén:th ifrr ?ng:l)lut ex-- Town on Good Roads. oPk: Anical Priced Very Reasonablel Terms Very Easy. See| APP!Y !° Local Agent | _C. M. & St. P. Ry Co. A. R. Schnaebele, Regis ~ [%," " ul y ter Bldg., Libertyville. |____Libertyville, IIl. _ FOR SALE--Baby buggy in ex-- cellent condition. Phone 377--J. 63--6t FOR SALE--Ohio Silo Filler. A--1 condition. Have no silo and will sell reasonable. Bert Asma, Green Bay road, Lake Bluff I!!. 62--6t FOR SALE--A carload of heavy springers. 261--W--1. Mike Benm, Area, IlL. 6Otf FOR _ SALE--Fresh _ cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet corn, and other vegetaples. Albert W. Koenig., 426 E. North Ave. Phone 188--M. FOR SALE--1919 Ford touring car FOR SALE--Hampshire breediag stock of all kinds and ages. Also a few bred sows for September farrow. R. F. Rouse and Son, Area. Phone 251. 58--6t FOR SALE--Gladiolus Blooms 50¢| dozen. Stewart Smith, 108 N.| First St., Libertyville. F'noue' 221 --R. 57--6t | FOR SALE--38 acres 1'; miles south of Grayslake. For partic-- ulars write E. J. Dietz or phone 222--R. Libertyville, III. 56--6t There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reason able a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. . FOR SALE--Houses and lots at reasonable prices and easy terms. Insurance and notary. Edwin Austin, Libertyville If you want to buy anything, o r if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. FOR RENT--Good garage on south side, near electric station. Call A. R. Schnaebele, Phone 90, Liberty-- ville. 62--2t Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 * Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. JK SALE--Larioad of fresh cows and springers, All tuberculin test-- ed. 124--R. Libertyville.: V. T. Houlinan. 63--2t FOR -- RENT--Furnished _ rooms, modern conveniences, good loca-- tion.. Inquire Mrs. Gus Nelson, 188 Lincoln Ave., Libertyville. in good condition, cheap. _ Phone 291--M--1 Ed. Bradley, Rondout, Illinois. ' 58--6t I~will 'give you a written contract --to your tétth 'and mouth in good order for a FOR SALE Classified Ads FOR RENT 61 t( 63--tf 21--« : for permanent positions. (C. M. & St. P. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Sheet Metal Machinists, Helpers, Boil-- ermakers' Helpers, Black-- smith Helpers, Sheet Met-- al Workers' Helpers, Elee-- tricians' Helpers. Passengle!:'s Car Repairers and Inspectors. Freight Car Repairers and Inspectors. To ;efiflace men who are on strike against the decision of United States Railroad WANTED--A woman to handle a pleasant, profitable and steady proposition in Libertyville. Leave your name and address at the Lake County Register office. 62--2t WANTED--Girls bicycle for girl 12 to 14 years old. Inquire Reg-- ister office. 60--2t WANTED--To _ buy _ second--hand sewing machine. Must be bargain. Pnone 90., Register office. _ 60--1t MORE ABOUT THE BULL There are all kinds af milking machines on the market but thre is only 1 Bull Teat Cup and 1)-11&0-' 1 Buil Water Tank whish heats water free of charge in the barn while milking. Com-- Workers, Elect TOc an hour. Labor plete installed $230.00. 47¢ an hour. 7Oc an hour. 63¢ an hour. Mechanics and Helpers Wanted BY THE Ry. Co. WANTED