. PAGE TWO Walter and Adoiph Meyer of Chi-- cago spent the week end at home. Albert Knigge spent Thanksgiving and 'of Prairie View, Mrs. Herman Kueblank and daugh* ters Caroline and Charlotte were Waukegan visitors Saturday after-- _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith mdu"_uhm-mm i::ndm Majestic thea-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron en-- family of Kenilworth, Mr. and Rdward Fisher of Chicago, Dr. Wrs. C. W. Young and daughters, Isabel and Dorothy of Lake Forest William and Donald FitzGerald on Mr.-- and Mrs. August WIrtz Of| j_ / win of Libertyville spent Sunday ""'""'"'W'_"'"mw"'mmnnmucsm 3 9 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zersen aad! Miss Clara Nelson was a Chicago &ud'hnw.!bnurndmw' mmmum'fiflhww"mfl- g.w.:rm"'u hrkupmtSundayatthew Mry. and Mrs. Cady. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaddle, ... Mrs. Myron R. Wells was a Chi-- Mr. and Mrs, Albert Roder were cago visitor Monday. y i3 IMddnlM- brother, Mr, . Mrs. Julia Chandler of West Chi-- | Prouty and family of Grassy Lake cv.a"q!hog_o&-dnranfln:jum. s Ao es C aLTE CANKCG Alamdnad aonasts were Dres. hAlmsJonl'ucatuhiled'O'Opflhll on Saturday . evemnp. at the home of her son, Ed. Jones | Euchre. was. played,' Mrs. Garrett of Gilmer over Thanksgiving. | Newbore of Libertyville won first 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stark enter--|ladies prize and Mrs. Beckman of tained the former's father and moth | Waukegan second. 'Joseph O'Hern er from Waukesha from Thanksgiv-- of Libertyville the gentlomen's first ing until Monday morniag. _ _ | prize and xr._myledt.jbutyvnr 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stark enter-- tained the former's father and moth-- er from Waukesha from Thanksgiv-- ing until Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Smith en-- tertained ten of the former's re!-- daughter Warguerite and Mrs. Mary Dairymple of Lake Villa were the wdnr.mlu-lolm'l'. Mitchell Thenksgiving. _ Chicago vsitors Friday. . ' | Fa. Jones of (ilimer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Willians 4~d| _ J, J. Porteous and daughters Vera Eloise and Ruth were and Florence of Libertyville visited visitors Friday. ; at the John Porteous home Sunday "Mr. mnd Mrs. Fred Voelker spent | afternoon. noguerie un as Cron ol hym, Leln AP of Gilmer. | meeting this week. . It will be post-- wumcdhqw until Friday afternoon, De¢. stent his Thanksgiving 15. vacation' at homé. 15 omm e "Mrs. Jokn T. Mitchell was a Chi-- AREA SCHOOL cage visitor Friday. Hukla a~d Henry Meyer attended a Youg Feople's bunce party st Palatine Friday evening.> / > Mrs. Trcwas Russell and childrin Helen and Ralph spent <Friday in I:.and'nldlflts*flll- od 'Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beck: anc Mrs. Carste msen of Chicago on Wel. speat Thanksgiving with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Schumacher of Druces 1 uke. Mer Mrs. Waliter Fountain and family art Mre. Will Wagner and family of Tvanhoe visited their sister, Mrs. B. F. Portcous Friday. Mr>and Mrs. Van Alstine of Ocon-- Miss Harriet Brainerd of Water-- an spent the week end with her and -- relatives : from Eigin spOn+ Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lohman=. ~ _-- _ ~-- visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sievers and family of Aptakisic spent Thursday at the C. G. Smail home"® _« Mrs. Lillian Shuitis of Highland MRS. M. L. CHANDLER and Mrs. Ed McGuire were Area $ 1 Phone 122 J Thomas Lovedale and Wirtz of and day | . A and | ent and | visitor lakans iss ch 02 <hctgetie . f UAlenr s ho Mrs. 'Wm. Albright and @vening. S :fl':mnom mf' : morning while cranking evening after ing Thaxnkegiv-- his car, J. W. Gray injured his hand ing with Mr. mmnnucl p when the engine kick. uzon in ' He unable to use his hand _ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Meyer at-- tended the wedding of their niete mmmanwnu in Chicago on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall of Liber-- tyville were guests of M: Jones on Sunday afternoon _ Miss Sarah Coudry spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Brown of spent Thanksgiving in Chicago. .. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ulrich, Mrs. no_ya.mmghmamm visited their sister Mrs. Rosing of Mr. and Mrs. Will Vickery and Mr. | and Mrs. Browder were entertained | at the home --of Miss Whitnell of, Lake Forest on Thanksgiving. | given at the home of Mr. home | room and twenty --four in the primary Toom were perfect in attendance dur-- ing the third mbnth of achool. Mazy of: the children "'""'#."'..""'" ts 0_ r.t wan he easily avoided. _ _ ho it ednakP : / \ Parents should see that the children 'mmhho to reach the school house before mine o'clock. ! Miss Nelson is reading to us the ®Story of Mankind" by . Hendrick The first tri--monthly tests are be-- h'"';-u.'d.'_h":' l the tests are completed. . Nineteen children in the grammar 'lullnhuvhlhdhrmut' mumumw week end and attended the m mm%bflm Some of the pupils of the gtam-- mar room attended the Teacher's meeting at Libertyvillie/Baturday and Frank Vickery is ill with inflam-- lu:n-non!qhnuan_dsg\_ Mrs. Hogan and Mrs. McGuire re Libertyville visitors Saturday on Mrs Will Ray Mitchell Sunday. Piannenstill . and Mrs. Brown of . Normal, A committee of the P. T. A. met at the home of Richard Hook Mon-- for The following girls who are at-- tending school in various places spent Thanksgiving at their homes here: the Misses Esther Fenlon and Evelyn McCullough of Northwestern Miss Esther Henley of Eartham Col-- wm"ur;fl:v-wv-i d'y Clarence Shepherd arrived in| . Mrs. Charles Herschberger spent Lyumnflfldl'b".be"MM'mnoonvlfi Mr. _ and spend the winter. _ | Mrs. Fred Brockman of Prairie View. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dunham, Mr--| Mrs, Frank Holtie called on the udln-lm?ottqr»nd childre=n | Misses Lillie and Martha Sauer Wed-- and Miss Nellic Harris spent Thanks nesday afternoon. giving at the home of Mr. and Mr®--| _Miss Emma Kalkbrenner of Pala-- Edwin Potter. « | tine spent the week end with her Miss Ruby Gillings of Russell was parents Rev. and Mrs. Kalkorenner. the guest of heruncle, Fred Gillings | or Helen Lafrentz and Mrs, Thursday. | . ; |Jobnr es stent Wedamiay aft Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Hook _ of er2008 &t Palatine, Grayslake entertained the Roy Stu-- | "Mrs, William Sauer and son Victor Ana. .. 1. s El <> ' Sauer home Saturday afternoon. > Miss Ruby Gillings of Russell was the guest of heruncle, Fred Gillings Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hook of Grayslake entertained : the Roy Stu-- The following were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Brown on Thanks@iv-- ing: 'O. E. Chittenden mw Mrs. Mabé! McCullough and ters, Mr. and Mrs. H-Wrfi" Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chittent past week. Sewers are being dug and the road being--prepared for the Renamasion t Orenge Nall read. 1 * p * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray and Mrs. Charles Austin spent Sunday with tended a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R..C. Comstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Comstock are planning on spending the winter in California-- Clarence Welsch and Frank Good-- ubout 11 o'clock P. M. A family reunion was held at the home of Chas. Wewetser Thursday to enjoy the day-- A sale.of articles the school chil-- Mr. and Ind., Miss Evalyn Fenlon of LAKE ZURICH GURNEE Mrs. Lee Comstock at-- William Gray of 4n-- REGISTER and family of with Mr, and Mrs. John PA © > MW!M iness caller at Lake Tuesday. Justus and Robert Kalkbrenner of Elmhurst spent the week end with their pareats Rev. and Mrs. Kalk-- family at Fairfield. Miss Verna Hansen spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Herman Keisler, Piaines were callers here on Tues-- enger Car, truck or motor bicycle MHeenge are here. Apply early so as to get your plates by Jan. 1st. A. R. Schnaebele, Notary Public. Register Office, Libertyville. William Sauer of Prairie View d Victor Sauer were Wauconda ATTENTION A OBILE 0 Av&blpbfc 1928 pass-- docd LA LONG GROVE Little Girls Are Asking Santa to Bring Real Baby Carriages for Their Dolls PHONE 9 Ray Furniture & Paint Store were . DECEMBER 6, Just like the carriages in which real babies ride! That is the kind of doll carriages which Santa has in his pack this year for good little girls. Santa has asked us to keep these beautiful doll carriages in our store until Christmas time, so that every little girl can see them and decide which one she wants him to bring her. FOR SALE--One Favorite Heater, FOR SALE--1920 Twin Indian Mo-- FOR SALE--Lot of good used fur-- 'miture and household goods at re-- gzonable prices. -- 6 piece dining FOR SALE---- Bargains in Big Type Chester: White spring boars, Cholera immune. New blood lines for old customers. one Acorn Kitchen m Both in good condition. 169--M. f Q1--6t torcycle cheap. Cash or terms. Call Libertyville 208--R--1. _ 91--2t Swiss Bull calf. 'Price réeasonable. Also Rhode Island Red Cockerels | $1.50 each. Paul Allanson, Area, | Phone 268--RZ. 91--2t | Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to -l.' rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. ~ * ' 'There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. Atrhl_wllluuvhuwu. inet, $35.00, practically new gas ringe, $35.00, Refrigerator, $5.00. Phone 392--R--1 L A. Huebsch Area Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings FOR SALE Classified Ads Brown Lioyd Doll Carriages are woven, just like Lioyd Loom Baby Carriages, on a wonderful loom, that weaves a single, endless strand of wicker, aromdandnrmd,ht-o(rgall!hvglm without seams or short ends. These carriages are not only more beautiful than ordinary doll carriages; they are much stronger and more Come and s¢e them while our stock is still com-- |FOR SALE----Rouen Ducks. Special / _ and first prize winners at the Lake | ~county Fair. Joe Fineutter, Lib ] ertyville, phone 267--W--1 -- 89--6t | FOR SALE--Barred Rock Cockerels _ also Buff Rock and Golden Laced i Wyandottes. Phone 277--J. 88--6t 'FOR SALE--Houses and lots at re-- _ asonable prices and . easy -- terms, FOR SALE--150 bushels good corn, 8. W. Degner, Prairie View, Phone FOR SALE--Modern six room resi-- dence on lot 100 ft. wide, In very FOR SALE--Hand washing machine good condition. MQB'I-J_._' See A. RK. Schnaebele, Real Estate & Insurance, Register Office, Lib-- ertyville. Insurance location near center of town. Edwin Austin, ville, 91--2t LILBERTYVILLE, ILL FOR SALE----One G.--passenger tour-- cand man w Aooute, 7 fok. *' FTel. Deerficld 211--W. 92--6t w-hotu-mflu 40x800. Fruit trees and straw-- l-qvbundm?dflam in yard. 414 So. Jackson street. Waukegan. Phone 1876R -- _ . FOR SALE--Mammoth Rouen ducks and Toulouse geese --Alse Barred Rocks zad Rhode Island Red cockerels, the best we ever raised $2.00 each while they last. Phone 892--R--1 L. A.<Huebasch FOR RENT--Furnished rooms. All modern conveniences. Inquire 213 WANTED--Two boys to set at Bowling. Alley from 1"&.?'.1': p. m. ~Inquire Frank Suydan. -- _ WANTED--To buy fresh and rotten manure. Delivered five miles south for six months or year. Apply "C" Revister Office. 91--2t WANTED--Woman or girl to assist in housework: Good home. Write WANTED--Home on farmby good female cat. | Get me at 604 2nd st. LOST--By Boy Scout at Scout Cab-- in in Casey's woods, Thanksgiving day, a blanket roll -- containing poncho, blanket and medicine case. Name F. S. Smith on case. Reward Call Libertyville 175--J. 92--1t LO8ST AND FOUND FOR RENT 92--1t