P "" «t Lake county, Prizes SJor all 0 Baseball -- game. _ 4. The Citizens State Bank of Aréa | -- H. A. Watson was a Caicago busi-- / The following took a trip'up the Rox river from McHenry to Wilmot, Wis., on y: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. n_'ln.l.C.Iny., § 'au.mm- 4 7i Mr. 'and Mrs. J. fimmfl'flm ¢ Englebrecht, Mr. and z_' X4+ _ Mrs. Frank Banernsmith spent _'Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Blwhm are in Detroit and intend 'to drive back a ,,»Pd.,'l'- _' Mrs. E. 0. Wells 'entertained three old schooknates, Mrs, Myrtle \Gull Mrs. Mamie Hendee® and f g marriage of 3 s " " E. w', a «Mrs. B. F. Porteous and child: ind C..G. Small motored to Wauke-- _ 'Mrs, H. A. "w.u.. n verigiind 1 w friends at a picnic at 8 m | Gages ',o."t.ndm':n_ th & ,w several days ~WoeSs -- sister, Mrs, J. W. &' to attend the funeral of her ' 7 in Geneseo, HL «'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crapo and children called on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aynsley on Monday. Mirs. Etta Wells at a dinner on Tues day. Mils ui drether it Loun Lake: ?fllfl._l Rouse 'returned to her studies at the Nina Smith, 'W'n'm--w' Lessons in . the. Sunday aw. Mr. and School," . Miss -- Bushrell, . county fire. MLMN . %""'h er children's : division; ereat -- Thompson, Mr.-- and -- Mrs. mm;"-uuam.um Miyron K. Wells, «\w. _ ... wl mediates in 'the -- Suxday _ School," ' Miss (Beth ~Cook and ~Béraic®) state worker, Miss Huger; "The Sun-- Theaton were Chicago visitors Wed| day School Standard," F. Sherwood, ABF) a%, .0 . s C ".:.; unty secretary; Song, choir; Ad-- _Clarince Frank is en Mr. Faxon, county: president; _ Area 4e on n ci ns Ur Rochclic. Mrs William Albright left Tuesday Mrs. R. £, Holcomb was a Chicago ¥# y were Chicago visitors Wednes-- MRS, M. L. avaning. Big rockiag chair MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME ~>, Comfortable and :fithn thought him-- self safe. 'Then the erash came -- He had no emergency surplus. Ruined!. Bankruptcy ree-- ords prove that ul&fm%lh nor worker is secure without a--surplus eash fund. Why not start your Savings Account today? RUINED! ;' J. W, Chandier maude a business mtrb_b&fiaplnh:. : s hoot. ; and Mra. Oscar Firnback and fot motored to Grass Lake Sun« rizes visited the Lotus 'seds.. mme. | : Mins Cecil Fimback and two «in "mflwd.fim mlfiu.dl.!dd chair | ton. called on Mr. and Mrs. 65--1t' Osear Firnback on Tuesday, ~. > Don't forget the Vernon--Ela Sun-- day scaool convention which meets at the Baptist church at Lake Zurich. Good progtam and music. Open at 1 Oinck, came as uon as yeu con. T xck, come as soonm ag you can, in prgan is Totomn: Prctons " : 4 Meyer; Scripture, Rev. Kalkbrenner. Tueslay. Prlag" Flossic Knodler.is spending a few days * 'dm Mr. 'who gave us such an inspiring m two weeks ago is being at the Lockhead 'home, ¢ > Su 300# > Mr, and Mrs, E. --Ott entertained their nephew over Sunday. ple's class Ro: hae . Hafann porty at the 3. +. .' (Aug 4 % h t " 'W with relatives at Lake Zurich, f will meet with Mrs. J; Dollenmaier at lml'b August 31. day. stated in the last issue. L. G. Hutchings and family and Mre. Zeller of Kansas--visited at the Ray Winfeld home last Sunday in M L J A""Maszon suent the week end Jo Sn Ehok Ar s . i Miss of Chicage spent a few days at : J. Sauer home and also© C 7 , Mrs. L Mactner in the meantime. :. -- F. J. Wells and family visited at the Ost home at Long Grove Sun-- . Mrs. %w-h is visiting her daughter, © resides in Mannattan, Ritse; visiter Euh-fim" plant on his farm. and Converse at-- tended Monroe fair Saturday, Tox 4 Fred --apent & :dumm -- Mr., and Mrs. Fortest n.: and Thomson attended . '.a.hk Friday. Dorothy Ott is 2t home for a few PRAIRIE VIEW AREA, WL ;"fimfor _' in ----California & m J *3 and. Thursday at Waukegan.' .. . _ motored their families to the at Diamond Lake Tuesday evenlig, ; A6. a Aamvaile Mrs. Ca several days last week., eEsngte H'? vacation on doctor's orders, wmdw,,yon" cline due to over work and too much Mrs. Smail from Er«-'m}:& in doors. xpm is again employed on .&ae Soo, Line as section 'hand, /. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marinis and a friend were callers here Sunday * T ; ¥oi ie Sieme y Morier ie home of Geo. Volz to see the thresh-- . and Mrs. E. J.--Gisq ® "wu recently, x Fohn Raupp was a caller at J.--N,. Busch's last Monday, 3 George Weimer is visiting at J. pany from Des Plaines Friday eve-- the Crestmore last Friday. John Cargill and family we ing' going on, horke of Mr. and Mrs. N. ¥, Busen Sunday evening. :. Jacob Gasser aai--wife entertained his sister amd husband from <the city lnst week. . ns 4ss . is making to Shermerville, we pre-- sume that dentist is some lady. _ /; Clarence Busch unloaded. a car Of eore t Ba on o0 ies unloaded a car of Iuwmber for Emil for the threshers last week Friday and" Saturday, A --Ed Volz and family froms Arling-- last Sunday. .'h_.,_~,_. ghts < wore 'callers at .. Mra, Nelson. from Area--was a caller at George Pfster's -- Friday lairac from Chicago were callers at N. F. Busch's Saturday evening. Mrs. Ray Busch was employed by Mrs. N. F. Busch during the past The other day a young man from Prairie View had a conveyance sent after him to convey him to a cer-- tain place here. On the return trip without a momenits notice one of the Tsl cmidnt on indsed ts Ferfomm its duty, And m-m mhfidutfll&fln'-- nothing better to do only walk along side of that wheel and try to keep it On, , 80. the driver might _ get back with that Worse. .A.-;-t fl:'.« mor® hum to her -mkn&.nv-l Again we are in meed of rain, The corh is some To wl lnte a hat. We surely have water k if we can't have anything else. -- to Libertyville Satur ""fi"*'-w;,q:, was Mr. and Mra; Robt." Buriton and 'Mrs. Emma Sturm and danghter in m otniy Aaih ave Diamond Lake lay night Mr. this world containgd @ 10% af people pienic and all in ons part "g;.'Pfi' APTAKISIC CELVE PMF : 797 ut Geoo Volr's "«#4 » » n.' * [ Wl -- % mss e Un k u' from n snuncd ie oc maad in 'she \sh 1d need little sleep u%'u' b\: it 'so";.' u: them all n and rembled on for home and was the end of a .a}"mu.g_ '""fi the Misseég Lillie Miss ~C r _of Liberty» vflhm&"o'f'fl"'" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brockmann of MM,ESumym with Mr. and . Charles Hersch-- berger Jr. * € Messrs. Richard Reimers and A}-- Monday -- afte " afte several days in W nsi;. Ts 'ra'l'd&mum Tonne &nd C C1d spont Thursday evening with Mr; a;d Mrs, Henry Tenne. > ; / % William Saver of Prairie View 'called <at the Victor Sauer home >A mumber of the people of here attended the festival at Bensonville, w "'l at 1 $esns y n ' up, But 1 guess Th that way. :';u ;ll"ung many didn M&. bul_iflsrfil mmunmmms Sthe squeeting. Along about niid-- ~ Miss Pearl 'fi» schberger Wwas & Prairie View « Thursday after-- A large number of our IIO?" tended the farmers' picnic at Dia-- good deep. breath and Ssaild. . feesgren, as ow wl hare to ul q: the Charles Herschberger Jr. Wednesday evening. > Threshing is all done, soon we will hear the buzzing of the silo Millers. day evening. . ~*~ y "m.. Blsie Rauha and_lady friend 'Mr. and Mts, Charies Sauer and children "mw Mrs. Charles Hetaehberger and ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Hans and daughter Mabel: gpert Sunday -- at e un Mk Baon. roder 'And WELL CONTRACTOR & DRILLER . Deep Well Pumps and Cylinders .. Phone Lib. 286--W--2, Waukegan, HL Mr Misses Lena. Klepper, Helen La-- HENRY BOYSEN, JR _ OPToxETRIST ROOM 9 MURRAY BLDG. PHONE 988 _ of The Farming Business------ LONG GROVE _ Our doors open just as wide and our banking m' as fully to you as to any other S inels on ie Holiity ( 10-- __ > _ budneumnnuthknw. Other business firms flmud#m'd'd' vice, need co--operation in turnover of stock, and they come to us for that service. Why don't you ? Tnaesdays, Kegs and Barrels, all sizes Long Grove Grist Mill Open Mondays and Fridays Tuesday afternoon and r spent Wednes-- at the 7 rl'-' were 'Ifi. fi.a.j 'ff " N'i'- s ' | y II" Sweet Cider Only Lillie 4 ~«_ _ LAKE VILLA 'before going to her fiture home in Seattle, Wash.. waere Mr. Buford has taken a position as horse trainer fo rthe president of th6 Carnation Mrs. J. M. Cannon. > The auction sale of lots in the At-- well subdivision Saturday was well attended, and all the lots were sold, the price ranging from $40 to $110. In the drawing of names the Sipsma family, Ellen Eames and »Mrs. J. M. Cannon were winners. The Lib oprerch musi¢ and Fred Grabbe was Mr. ang Mrs. Will Fischer had as wuests a few days last woek Mr. 10. Sn w doing wor s S P 0 Tom Brompton continues jimptore at the Waukegan bospital " ~MHilds Kiug entertained a girl friend from the city over the week recently purcnased, and exhibit them at some of the horse shows, . 'The cement road east of town has :'.luduflruflew. m short detour made through Wilton's pasture until the rest of wnmy' MHr, Wade has the most of his construction camp to Loon Lake which will .be more convenient to his work,; which is all between Lake Villa--and An-- MilkK company. ATr. ~And MP8, BU~ ford have made many friends here who their going, but wish i SUecees. Mr, Buford will take mmwmih_flam_h- ml&.l'rhlo-.dl,d Chicago. The Ladies Aid society will hold an all day meeting with pieni¢ din-- ner at the church basement Wed-- given awag., " Mrs. Jack Buford and -- children left Saturday for Paris, Mo.,--. to with her sister, Mrs, 23&'!&- Miss Ruth Allex of Genora -- is endinge s week with her sister, LCA AL ho fuctine Pavilion »y Music by \Essex Orchestra . 'and Mrs.> Ray Meacham are Laurell & Kelly's Saturday Evenings and SUNDAYS Dynamite For Sale congratulations': .on . the 65--1t _ ies Grove ertyville. FOR SALE--Horse, riding or driv-- FOR SALE--Kanred winter waeat, FOR SALE--Strictly modern seven room house in desirable location. Extra large lot. Priced! very low. FOR~SALE--Six room house with FOR SALE--Ohio Silo Filler.. A--1 condition. Have no silo and will FOR SALE----A carlond of heavy There is no way you can reach umnfihnfi"&_ in so short a time and at so reason able a cost as you can if your wants known here. A"trial will convinee you. x 4 16. Al9% If you want to buy anything, or if you have something . to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. Y"'m"m 45 . wheitl 4 Mhertibic d Bldg., Pnone 90, Libertyvilie, Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5e per line per insertion. Jur bu. cltaned. 2C Sotter. Phone 02W --2. and springs. Phone 96--R. A. L. Webb. g2tt good for $100 for outfit, sewer, *I "m'; ete. onnn oo aie ols 191b0. ds Bay road, Lake BluK IiL _ 62--6t stock of all kinds and ages, Also T darihe Sar wor tas far _ . . omwe Clasemo MS Schanck Hardware Co. t PORE i u8 Rr., Phone 254--W. Lib Internatio nal, New Idea Emmerson ; Manure Spreaders Are what you need now. The Best Paying Machine $125 to $135 on the Farm wg:m--t-s_--.u:-n-;u'n- pyrnbndy preive Srgr send + qoi FOR SALE WANTED--To sell your stock and farm implements at <Public Saile. Sell your household furnitureat mfin'"u&b-- ploy-- 8. Simmonds, : Experienced Auctioncer. Reverse Phone charges 444--W . Lake Forest, IIL. 65--6t WANTED--Three young women WANTED--Martied man to run small farm snd do work around Davis lake. State wages required reasonable prices and casy terms. Insurance and notary. : to work &hwmv stand dur-- ing Fair week. Paone $02--J. Mrs. W. E. Volkman, Area, °* -- -- 65--3t d ELC . ® cB you .don't want; deacribe: fully. ¥. Paulik, Keniiworth, HL. 64--6t Town on Priced Very Reasonable. RVG:M. See ter Bidg., Libertyville, -- trade, State your wants for what "2PM Ts tee ane . "--' 1 '=~ g¢ 1 Hot Water Tank which heats water free of charge in the bars while willking. Com-- plets Installad $2800008° _ ~~=~* LIBERTYVILLE