_~.*_' home Saturday evening. § Mr, and Mrs. Townsend Smith, 5. & Bernice Wheaton, of Wheaton, t . Beth Cook and Charles Lem-- D kuh! of Higaland Park motored to k Grass Lake on Sunday and visited '~~'_ the lotus beds. _ tractions. Dancing afterncon arfd _( _ _~ ewening. Good Music. 61--5t & ~~-- ?2%' ' " M §' A' .11 '\1' l"l' &4 f ® 2 & s B ?\;@ o. 1 e e |__ ¥ \A. Mr. and Mrs. John Roder, Mrs. MHerman Kueblank and children mo-- tored to Third Lake on Thursday, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bauvernsmith and l:. and Mrs. John Gosswiller wucnul.nkeSund-y and §aW the lotus beds. Miss Dorothy Harding returaed home-- late Saturday evening after spending the summer at the Battle Creek School of Pnysical Training at Buttle Creek, Michigan. p and Mrs. E. H. Bluhm are en-- t-&fl. their nieces, Miss Ethel m'e'vfih Indiana and of Union Mills, wisiting relatives in Lake Forest. . Wers: Willi np moolead i. Makk camigs Mrs, Wm. Vickery was a Wauke-- gan visitor Saturday. Mrs. John Mitchell accompanied Miss Biederman to Chicago on Mon-- day on her way home to Edgerton, nard motored to Water--\ Efifimm'fm' riot a sister of Mrs. Hard-- 1:;"&.-.«,. PSet Reder ind Thrs. m-.' 'E-wung- S5¥§r, and Mrs. .W. D. Portcous and | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kueviank wea relatives from Dundee aad Algonquin on Sunday. + Mrs. Mary Deickman and George Deickman entertained Chicago re!-- atives Sunday. 0:' O. F. Jerrett and daughter spent Monday with her par-- ents Mr. and Mrs. Langworthy of Libertyville. H. C. Meyer made a business trip to Chicago Monday. Mrs. Walter Stark, who has been wvisitine in West Bend, returned Dr. P. A. Kennicott of Woodbine, Kansas and nephew, Mr. Appleyard of Glenview were the guests of the former's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Tripp, on Sunday. They are Buy this Cigarette and Save Money GOOD! 3. M. L, CHANDLER Local Editor Phone 122--J Area 10° Mrs. Nettie Smith of Lake Villa visited Mrs. Ella Smith last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wirtz en-- tertained the young people Satur-- day evening. All reported a delight-- ful time, The Women's Society will hold its Miss Lilliaa Payne returned home after visiting friends at Sterling, Beloit and Chicago. > ww lar monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Clark Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagner spent Thursday afternoon in Waukegan. Miss Edna Shepherd entertained the young ladies Sunday school class Wednesday afternoon. Miss Christina Anderson of Lib-- ertyville spent the week end with Edna Shepherd. Mrs. A. E. Ransom spent Friday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frear, in Grayslake. Mr. angd Mrs. Frank Doipn were Waukegan callers Saturday. Mrs. Louis Handy visited Mrs. Julia Ransom at the Hawthorne farm Sunday. Mr. Orell of Chicago passed away Thursday at his home after a long and painful iliness. His wife was formerly Mrs. Alma Putnam Fams-- worth and well knowa«in Ivanhoe where she passed her early years. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doiph, Mr. and Nrs. Earl Ritta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chamberlain and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chamberlain attended the funeral services which were held Monday at the nome in Chicago. Henry Petersen spent end with his family at 1 Miss Lillian Payne returned !MM-- day eveniag from a iwo weeks' trip visiting rel@tives in Beloit, Racing and Chicago. A reception was given Mr. and Mrs. Werts at the church parlors Friday evening. About a hundred were present and they certainly had a jolly time, Ice cream and cake were served. end with his family at Ivanhoe. The Woman's Society will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'elock with Mrs. Clark Dunn. m;n-dnhfl-ohd Y 'so as to have a social hour, sacred music and any other music wished, also refreshments and plans to be discussed for a moon-- light picnie, -- Miss Edna Harden is spe! few days with her niece Mrs. Doiph, Choir practice will be held Friday evering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knigge| week at their cottage herg. Mr. MAX--| u/ yp, P 4 well just completed building a fine| «. pjomy" }f . povigidh en the clnines boat for tae Legion. ons ned. _ Ure Beg There is another angle to school Ben Elwood entertained her life. Practically all children who at-- sister from the city last week, tend country schools, and many who l.ldlg and family spent Satur--| attend in the larger towns eat their day evening with the Breniesens. mid--day lunch at school. 'l'hc\ ' Mr .and Mrs. E. G. Becker have quality of that lunch is of manifest rented their cottage to a Chicago|importance to the health of the party and moved into their new | child. Cafeterias have been installed place Friday. | in many of the schools of the larger Miss Dorothy Banks returned ,, cities. While this plan may be im-- her home Saturday after MM"prufia'bl' in smaller cities and nearly three months in the Wesley rural districts, a way should be hospital, Chicago, recoveri mllomd'_.onm.o.ofllhcmmvi& serious injuries nuuinedngv- 2 | the school lunch, The eold lunch, fall. under favorable conditions, is but a Mr .and Mrs. Michacls of COhéenge | =as w hn e t oo va Prout were the week end guests of Mr.! n unch, but pure, 1 | Andre. milk, cereals and green vegetables. | \ In every community children are ' Mostly everyone was the recipient found who are manifestly umk'r~! of a few fine bass or pickerel Sun-- weignt for their age and height. | day due to the skillful fishing of| When tnis underweight amounts to | Mr. Andre. ten percent it is charged to mal-- Miss Steila Peterson and lady| nutrition, and both the cause "and | friend spent the week end at the| the remedv should be sought with-- | Albert camp. Also attended -- the out delay. Beginning on the first day cago spent the greater part of the week at their cottage here. Mr. Max-- well just completed building a fine boat for the Legion. Mrs. Ben Elwood entertained her sister from the city last week, Mr .and Mrs. E. G. Becker have rented their cottage to a Chicago party and moved into their new place Friday. Miss Dorothy Banks returned to her home Saturday after spending nearly three months in the Wesley hospital, Chicago, mflw serious injuries sustained a fall. Miss Stella Peterson and lady friend spent the week end at the Albert camp. Also attended the party given in honor of Jim Peters. Mr. Peters is quite an acrobat wihen it comes to doing stunts, so enter-- tained the guests very highly. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith and Mr. and Mrs. A. Maxwell of Chi-- IVANHOE the week ling & Frank In plain language this means that any man who has a disability which is due to his service in the United States Armed Forces must file a claim for that disability within five (5) years after the date of his dis-- charge. Any man discharged from the service between April 6, 1917 and October 6, 1917, as an optional right, can either apply to the Pension Bureau or to the Veterans' Bureau. Any person discharged after October 6, 1917 must apply to the Veterans' Bureau for his disabvility claim and must do so, within the five years period. An example of this is:--A man discharged from the Navy December 1, 1917, on a disability dis-- cnarge, files a claim with the Vet-- erans' Bureau at Chicago District Office on December 10, 1922. His claim must necessarily be disallowed because he has not applied for com-- pensation within the five (5) year Chlm. August 12. --Li tion has been paid up to tt:, o & to that section of Insurance Act ( w deals with the time making claim for disability in the United States Services, Un-- der this Section of the Act . it specifically states "That no com-- pensation shall be payable 'inless a claim therefore be filed, in cMze of disability, within five (5) years after discharge, or, resignation from the service." VETERANS MUST FILE > t 'CLAIMS WITHIN FIVE YEARsS The Chicago office is urging all ex--service men and women who be-- lieve that they have a disability due to service to immediately file claim for same in order that they may not be disbarred from the ben-- efits of the Act because the time limit has expired in which it is pos-- sible for them to make claim. All claims and information con-- cerning same may be taken up with the District Office, U. S. Veterans' Bureau, 111 N. Canal Street, Chi-- cago, lllinois. -- . ARE THEY FIGHTING IN TRIM? ringfe I1.,--The vacation perigd it (agidiy: drowing to a close. Within the next two weeks the state, and there is scarcoly a doubt ut..":ru""u ll.lflq_filmofmm tion in camps under the supervision and u&i&'g Rasks ol e . jnved n'm arowth in xil physical should be know . before entering oY oA bhas been provided, Abere will be little to fear.-- In all other com-- THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER WEDNESDAY, AUVGUST #, 1922 usual sunual increase in com-- muhicable diseases is to be mim-- imized. A public school nursing ser-- munities the childreéen should , be given a careful examination before H&:;:'.."":.':'a'.":z-.uu w.ul ,I" C x & of school the children should be weighed at intervals of at least once a month. A weight chart should be kept for each individual child, which should be given to the family phy-- sician as a basis for diagnosis. In recent years many #schools have adopted the open--air and rest cure for children who are suflering from mainutrition with splendid results. Peoria and J%hvz 'nad open--air schools for or more years. The physical ?fi"\ of the pupils should always under the supervision of a physician | ht w oo aip t t | tg_"'f k.m! ago was IMIS :. be transmitted by kis® tsld z*3 "Well 3 man 1 case of i~fluenza kig@ed "Why madam, no barm can come 'n'\'nu nwmh" C " It is "Well, let's s6e. about two months quite too late. "I know it, just love to tal "Yer, yes, I want to know if influenza can Fong Memories talk about Aptakisic Courier. He have nad| OPTOMETRIST two or more | ROOM !M BLDG. Mr .and Mrs. H. D. Hughes have}, m ty 9 p.m. Phone 218R returned to Gurnee for a . short a. m. to 9 p. m. *R a2--tt visit. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes spent 'h. 'inm ifl nof". .M mi. sum-- en n tun-- mer they have been touring the northern and eaktern states. HENRY BOYSEN, JR Miss Dorothy Welsch spent a few | wp NTRACTO RILLER days with Miss Lily Domney of| 11 co s £ P Waukegan last week. |-D"PWO"P\I-P'MCIW- Mrs. Gardner Faulkner and Child~ | Phone g aukegan ren of Grayslake spent Saturday | Lib. 286--W--2, W m. Grizzle of Wauconda are at w interioy of Fair-- M Saio'® Brothcs, Goorgh Prés-- cott hi;-n on Sunday. Ed. Nagél entertained his brother Otto from Chicago over Sunday. Bowman Dairy Co. are putting a new cement floor in the bottling room, not using bottler at present, since the milk is being shipped to Chicago in cans via tricks, owing to the railroad strike, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Fisher of McHenry ealled at the H. W. Schwerman home Sunday. by two brilliant double plays, one by each team,. Heise pitched a very good brand of ball for T. A. C., most of the opponents going to the bench via the strikeout route and allowing only two balls to go into the out-- freld. One, a home run by Lascke, which came in the latter part of the game after the pitcher had eased up a bit, his team having a comfortable lead. The batting and frelding of Lascke featured for Long Grove. Spend Labor Day at the Central Labor Union Picnic at Electric Park. Good speaking. Big Trap shoot, Baseball games and other free at-- tractions. Dancing afternoon and evening. Good Music. 61--5t Sunday afternoon the L. A. C. de-- feated Long Grove 10--4. The game was fast and exciting, being featured Next Sunday there will be a double ' header played on the local diamond. | The L. A. C. will stock up npinst' Area, while Gilmer Juniors will| battle against Diamond Lake Jun-- iors. First game starts at 1 p. m.! sharp. Sunday's score by innings| was as follows: | Long Grove--2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0=4 L A. C--1 1221012 x=10. _ ?ulb Esther, M Margaret cago, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fénlon and daughters Evalyn and Esther, and Lioyd Elsbury. They started Tués-- day morning, 'The Warren Cemetery Associa-- tion met with Mrs. Fred Gillings Wednesday afternoon. _ _ _~_ Gust Weber is spending a week's vacation at his sister's, Mrs. Woh}-- feil's 8t Blgin. Another campiag party . has started to the Dells. In the party are The Wéavy rain that fell in so many plages Weinesday seemed to avoid Gurnee. The few drops that Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. R B. Henley and fell dried as soon as Dick Gilbert has returned to Gurnee after spending a few weeks at his home in Hebron, which vaca-- ing his toe while wo ng at the Bowman Dairy. His foot is »greatly improved however, and he will soon return to work. Mr .and Mrs. Van Ness . Young have returned from a western tour. They reported that it was so hot in Colorado that they couldn't possibly stay there any longer. _ _ _ Friday in Chicago. Her Eger and Litchheld, plumbers of Libertyville, are doing the plumb-- ing in J. W. Gray's new bungalow. Fred Stedman is painting the building s on the Wakefield farm. with Mrs. Roy Studer Mr. and Mrs. John Thommessen and son Jack of Kenosha visited J. W. Gray's Saturday evening. Mrs. Casey and two sons of Chi-- cago visited their aunt, Mrs. Ellen McCann of Gurnee this week. Spend Labor Day at the Central Labor Union Picnic at Electric Park. Good speaking. Big Trap _ shoot, Baseball games and other free at-- tractions. Daneing afternoon and evening. Good Music. 61--5t DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON SAVE -- YOUR EYBS I| _ Open Mondays and Fridays Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays Sweet Cider Only Kegs and Barrels, all sizes _______| _ _ _ _. ; GURNEE home The new ~Presbyterian churca, which will be started in -- several weeks, is to be the English cathedral type and will cost about $25,000. K. H. Sheldon of Chicago is the architect and contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Joan Stryker and family are attended the camp meet-- ing at Barrington this week. Mrs. Carl T. Anderson graduates Friday morning from the Illinois State Teachers' College at DeKalb. Mrs, J. A. Reichelt Jr., Misses Dorothy and Helen Reichelt and Carl T. Anderson will attend the ex-- ercises. © -- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchison of Irving Park visited at the Ray Reeds home last week. afternoon in honor of his fifth birth-- day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Perry are liv-- ing with their daughter Mrs. Ed. Beckman. Miss Irene Rockenbach, who has had charge of the church kinder-- garten, will leave the first part of September for Lansing. Michigan, where she has accepted a position as state superintendent of -- religious education. _ Edward Segert has sold his new home and will erect another. Mellody Farm, Lake Forest. was the guest of Mrs. John Stryker Satur-- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Timm are in Grand Haven, Michigan: pleted a room will o6 set aside for the kindergarten and fully equipped to take proper care of the little children. The mothers and friends are invited to visit the kindergarten Sunday and see just what is being accomplisaed. ber of his little friends on the spacious Woodman lawn Friday Wayne, Michigan, this past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Zimmerman, Mrs. Clara Lowell and Chester la-.llnal Chicago visited at the Mrs. E. J.'Bingham will be hostess Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stryker, m spent Sunday 4# Mr. &m mother ' Jz Sunday will be the last ses-- o% the Presbyterian church Kildergarten and during the fall all children under six years of age will meet in the primary department at the same nour, 9:30 a. m. This is necessary because of the shortage of teachers and the lack of a separate room. After the new church is com-- Mrs, Samue! Sall and two child-- ren have gone to Arkansas, where Mr. Sall is employed. They have rented their home to friends of the Miss Elsio Meyers and Philip Seully were married at the home of the bride's father, Edwin Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Seully will be at home in Deerfield after a several weeks' Dr. J. P. O'Connell, dentist. has an office in Deerfield, over Hermann Contectionery store, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Office hours from 9 2, m. to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R. _ Jack Woodman entertained a num-- Mrs. E. J.'Bingham will be t.;:: \ae Yourg Matrons at ber home EVERYBODY STEPS Laurell & Kelly's Pavilion Opposite Crane's Hotel DIAMOND LAKE Snappy Music by \Essex Orchestra Saturday Evenings and SUNDAYS Dynamite For Sale : Admission 50¢ of of | FOR SALE--Strictly modern seven | room house in desirable location.| Extra large lot. Priced very low.| l See A,. R. Schnaebele, Register | |_ Bldg., Pnone 90, Libertyville. | FOR SALE--Carloadi of fresh cows FOR SALE--Horse, riding or driv-- ing, roadster buggy (Kimball make) just repainted. Harness. $100 for outfit. Standard sewing machine cheap. Federal electric washing machine. Black iron bed and springs. Phone 96--R. A. L. FOR SALE CHEAP--White enamel double bed, single bed, sanitary couch, springs and -- mattresses complete, also chairs. Phone Wau-- conda 47--W--1. 64--1 FOR SALE--Six room house with FOR SALE--Baby buggy in ex-- cellent condition. Phone 377--J. FOR SALE--Ohio Silo Filler. A--1 econdition. Have no sile and will sell reasonable. Bert Asma, Green Bay road, Lake Bluff I!L 62--6t FOR SALE--A carload of heavy springers. 261--W--1. Mike Beixn, Area, I!1. SOtf FOR -- SALE--Fresh _ cucumbers, FOR SALE--Gladiolus Blooms 50c FOR SALE--38 acres 1'4 miles south of Grayslake. For partic-- ulars write E. J. Dietz or phone 222--R. Libertyville, IIl. 56--6t There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reason able a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. If you want to buy anything, o r if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. and springers, All tuberculin test-- ed. _ 124--R. Libertyville.: V. T. Minimum charge, Houlinan sewer, water, gas, electricity, etc. Centrally located. In good shape. Large lot. Price only $2450. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Libertyville. 63--tf vegetables. Albert W. Koenig., 426 E. North Ave. Phone 138--M. your tecth and mouth' in good 'order for a f€1 Phone 39 T PERE CE 108 N. St., Libertyville _ Pnone 57--6t Schanck Hardware Co. FOR SALE 'FOR, SALE--Farms, 60 to E CHEAP--White ename!| ments, Good Soil Near mhantteuntsomer ) Town on Geod Reads p siSo thairs. p:;; Wlu-' Priced Very Reasonable. 1--We--r. _ 1/ Terms Very Easy. See S _ A. R. Schnaebele, Regis-- Classified Ads International, New Idea Emmerson $125 to $135 charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. Manure Spreaders The Best Paying Machine on the Farm Are what you need now. 63--2t 63--tf FOR SALE--Hampshire breeding FOR SALE--Houses and lots at reasonable prices and easy terms. Insurance and notary. Edwin Austin, L!bertyvfl: 21 WANTED--Married man to run FOUND--Two sets of keys with our return key ring and tag attached. One found in Chicage, the other in Libertyville. Losers please phone 306, Snow's Taxti Service. 64--1t WANTED--Properties and farms * Sranc t Pants "at milinntd machines Area. Phone 251. stock of all kinds and ages. Also a few bred sows for September farrow. _ R. F. Rouse and Son, small farm znd do work around Davis lake. State wages required and give reference. H. C. Williamson, Lake Zurich. 64--2t F. Paulik, Kenilworth, I!IL _ 64--6t for exchange; can match any trade. State your wants for what you don't want; describe fully. ter nmmo-.u 1 Milk Claw 1 Bull Hot Water Tank which heats water free of charge in the bara while milking. Com-- plete installed $230.00. _ LO8ST AND FOUND Ly 's PELLANEOUS MISCELLA +h LIBERTYVILLE WANTED 61 t.