PAGE TWO visiting at the R. D. Cook home. N. LeMagdeline 105 Park Allanson F. Johnson gunner for Leighton while / Dode Swan was the heavy man for Area. Murrie and his "counter jumpers" bowled a fairly consistent series. Paul Allanson's "rainbow ball" was not as effective at usual.. Doiph must have got some paint in his eyes judging from the score of his last game. . Don't forget the men's supper and entertainment at Diamond Lake Church Wednesday, Feb. 28, Tickets Pat Wells D. Doiph W. Tarrant L. A. Murric D. Swan last week with the grippe. ; Raiph Halverson helped him in his busi-- ness. * Last Tuesday evening duging the high wind there came near being a fire at the Crestmore farm, when the mhhmdfiom the roof was covered with a heary coat of snow and ice thereby saving the house from burning, sparks and chunks of fire rolled down off the roof on all sides. ' With ab-- solutely no fire protection there was nothing to be done but hope for the ;& Aflc::hlw:"lw . down every-- Bmma Sturm and daughter Mar-- tha were Prairie View callers Tues-- real winter morning and not being used to so much cold some of the farmers didn't dare to venture out with their milk. Only those neat ky brought it in consequently the truck carried but half a load. chimney caught a fire and was a mm'rfib-hfl' ment to roof. chimney is a mhhmdbm the roof was covered with a heary coat of snow and ice thereby saving the house from burning, money is just a little short. All| winter there has been a scarcity of soal but now there is plenty if you have the price, The wells are giving out and farmers have a hard to get enough water for their cattle, Mr. W,. Talmadge of Chicago is . Doipn 140 171 . Tarrant 146 114 A. Murrie 105 143 . Swan 178 147 681 718 Notes of the bowlers:-- MRS. M. L CHANDLER Local Editeoor _ Phone 122--J Well now it + AREA Geo,. Pfister was called to APTAKISIC to wait on her: daughter, nedy, who is ill with the 112 140 146 105 178 161 145 153 118 130 143 681--2050 131-- 159-- 119-- 101-- 91-- 136-- 132-- 457 509 845 873 412 851 | out of them well now we just could«~ n*t help feeling sorry for her during these cold days. ' The Henry Potts family are all |.1¢'un.l..molnmu \ children who. are visiting there. 'Eightdu:uhmhouoillotn! have *¥ ) _ DIAMOND The welléite town have *4 | _ DIAMOND and made herself a waist and a The Thirsty Knights Club post-- pondthd:mlpfilhm.' &fl. members are on the sick Ray Busch is employed in the city at present. Mrs. Raiph Halverson (Anna Weidner) is engaged teaching the Tripp -dml!c&t)m;m their teacher is away, being home on account of the severe iliness of her mother, :: Mrs. Otto Uptadel of Wheeling is very sick with pleurisy and pneu-- monia, a trained nurse is in attend-- ance, we hope for her recovery. Al Raupp is quite busy these days doing chores, he is a very busy man but finds time to help out his neigh-- | Last Friday evening both cross-- Iinpmbloehdlqrmlm | due to an accident on the Soo line, by a freight car leaving the track, ped-- | estrians had to follow the track unti) they found an opening between the cars by the breaking of a coupling oncar that left the truck. All traff-- ic was delayed several hours. The sick members of the Schley family are slowly on the gain, all were down with the fiu but Charley. Mrs. Ed. Giss and children have recovered from the flu. Geo. Volz was somewhat under the weather last week with grippe. Mrs. Elia Knopf is sick with the fiu, her daughter Mrs. Frank Hor-- cher who came to wait on her has also been ill with it. Both are on the | conl, one cat lumber and one car of feed last week and couldn't find any-- body in this town 'to them as everybody seemed with the grippe and flu, however he two lads at Buffalo Grove that were well so they unloaded some for him. Schoo} closed here last Tuesday for the rest of the week on account of the cold weather and much sick-- ness. 1t again opened Monday morn-- ing with but two scholars in attend-- unce, Alice . Bunton and Donald Busch. .Before the close of the day Donald was taken sick which leaves Alice alone for the present. Mrs. J. N. Busch is under the weather with the grippe. Gu.ulu&vlov;rvifi the grippe last week is able to hd-lhflt.vfifi'm at Wm. Friliman's who has been severely i1 but is now on the gain. George Benedict from the city had been doing the work but was called !b.eku&.ehytonumihvork bor, H. Potts, by doing his chores during his iliness. John Horcher and a brother--in--law helped Emil unload cars last week. Otto Weidner who had his foot hurt by a train in Chicago last week, is not getting along very well, he is i.'.vaz"" : trouble with his foot of late and* of an amputation are had. on the sick list. Emil Geest sold forty loads of coal last Friday some of them being auto truck logds, perhaps this cold weath-- Richard Flagg, with © pneumonia, hope for his recovery, -- _ _ _---- _ _ road of recovery. Mrs. Robert Weiand from Chi-- cago who was at the Friliman home taking care of her sick mother and brother, returned home Saturday. makes a desert, but, not enough moonshine does the same. Publicity man named in suit by husband for huging actress. 'Well, wasn't he her press agent?! 'ont. Phone your want ad copy in. We print Tuesdays and Fridays. 'l'eln-! Mrs, Peter Stevers and children were on the sick list with the grippe We Miller and children are too much sunshine Chi-- PHFB LAKE CO E'M given by Mrs, Geo. well '""':gb er very pleasantly surprised -- Phe mwmmhb sled and taking them dinner. Several of our busy men took time off to enjoy a real feed and appeared to be well repaid. $ *#a> Leroy Kane is the latest victim of the sickness which is passing around. _ Mrs. C. Mitchel! fell on the slipp-- ery walk Thursday m"lflfl' geive any serious M Bs sn e Mc en k c Lo s% crew about three hours to get the car back on the tracks and get started. 'The Soo line has only one, track here zo all the north and south .....,.......-u-ma-ln-' ed also till the freight moved out of their way. There was no achool the latter part of this week on account of the severe weather and the iliness of most of the pupils. i MMmM'flz enjoyed the delayed valentine celé® bration. 2 t I-!dthf--m-h\tlbfi_' trict are affiicted with influenza at M M. Its @DO time the d?'nncw:s got busy again. * We missed a flag at. the school house on the birthday of one of our recy sinall attendance at school thif Telephone Waukegan 919--Y--4 Address : #28 North Ave. FRED GRABBE _ AREA, ILL All kinds of Auto Repair Work Complete Battery Service calls. No: Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales S. SIMMONDS E xperienced Auctioneer Farm a; Livestock Sales a Specialty Address: Lake Forest, 111 PHONE 444--w THE STAR Garage Day and Night Service Phone 317 WAUCONDA ... , miles south of the village, Her hus-- dn +. etless, porlame ons e se . 4 Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary Wwho re-- | tight A mmmmwm,.,mu.mhwdvuw Mm.pncmmkuawyammmw- with relatives in this village. olic church, Rev, Gahagan rendering The grade school was closed for Mass. Interment was made in the afinwmtd%m."m;'"'m"""":: Miss Mabel Kuhn being It town,. was greatly beloved Inmdmn SMifinda u. whwtrlndlnndrngl:l!bonnndwfll ened on Monday. Clark Nichois, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, William Nichols is ill with the fu. Mrs. D. H. Murphy returned to her home last Friday after spending several days at the home .of her auhur.i:uukm,atm Homer Lincolin, who has been visiting in Wauconda for several months has returned to his home at H;&P. Accessory Co. Battery ---- Recharging Vulcanizing MAadiator lzlll'llli CAS AND OIL SERVICE STATION * wORLD BATTERY SERVICE STATION Cor. South Ave. Waukegan __. Fnone 108 Open Until 9:00 P. M.--12:00 Noon Sundays se m ¥ B s :';,,','.:F{f..'j: &A & . sATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 592 SOUTH SHERIDAN ROAD _ c uadtk KASs ¢ Wanksran Phone 168 . BATTERIES TESTED FREE -- Complete Line of Whiz Products Tubes be greatly missed in the communifty, LONG GROVE ~Menry 'Cordes and Charles Klein-- smitly of, Palatine were callers here View caller Saturday. several days with his brother here. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Office Phone f -- 8148 N. Ashland Ave. Lakeview 478 CHICAGO, ILL 2 Deors South of Belmont Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for -- Exchanges of Property a Bpocialty Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1888 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD Qudl and Plfl-':ilvo-- ae tion closet iAcon 'and Stoan bargain at...._. 312.50 Water Tanks--=--Heaters-- 220--gailon, 80 in. by 7 ft., :'m,z'd"o75| gfl _._____.-slohm NOTE: The quality of lumber and millwork used in the con-- struction of these camps was generally of the very best grade. The buildings are dismantied with the 'sw' atest care, all nall: are drawn, ndmth_o'pod condition of h-ba":.)t.m while they last_____ «P*IV | sq. ft, .__________... MA Enormous Quantity of Pipes, Vaives and Fittings, 1 in. to 6 in. _ THOUSANDS of items to help you BUILD AND IMPROYE. Wflfm", t cent to 60 cent on mate-- in many cascs" much® more."" Estimates " chocrfilly :;I'::-%mmnmm T-holdl:'z ud-.fiuu-"icd. § -- ~OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR CONYVENIENCE Heating and P Wash Bowis-- Gordon Wrecking & Lumber Co. dminaiee roit rine, sihe 17 im KEWANEE BOILERS--95 per cent new--$4%% AND UP All sizes complete--Inspection invited. 19 way GRREAT LAKES, ILL_--PHONE WAUK, 206 JOHN HEIM * _ $40 _ with two compression , Sr. was on the part of the week. this week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles A number of the young folks spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger, "American" Wall Radiators-- Tapped for steam and hot water, in variety of sections Frame and casing for 1% i. "***____ _ $1.00 Including white china low muwmw improved interior trim-- mings, and white vitreous ai-- at value at -q.fl....':.'. C thte.. 22¢ $18