PAGE EIGHT 4 mumumm i of Decatur is lost. It was l s mwwum B , Bince, the genoral public £ Qnua-l«maqu:s-l 7 ,".---uhmnm, ~gne ' w-fimmm- A Telegraphic Cironicle of the | __,__ State Happenings.~ ~ / C meisge se ul | »wenin wEerk" Drivg grens One Hundred and Two Cities in State Start Campaign to Raise Funds Woodruft, Joliet; Wayne Hummer, La Salle, and Gerald B. Franks, Peoria, were named as members of a "general state Herrin committee," to superin-- tend the campaign. Much of the money, sponsors of the movement ex-- pect, will be collected within the next two weeks. Attorney General Brun-- dage, it has been announced, will go before 'the Williamson county grand jury within that time. Illinois Third in incomes. & York, Aug. 22.--Illinois, with 000,000 as the annual aggregate income of its citizens, leads the north central states, according to compila-- MHoms which have 'been announced at te headquarters of the national bureau of economic research, New York. Illi-- mols receives 7% per cent of the na-- tion's income, a figure which is ex-- eeeded only by New York and Penn-- sylvania. Pennsylvania ranks second with $5,958,000,000, while New York tops the list with a little more than A¢ q: transported way lost at nea. mmel wnthorities are baffied by & myster} "m-mw' * éighteen, daughter of a farmet ¢ near here, who was attacked two men, while alone at home, . The Lfiu--'m:mnwllc 'then gave her two injections with a 'bypodermic needie, causing her to lose Mionsciousness. She was not otherwise fving near hb two men, w Llfibc- 'then gave her 'Lhypodermic ne 'Bonsciousness. B4 to Proseoute Guilty in Coal PI* _ Mine Massacre. the foor and the stills, liquor and mash were found in a gecret basement Callahan and his wife, Jennie, botb negroes, were released in $1,000 bonds. Cars in Ditch; Two Bables Killed. Dixron, Aug. 22.--Blinded <by the glaring beadlights of an approaching automobile, Joseph Dudrik of East Moline, yesterday drove his car inte a ditch, killing his two daughters, MWiary und Helen, one year and one month, respectively. Dudzik and his wrife were seriously injured, while his Poliuted Water Kills Fish. Urbana, Aug. 22. --Representativee of the state game and fish commission were here investigating reports of pol tuted conditions of the Salt "Fork «#iver, resulting in the death of thow sands of fish. Near Sidney more thas 900 dead fish have lodged in the un derbrush and nearby residents are ecomplaifing of the odor Mold Iilinois Men as Suspects. ] #t. Paul, Minn.. Aug. 22.--Four men said to be wanted in SpringReld, NL, and La Crosse, Wis. in connection with robberies are being held by po Mee here. '"he men zave their names# Waliter Loxz. Huch Derham and L' Sto s ©" Sprinzfeld and Harty as Waliter Martin Sto Manry, Pe Cabin Lincoin Built is Lost. catut. Aug. 22. --The old -- Jnlaw, Mrs. Kudryk, was prob fatally burt. OF ILLEJGIS | RAIL MAGNATES ow -- WILL NOT BUDGE Unrest , Among . Railroad Workers Throughout Country is Growing-- 1 Frult and Vegetable Growers in West Face Ruin. ',f, END OF STRIKE IS FARAWAY: New York, Aug pressure of "econo not settle the y2 strike tom: .--¢~f bers 0* A.aflnfi Loree Says Executives Stand Pat on Their Priority _ * x Contentions. & "But the union chiefs will not and cannot recede from their position OR seniority," he said. "They have good jobs and it would be disastrous to Many of the shopmen, Mr. Loree said, are returning--to work and more are anxious to do so, waiving the sent ority question. ' atl agreeméent at New York tomorrow Mr. Loree said that the other raif way -- executives who attended Atbe meeting are firm {n their attitude that, they will not give in to the unions on the matter of senlority rights. ~ Unrest is Widespread. Washington, Aug. 22.--Reports from the country at large, as received at the War department, indicated that there romd workers.. 'This unrest is under-- stood to have gone so far, nccording to those who gre pessimistic regarding may not satisfy this element. Fruit and vegetable growers in the West face financial ruin unless the rail strike is immediately epded, Senator Borah (Idaho) informed the Associa-- top. of Rallway Executives, In a telegram to T. Dewitt Ouyler, chairman, be urged the importance of a settiement being reached when the executives meet in New York Wednes :u»bmmghufl P A i\ . The telegram po * m.--.-m.wm.-c copvene on mwdm to say nothing of the "These things doubtiess are fami{liar tommmwfll"-ffl urging it again upon your attention. 'The situation is fast becomihg intol-- erable and I felt it my duty to accen-- tuate these conditions to those who are to be in attendance at the confer-- Will Reopen Tomgrrow Merning, After Nearly Five Months of Idiences, Des Moines Reports. IOWA COAL MINES TO RESUME Des Moines, Im., Aug. 22.----Iowa coal mines will resume operations Wednes-- Gay morning, after nearly five months of nonactivity, on the basis of the na-- tional agreement reached at Cleveland. The supplemental settlement was stzned here by officers of the lowa | signed here by officers of the lowa. COoal Operators' sassociation and om-- cers of district 13, United Mine Work-- ers of America. The agréement pro-- vides that all company men and miners #hall report for work . Wednesday morning and that Aremenm and others required to get up steam shall report this evening. Viesregal RAISES $134,325, 000 IN IND!A London, Aug. R2----More than £30,-- 000,000 lllM.T has been sub-- scribed in the Indian government loan, constituting & record for state borrowing in India for a #ingle year, «ays a Router's dispatch from Ca} cuntta. During the last aix years India's re spomse to the demand !#for loans has £197,000,000, ar though before the the subscrip tion of {3500,000 was considered an excellent success. € Makes Record for Borrowing in Yeur. f the indirect loss to ought to have these The Ladies Aid of the Methodist ¥piscopal church will hold its apmpal bazasr on Thursday, Septem-- her $1, Further details will be given The Earnest orkers class of the M. E. Sunday schoot' will meet sat the home of Mrs. renchon Friday after-- noon. All meet at Mrs, H. B. Eger's at 1:45 p. m. State Highway _ Jepart tabulated bids on a number of im-- portant road jobs including the pay-- ing of Belvidere road from the Waukegan city limits to the Mil-- wubn.d"!_'_h'*'od intendent of highways, Nas nok I6~ ceived any intimation as to how the bids are going or 'what price the Belvidere road is bid at. County Clerk Lew A. Hendee and George Bairstow were in Springfield for the opening of the bids, but not on official business for the county. . The tabulation of the bids for all of the memis bid on at this time will take considerable time, and the results of the wotk will not be known for sevaral days. BOAT D?,CKS wWITH 15 Shutdown of the local plant of the North Shore Gas company was :taved off at least 80 'more days y the' arrival in the Waukegan harbor of the coal steamer Clemons Reiss with more than 1500 tons of Charles E. Russell, county super-- Today for CO $ OF COAL x'g m d wWEDNESDAY, AUVGUST 23. 192. eystone 'Printing Service