Mrs. Peter Mowers visited "her| Mrs. Leo Drury, Mrs. John Whit--| Mr daughter, Mrs, Albert McDermott of ney and Mrs. Chas, Whitney spent | ily o Weukegan, Tuesday. _ |Thursday in Milwaukee. | the J. Sink and family have moved| Phil Protine of Cnicago visited g. into the house recently vacated by{mother, Mrs. M. A. Protine, W Stephen Cudahy. | day. a . [ Libertyville Hlappemings In the home. above all places, the Remington Portable is needed. It is needed by every n?bcr of the family--father, mother and children. _ The studen in? hool knows that clearly typed eongoddau score "10" thfh teacher. The smaller child doesn't know that he needs the typewriter--but he g:tnatunu likes it. And in learning to type, he learns read-- -ndlpo{linghn"thm-nzochoolmmhhn. The typewriter is not for "grown--ups" only. The child needs it--in some ways more than anybody else. This handy little mm will save your time--save your dollars--and lighten the of all your writing tasks. The fact is that everybody needs a writing machine, and the Remington Portable is the one most suited to your needs. Lake County National Bank I--..alo-hkmmoentewhmmhn-c-q Asfaitslate Shingle Roof. Ask us for samples and prices. F. B. LOVELL CO._ 'Dont worry about O house it is covered WI_'g-- Remington Portable Typewriter Your Market Money and a Checking Account. Derosit all your funds here and pay by check. It will help you keep an accurate record of income While being 'safe and where you can get it any time, it will be at the disposal of men competent to invest it for the good of the community. Put your mone?' in the bank, no amount or the length of time wi] and others. When you receive money from marketing your produce you frequently carry it around in your pocket instead rfi putting it in the bank. You doubtless feel that it would be useless to deposit money that you expect to use in a few days. The Home Needs It Come in and see it and try it. LIBERTYVILLE, ILIL '60 matter what the 1 benefit both you LIBERTYVILLE la--t Monday, the Brownson Circle acting as hostesses Those who at-- tended were: Mr.s Kohner, Mrs. Greenwood, Mrs. Gridley, Mrs. E. W. Coloy, Mrs. K. Lovell, Mrs. Ed Smitn, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs,. Wallis and Mrs. B. H. Miler. We expect 1300 people to see "Blood and Sand" this week and ' "The Old Homestead" next week. 'Willmbconoolt'ncm'! Auditor-- lum Theatre, Libertyville 85--2t |__ADDITIONAL LIBERTYVILLE | ITEMS ON PAGE FOUR T Mr. Harold A. Speckman, son of 'Profcssor and Mrs. W. N. Speckman of Elmhurst, III., and Miss Ruby L. | Younker of Kansas City were mar-- \ried November seventh at the home {of the brides mother, Mrs. W. H 'Younker, 3516 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo. They will make their '\home in Rogers Park, Cnicago. Mr. | Speckman is advertising manager | for the Kapo Company of Chicago | and is well known in Libertyvilie. t 'The Ladies Euchre Club and their | nusbands were entertained on Sat-- |urday evening at the home of Mrs. | Fred Haines. The ladies making the highest score were first, Mrs. Will Schley, second, Mrs. Clair '\Smart. Miss Ruth Drury held the 'lowest score . Te men were, first Freq Suydam, second, Geo. Whitney and lowest, Leonard Disney, Re-- fre--hments of coffee, cake sand. wiches and pickles were served. | The Woman's Club of Libertyville was well represented at the first di--trict meeting of the tenth dis-- trict of the Federation of Womans Clubs held at Rogers Park club house some very finé attraction tised. SUNDAY SHIRLEY MASON "The New Teacher" Also Comedy Twe. ty ¢lub. J. S. Gridley, who underwent an operation at University hospital, Chicago, about two weeks ago is con-- valescing rapidly and it is expected that he will be able to return home Saturday. "JUST TONY" COMEDY "SPLITTING HAIRS" Mrs. John Waitney, Mrs. Fred Haines and Mrs. Art. Whitney were guests at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. John Mitchell of Area, Wednes-- day. Mrs. James Campbell of Evanston, president of the tenth district of the Federation of Woman's Clubs will be guest of honor at the November Twe.ty--second meeting of the local Miss Ramsey gave a very inter-- est!=s aduress qa the subject of the "Responsibilities of Today" before the womani's Club on Wednesday afternoon at the Commercial Club rooms. There was a large attend-- THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 Watch our Where Friends Meet AN electric toaster on your table adds a note of charming completeness to Four se@#ice. It is an able ally at breakfast time and helps the eggs and butter and rolls and coffee entertain your appetite. Friday and Saturday LIBERTY THEATRE TOM MIX in --you will see Personal and Locaol Items of Particular adver-- Interest to Our Libertyville Reade rs The Club House Ine W. C. F. U. W1' sold its reg-- ular meeting in the S:nday school room of the Methodi--« Episcopal church Tuesday aftersoon, Nov. 14 from 2 to 3 o'clock. Cuests are in-- vited to be present from 3 to 4:30 at which time a program will be giv. en. Several selectio~-- on piano, violin and organ will be rendered and Miss Carrie Chard will sing two solos. Rev. C. J. Dick»y will speak. All ladies from othor churches specially invited. Com-- and have a cup of tea. be Phones 24 and 235 HI difference in cash cost between low quality food and a sufficient quantity of good food, properly prepared amounts to less daily, than the average person wastes on need-- less expenditure--the real econ-- omy of guality food cannot be estimated. Full line o° ,tamped and worked goods. Nuns Boil Proof Embroidery T' ads and Crochet Cottons. Beautiful } 1 : embroidered linen table cover griven away free on opening da. Instruction given to purchasers. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12th Thomas Meighan in "If You Believe It, It's So" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Nov. 10 and 11 SUPPORTED BY Pauline Starke, Theodore Roberts Without que--tion the strongest drams# in which MEIGHAN has yet appeared". A U DITORIU M THEA TR E "The Show House Delightful" 430 N. MiUwaukee Ave. LUCE FURNITURE STORE Liberty Gift Shop Saturday, Nov. 11 AT BY Mrs. W. FENDICK ren's Book at -- Cook ~day after-- lock. There { children's 'ge of Miss & Co., who : the mak-- 1d its reg-- Opening of courage heart--filling drama of love and "The Four Horseman of The Apocalypse" "Blo_od and Sand*" Campbell Chapter 0. E. $ of High 'land Park extends an invitation to Libertyville chapter to visit the chapter Wednesday evening, Nov. |15, Worthy Matron's night. The simple tale of how one man's faith cured another man's crooke-- ness, is delightfully unfolded in Thomas Meighan's latest Paramount picture "If You Believe It, It's So," coming to the Auditorfim theatre Sunday. It is a noble theme, mas-- terfully interpreted by a cast of players, among whom are Theadore Roberts, Pauline Stark and Charles Ogle. Millburn w& E. S. observ-- ed Advance night Thursday evening. There was a large attend-- ance at the meeting and a good time reported. Those present from Lib-- ertyville were Mrs. C. F. Greenwood, Mrs, J. B. Morse, W. I. Collins, Mrs. Vern Gerred, Mrs. Charles Harrington, Mrs. Ruby Treptow, Mrs Kinder, Mrs. Lovell and Mrs. Ells-- worth. MEIGHAN'S NEW experience. Don't miss it or you From the novel by Vicente Blasco Ibanez the author of mig PICTURE DELIGHTFUL spectacular and Morris. Bureau. 0 3 Mrs, Charles Furness who has Mrs. Edward Needham of Wauke-- been spending the past month withgan spent Wednesday evening at the her sister, Mrs. Alvene Colby has home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs returned to her home in Omaha. Charles Johnson. W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. Miss Catherine Morris and broth-- Mirs. Lillie Davis spent Monday er Charles motored to Harvard, Sun-- and Tuesday in Waukegan in %:- day and visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard terest of the Lake County Morris. Bureau. ' Roll Roofings, All Kinds Full Fashioned Silk Hose Pillow Tubing. 2* yard wide sheeting of the very good quality full bleached............... Wool Slipover Sweaters .. Special Bargains FAIRHOLM GARDENS Phone Res. 102--R Greenhouse 396--J Landscape Estimates Free Home Owner Roof Repair Time . Slate Coated Standard Slab Four in One Vertical Grain Clear Sixtee Libertyville Lumber Co. -- ARCO SEAL IT STOPS LEAKS -- Creodipt Clear Red Cedar Stained Dark Green Giant Slab Three in One Great Line Specials Pure Linen Lunch Sets, Fast colors BETTER SEE US AND OUR PLANT PEONIES NOW Phone 47 Down by the Old Depot Bmz.n 20 years. Growers of Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Hardy Plants . Burridge & Sons A Choice Collection 2......... . . 3be and ......... $2.00 _........ $1.50 C. N. S. & M Cars to Dymond Rd. Dutch Bulbs Tulips, Etc. PAGE FIVE *4$