By PAGE TWO . and Mrs. W. Q, Bell of High-- wopmetnan buhes e m | Shiiidey, "DC. aad Mrs. sA ;"."u at the Ravenswood hospital " Pnd esnt s uie t n 5o 1 wl ~ S TD. Wns .. Shatre m~* shiw meas + | . ~Mr. »and T Bristow A number of W,W- of .friends at Herman: Kueblank und -- Knig a Five Hundred party on Friday eve-- '-m'nlhlhm_d"nu».g + t mmwmm_nammnm:m "MM»M.Mtl The winners of the first prizes were | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Homan en-- Mrs, Albert Roder and J. O. Dorfler. . tertained several friends at dinner mmmmmmr.} The remains of Waiter Cronkite in the Lake cemetery Fri> pmmwm . ~day morning. Mrs. Cronkite is a .'.u: s o'g'fi:l:o'm"s.; lun::ln:(Ati' Mebfldm are were rs Satur-- g;.'m * & | absent with the whooping cough. will be a meeting at the George Thatcher entertained a There will be a, meeting 3 ®®@) _ _a, of friends at his home On The winners of the first prizes were Mrs, Albert Roder and J. O. Dorfler. Bert Swan and Mrs. Edwin Roder. 'The party broke up about one o'ciock ge many more happy birthdays. . Area Congregational Church on Sun-- day afternoon, Jan. 14 to organize a young people's society. All who are interested should be present.. _ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell and children spent Friday with Mr. and uu M,M SE C tm c c -';'m"'-."}"-- Mrs. J. C. Dorflér and uaflmrmfi-fl"" lr.ulln-A-L.hdenb-' gen. " Miss Mary Rouse and Floyd Ritt-- ler of Libertyville speant the week fldh'-'dfl.wflfifiemrhpfl- \Miss Lucilie Kramer of Highland meskt soa» the wnelr.end guest of Mrs. \Miss Lucillie Kramer of High'ano Park was the week--end guest of Mrs. Ib." and Mrs. Du Val will entertain the Ladic®, at the home of-- Mrs. "on Thursday afterncon, Jan. 12th ¥ "On Jw t "the Aree Girts @143 a game with the Lfvertyville town _'H't'flhnnt-lbb cheer for our team. -- Wrs. William Albright returned home Sunday evening from Geneseo after attending the funeral Af her shot through the hand and wrist Sunday while hunting with Wm. Al-- E4. im Aiiec ce i tacraner "ty s C# bright. He started to lay down the pbh&holl--l-tlcn struck the hammer in some manner and discharged the gun tearing away the palm of his hand and part of the bones in his wrist. -- A number of &h'mvfi"'" MRS. M. 1« Atea y Wells on Sun-- accidently , and fafuil t k ... s .. e h ig--drigng * y + -,-&'5 money to the' Lake Bloff «Robert <Rouse--<and Wit FouNIon were Waukegaii visitors onManday. | ~Mire: Lemker--spent a few--days in Oaledonia with her son Walter sad m, aemenirct ar%¥ o) Sto Come 'The {community club: will ml:& Gordon Ray's Thursday an. community is welcome.<. .. : -- whter Martha,> Mrs. 'Wm: sons Willis and Calvin, at CIGARETTES DIAMOND LAKE MURRAY SCHOOL Louis Batz and 'dau THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER Ray Tok m' Bate and attended our Dictz spent Arlington CHRISTMAS JOY AT ie & _ _ LAKE BLUFF ORPHANAGE day school will doubtiess be of in« torest to local readers as it will give an idea of how Christmas day was Sov wiven the little children there Miooegh the kindness of: the in this vicinity. We print the letter in itg--entirety, as follows: + l Dear Friends: tatkAg*s, *H l -- W;mww dened the heatts of "th6 thildren w' food cheered the hearts of thase who beat the responsibility: of providing :omduufwth'-'- For ' we are '.wu' } nmgm-mumag masg we had a series of parties, Ou! wmm-h!&-] before Christmas and gave to each child the gift marked with his or her name. The climax of it Mll, Taripergs sarly by tha Aingtifrnt early by the singlng 0 carols> under o1 windows ' by #ome of the giris from 'Judson Hall='AS soon as the sound of the singing"had died away there Was a rusp to #oh dressed as every one was to be 7 oh.;'dlfl-.rmbydl"&i" dressed as. every one WOR 2007 2. 4 the dining room by six o'cloekt. Such excitement! -- Stockings be s00n -'fath lder ' O ;uoqmau tiny folks. Rach little gir} found a doll--unwrapped |udhaduoWin'flO!."£ cels and buiging: stockings. / little boys' 'whole attention centered ging, or blocks,--and their cup of joy was full. Even 'the glistening tree now falled to attract. .0 c ; After breakfast there was Aand n'g."bmm each child dressed in his "Sinday |aguiopnttine solatinge in Me t * Station where two special--cars were waiting to take the happ¥ crowd to Wiklmette for the day. Even this full A letter from Miss Judso , pendent of """';'% to Mrs. Mitchell, er happy day did not--end our holiday m as there was a movie at Waukegan on the following Wednes-- day for our large m'z' hok part / Ees oor Chrii¥inub a "happy in oi s 2 C S omm one, -('M:'m a Happy Year, I ¥erfain, _ _ . = . =~ 0. George Gross at Lake's Corners, * Wr. Mitchell "swnd "Won' of 'North } called at wa'&nl-; a tew .,.-' %eok. > Mrs. Jacob Seib m e Siwuk 4900 Ti 4 L W"'.fl- isoe Helsé of Des: Plaines spent Sun-- Jay with the lutter's pareiits Asere: / MiSs-- Rmilic Fisher * of© Palatine was a vikiterat--the--H. W. Schwer-- man home dé#tTussday)" 10 «> ~Yirs. 'Otts Obenkuf? and children 'df Frénorit wére Siturday callers m | the Joun Surnmia home. f 'ah"i;uuumam' Wm. Redmond were married in &'nm. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Simon Davis of Round Lake. 4 Mr. Doerschuk of Libertyville, farm adviser of Lake Co. has been "M!ormdhr-n Fred is laid up with a The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. FORT HILL RTB. nmwfil' CGILMER Sinterely yours; . , Luey J. Judson: buried at Johns-- mafim ® w Year's dance at Round . M¥. Davis of Chicage is this : a mudw Mre, Chaties Andersen. 2 _ x sumber of friends were exter. tained at Frank Nordmeyer's\Wed-- rax W&Wfin&nm ©Mr." 8. Hafer entertaiped a e enenues, 'M To Farmers 1;';» s I.wgii ...,_.& All 'kinds of Auto--Repair Work Prairie View T have three mill wagons for sale in good condition..>~>. Horses: shod with steel plug shoes for much less cost than never slip shoes. ; * K AMeE VE P CC '?-"_ CSGNLS uns :';;"." %filfl-' Day and Night Service {in old -- Einsman in honor. of thelr JANUARY 10. 1928. = FOR SALE--Reliable gas range in excellent condition. _ Price $10. 426 Broadway, Phone 358--M. _ FOR SALE--Two sets bob «l TA :# FOR SALE--Reagonable, size ~salso. station wagon. _ and .___""i FOR SALE--Gas, Range with oven and broiler. Used 2 years and ~good as new.> Will sell for less FOR SALE--Pare Brfed Holstein-- Minimum charge, 25¢. _ ~ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per intsertion. ~* if you want to buy anything, or if you have simething o sall, m«mgu.mmm.-muhmwaq a H-smhtnduun-uabhqoutqlm-um your wants known here. A trial will convince you. & FOR SALE--An Internstional 8--16 FOR w.l--o-.:nm one incu-- Libertyville 181. er old change. ak y 4. DR SALE--Ford coupe, run less alfaifas hay and ten ton of 1st class clover hay. Chris Hedier, Gurnee, TL' Phone Gurnee 10--L--4.~ < 1--tf than half price. C. H. < Jarrett, falfa hay, mixed 'nay and timothy hay, corn in stacks and quantity 'Tel pickedMichigan consisting of Kings, Spys, Bald-- wing, wm{" 'a Red and xw ar-- rive about Dec. 28 is cohdition -- fine . for. belt . work mg--hm Deerfeld, CC w---- "--""- a . C mmm---uu' frosh eggs, chickens and ducks, dressed Tene uo Ne Ave. Ametye® Jug! Citogh fyr lt #f uwfix.uu outh. bred Phone 285-- SALE--A car of fancy hand FOR SALE in Phone 261--W--1 2--1t consisting 2--1t 97--6t FOR SALE--Now modern: six --room Kellastone bungalow on --large cor-- FOR SALE----~180 ; acre,, farm _ with lake frontage near 'cement . road, Good.nineg room house;--large base-- FOR SALE----Modern six room resi-- deace on lot 100 ft. wide. < In very FOR SALE--Hoases and lots at ré-- asonable prices and easy terms, Insurance and notary. Edwin Austin, Libertyville, POR RENT--Furnished "room for | one ot tweo "gentlemen. -- With or | s.uumi" Very good this farm 'b.uufl :3:'1::] than its real value.. If you are in the market for a farm, either to ic uy Tos Thae . o N artet to see one. information see A.l-t". Register Office, Libertville. 98--tf See A. R. Schnaebele, Real Estate & Insurance, Register Office, Lib-- LOST--$10 bill between Lake street and North Shore depot. Reward M ml.b ies alttainnlnindel 4 water, gas, electricity and bath all -- LOST AND FOUND . ~--Priee right. T. --H. center of town. 21-- | #--1t WANTED--A Girl to assist in store. . 'XAbertyville Dept. Store, _ _ Z--1t WANTED--To buy Registered Mol-- stein bull. A. Panzer, Libertyvilie. Phone 278--R--2. * Lelt A'flIJIII'OIY."nGm ERS----No. Buil Milking On another machine : county cmflwwgfib We don't strap our cups. 01 any ow in . the barn and we can prove ' any of my fifty -- users . i9 county if they are . not We sell single or double waite, 16 pump, 2--cow pail -- (double~.mait) DR. OTTO R. THOMPS © opromuEtrist ROOM 9 MURRAY BLDG. care Register Office. tremely low pruces, . £ u-mM ao is to act quickly. _ Nearest Salessioom Public Service 'Co. We include among the bought on terms . of sb of Northern Ilinds it will constitute the preliminary payment on