§ & 4' _' ~Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, ' the post office at Libertyville, Illinois, under Act of irch 3, 1879. Issued twice weekly. In this day when there are so ma~y Jeremians lamenting the decline in morals and bewailing the decadence of religious life, it is refreshing to secure m bit of evidence indicating that the sorrowing prophets mre not looking> at the situation with burnished' apectacles. The Manufacturers' Record notes that -- in eigint months 360 church buildings have been begun er completed in the south alone. The total outlay for these buildings is more than $23,000,000. None of these churches involves a cost of less than $10,000 and they ¥un well on to a million in two or three instances. Communities which are irreligious, in which the people do no care for the influence exerted by the whurches, do not expend great sums in erecting build-- ings to stand idle. A church is not like an ordinary Anvestment. It returns no cash dividents directly. ~_While the territory covered in the review embraces ¥he south alone, it is not at all probable that it is the only section that is building new and better places of wshbinfihatenhWhennmmyistahnoltfie northern states probably, a similar condition would be found. Fine churches are not only indicative of the religious life of a community; they denote wealth also. 'How many Libertyville people judge a community by the outside appearance of its churches and its school _ KThe Lake County Register 'l"l; Jeremiahs have done so much wailing that they have been half--believed. But the situation is not mearly so bad, probably, as some have portrayed it. '_ Police officers all over the country agree that a h;anmberddrivenanutedforspeedinxinwtosf umfdlovavhgmhfin'theirtirbfor.n'de. A young driver, they say, takes pride in "stepping on the gas' 'and seeing what the old boat will do. He; _'The other day when I was over in side as a daring driver who will take chances and who wwdh'.mnh' , when I got there, judg-- A from the scraps of chatter I -- such as "I aint agin 2o nokow, but I want it should e did right," and etc., and a couple @ About that time a fiivver pulled | in front of your village bastile, ; .hrLbhckhox.lootin" f a freak trunk to coffin. I asked the fellows what was comin' off there, whether your police department had meb-- ' somebody's reserve licker, + opined that it probably was _ dead hopes brought back Waukegan after the pavement . And another said as how it be Pau!'s little old six per-- Ahat everybody's back--frin' 1 and while all the arguing was goin' on a chap came out of the and drove the fiivver away, and we never did find out what was in the black box. _ Well folks, that's just the way you am«-v}fll everything . They's so allfired much argu-- zumun:na shootin' of fireworks goin' on that you're Joosing out on some things of real importance to your community A Libertyvillian who lives on the east siie, told me the other day Egmdwmfihmh ® ubout sewers and such, whan I live 'way out Ivanhoe way and den't have to mingle with 'em KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. RU MIN ATIONS --By-- _ Your Uncle Silas ectric Trons Bucceeding the Waukegan Week!y * Retablished 1850 Public Service Co. \ We the most eco-- _ nomical and Affic One Dollar Down !H'n r.ily for Rest in Monthly Parts YNeed to press something at once? C As fer ironing the of Northern lilinois. any TIMES HAVE CHANGED Iron then--in any FRANK H. JUST, MANY JEREMIAHS at Editor | imnhalin' the upliftin' atmo&phere in prrstz° ; u.imwm folks, it looks as |'if samepody did take darn good care all the time the way he hasg had to, thing like a careless sewer, but it for a number of years past, and| would be well to remember that that 1 ditin't have to remind them of| death -- deéaling epidemics -- have the fact that they was one in par--| started from far' less offensive ticula: that's had its own way for| sources. / t quite a spell and rambled most any-- Sincerely, where it pleased and if it couldn't| , Your Uncle Silas :fi.insm place, it | Ivannoe, August 17, 1922. was in the right direction. n.-u,z':am folks as livel down 'had talked to mem-- bers of the village board until they its Gazette Phone 39 Schanck Hardware Co. International, New Idea Emmerson -- Manure Spreaders Are what you need now. can work his way in and out of traffic with ease. . is fond of creating R&ir--breadth escapes. < Most Libertyville péople recallythat it wasn't m very long ago that the yolng fellow out to make an impression turned to the exact opposite of speed. Noth-- ing suited him better than a tried and true Dobbin whose favorite gait was a walk, A horse that could be driven by wrapping the reins around the whip suited him exactly. But the youthful lover of present days has mno such ideas. They no not mind paying a good-- sized bill for breaking speed laws and they enjoy handing over the asseasment in the presence of the girl as a sign they are "good sports." _ _ Which is all very well, except for one thing. 'An auto is an engine of degth and injury when driven recklessly. It takes a man to drive a machine in these Mmd.ysandth..vboundcrt&keitshwldhn their whole attention on the job. Reckless driving ds as unsecessary as it is dangerous wHY PICK ON YOUR GROCER® money to burh .can The woods are full of amateur economists who claim | match. * that the price of groceries will return shortly to pre--| * _ st ww d war levels. Those economists had better turn a few E::;"k time we th facts and figures over in their cerebellums before| "©* it °ur°;r°mn they. come to any definite conclusions. So the next time see g i# : eustomers spring that well known complaint, the| The little Libert grocer may justly say, "Will prices come down? Yes,| won't tell the trutn they sure will-- g turn out to be a gol WHEN hard coal is back to four dollars a ton;|erman or a politicia WHEN railroad fares are back to two cents a mile; db it WHEN gasoline is back to ten cents per gallon. It has also been WHEN house rent is back to $20 dollars a month;| that a wise man new WHEN a square meal can b.e had for a quarter; of dynamite or'h:} WHEN farm labor is back to $15 a month; WHEN shaves are back to a dime; "nee & i hy 4Hf WHEN freight rates are cut in half from N. Y.;| true then what it n WHEN wool suits are back to $15; ing. WHEN movies are back to a nickel; C WHEN a hair cut can be had for a quarter; -- Keep smiling.. Y WHEN a car wash is back to 50¢; on your feet by st WHEN a doctor's eall is back to $2; ean _1 0. KZbelWehff tmkoffiemsa shr cmwushrdluemrd4yymbyf! HAROLD LLOYD WHY expect the manufacturer, wholesale, and ré-- :t tailer of groceries to go the route alone? + "Would 1 like WHY expect them and no one else to go back to| Navy?" grinned P pre--war prices? l reply to his questior -- mc oo [_illeJ him film an _._ WHY go back to the low prices of 1914? Can you expect prosperity when the farmer has to sell his goods below the cost of production? Low price groceries mmbwp:hfori._nwmlrdfuwhbor. THINK IT OVER "=~> _ kind . regards The Beést Paying Machine $125 to $135 # the wind on the Farm . LIBERTYVILLE /( | There isn't so much interest in home--run records when almost every player in the league is making them. 4 4s 4# One thing im favor of the 2ew kind of dances-- is they don't move around enoug!! to wear out the carpet. i & JA Here's -- Libertyville _ worrying about the coal strike and warm weatner--and four months from now she'll wish she had a little of both. 4 db i The richest girl in England mar-- ried a few days ago. Aoy girl with Every time we think of congress we stick our hand in our pocket to see if our money is still there. The little Libertyvile boy who won't tell the trutn is pretty apt to turn out to be a golf player, & fish-- erman or a politician. It has also been our observation that a wise man never kicks a stick of dynamite or his wife's cat. We see in a magazine article that "jazs: is in its infancy." If that's true then what it needs is a spank-- ing. _ Keep smiling.. You' . You'll never on your fe i fus l -- eet by standing on your wate of the Associated Exhibitors' fea-- ture comedy, "A Sailor-- Made Man," aboard the U. S. S. Frederick. + _ _ "Would I like to be in the Navy? Well I don't know, Of course it has it.qdnnum,butatdwmfim it has its s. Take, for in-- stance, mdm':ho returned un-- ALONG THE CURBSTONES | Observations By MAN ABOUT TOW N always find a Farms, 60, 80, 130, 160 acres, at very reason-- able prices and easy terms. _ .FOR SALE: The site for that home you're going to build. Improvements all in. Now is the time to buy, as lots will never »be cheaper, but they'll go higher. FOR SALE: Nice homes in the vil-- lage priced from $2500 upward. Easy terms if you wish. | . Real Estate and All Lines of Insurance Register Bldg. _ Phone 90 _ Libe A. R. Schnaebele We see where a famous New York woman artist has married. Now she may get a chance to use the serub brush. % %# # Congress is ultinx about putting a tax on California nuts. That doesn't mean the ones around Holly-- i i 4# Summer dresses worn around Libertyville haven't as many hooks es old--time dresses--but there are more eyes on them. _' ".31'1 . When a Libert girl thinks that she nas a broken heart it is a sign that it can stand a lot more # # # One way to make a living is to find a job of real work and make connections with a good . pay--roll through the job. 0 tb 4 A¥ A Spanish--American war hero has just been awarded a service medal. Which proves that our World War heroes may get their bonus if they live long enough. Don't refuse to marry a girl be-- cause she can't cook--sne may have enough money to pay your i & i# You never know how foolish some men can act until they suddenly break into the father class. "I'll bet that sailor favors dis-- armament," grinned Lloyd. For Sale If you want to buy or If you want to sell S E Eo ; MARRIAGE LICENSES ~~Philip --R. m Deerfield;> Elsic . Meyers, s oath William y W Jo-- Wallace Kincaid, Decatur, LeNora Moran, Decatur. 'Edward S. Barron, Great Lakes, Anna Convey, Great Lakes. * John Schoerner, Milwaukee, Mary Echug, Milwaukee. Anton N. Belden, Milwaukee Marie Reinhardt, Milwaukee. George A. Moran, Milwaukee; Catherine Kourath, Chicago. Edward 'Pieper, Chicago; Clara Peltz, Chicago. _ Edward Williams, Johnston City, IIl.; Julia Logan, Fond du Lac. ecverscervarces sevsveves cncnce Walrond's Store Libertyville 2 lbs. with each Dollar Purchase in the Grocery Department as usual SUTG A R SATURDA Y 5¢ per lb. Wednesday, August 23 Dance by Diamond Lake Baseball club.' Music by Pfannenstill orthes-- Spend Labor Day at the Central Labor Union Pignic at Electric Park. Good speaking. Big Trap shoot, Basevall games and--other free at-- tractions. Dancing afternoon and evening. Good Music. 61--5t Community club and Ladies Aid So-- ciety at Ray Bros. picnic grove. Arrange for Snow's Auto Bué Service to all coming events. Phone s Wednesday, August 23.