CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 10 Jan 1923, p. 6

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_ |; From:Illinois® | eut. Corn froms 'those states is su% wcmwmm The 'governor has also placed a ban ypon the importation into Ni-- nois from other eastern states of cel-- ery, green peas in the pod, beels with mumimm veterans of the World war. Lfln apened for the--Axtures and ' of the building which the recognition board has leased to be used as head-- quarters for the bonus payment offices, and an ofice force is gradually being of ._plant | parasites coming into this state, Gorernor Bmailhas placed an Urbana.--Open rates of a fare and ene--halt for the round'trip fromall points in Tllinols, and a list of speakers ef mational importance, were. two aD-- which is to be Neld at--the university Junuary 22 to 27 Anclusive.. 'This, is the first time in the history of the state that the half--fare rate 'has been al-- z-m.puhfimth» "agricultural short course." This means that any person desiring:--to visit the university at that time .may do so without the formality of having an--at-- tendance certificate signed while here. ,:w&---!\m land. taxes . for were 55O by the ac hdm'MMh decreasing the equalized state land val wations, according to a--statement sent out by the Illinois Agricultural associa-- tion at Springfield to 94 county farm bureaus. The reduction was ordered by the commission on December 20, after hearing statistics from represen-- tatives of the farmers' association at Springfield.--The state teachete in shcoe: Whtiem °B , OWes. Chicass C 'B.4 Chicage, president; 0. I. Manchester, Normal, chairman of the executive committes; Caroline Grote, Macomb, first vice pres-- ldent ; Silas Eckols, Mount Vernon, se ond vice president ; Neah Mason, Ogles cold 'water, southeru exposnre and nmw nfit-fl:fi}t;'wm trom "a lke chare m umfim~umwn to atcommodate 600 pige. < The build ing is of three Wtories and the apart: ments for the brood sows are built'of steeol, -- In them--each--sow may --take--care dbm%vnmtdmurm from outside." 'The dining room is on the lewer Acor.© It Is equipped with Intosh, Monticello, treasurer; E. C. Wisher, Rock Island, member executive committee; Robert C. Moore, Carlin-- ville, secretary. Springfel4.--The service recognition a bearing November 10. The farmers recruited to nesist in clerical work. Aurora--A verdict of $10,000 against the city of Aurora has been awarded the estate of Jucob Meyers, Oewego butcher, who was kilDed April 2, 1918 when his automobile plunged over an embankment. 1t was charged the city had falled to provide a guard ral m opifua® over the Flames®s -- brought . under control destroyed the "Mighty Dorls rice a damage estimated at about $150,000. The circus formerly was owned by rwmmuu killed at Riverside, N. J. Geneseo.--A bond issue of $30,000 is to be proposed to the voters of Genesco township on January 20 tor the par thase by the township of the Genesen Wfla The pJan is for the township high school to take over and use the conegiate bofl® Ing for high school purposes. v are studying the beauties and of the state. Instead of the with music and «peak-- the meribers substitute trips to wamn Promt-- e are 0n the prograns. Dwight.--"Know lilinois" is the | ....1.2..'."..."-.' E-n.h-tl.n-n.-muou L. Smith, chairman of the NHM-- seenle spots. ts made at the University of which : may be easl'y "Borel," with 'hot and _1 Drake informed friends that Chan-- dler, in complaining of hard work and amail pay, remarked;."We will never make any money here. I believe that I will hoid up a bank for $500." Mhr&ummemctfio crime, as masked bandit demanded: $500, although--many thousands of dol lars were piled on the cashier's coun-- 'The bank was held up on December 21. 'The wedding took place two days later. .One-- week after the robbery Chandler was in' jail. ._ The story, told by.Drake, with .whom t had been shueking, corn, ggve mmlnw.n'."bd to the arrést, of Chandler=at Elwood, Ind., where he had gone:--with his.child-- hbood sweetheart, Beasie, Carriger, aged eighteen, of New Berlin, to . yiait. his Two days after the bank robbery, ried by County Judge E. K. Bone, and the newlyweds boarded a train to visit Chandler's mother. It was but a few. days after their arrival that the arrest followed, shattering the romance. Governer Smail issued requisition pa-- pers and the--penitent bridegroom was returned and lodged in a cell, while the bride went back to her parents. _ Asks Armed Bank Quards. Springfield.--Banks of the state have been urged by the Ilinois Bankers' asso clation to employ.armed guards to pro tect messengers and paymasters from robbers. 'The association tulletin states: "Any bank that fails to protect its employees, except by insurance, is neglectful in that it has failed to pro-- tect human life.. We urge every mem ber to carefully consider. the lives of its employees either within the banking premises or when they act as messen-- gers. Armed guards for messengers or paymasters and adequate protection of your bank are paramount." When the bankers described the gun used in t WWnud a barre! & foot.long,, there was much glee over" appeared Lo. be . an : ex« aggeration. If the weapon borrowed When. . Chandler, borrowed.. the gut from Drake h he wighed to kill a it Mea n regne on 6: rrel... gun. was Enters University at Seventy. * Bloomington.--John B. Gragg of MH-- ton, Pike county, seventy years old, on-- volled as a student at Diinois State Normal university. Recently clocted T Mr crege: sald he Aesired to take +3, he to ua-'wmm".-g on various studies helpful in his new Episcopal churches in Nlinois with--a membership of more than 1,000, accord-- Ing to a statement lssued by the Chl+ are 30 such churches in Towa, > sin, Minnesote --and nn-.'IE church of Decatur heads the list twenty<five, impecunious bridegroom; i# gecused of having held up the bank at M&m in *order to obtain tunds® for his honeymoon.* He was so short 'of ready cash that he was com-- pelied 'to borrow a revolver from Carl Drake, a fellow farmhand. : Groom g Up Bink to ol mnikrn wean' "..1:' edding Aurora Line Soid for $90,000. Aurora.--The Chicago, Aurora De Kalb electric, rallrond, operating $1 miles of road between Aurora and DeKaib, has been bought for $90,000 at a mortgage foreclosure sale in Gene-- va by Israel Joseph, a scrap tron desal er of Aurora. Mr. Joseph said he was m'hdh«to)nlmlhod} operate it. ARREST END OF HOWNEYMOON To Mail Bonus Blanks, Springfield.--The first run of the 800,000 application blanks being print ed for the Mlinoisa bonus were ' at the office of General e l Reld January 15, the adjutant Of the public square are in rains To Protect Live Stock, Diron.--1L26 éounty board of visors, at the quarterly $5,000 toward the prevention # . exlogis in cattle. This is a r ment and many counties have in the campaign to protect live atock, with an estimated loss of $200,000 as a redult of fire of unknown origin, -- / Mog a Mortgage Lifter, . Carroliton.--The hog, which» ago the title of Em -.-:..monmn- he for rmlhm r opinion' of the Green cou bureau. & P i Biagze in lilincts Town. Jacksonvilte.--Twothirds of the u.wtm.«lw'.-hc, . _A fnal effort to bring the two to gether was. made.. by Italy, . whose 'spokesman offered the Italian plan as a compromise, s But the conference was unable-- to "Agree, and the British left for London, 'possibly te consult with the United States -- regarding --'nternpational action such : as was. proposed by. Secretary Hughes, while the Freach began prep-- act alone. > Prepare for Action. Measures, such s are usual in the minkt inue mdesneais "You. may. say the _ conference 16 how .the . reparations payments. should be.rollected. . * * . The conférence came to an ebd in the following manner : down in the, premier's conference, in Paris became known, says a dispatch French military authorities at May-- dispatch adds.that headquarters sent mu.nd-mwu.m in barracks ready for all eventus and that the men on leave of absence London -- and . Paris: : irrevecably. Spilt, FERANCE-- "TO; INYADE-- ~RUNR UPSHAW: TO-- NAME "BIBBERS" Washington, Jan. 4.--Profits averag-- Ing from 1 cents to 1% cents are r.:lylh"flflm of --very of e namaets hor aine t cording to testimony subimitted by corporation in the senate oll investiga-- tion. 'The net earnings for the Orst high officials in Washington. Net Profits Bince Dissolution of Trust in 1912 $254817, reiterating that he had in his posses-- since the dissolution of the old Standard O{] trust in 1912 had reached a total of $2538,817,550.830 up to June Entente--Debt ConferenceFails; English Go Home.= " ln!at.lh.t--"n&:. American people the assurance that "we Rnglish always pay our debts and STANDARD QiL, EARNINGS Big English wh'm'fi:fimfi "in. mmesnle dmmh rived in this country taken off the ship at quarantine and rushed to the Penneylvania station in order to catch the frst possible train DEBT FUNDING BODY ARRIVES U. 8. Gpscia! Agent Munts for $4,000, 000 Werth Burled in Brook _ rEwELs of "cZan in erave? Over Collection--of Reparations-- Bonar Law Looks to U; 8.oferi New TYTork, Jan, L--Willian B. Wn-- Comen to U. 8. to Bettie PARIS PABLEY lyn Taarabtns 12f : The..United. States bolds,the opin-- ion that--reparation: must. be discussed from theistendpoint of. what, Germany Js% ablg;--to ; pay. ; without . reference 'to ¥French diplomat during a long confer-- ence at'ths State depurtment.. as baving passed beyoad the reaim of in the Areaty--of .¥ergailles.> =.< > positi¢® that; the question , must be strict.provigions of. the. treaty. serite ut mattings Letweco {P Proat i _© 20A Aal fl-- Harvey, ambasador to Great Britaip. Washington, Jan. 6.--Bir Stanley mwmuu- chequer, who beads the British, fund-- ing missjon to the United States, ex-- White; Maeusé .. View . of._Situation is British 'Chancelior Expects the Com-- mission to Compiete Labors . in Two Weoeks problem of. putting on a pai the debp to this country. is tively easy.. The British fn SAYS> U,. $ LIMIT REACHED FUNDING EASY, SAYS BALOWIN clared that he hoped the mission from Great Britain would complete its SeoretaryRebukes:--Paris Gov-- erhment on Reparations Stand. Unusual sisted of transplanting a sheep's kid-- ney into the woman's body. PILOT El Paso, Tex., Jan. 4--Mrs, George Qurry, wite of George Ourry, former national boundary commissioner, and Mrs. Charles Hunt, wife of Col ().tl.ll-totlhn.r»crtd«1 had been held up and robbed <! dia in . ndhauuum.bwnun stitutional Amendment Aga YANKS HELD JP IN JUAREZ TAX EXEMPTION 8 SCORED FRENCH PLANES SCOUT RUKAR valay Woman Who Attempted Bichieride of Meroury Bulcide. » Robbed of Jeweiry Valued HH BY RUGHES patch From Betiin. to ~ Our Christmas program wak wel sitended and eafoved by all. 'an uo-u-u. ld?., spent Pss aen, acen, m eiinenoaes aged very much. ~--Nisitors--at the George Umbden-- stock Sr..home Sunday were, Mr, and hl'b-fl&t Mabel : of Libertyville, Mz. and : H. Kruger and 'Mr; and Mrs. W. Gosswiller and t es pebaited Ane Fagel To "It 'V_"T--'""; ie Gosswiller was a vis-- ters Helen and 'Dorothy visited at wh.-m. j A: Popp and daughter Edna visited --at the Louis Keiler 'home Sunday. # is TA Misses Lena and Elizabeth Goets called at the Block home Wednesday ke told the 'best stories in Tanguage this week 'of the third and fourth brenner Thursday and' Sunday . eve-- The Lake County Register is the wnly. semi--weekly newspaper in the s boaf Nettie Bunn is home, on her va-- Fogres Stolling . was home over Mris. A. Wickersniem and daugh-- hy thei Libertyville Ticket Office North Shore Line Limited and Express Trains B_Wuifin,' ukeg mfln' ing through the Business District of Winthrop Harbor an and connecting again with Limited 'l'n?:nmat Kenosha. ~Rail and ,'-.:: tickets are interchangeable. LONG NEW NORTH SHORE BUS SERVICE, making frequent connections --with to all points on line. Chicago Civic Opera Special Every Thursday During Season Grand Opera Auditorium Theatre, Chicago hxgb?ood' North Shore Train is a short and refresh-- E:: mqrrh;s:é.mduwsay;gouofmm m«qhgf:wms;w&ngmu oBazzmm C_HICAGO NORTH SHORE & m'AUm R. R. e loenk Segorte nblect to . W Lake . County--NationalBank '. _ AT THE CLose or BUsINESS ON DEC. 20, 1922 RESOURCES. : azs. -- y * 1ce c ted dizcotintly Including seasscoun . e 36432 49 Reperved Iht ihkkrest and feome c« 1200000 .: HpALL 4R T onl carrent vapenbon Intorght mid tamds pald® . * CAdLTE Charter No. 6670. Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for Exchanges of Property a Speciality Cash Or On Easy Terms - Established 1888 ~ State of 111., Co. of Lake, ss. 1, F. J. Wright, Cashier of the rabry Do hlg stock paid in 1\ :: > *22 >' ; Reserve District No. 7. REPORT OFP THE CONDITION OFP THE it --dog in less than 30. days While Opera Bound enjoy a well-- cooked dinner on the Dining Car Special table d'hote dinner $1.25 also service a la carte subject to reserve ... 531,472.23 a la earte. ae ©0 ty o preas e n __ A, R. Schnaebele, Notary Public. 'Telephone 74 261,588.02 54,07606 $180,432.19 114 $985,823.5% »1 0061 17 * wP & 3»

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