CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 11 Nov 1922, p. 3

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Sunday morning, Nov. 12, will be | tion observed as "Old Settlers' Day" in Nort the Presbyterian Church. Rev. M. L. | ghall Thomas will have as his text, "Old | Dire Folks, Young in '76. The same| out . photographer who will take pictures | as b of the corner stone laying at the af--| and ternoon services will take a picture the of all the Olg Settlers. Church and tion. Sunday school will be held in the old r. building Sunday, morning and @n M-- | for; vitation is extended to all. | the 1 Milton Fraitz has sold his hard-- ware store to Chester Wessling, Mr. Frantz will erect a store on Deer-- field avenue west of his residence and open a plumbing and heating Miss Sadie Galloway was hostess to the Sewing Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Miss Lillian Bergfield, sixth and seventh grade teacher is ill ard was unable to attend school this week. Mrs. Harry Muhlke took her place. Last Friday Miss Louise Silber and Miss Eva Williams visited the Elm Place school of Highland Park, Miss Hanny visited in Evanston, Mr-- Lowdermilk in Highwood and Miss Lillian Bergfield and Mrs. Carl An-- derson spent the day at tne Ravinia gchool. Mrs. Robert Pettis visited her mother, Mrs. Reichelt Jr. at St. Luke's nospital, Chicago, Wednes-- day. Mrs. Reichelt underwent a suc-- cessful operation Tuesday morning. Mrs. Fred Labahn spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. James Dough-- erty of Chicago, Monday evening a brand new Ford was demolished in front of St. Paul's church. The driver who was iatoxi-- cated, crashed into an Oakland ow -- ed by Mr. Eberline of Shermervilie. The rear end of the Oakland was smashed, but no one was injured. Marshall Chester Wolf{ escorted the drunken driver to Highland Park where he was locked up. He was ar-- raigned before a Justice on the fol-- lowing day and fined $50 and costs. The North Northfield Cemetery Rule 2. The owner of a lot shall have the right to erect one monu-- ment only on said lot. All corner stones shall be set in the ground even with the surface. No coping will be allowed in division of any lots and will be permitted only on avenues where it is necessary for the preservation of banks or corners and its use subjected to decision of the Board of Directors. raigned before a Justice on the fol-- Mr. ad Mrs. J. P. Schneider and lowing day and fined $50 and COsts. _ family of Irving and Miss Eva Ender The North Northfield Cemetery of St Joseph's hospital, Chicago, Association has incorporated. _ PET~ > were guest: at the C. Ender home petual care will be given to all 10ts. Gundgay, The rules and regulations of th®' y, onq Mrs Philip Rommel had North Northheld emetery AssoO@--) --) ins;z puest; Sunday Mr. H. J-- tion are as follows: 'Mleeit Mre ('vatiwnmilas und dAanwh: Rule 1. No lot shall be used for any other purpose than the burial of the dead. order before sale, and refilling, sod-- ding or grading will no0t be allowed Any change to be made must be done by order of the Board of Directors. Rale 4. Owners are not allowed to make interments in their lots for a remuneratiop, nor shall any tran-- fer or assignments of a lot or a part of a lot or any interest therein, be valid without the consent in writing of the Board of Directors. Rule 5. No disinterment shall be: --ten big reels full of laughs. | a permitted without the written per-- ---------- $ mis ion of the major portion of the Teachers Take Visiting Day 4 Directors. There was no school here on Fri-- | & Rule 6. No vaults shall be bu'lt day, November 3rd, as the teachers | mbove ground or partially so built took that day for visiting other ]i without the conmsent of a majority scaools. The pupils improved the' t of the Board of Directors, and «uc day, from an educational stand--poiat | > vault shall be built of cut stone, in 1| in watching the road--building mach-- | 1 or bronze. |inery in operation. | ' Rule 6. No vaults shall be bu!t mabove ground or partially so built without the consent of a majorty of the Board of Directors, and suci vault shall be built of cut stone, in = or bronze. Rule 7. If any tree, shrub o* | ----_--_------ plant situated on any lot shall by | Safety First Light to be Installed means of its roots or branches, be--/ _ A red pavement light, such as is come detrimental, unsightly, or in-- used in the city of Chicago, will be convenient to adjacent lots or to | installed at the intersection of Deer nazcors by on anv ave--ue. it <hall be field avenue and Waukegan road. passers by on any avenue, it shall be the duty of the Directors and they shal! have the right to enter upon zaid lot and remove such tree, shrub, or plant, or portions thereof as are un~ --\tly and detrimental. Rule 8. If any monument, efigs or e closure, or any inscription in or upon any lot or monument shall be deemed improper or offen ive. the the Directors shall have the right to enter such lot and remove such of-- fen .c object or objects. 1' '~ 9. No iron fences of any description, nor privet, mor ever-- gree i hedges, nor borders will be allowed on any lot in the cemetery. All wooden enclosures are positively forbidden-- stone, crushed stone, or cemeit. Foundations for mounments shall be from four to six feet deep and two or three feet deep for head stones, and must be put in under the super-- ¥ision of the Board of Directors. Rule 18. All money for sale of Iots or for any work done by the As-- sociation shall be paid to the Sec-- Rule 10. No owner of a lot nor any other person, will be permitted to dig, or cause to have dug, any m within the limits of North field Cemetery. Rule 11. No owner of a lot or anzy Otner person will be permitted to MAll up or re--sod a grave above the immediate surrounding level. Rule 12. All foundations for mon-- uments and headstones shall be of ofice in DeerfeM, over Meérmamno| 1t is a saying that the female of Confectlonery stove, on Wednesdays|the species is more deadly than the atrd Setuedays, Ofice hours from 9 male and it is to be hoped that the a, m. to 9 p. m. Phore 218--R. | girls will live 1p to their reputation 44BM\ when other teama are encountered. Rule 3. All lots will be graded in Pr. J. P. O'Commell, dentist, has an If any tree, shrub o MMTMdmdeM field Cemetery Association, who wil} render the necessary papers in re-- turn. Rule 14. In accordance with Sec-- tion One of the Charter of the North Northfield Cemetery Association, it dhall be the duty of the Board of Directors from time to time to lay out or alter such walks or avenues as have not been properiy defined, and work done therein as promot@ the general objects of said Associa-- Rule 17. A Burial Permit must be secured from the President, Secre-- tary or Treasurer before interment is made and delivered to the Sexton at time grave is dug. Rule 15. Owners of lots and their families are allowed free access to the grounds at all times. Rule 16. Persons wishing to pur-- chase lots or desiring to make inter-- ments or have work done will apply to any of the active officers of this Association . Rule 18. Tat perpetual care ve | given full size lots of one rod square by the payment of one hundred dol-- lars. Three quarter lots seventy--five dollars, and one half lot fifty dollars. Taose not desiring perpetual care will be charged a fee of five dollars for a full sized lot one rod square , three seventy--five for a three tou\-f ths lot and two fifty for a one half | lot, annually. Also five per cent oni Mr. and Mrs. George Goodman and family moved to Chicago Sua-- day. all donations to the perpetual care fund in excess of one hundred dollars will be spent annually on the lots designated by the donor. Mrs, Alex Willman atterded a Red Cross meeting at the La Salle Hotel Monday afternoon. Mrs. S dren and day with Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Romme!l had | as their guests Sunday Mr. H. J. Allardt, Mrs. Craigmile and daugh-- ter Bessie and Miss Vivian Patterson | of Chicago and Rev. Holdgraf of| Bloomingdale. | DEERFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL Our School Movies Show Gain | People in our community are be--| giming to realize the value and ; quality of our P. T. A. movies. | The receipts last Thursday saow-- ed an increase over those of the pre-- vious week and it is believed that this enterprise will eventuaily prove very successful, commercially. As yet the village of Deerfleld has no regular theatre so the P. T. A-- is getting in on the ground floor of this ~opular industry here. son, left forward, Bery] Taylor, right guard, Tanis Greer, left guard, Har-- el Easton. The substitutes: Marjorie Garrity, Ruth Patterson, Jeanette Meyers. Mesdames Frase, E. H. ard John Willman attended a bazaar in High-- land Park Saturday. In fact they are becoming quit* expert and expect to emulate the dariag exploits which the boys' team has set as its objective, The first team has been selected. the line--up is as followi®: ceater, Un-- fce Long, right forward, Edna Peter-- Girls Basketball Team The girl's basketball team h2 long since passed thestage where the centers slap each other in the face wher mn is tossed up ard where members on opposite sides claw each others' eyes and hair. Theshow this Thursday presents three big features. Harold Lioyd in "Get Out and Get Under," "Eileen Percy in "Hickville to Broadway," an episode three of "Hurricane Hutch" make up our program for this week --ten big reels full of laughs. This marks ar improvement of no little value, as the traffic here is ex-- ceedingly heavy. Schoolhouse used as a Church Children especially fond of attend-- ing school now have the unusual op-- portunity of eoming to achool, ~~t only five days a week but on Sunday also, since the Presbyteri@gn church is holding its services in our assem-- bly nall while their new church is in the process of construction. The P. T. A. of Deerfield grammar school will nold its regular meeting Friday, Novemoer 10. From the business at hand, this promises to be an important meeting and the attend-- ance of all members is urged PAGE THREE stalled =| % h as is | will be | ' f Deer-- road. ' t of no e is ex-- l ammar neeting m -- the >« to be attend-- | | urch ; attend. ual op--| ol, ot| Surtizy' rhurrh' ascem-- ; ch is in | a m has where in the up ard e sides ir. g quite aite the a' team eleeted, er, Un-- , Peter-- r, right d, Haz--| @ [arjorie : ) : RBoy#' one and two piece péjamas of : huvybunnh flannel. T u;:.d:ltl silk Sizes 6 to ery [ Whally yasd ma-- * '~ Mackinaws Of keavy all--wool fabrics, con vertible collars and pleated and yoke backs. Have muff pock-- ets, sizes 8 to 18___9'98 With 2 pzi+s of pants. All wool cas s im eres, home spuns, twoeds and Herring-- bones witi belts to match. Pants are full lined. Sizes gtu_)-f'__-_-_-_-l 2.090 at Junior overcoats of heavy chinchilla. Pleated and plain backs. Sizes 3 to 10 at _--_---- _-_6'50 Warm, wool knitted caps. . Blue, gray, brown and lea'her. Sizes to fit any boy or child 1 AnN Of heavy tennis Mann--! _ trimmed with silk braid loops. Sizes 6 to 18 .t,<,___,___98c Heavy, sheep--lined coats with large beaverette col-- lars. Belted styles. Sizes 8 to 18 at---9°98 Good Flannel Blouses |~ gTAY, green anmd khaki. A\!! sizes. special for Saturday 9 @B 022222222 ccc2cc22s --se ylish shoes of black vici kid. : hey're in the straight lace style _nd ha\';:al wellted soles. Shoes that are good values at 7.50; special at__-------------- 3'85 wWORLD FAMOUS Kuppenheimer Suits & Overcoats Moleskin Coats Boys' Blouses Boys' Apparel Night Shirts 1.49 ° 1.59 Boys' Suits Boys' Caps Overcoats MEN'S SHOES Pajamas 1.00 98c FEATURED SATURDAY AT MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS The Suits Have The Overcoats Two Pairs Are Superb of Pants Values T is .s Americe. "Hedels Tikd Slights io vaee 46 the in o regme nles im Mess C "hhe "Wateriahe product of the best de-- rsa in America. Models for parvicular '-"1"-" and conscrvatives sty for the older fellows. m fully tailored from ex mew wors(eds. Cleverest new -- models tai-- lored from hkandsome wor-- steds and fancies in styles for youns: fellows and older men, too. Just the shades und patteru® you'rs looking Where can you match the value in those fine KupPenheimer suits 2t $357 They're classy mode'!s that will appeal to every man and the pure wool fabrics make long wear certain. Won-- derful in style and fabric they will give lasting fit and smart ?(ppe:n-unce always. _ They're uppenheimer suits --you all know what that means. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS re Suits Have Two Pairs of Pants THE SUITS . ) $30 If your new overcoat is a Kup-- penheimer you need never have a worry about its style, its quality or its dependability. You are assured of all these when you select the coat. In this line at $865 you'll see coats so smart theg:l surprise you. Indeed you'll find it hard to be-- lieve the price tickets. OVERCOATS They're in the big models a man delights to wear. In-- éluded are belted styles, ul-- sters, ctc. The materials excellent mixtures and n effects, beautifully tai-- There overcoats are _ the rtest built. They include big, husky belters and show their class in line. Plenty of aB g ;ln shades. he Overcoats Are Amazing High E'ade shoes of black and tan calf in blucher and straight lace s%les. High toe and French lasts. ey're,lumdmed4 35 and have rubber heels___ ** Attractive wool scarfs in both light and dark tan shades. Very popular for :;'ld weather wear. Speci-- y priced Satur-- dly at ___________1000 These are heavy sweater coats in various color com-- binations. They're in all wanted sizes and are excel-- lent quality. Coats that will give.inou gre::d service. Very specially pri for Saturday at_--5°00 Good quality dress gloves in popular shades. They're all silk lined and are very warm. All sizes for this Saturday sale 2 5( Saturday sale at _____L_____--. Exceptionally good wool hose in the wanted weights. They're in wanted color ef-- fects and have hand worked clqcks. Special at 750 Men's flannel pajamas in good weights and various patterns. All are well made and prettily trimmed. Se-- lect yours Satur-- day at ___________1069 The new Manhattan shirts in a wonderful variety of patterns and color effects. The name tells their quality Choose from this lot at-____________2050 MEN's UNION SUTITS--Heavy eot-- ton ribbed. A great value l 15 Saturday at _____________ A* E'S UNION SUITS ---- Hesr lined for winter wear. Don miss them 1 Af MEN's UNION SUITS--Of wool. Ribbed style. All 3 " wizes. Very special at._____ s Men's Sweaters Men's Gloves Wool Scarfs Underwear Wool Hose Pajamas

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