e +. Silo filliig is on in full biast in ~<'.:» "1' A « (A./Peter Sievers had 4 cement block **~* se e --on his farm recently. > _--~Ar6a ~. . mpent--meveral days under consulta-- ie Hriaeet ohe was noualh May in Chicago. s, Mr. and Mre. C. 1. Casey . at | E..h., | iss Ada Gressens of West Chi--| , at the home of --H. 0.1 Rochelle atfended--the funeral of Mrs 2. t f C & Ts weeks but Mr. Rouse will retirn me the siime day. -- home last Thursday. r--umw,m-t and Labor Day at the home of i "4-"'-- mmE enie d ® s 0C & Olive visited at the W. D. sous home over the week end. : p-hrdm"u &ju!.l. me aiteiine e Lake Coonty Fair | muflkhn-- that the exhibits are fine, at-- tion good and the racing and ,&"---i".bh-'fl. _ _'xpi,i_rhw.dahl new AMrs. 0. C. Jarrelt visited her par-- to see their granddaughter, Shirley, v Matousek, Géeo. Calairac and were callers at N. The boys were on their way to Fox Al Schroeder from Libertyville ¢ Mrs. Henry Potts at-- ":udnw&. 2 Ray Busch and Mrs. N. F. Busch mmotored to Lake Forest last Fmi-- . 'Peter Sievers and family motored ko Waukegan Fridey evening. MRS. M. L. £ bestowed upon those af who have the Ju to practite f § all you earn on the j g show. ¢ *~* Good things come to those who save _ E.v"q NW- £ , * F E.s ; ) f young | 7 w Xi1 flfiWfi'&m' § ® *+*+ account in our bank.-- ns . MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME Local Editor The Citizens State Bank of Area) on business. Meyer spent Tues-- Life's Pleasures of ~ e o e e cod Geo. i id been stay-- ing at w'fw for Chi-- cago last ay morning@," Peter Sievers, Al, Bunton Srih;.ind Daniel W were on busi-- ness at Prairie last Saturday. by A. J, Raupp for the past three Lo was a caller at Mrs. Schley's Fri-- day evening. > Al. Bunton and family, E. Geest, Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Busch . and mbu.mm" Fred Busch spent last week . at anoe winiiien fast meok at ts | Miller ~ Mrs. Ray Busch of Prairie View was on the sick list. Miss Caroline m"h," MY':M tw the househald dutie little Shirley who is also sick. We hope Mr. and Mrs, Leo Bunton and w_fi'_'-_-'-'!ulhrlatfl; for their speedy recovery. day, ' NMrs. Nell Bunton from Mazon spent several days with Mrs, N. F. Mrs. Chester Gilman from Prairie View was a caller at N. F. Busch's, also at the Crestmore Farm Monday Miss Alice Bunton is spending several days at Livertyville with her Theo, Kunke of Libertyville were m"MbWo& his death. The bereaved have our deep pesuicas s Pircacn, <ie m sits "OP e also take in the fair. Henry Baker from , Libertyville 8 to 8, favor of Wheeling No game last Sunday nkisic, town was dead. Maybe the other side got shaky. : Joan Borahofen Jrs has taken up work at Prairle View. :' Fred Busch from Libertyville was at Peter Siever's Monday. l John Cargill and family spent last Sunday at Rock River,> ue Tovd things ty vot Hais e mdbdn-. is Mrs. Ed. Giss also sells fruit, m&di-hhdp'& need be hungry on that EVERYBODY STEPS Pavilieon -- Opposite Crane's Hotel DIAMOND -- LAKE e Jw« Jnt \Essex Orchestra Laurell & Kelly's Saturday Evenings and SUNDAYS -- Admission 50¢ * Thurs-- { Miss Kate Sesser from -- Wheel-- ing assisted Ettas Housinger with | the thresher cookery last Monday. ¢mmmin&% {mtc;amcwhn.mth. | town of Wheeling. _ _ sonm Bobby from (Chicago spent sev-- eral days visiting relatives in this sedan fully equipped and then some, as a birthday present from-- her father, Emil Geest. Say, there is nothing slow about Emil, we'll tell Mr. and Mrs. Rob Buntor were at Waeeling last Saturday evening... EVERY SATURDAY NICHT RAY BROS. PAVILION Diamond Lake, HL _ . DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER ----Sat., Sept. 23 ---- Souvenir Dance They All Fall For Murphy's Best Orchestra --~-- _ 8o Will You es Miller of Libertyville Schanck Hardware Co. "Only a few more left-- International, New Idea 31625 tq&'l35 & Manure Spreaders Are what you need now. -- -- ANCING in ° ol * ~__ _ on the Fairm ~ REGISTER WEDNESDAY, SE Everybody dance!" mmwuw are visiting at the nome of 'their of Bat 5 T Mvh,v'&;nodonm%,' Miss Verna Havens D ' Nh oN s . copgpifige" jis -- Mr. and Mrs, Prang of Gary, Ind., Miss Ethel and Haze! Schumacker d'hnnliod'.lll-.m Labor Day guests at home of Mr and Mrs. F. C. Schumacker. -- > ----_ < _ Miss M. GC. Fisher of Palatine spent her vacation with friends around here. Mr .and Mrs. P. G. Castens, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Yaeche, A. H.Cas-- J w M¥ and Mrs, ] ge at Lay . Bros. nd Lake, Saturday 9. Murphy's© Best s & f "»Iw;x:eg at BASE BALL NEWS \Kake First Game of Three game was called several times 'to wmniww many arguments. The Lake Vills clan hopped on to Rogers in the first and pushed over six tallies before the Polonia erew could get settled down. They knocked Rogers out of the box in the third and Stanzack was sent in to relieve him. He did better but could not stop the onslaught. Da-- vison had nothing to worry about after the six run lead in the first, ;"'E'uhvm.anummdy bats last Sunday. and beat aWdubuw'hI" of hitting and quarreling. The The Libertyvilleswent to . the Labor picnic at Electric Park Mon-- day and took a 7 to 5 'defeat at fighflidtb&ntnl&'nn'.tm wasa close affair all the way through with either side having .a county ~champions} CENTRALS BEAT LIBERTYVILLE AUTOS DAMAGED IN COLLISION injury this afterncon when -- two road near Greenwood avenue. ' An automobile driven by A. Mudgett, driven by a woman while he was at-- tempting to turn into m side road the direction of Zion City and at-- tempted 'to turn into the side road. The brakes were applied to the car by the woman driver but she was pubhbunfln"thlu machine. Both cars were damaged. In the. Mudgett car . were three boys and another man. Game Series for County Make Your Fruit Trees PAY If your orchard is in bad shape, if the fruit drops, if small, wormy br scabby, Jet us tend to them before you pay. 25 years experience in western states and Europe. that no one lives long enough or has braing ,wm.mz';'mmmm e on ioi €e., 'the CAUSE of DISEASE nd'fihfiit. *.f Have You Ever Thoug Arlington Heights, TL hiropractic «> Consultation and Spinal Analysis Given # North Genesee Street FOR SALE--Crab apples for jelly or pickling. Honey in comb, Mrs. FOR SALE--Grapes. A. W. Hall, Area, 289--R--2, 68--4t FOR SALE--Are moving. Household goods of all deseription for saie. mgwdwm loupes and Milwaukee Market, for --sale at all times. Fred Parkhurst, SEWING ertyville. FOR SALE--Cider apples; --pears, FOR SALE--Modern six room house on good sized lot in good loca-- tion. Must be sold to settle estate, and is offered at a very low price. ~There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake' county in so short a time And at so reason able a--cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. : Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. -- If you want %o buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. $T 6 & i8 FOR SALE--Horse, riding or driv-- Nettie Phoae 388--J2. or chureh use.. A. L. Webb, Phone FOR SALE--Baby buggy in ex-- FOR SALE--Chicken and fruoit farm a¢ four acres. well located.> It 0R SALE--Two 'horses--one bay weighs 1800 lbs, 12 years old and one black weighs 1300 lbs, 6 yrs. old. Pnone 267--J]--2. W. H. Lemker, good for eating or camning and tomatoes. Cheever Place, Mechan-- ies Grove Rr., Phone 254--W. Lib= cleaned and ~repaired in your home. Used machines in good con-- dt":.-ll'u;h.u"'hlrw' Henry, Winthrop Harbor, HL "/ ' J. O. H. LUSSMANN:-- See A. K. Echnaebele, -- Kegi Office, Phome 90, Libertyville, washing machine. Black iron Bed a~4 surings. Phone 96R A L bination barn and garage, chicken house, snd worksnop. Good well and elstera. Fine orchard --of FOR SALE Two PALMEER GRADUA Adjast e d, 67--6t FOR SALE--Ohio Silo Filler. 'A--1 condition.© Have no sile and will WANTED--To sell your stock and farmimplements at Public Sale. Seli your household furniture at auction quickly and for more money than at private sale. Em-- ploy S. Simmonds, _ Experienced Auctionser. Reverse Phone charges 444--W., Lake Forest, 1M ----*#6--6t LOST----In grand stand or on Fair Grounds Monday, pecket case con-- Insurance and notary. Bay road, Lake Bluff HI1. -- --<2--6t MORE ABOUT THE BULL. There are all kinds af milkting machines HENRY BOYSEN, JR wELL CONTRACTOR & dent®® . Deep Well Pumps and Oylinders . Phone Lib. 280--W--2, Wadkegas, HL trade, State your wants for what you don't want; deseribe. fully. F. Paulik, Kenitworth, HL -- 64--6t from Anchor and Ark: and Y.I.G.Lmn-fl reward if returned to Lake County 1 Bull Teat Cup and .. -- 1 Buil Milk Claw 1 Buil Het Water Tank which heats water free of charkge in the barn while mitking. Com-- plets Installed $230.00.. . . _ . LOST AND FOUND ROOM 9 MURRAY BLDG. FOR RENT C 42 ble. Bert Asma. Green P uns ay0® +i