PAGE TWO Kiss Rue You of Lake visited It the home of Mr: Dodo: over the week end. like MeDevit was a Chic-4: itor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Zena] Mt to Lake Zurich and called 0 latter's brother Fred Kropp funily. Ira. S, L. Tripp accompaied by her mother, alts. J. Richards and her daughter Mrs E. H. Bluhm and little Eva motored to Glen View Thursday uni spent the day with Mrs. W. L. Hawkins. Mrs. Wake! Stark was a Wauke- gin visitor loudly. Mr. and In. C. G. Small spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs, Peter Soviet and family of Aptakisic. Don't forget the G. W. C. Ounce " the Ivanhoe Woodman Hall on Thad-w evening of this week Bring your friends Ind enjoy a pleasant evening. B. C. Meyer made a busraess trip to Chiago loud". Mr. and Ira. Wm. Zersen. Mrs. E. W. Farmer and daughter Evelyn motored to Baring": Friday and spent the tftemoott visiting rel- spent "in; In. John Jarrett and sons return- ed home Thursday evening after spending over three weeks in Kemp- ters, Ind.. visiting relatives. In. John Dent visited Was Louise Ports of Wheeling Sunday. Mr. and In. John Mitchell were weak and guests of Mr. and In. Ema-t Cttft of the Hawthorne Farm Libertyville. Mr. and In. Wm. Albright and m were entertained at the home of Mr. and In. Ashur Crittenden of Wm over the week end. I!" lazy Rouse spent the week and in Racine " the Rittler home, Wa. Wm. J. William and In. Annie Rouse were Wakes"! visit- on Tim. M will be min than}: ner- vicu nut Sunday morning. Sun- dayMuIOA.l. Paulina " A. M. last Sunday Rev. Pugum d Die-co on the naming ud- In. luau m went to Chi- - Sunday to meet - mother In. m Tartor who was univ- i-g full Billings, lent-n3. In, o. P. Janna visited It the herrt.oftter-ataKr.and In. M. T. W, Friday. I]. In" his" of Liberty- Vince-"odd. the R." C. Meyer hunt Sully. Mr. and In. Prank Baaernsssith I'd Suds, ("if the latter: par- Mr. ad In. Baud] Wells, of Annual can Sunday -ts u the Mr. Ind In, Wm. Vichry spent tho week end tn Chic-go " the lane of Mr. and In Brim _ llu Helen Russell entertained and Rainbow clans " her ban. on My evening. "in laVemo thma will emu-din the do: " My evening. "in laVemo thma will emu-din the do: " _ in. John Wetts not . moral ttara Ian week at the home of her daughter. In Ed. Beam-n. In. Lester June! left Sammy to visit her father in Vim-he. Wis. The We: Aid Smitty will meet If the home of In. France.- Brow- dee PM" Uterooon of this week. A good stundnnce in desired L~ " action of tttF.eers will be held. their next meeting. The Diamond Lake Community Club will M " the home "f Mr. and Ir", Kit-hard Harman. Taun- day. Oet. It. " 't0qMtqxy6tMr. IRS in DIAMOND LAKE Area ', M. L. CHANDLER been] Editor Phone 1224 dared the me Link was born m O,theim All": bruins, on January 1'2th, 1'35. He came to Amenca with his parents in the summer pf Is-lip, and they settled on a Lam at Long Grove. He was couhraned )i the [angelica] Lutheran Church at long Grove in 12445. On t)ctoltet tth 1ti60, he was married Us Sulume Specht, in Chicago. To them were born four children; une son had three daughters They lived on their farm at Long Grove until the spring of Itt99, whe, they moved to Pulatine, where Mr. Link [mud tway on October 4th, 1922, which was the date of their 62nd wedding anniversary. He attained the age of 87 years, 8 months and 22 days. and leaves to mourn his de- mise, his widow one son, Jami), Jr., of Palitine, and three daughters, Caroline Behrurebele of Libertyville, 22 days, and leaves to mourn ttts Ge- mise, his widow one son, Jacun, Jr., of Pal-tine, and three daughters, Caroline Schnaebele of Libertyville, Ella Baker of Palatine, and Mary Hans of Barrington, Ill., seven grand children and three great grand chil- dren, and a host of friends. Funeral services were new from his late residence in Palatine on Sat- urday, Oct. 7th, grandsons of the de- ceased acting as pallbearers. Burial at Hill Side Cemetery, Palati. e. There were twenty-three perfect attendance for the week. Kisses Elizabeth Goetz. Tillie Popp, Ethel Umbdenstock. Miss Keiler, Mabel Lash and Fred Kill- bmnner and Orville Keiler were in heiler's woods hunting hickory nuts and leaves and akin: snap shots Saturday. The children are preparing for Hollowa'en. They are making pump- kins with crooked teeth tnd eats, some with short tails and some with- out whiskers and old witches with high peaked hats. Farmers! Farmers'..' Hallowe'en is nut. tie down your corn shocks tight. Lock your barns and put log chains to your wagons. For ghosts all dressed in white will be around that night. . Visitors at the Goetz home Sim- day were, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoff- meir of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoihneier and family of Liberty- 'villc and In. Stock: and son Louis of Libertyville. We have received our Penmanship paper now and we are glad to begin with our work on it. Alma Bum Ben Blame and Oscar [user of Punting spent Wednesday evening at the keiler homo. Alfred Latch is working It the Benjamin [Metric at De- "lines. . dny. l'weIIIBoTi-d Kim Drilled 'Houses Moved and Raised ei. Humidor family of Chic-go visitod"the Albert Popp family Sun- Mr. nnd '11. James Hlmford and family visited " Park Ridge San- day. Leo Bioek is quit. n sport, He not: to the ball game with his two Mod .atto. He makes no (us nor muss. It is duly: Indy when he is ready. If he had I tin Lizzie or I big unto he would have to uh "I the girls out for I ride. But this my there is M room for him. A picnic was held in Dunn's tim- ber Sunday. Everybody reported n Rood time. In. Emma Flue an! Mr. nnd Mrs J. Holst of Chicago spent Sunday at the S. Keiler home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard and dlugh ter Virginia visited the Waiter Goa witler home Sunday. Don't forget the dune. rim at the Long Grove Hull. October Tth. Run-day night. Come one! Come II!!! o Zion Institution A Dance will he "M _ . the Ix 'mA Bl'f Balt Team RQQUH' 1. 21, at Long Grove Duet H LONG GROVE W (De 't " ZION, hhfrkom OBITUARY Jacob Link & Industries the Lon! pad family visi MI. Monday. Mr. and ed relative the week. Mrs. Charfay Kt Friday after ~pa-n weeks visiting hm Wipper and niece their families at S Geo. Brown, uh.. there, will wmun: weeks more. Ellsworth Mctcaf of Gurnoe WA in Antioch culling ttl old friends. . Dr. and Mrs. Beebe are akin: a three weeks' vacation in northern 5linnesota, where they will build a cottage on the land they purchased [at fall Mrs. Peru Haukins of Sherman, N. Y., who ha: been visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Gohrke, here, spent the past week in Whiting, Ind. visiting relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Warriner have rv~ turned home from their eastern trig They repon a fine trip. THE LAKE Mr. and Mrs. W turned home last w trip to New York Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Mwrie have moved to the Martin bungaiuw on north Ilia street. Mrs. William Bu'kn tformerly Miss Grace Van Dusen) has return- ed to her home at Lake Geneva, Wis after spending a week here with friends and relatives. Mr. and M r Sale 350 Silk & Wool Dresses Sizes 14 to 32 In Draped-Mmm"' Poiret Twills, Picotines ' . tricotineo, crepe satin: _ cantons, crepe de chine -,A--ar--tttetu-tenthet-C".""'"rt'_t1'l'f,'5"lf "edeir-d6mret_"ttuemtr1rteeoa. Gevr--umttdti. Maamh-m unnhxatmmMi-am-nm-h- M " 's f rt ANTIOCH \rlfux Van Ntten u relating in Kon- A Complete Presentation of Fall Models at Tremendous Savings In I Offering Mttte-A2uaBttt-- . H. Osmond re- eek from an auto " :eturned home mg the past two -i\Ler, Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Pieper, and Paul, Minn. Mr. ' also v sit'rrur for two or three COUNTY RB3NMltllR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 Jt'AYEr entertain- caxo the Brst of ALEX Iiltiatir6a, FOR BALB--A child's coaster wag FOR BALE..- A FOR SALE OR ttENT- 10 Acres, house, barn um! heuhouse in town of Vernon, 23-; miles southeast of Half Day. Inquire of Mrs. Mary Sehar,a'rairse View, Ill. 77-6t FOR trALE--Siee Danish Bullhead m, good keepers. Nice Sugar Carrot,, Blood Table Beets and nice Yellow Globe Onions. tun 802-W. Peter Pages. 77-6t FOR SALE-Hard coal heater, chap. Inquire evening. a 614 Second street. M If you want to buy anything, o r if you have somethmg to all], rent ormachange, or if you wont help, make it known through there columns. You will trot malts. There is no way you an reach " many people in Lake county in so khan a ume and at so - able as can as you can if you nth your wants known here. A trial will convince you. on and high chair. Phone 138-R. Tht piece ot inlaid Finleu cooker R-2 on Sunday Minimum chug. a, _ 6 insertions for 81.00 Rates: 5c pirr line per insertion. 9 FOR SALE Y 52 in Draped--Mhouettes and Panneled Creations wry-thing Marked in Plain Figures-One Price to All a bargain, one Linoleum, 9118; etc. Phone 281- "6aueret,ate 77-2t @011 SALE -1920 Ford coupe. ' Cheap. In good condition. Cull I Ed. Crabbe, phone mm 76Ait FOR SALE - Furniture, living- room, bedroom, dining-room, kit- chen; typewriter, cu stove, b-- lined om; an be moved when bought. Rev. E. J. Batty, 137 W. Chureh at. 76-6t FOR SALE-N Am Farm per town school and {atom land and buildings in tirst elm condition. Terms my to right party. Ad- dress "R" Register me. 75-6t FOR SALE--Niee little four-unl chicken and truck farm in good Io-l cation. Good 8-room house, new" barn with aunt floors, tht: house, and workshop. orchard.l Good welt and cistern. Priced at lets than the value of the buildings alone. See A. R. Schnubele,Regi5- ter Office, Libertyville. 'M-tf. FOR SALE-Modern 6 room house on two are. of (round in the village of Deerfield, corner Green- wood and Oak Aves. Three green- houses, fruit "can Ind berry bushes. All improvements ex- cept an, Otto G. Heimnnn. Deer- field, Ill. 72-6t Value Far Beyond The Usual $29.75 Kind not Mun loving, and an mutually only and advantage"! choic- of than nyl- who. "Emu". iiiittuur,too,tandtaiiored--tn'thmrth -tttter-N3tr+ JJiiuGnG.,trrt--eu.,-u-th"""de"t1't". 'terxratd "Vatican's" .75 FOR SALE- 130 acre farm near Area. Good soil. 9-room house, large dairy barn, hog house, milk ihouse, corncrib, etc. Good orchard. 'Some timber. Priced very tow and terms my. Sea A. R. Sehaaebele, than" Oftiee, hummus. 74-tf {FOR SALE-198 um farm in Fr.- , mont townahip, 2 miles in. church and school. All good bulld- ( tugs. Phone Waueonda 68-J-l or i Inquire John Fredrick, Gnylllh. Ill. 18-0: in ski. Apply to Mound" Laval, Supt... Andy Farm, lu- mph Road, Telephouo 164, lab. PM t6.0t ton BALB--F um of can P08 t1ALE1-PU pm". but! ' duck: and spring chm: drou- od to order. Prod Pukhuut. FOR SALE - Very fertile 80! acre farm near town. Land all tiled! and producing. No foul weeds. Good, b-room house, lute basement bunt silo, and a complete set of annular" buildings all in good shape. We. reasonable Ind terms any to w sponsible parties. For further in- formation !" A. R. Sthnaebeler) Register OMre, Libertyville, Ill. l FOR SALE-kitchen range No. 9 in excellent condition, with hot water tank. Will give Janice equal to how. Phone 1264. Lib- ertyville. T6-4t FOR SALE-Kitchen cabinet, oak dresser; extension dining table. Call after 6 p. m. Sweating, 214 Ellis Ive. 76-2t FOR SALE-loo choice residence lots in different actions of the vil- lage. priced from 8250 upward. They will never be cheaper, but now is the time to buy. Sea A. R. Bana- bele, Register Office, Litrertrrft1e. Phone 2834-2 st,2jr , «a E Iii) ! , ' M l g Colors are, navy, red, black, brown, grey, tan, henna, almond T6-2t T4-tf 1441. P0rtttALB.-a- ud I... u Mun-nanny"; [Want-11.777 - FOR RENT-Modern rooms with or without board. Plano inquire It 213 Put Pines. Libertyville. Trot FOR RENT-seven mom house on Milwaukee avenue. Barn, null chicken house and garden on the place. Phone 29841-1. TTdt FOR RENT--Ptmn, 91 um in all, 60 urea under cumin"... in the town of Vernon, 2% mile. Idl- east of Half Day. Inquire M. B. Seiler, 222 Third St. Libertywdlk. m. .H-Ot FOR RENT-Eight room house. Telephone 282-I-l. Ares. TT-tt FOR RENT-House in "be". Possoasion Nov. I. Phone 2814-1. Bur school and on Saturday. Telephone 381-1 or cull 137 welt Church st. TT-it WANTED-A school boy to work WANTED TO' BUY-one wood heater, two good feather beds, must be cheap. cw Mo-w-h A WANTED - General but.» or young mu who want. to [on the trade. Long Grove shop. Goo. Ambdenstock & Son. Phone Idb. 2574-2, Prairie View, Ill. "-0t WANTED-woman to do general housework Ind pluin cooking. good Incas. Phone 94 Lake For- m. Mrs. Henry Stringer, _109 Wisconsin ave. his Pom TT-2t FOR RENT WANTED