. IIBERTYYVILLE CHURCHES PAGE FOUR _ Entered as second--class 'matter October 13,.1916, ut the post office at Libertyville, lilinois, under Act of March 3, 1879. Issued twice weekly. : -- ARE YOU GUILTY : j Anonymous letters areone of the weakest and most cowardly.methods of expression of sentiment the world knoWs. 'The anonymous letter--writed seizes the oppor-- tunity of expressing some hateful sentiment without using. his name. He' belongs to the back--stabbing class, He merely wants to be some voice in the crowd that howls out something naughty, and then dodges out--of view. 'Nothing hurts a no--name letter writer so much as publicity.. He shrinks from the thought of anybody finding out wae he is, and he wants to do all of his meanness in the dark.' There is a well establish-- ed rule of newspaper publishers that all communications must be signed to receive any consideration. The pos-- ition taken is that if anyone is too cowardly to acknowl-- edge authorship of a communication he desires on con-- sideration. An unsigned letter is fit for nothing but waste basket material. Remember this, if you ever feel inclined to write one--and also remember that the anonymous letter writer is always meaner than the person he writes about, All members and friends of our church are urgently requested to de-- vote this one Sabbath of the year ex-- clusively to the interests of the chareh. Let the morning and even-- ing sBervices be outstanding for at-- tendance and énthusiasm. In the af-- wth"Ewry member can-- " will be made. You are asked to remain at home until these can-- htm-&'m& Let us make a. m. Sunday school, Mr. D. A. Young, Gen. Supt. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. Good muasic by the choir. Sermon by FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL ESSENTIAL TO SUPPORT WEISS _ Lake county, with a population double that of the other two Counties comprising this senatorial district, has one member of the House of Representatives. Mc-- Henry county has one and Boone county one. If Lake courity supports its cindidate, W. F. Weiss, the pres-- ent equitable division of representation is assured. If %m support is given the Boone and McHenry candidates at the expense of oar own candidate, the pastor. 'l'vmyul*ne(CAn- vassers present. € 1280 p. m. .'Dinner for the can-- vassers in the Gym. 180 to 5:00 p. m. --Calling from h&bh' p. m. Pastor's class in Ep-- worth League Evangelism. " 6:00 p. m. Epworth League dev-- otional meeting, Miss Eva. Williams, president. 'Topic: "Making the Gift Effective." Leader, Miss Gladys 4:80 p. m. Layman's night. Stir-- ring music! Spirited talks! Every one invited. We are expecting this service to be the successful close of a successful day. Wednesduy evening at 7:30, mid-- week meeting for Bible study, pray-- er and fellowship. If this meeting is helpfu] to a few, it may be help-- ful to many; if it is necessary for one, it is necessary for all. Thursday evening at ¥:30, Choir rehearsal, all members urged to be Mr. Jack Bradford, Choir director. Mrs, Lyell H. Morris, Organist. Sunday, Oct. 29th, Church rally KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. Charles J, Dickey, Pastor. Succeediug the Waukegan Weekly Gazette Established 1850 + $1,000 FOR A WOMAN FRANK H. JUST, Editor. I The Health program given at Libertyville township aigh school, Wednesday evening under the aus-- pices of T. A. Simpson, county sup-- | erintendent of schools, was well at-- tended and proved a very interest-- ih' evening for the children and ' adults. essentials of health and the neces-- sity of s&nitary conditions in the 'home and sick room. Dr; Nicholls \ef Hignland Park followed with a }a-tum-uwwm.fw | them.-- Stides were used in illustra-- 'tion of the lectures, | eating . good, nourishing Lfood, -- BSeveral pictures were put on, showing the comparison between a child who had been carefully reared and one who had not received the proper care in childhood. 'The handi-- cap under which the meglected child had to work was plainly shown. parents should be fully aware of their responsibility in the welfare of their children. Dr. Thomas of the State Board of Health gave a good talk on the GOOD AUDIENCE GREETS HEALTH LECTURE PROGRAM The climax of $he evening was the appedrance of an entertainer from the Child Health Organization of America. He amused the audience while he brought out the meed of tenens until Nov. 1, andsshould be applied to for sick calls, baptisms and other ministrations. Rev. E. J. Batty, Priest--in--charge. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Church school 10:00 a..m. Morn-- ing Prayer and Sermon 11:00 a. m. The Rev. Chester Hill is locum Sabbath, Oct. 28. 9:45 a. m.--Sunday School, Class-- es for all ages. Invitation extended to join the school William G. will preach. No evening service. Frank J, Wright, chorister Flora Durand Sayre, organist, Wells, superintendent, 11:00 a,. m.--Morning sermon. Rev. John Rhind of Lake Forest ST. LA WRENCE'S CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . are McHenry county will have two members in the next House of Representatives, Boone county one, and Lake county none, Representative Weiss has the dry ndorsement, vot-- ed and woru;fil,uhnthmnmndm alligned with the best élement in the last ufl:m. He is entitled, on his record, to the support of county voters, outside the consideration this cou_lfty should by all means nave & member in the Illinci s oomite h ; Illinois House of Rep-- Mr. Pierce in Boone county and Mr. Francis in Mc-- Henry county Will "be elected, because those counties will see to it that their home candidates are returned to attend to the intimate interests that mean most to them. If the Democratic candidate from MeHenry county is also elected, who will attend to the particular interests of Lake county? $ LOOK AT THIS, BOYS. Recently a New York reporter interviewed the bus-- iness men in several blocks in that city. He found that seventy per cent of them were born on farms or in small towns--exelusive of those who were foreign born. That ought to make the average Libertyville boy sit u: and take notice. It ought to spur him on to better worz in the school roo'p, for business conditions are not go-- ing to change very much in the years to come. The business of this cotntry will be in the hands of the men who were born and reared in small towns or on the farms, where they had opportunities the city--bred boy knows nothing of. There is a more encouraging atmos-- phere in those 'places than where there is push and scramble and people are so herded together that they aaven't the time, and seldom the inclination to reach down and lend & boy a helping hand. Think it over, boys--think hard. -- And then ask yourself if it isn't going to be best for you to stay right here at home with your studies until you, too, have reached the point where you become one of those seventy per cent who are running business affairs in our big cities. & It's a ti-mwe--t:s;p--;;t'lr. Weiss and lm him to the limit. It's not a time to take the least chance of losing the one representative this county has. giving proper attentioy to the eare of the body. He was a master ven-- triloquist and a good actor and used his talent in a clever way. The meeting was a pronounced success and will undoubtedly result in general good. It is hoped that more programs of this nature will be,ivenint.henurfmre. A good audience is assured . * Purity of Your Milk, Cream or Butter =© Call 232--J and'arrange to have o ur pasteurized LAKE COUNTY REGISTER ~SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 J. C. DORFLER Area, IL at Maybe if print paper was as hard to get in Russia as it is over here they'd turn out some other kind of job work than rables. -- & i &# Isn't it about time somebody i1 Libertyville was announcing, as they piwaysdo about this time, that there is a shortage of turkeys? Maybe you don't know it, but about one half of the women who gaze in shop windows are only look-- ing at themselves. * The less a Libertyville young man knows about choir singing, the more he tries to qualify for a place in the chuirch choir. Two women fought for $504000 worth of whiskey left by a Chicago man. 'That's enough to make any-- body fight. s We wonder why it is that people always yell for front seats at a theatre and then hunt out back seats at church. Modesty may be a virtue, but the Libertyville merchant who stays out of the advertising columns is not the one who boasts about the business he is doing. The Ray Furniture | & Paint Store CA LL This building is located in Chicago and has eight floors of furniture that are open for your inspec-- tion when you present a card like the one above, signed by us. This is consistent with our efforts at all times of offering our customers a real opportunity to save money. After you inspect the funflnre and find some thing that you like, you can order it and have it charged to our account. We are thus able to offer you a real money saving economical method of buying furniture. Here is a wonderful opportunity for all cugt.omérs to visit one of the finest furniture displays in the world at no obligation on their part. ' Visit our store and we will be glad to present you with one of these Cards of Introduction signed by us. PHONE'9 Open Monday, Friday and Satur-- PuUNNE O day Eveu%ERTYYILLE 0 ce a _Perala.}s * «s Qard of Fatroductions» * Etw ALONG THE CURBSTONES Your Card Is Waiting For You SEE THE LARGEST FURNITURE EXHIBITION Cu a Prckglinis Furnirure Co. thes=eyatefien.ay--y A MAN ABOUT TOWN COME TO--DAY 642 N. Broad St. Nees 7th Ame. Observations By ' The woman who pays too much at-- tention to her complexion is very I apt to neglect her reputation. Some Libertyville men would bene-- fit greatly if they'd-- spend at least fifty per cent of their time letting th.otberfeflo!.r'l.h:dnudou There to be all sorts of mflszmpo--cxceumhng both ends meet. 4t 4& 4# | Ore of the saddest things .bout' being born is that you have nothing to say about the selection of your parents, o 0 46 4 4# A wise woman never faints unless there is a 'Randsome man nearby to eatch her when she falls. 46 46 4t / Honesty may still be the best pol-- icy but every now and then a news-- paper editor sees or hears things that lead him to disbelieve it. # 4# %# About the only time the average Libertyville man thinks he has too much cheek is when he goes to shave. Poli Negri says she likes Charlie Chaplin--and that's about as good as a wedding for Hollywood. # i# # 1983 1614 Filtounth $s JOHN HEIM REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Office Phone | . 8148 N. Ashland Ave. l.lhvl' 478 CHICAGO, ILL 2 Doors South of Belmont Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for -- Exchanges of Proberty a Bpetialty Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1888 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD 1 Hard Coal Base Burne used two seasons, good con 1 Dangler Gas Stove, Prac-- tically New............... 1 Hand Washing Machine Phone 39 Second Hand Bargains Schanck Hardware Co. A few heating stoves priced according to conditions. A number of Bull Milking Machines at Sacrifice prices. . and Washing Machine ol $ 7.00 Here is a new economical method of »buying -- furniture. Come and visit our store and we will expiain to you how eco-- nomical it is. AT OUR STORE * "~-- 635.00 ~' $35.00 LIBERTYVILLE