' f ! | v f l l.}:."}'l t ,\' E!' | NS CV WWUUI(C F -{ al DoX 1 pp ennmoc entertaining Mrs. W. E. Sellers and daughter of Sandusky, Ohio. Robert Helton and family motored to The Dells, Wis., on Thursday. Misses Delia and Cora Marsh are acted business in Chicago on Thurs-- Mrs. Edwin Weber and little son Roy are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schank and family. El Vampiro, powder, per box: s.;.........,. .. .10¢ Black Flag, powder, per box ................20¢ Also 40¢ and 80¢ sizes. Fortunately in this Country we can still build in the security of peaceful prosperity. You need not hesitate to build at your:own pleasure, _ good %pl-, A ma., r and buy your 'mater-- lals of us. Phone 5 Acoordinfieto the report of the Seventh District Federal Reserve Bank, agricultural conditions show a marked improvement over conditions of last year at this time. In some places crops have suffered from red rust, pests and drought, but on the whole this has been a good year. As a result more money will be in the hands of all. You should be sure that your share is where it will do you the most good. Money in the bank will be safe, earn interest for you, and be where you can get it any time. Let this good bank help you put your harvest money to the best use possible. The more you usethe bank during prosperity the stronger will be your backing in less prosperous Lake County National Bank Your Harvest Money-- What will you do with it? F. B. LOVELL CO. -- For Cattle and Barn Use Swat the Fly For Household Use LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Williams Fly Chase Nalgo Fly Chase Hess & Clark Fly Chase Per Gal........$1.25 rules of safety for builders. Mrs. Lillie Davis is spending a few days with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Roberts and family spent the first of the week in Somers, Wis. Miss Marie Engiebrecht was the guest of her sister, Mrs. | Felix Elfering in Belvidere last Sunday. Thursday in Chicago Mrs. Haze! Olson of Waukegan and Miss Maude Butterfield spent have apesrred all the ve f safety for builders. LIBERTYVILLE Mrs J. W. Christiansen of Chi-- eago visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Huss on Thursday, & Mrs. James Laycock is viiting in Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kaiser and family spent the week end in Chicago with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Weak! Kenosha spent Sunday with Mary Weakley and family. Miss Waters of Wheaton visited Mrs. Salome Sandman several days O. E. Churchill and > daughter Flora spent Thursday at the home of Attorney _ Rollo Churchill at Grayslake. M The Mystic Workers drill team and officers will exemplify the initiation work in Antioch lodge on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gridley left Thursday for a two weeks' trip to Yellowstone Park and other western points. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kohout are attending the Florists' convention at Kansas City which was in session Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. They will return on Saturday. J. J. Kennedy was looking for a hired man when a 10 pound son ar-- rived on August 16. Joe expects to be independent of hired help in the course of a few years. Congratula-- tions are extended to the parents. Rev. Guy E. Smock of Carroliton, IIll., will deliver the morning: ser-- mon in the Presbyterian church. A good attendance is desired. George Doyle, Miss Mary Doyle and Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster motorei to the Dells and Devil's Lake, Wisconsin, this week. Gordon Schanck returned home Wednesday from the Chicago hos-- pital where he went to have his in-- jured eye treated by a specialist. There is some hope that the sight may be saved. The executive committee of the Parent--Teacher _ Association _ will meet at the home of the president, Mrs. C. J. Just next Monday eve-- ning to talk over plans for the coming year's work. The Presbyterian Sunday school pienicked at Round Lake on Friday. Games, contests, swimming, boating and partaking of the bountiful sup-- ply of good eats provided waw the order of the day. All reported a Spend Labor Day at the Central Labor Union Picnic at Electric Park. Good speaking. Big Trap shoot Baseball games and other free at-- tractions. Dancing afternoon and evening. Good Music. 61--5t The laugh sensation of 1922 "SAILOR MADE MAN" Gobs of Joy--Now you'll howll It will shiver i'our'{ieb' and drattle your ribs and m you do the jelly roll all over the deck. _ _ Sail the merry waves of laugh-- ter with this GrTnd Fleet of Fun. ---- Also ---- * "CAROLYN OF THE CORNERS® A real summer show. A home play -- small town -- humor -- excitement, not the kind to make you gloomy --but the E" to make you glad you came,. ley at her best--Also Comedy 25000 persons--cost $3,000.000 to make--the biggest picture you« 10¢ -- 25¢ _ People asked ts how we can, present a big play for this ad-- be 50c--we want Ses it here --we lead -- others follow. .dh?let-r---z business, not an experimen 've seen--come early and get & ADDITIONAL LIBERTY ON PAGE EIGHT ---mv-----:';om- man and child im Libertyville to see this ?llv- ___ DON'T MISS IT OOII.NO:- Zane Gny;: "Lnd. }:3. Coogan in *--Ne." 'Liberty Theatre "LIGHTS OF THE DESERT" TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY ANOTHER SPECIAL "THE OLD RELIABLE" EXTRA SPECIAL FRIDAY -- SATURDAY time HAROLD LLOYD The King of Comedy "THEODORA" SsUNDAY SHIRLEY MASON BESSIE LOVE Admission only Personal and Loeal Items of Partieuwlar Interest to Our Libertyville Readers of The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Matilda Gibson, Maple avenue, / on Tuesday, August 22, instead of Mrs. Leo B. Amann of Waukegan _ Miss Madge Fredericks is em visited Libertyville relatives on | ployed in the Grayslake telephone Wednesday. " exchange. its Laws." viously announced. Subject, "For Sometime to Come Prohibition and The Club House A Few of our Regular Prices Not Specials QUEEN QUALITY FLOUR 49 lb. sacks @.... 24/ lb. sacks @ .. Friday with "Robinson Crusoe," AUDITORIUM THEATRE Sunday, August 27 | Wallace Reid, Gloria Swanson, Elliott Dexter Sept. 1--2--3--Gloria Swanson and Rudoiph Val-- entino in "Beyond the Rocks." | They add a wonderful touch of beauty to the home and their sweet fragrance lasts for many a day. Sweeter yet is the thought that prompts a person to make them a giit. Have you a Iooed one at home who would apprectate your thought ? There is m6 one living who does not like the sight of fresh flowers. Say It with Flowers Flowers for any occasion dellvu.'o'd by wire in any part of the U. S. Phones 24 and 3X¥ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS rreenhouse Phone 174--J -- Res. Phone 291--R--2 HEINZ CIDER, WHITE OR MALT VINEGAR nints ._...................................fle Sunday, Aug. 20 "Missing Husbands" A big Metro production--also Pathe News FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUG. 18--19 "Where is My Wandering Boy Tonight?" The Picture Beautiful Friday and Saturday, August 25--26. C. B. DeMille's big 9--Reel Special ~ "Saturday Night" Bring Natural Beauty Into Your Home "The Showhouse Delightful JOSEPH KQOHOUT 430 N. "Don't Tell Everything" TURDAY, AUGUSET 19, 1922 FOR PICKLING LIBERTYVILLE Saturday with "Sport" Reel. |\ Barrington band, in conjunction | with the Libertyville band, played | ut the regular Thursday evening | band concert in Central park. There 1wu the usual large attendance and a good program rendered by the i two bands. * lar Fremch photoplay at the Au-- ditorium . theatre Sunday _ was screemed in the desert country of Tunis, It was there that the leading woman, Stacia Napierkowska, the famous French--Russian actress, ob-- tained her black leopard cub. This desert pet that created a sensation in Paris, when he slipped his leash at the Longchamps races and sent the sporting crowd scurrying for shelter. LEOPARD CUB IN The cub, which Napierkowska had named Bete Noir, became known all over Paris through this exploit. No-- body was harmed and the black beast's reputation for gentleness de-- veloped to such an extent that the children play with him in the Tuileries gardens when his owner takes him out for an afternoon air-- ing. Bete Noir is not only Napier-- kowska's pet, but the pet of Paris. The Lake County Register is the only semi--weekly newspaper in the county. W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. Roll Roofings, All Kinds Home Owner Roof Repair Time "MISSING HUSBANDS" Great Line Specials Creodipt Clear Red Cedar Stained Dark Green Vertical_GLaén Clear 9"'1;' Giant Slab Three in One Husbands," the spectacu-- photoplay at the Au-- Slate Coated Standard Slab Four in Cne Libertyville Lumber Co. at the price we offer them this week are the best value of any Fabric on -- ARCO SEAL IT STOPS LEAKS -- _ .f BETTER SEE US AND OUR Crepe de Chine All Silk Satin All Silk Tafteta $1.50 per yard Phone 47 Down by the Old Depot M&en:mm Silks FOR SALE--Reed baby buggy, Like new. Call 133--R. lt FOR SALE--Red plums, $1.25 bas-- FOR SALE--Horse, riding or driv« ing, roadster buggy (Kimball make) just repainted. Harness. $100 for outft. Standard sewing machine cheap. Federal electric washing machine. Black iron bed and springs. Phone 96--R. A,. L# Webb. g2tt Snow's Auto Livery ~* DAY AND NIGHT TAXI SERVICE Phone Libertyville, 306 ket. Mrs. Frank Vickery, Aréa, Phone 297--R--1. 62--2t Too Inte to Classlfy