CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 3 Mar 1923, p. 3

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her subject "The Value of Parent-- 'f:lfierA-cd:fiou" Miss White & interesting speaker ehn-:rl,mudi-ulmm': she spoke on "Am I an American?" The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church was en-- tertained at the home of Mrs. E. B. Jordan, Thursday afternoon, March 1. A cafeteria luncheon was served , _ before the meeting. | DEERFIELD | 'l'l!l'honn.lufln wm preach Sunday morning Presbyterian Church on "The E'- stinct of the Soul." Sunday at 7:80 o'clock, Mr. Simpson of Chi-- poultry yard. The entire community is urged to see the motion pictures. The Deerfleld . grammar school P. T. A. will meet Thursday after-- noon, March 8 at the school assembly hall. Miss E. G. White of Evanston will be the speaker and will have as Ccago, 'lhn,:lnmetiuo"bbut- field Men's Club was held Thursday evening in the school assembly hall, The first meeting of the newly or-- ganized Five Hundred Club was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Kist. Mes-- The Royal Neighbors and Modern Woodmen will give a card party, Saturdsy evening in Meyers' Rest-- '"Kothing has sacy concentraied, trating heat as red peppers, = suffering so : per Rub you feel three minutes ~-nr' is warmed :h-'.d&nuh the torture is _ Telw'es Hed Ptpptr Tub, made from :d?md-'hthu drug :m a jar at once, ..fl-'. ret the genuine, with the name Rowles on every package * SAYS RED PEPPER H.&P. Accessory Co. Battery ---- Recharging V ulcan Radiator Shg AND OIL SERVICE STATION _ wORLD BATTERY SERVICE STATION 592 SOUTH SHERIDAN ROAD Cor. South Ave. . Waukegan -- -- Phone 168 Open Until 9:00 P. M.--12;00 Noon Sundays Ted Pepper Ruk. _ : BATTERIES TESTED FREE comes at once. A net store building is being erec-- ted on Waukegan road between the John Stryker apartment--Bank build ing and the Wessling hardware store. Mrs. Frank Hempstead entertain-- ed the Five Hundred Club at her home Tuesday afternoon. * Mrs.Floyd Guneke! and. youngest daughter, June, are spending the week end at the A. M. Gunekel home in Galesburg. Grace Elizabeth Berger is living with the Gordon Clouse family and be the next hostess. Miss: Eva 'Williams, Miss Lillian Wmmmm visited the Lake Bluff school, morning. In the afternoon Miss Williams and Miss Hanney visited the Foster school of Evanston, which has 68 per cent colored pupils. . Miss Bergfield remained in Lake Bluff. mu:,m.&annuwm-'d y at Roycemore, a sehool in Evanston. lru-m the principal, visited at Eim Place sehool in Highland Park. Mrg Carl sehool in Highland Park. ll)(hrl'nd Mrs. Sengstock motored to mw-fitfithflw Park Sunday where they and visited the Orrington, N and ; called on Mrs. A. G. Schwerman and Lincoln schools. 4 1d-g¢'hm l 2t _ ~Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Gooder enter-- tained at an informal dance at their home, Saturday, evening. school. She is enrolled in Mrs. Anderson's room. 'afi;"--"' and lewon ini¢e, com ,b 'rhb- and h«s been use for yearse to Auch and scimulate th an offiice in Deerfleld, over Hermann DEERFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL Reporter, Cordie Hagblom The Father's and Son's banquet was held at the community house on Confectionery store, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Office nours from 9 a. m to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R No man or woman can make a is-- take by :'mshhr the kidneys occasion-- ally, says a well--known authority. Eat-- hg too much rich food creates acids, which excite the kidneys. They become overworked from the strain, get slug-- gish ond fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood. -- Then we ge! sick, . Rheumatism, beadaches, live trouble, nervousness, dizsincs m lessness and,v _ djsorders ©0 from SH&E155 w2--li6, t + --Th pment youfec!. ~ d'-;: *th8. h the 'Widncys, or your back hurts, or is ---i"f is cloudy, 05(1?'7!."}.' ol éren c irregtior ol ja%tge o% t gended by a sens--tion of rcaldice Bs irking a quirt of woter eocl ally, says a well--kno hg too much rich which excite the kid overworked from th gish and fail to fil fi'm abratt four orpces of{':: freymany nbharmacy; tave a ta ful #n a glass of warrr Lclore bi c and in a few days your kidneys m &fl; also to he'p ncutralizs th in the system, so they no m,, cause irritation, thus often rc' weakness. Salts is inexpensive; makes ; effervescent !i'.?:i'ah-water drint which should take now anc 40 :g keep the kidneys cleas "mfl" ie srriosd Danmy compice tions. By all means have your p!-yAd-' clan . examine your Quart of Water Cleans Kidneys Take a Littls Saits if Your Back Hurts, or Bladder is Troubling You 'This famous saits is mide from Radiator Repairing « # $« zs of Jad Sait # : a u{lr-mm d v ,f,it comes to banquets, but cheer up%___.-------p'&f----- __--__.___.. girls your chance is coming soon. Sunday. $# The big triple basket ball team| Laurean wrs and brother was played last Saturday night at | George visited _the Hasemann the Deerfield grammar school. We home Saturday e¥ening. ;pllyodlahmufl. The second boys| A. G. %rn and son Elmer and the first girls teams were beaten. | visited at ParKk Ridge Saturday even-- \ The first team beat Lake Bluff the | ing. w _ iflnflmreheingutoahm favor.i Ernest rn and brother | We will give Lake Bluff a return | Elmer visi at Park Ridge Sunday game on Saturday, March 10. E.v-i'mm, *x4« 4 erybody come to--see the fun which! Ernest and Gustave Hasemann \ we will have. | visited at the home of Frank Saner i The Deerfleld Athletice Cluo will have a dance on March 17 at the lDenflelduhooL The music wil be especially good. The admission will | be fifty cents. * Mrs. -- William -- Horenberger of Prairie View was in Deerfleld for a couple of days. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs, F. L. Thies entertained a number of friends last Sunday after-- noon at a miscellgneous shower in honor of Miss Myrtle Umbdenstock. Miss Emma Peters and Mrs. C. Gerta of Chicago spent Sunday at the Wm. Peters home here. Mr, and Mrs, Ed G« uit':nter- tained the following m Bun. day: Misses , Evetyn Burg and Gertrude Franke and Carl Franke. ; k The Misses Emma and Frieda Pcuu,'jln Bdn,l'nl'hrhn Hirt-- mann igge surprised lluEdlflm:nlinbmof her birtaday last Sunday. _ _~ _ _ Last Sunday occurred the death of Mr. R. Trimble. The funeral was held Wednesday with interment at Barrington. Miss Haze! Schumacher and Harry Lando] of Ravenswood were Sunday guests at the F. C. Schumaecher home. Harry Berghorn had the misfor-- tune to break his leg while riding to ¥thoo!l Monday morning. The pony which he was riding slipped and fell and Harry was pinned in the saddle. We all miss him from school and hope for a speedy mending of the broken member. '. We have been learning some of Henry Longfellow's best liked poems in honor of his birthday. _ _ © ~ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Obenauf who have resided on the . M.-- Obenaut farm are moving to the Hersqaberg-- er farm east of Fairfield. -- Our basket social was quite a suc. gess, we think. We are grateful to Mr. and Miss Stelling and Miss Blanche Berghorn who gave us some A baby gir} arrived at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hauselein last : Friday. Feb. 23. | _ Mr. Schults recently tuned our plano for which we are very glad as it sounds much better now. . » _ Mr. and Mrs; Carl Katerle who have resided on the Aynsley farm have moved to Arlington Heights. February 22. There were eats and' many kinds of amusements, Is seems | that the boys are always lucky when | 'fifc'filsu-& .. We . ofa umbering the library books over and recording the titles in a new register. We hope to get a number of new books from our social money. _ fine musical numbers, The proceeds our social were $46.90, most of &dwmsfi"!"""m",'_""" asing new Saturday. | Miss Gertrude Copeland and | brother Thomas and Mr. and "l wokwud at the Cook's home f afternoon. _ Miss Clara Moldenhower and sister B'El.: the Cook's home Sunday. +4 of _ Palatine k at the m!a home Sunday and they came back full of pep to start another good day. + afl"h&f *® Mr.YJones: You bet I was Do you think I would miss a show like that ? Ob, no! « Mr. King: Well, I'll tell you, meet me at 7:45 next Friday. Will you? Mr. Jones: Just as you say old horn, Alma and Elsie Pankonin, Al-- ma and Seima Steil, Elmer and Mil-- dred Ernsting: Elsie Pankonin is on the sick list and unable to attend school. We hope sahe will soon be able to come back. The seventh grade are taking their seventh month's work in history. and geographsy They are also review-- _ RBig show March 2nd. A story of fiq'n'mfl lakes of northern BSCHULTZ SCHOOL The pupils who were perfect in at-- tendance last week were Harry Berg. thrilling and exciting. rk Bunday. $ '3" * Chara Wehrenbers _ visited home Saturday and r_e Evelyn Duthorn was at Cook's home Sunday THE LAKE COUNTY Mr, ani Mrs. E. G. Nage!) and Mr. ARCHER sCHOOL (Continued from Page " books for our library. a Chicago worth seeing, Two) m The money, or the pr¢hasing pow . Sunday| 7 that is in small community i ke the reservnir of ater that i a thiler 'Ombohi'd a dam. 'na."t:ig * ity is the M into whic! Y " he fiver drains when . sluice d ~tes are lifted. time som wo . M armber of the ¢ hi '*_| aaney away, the is low ; Vimited | yed, and the powet shou! NC ""|came I was dmsi"-r_. store. wa .I.l"lt; when this ma Mi Then next d !notnodme US §SOMO| .n l us i. REGISTER, SATURDAY, MARCH 3 1923 \ _ Mr. and Mr#. . Hoeft and John Fink atte funeral of : Mrs, , Hoeft's n Alfred Hans at iPalAntine.w n 33002 % 1ofiwbylorforbm 1 was | very unhappy when I had to be sold to another master for I loved my first master 'ard he treated me so kindly. 'This bey did not care for me he threw me on the floor and by the end of t¥he year he had me all torr up. He was very rough with me. He wonldhtlvltyl!thoninxnnul my pages were all ed. dic not like my new n'x'u all. At 'ast when I was all torn up he threw me into a fire ind that was the enc # me.--Clara Graff. funeral of Rer sunt, Palatine a Mrs, Walter Plags around after & w Mrs. eake Harvey, 1!L. 0M A600ur illness of . Mr. and H. : and Mrs. atte at Royal ghbors . health ing. li:onf'ydll]ipup* nf;z him under as e fell. Mr. ound Harry and took him to e. The Sunday 1 officers and teachers of the Evangzelical church Mr. and Mrg. Ja Jr. left one. day la: south on account of Little Hart horn broke his leg Monday, BH@ was riding his pony on his 'to school and the pony l]ipp'- ng him I!*l' as he fell. Mr. found Harry and Wednesday Ing and surprised her with a Aoken for the work in the Su ienool. Mr. and Mrg, Jas. Snetsinger and sons, Mrs. Flors Clark and Miss Clarke were entértained by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. w at a turkey din-- ner one evening l&st week. > Mrs. m Eichman, Sr. was called to %Wii. Wednesday to care for f ghtar, Mrs, John Koh] who is sejeusly sick. . = _ his lessons on my prges but he a.dfiu":wum-ouxh with the lesson d Wnen the end of my stories and poems took me along for I ~was to be his Reader, He read soniq of my pages that day. ~a _ He tréated me very kindly. H° | week on account of his mother's Mf-- would lay me nicely l::' Fh" | negs, We are glad to see him back Ihh.:nw."l but M-wn'msnmfl.suhv erased them aftér he was throuz\ party given at the Warren 1 Wnen j Saturday aft-- Ek. xt qo my * A came I was very meat and cleah: Mr. and Mrs. Rahndlt'!': just as he--had bought me from th¢}\.,a yy and Mrs. Champine C PETE . To .. *ambaiad ay when t and °* ,. ; | Sunday. Then next year the little boy did | "Lr'!oodpurchnndhotu-td not need me so he sold M6 to AN-- | )..ut, sw morzes from the Chicago :"i-r&.fii"-- -v_---'»;-v been on the sick list the past tW@ weeks. Ernest Pn and brother Elmer vin&fl Park Ridge Sunday afternoon. \-- \/> 4 Ernest and Gustave Hasemann visited at the home of Frank Saner Sunday morning The Huaulfioys attended the tasket social at Long Grove Friday evening. & + Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sauer, and daughter Haxel, Emest Hasemann, Alma Sauver and Earl Rohs visited at the g.m&e' & Sunday. ---- Mr. and "\ank m_'d On day a little boy came into the store and asked for a Primary Read-- er. 1 was the only one on hand. Tmmwlhhhfifllfl' boy and charged ffty cents The little boy took me home and laid me on & table till the next day. The next day he went to school and _ The Fehiman' family is 11 wito To thid 'and m'* TWilgrades ' C m mmd-h#n the u study of the state. nixthplnd eighth grades are reviewing in some subjects for the segond tri--monthly Before I was a book I was a part of a tree. When they cut the tree down they made paper from some parts of it Then they eut me up into an oblong shape and glued me together. Then they printed stories and poems on my pB@es... . K n.d-dh-tonnm;:*;r; shelf. My name wa® & Reader. There were other readers of my kind but they were for a higher 'The money, o m'r.hlihfl pow --, that is in -- small community i ke the resernir of Water that i *ored up behind a The big Ity market is the d into whic) he fiver drain: whem the sluice ¥ind the corn is on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dieh] LAKE ZURICH i1 was on they power : that shou! Kratch and Mr. nded the m Thursday even-- t of the serious . Dymond and week for the Mrs. Dymond's ternobn. attended tbol Mrs. Lew, at > k's illness is ableto be earries his vel is low 'wtllling about 90,-- taeir missions and future work; about Mr. Keen, | the Dean of 'the school; about our chapel serviees, our music, our socials, our athleties, our sight see-- ing trips; about our teachers and our method olm,ht of all that later. The "Lin will tell you much and I'll try later to write a letter about these things. My other out-- hoe. oo remiip o s Bs tias t, the a e of bright fim lads, who have come to Nanking from south China to study. They all have a fair know-- games, ping--pong, "skittles," indoor "horse shoe." We had planned other games but there was not time for them. I'm sure that the boys en-- joyed themselves, and not least when refreshments, cake, cookies, and hot chocolate, were served. Two of these fellows gave us some beautiful pot-- tery and some South China dainties as Christmas remembrances. | "My other job is a mighty inter-- esting one, Superintendent of the Mafinnd:ym!ylnthwhool there are about --five children and an adult class which varies in :"ttendanufm%bw. We have a Beginners' Department, a Primary Department and a combined Junior Senior Department. The first two departments have five women sup-- erintendents. As General Superin-- tendent 1 have charge of the Junior-- Senior Department. To say that I enjoy this work is putting it mildly. The teachers are just the best sort of people you could hope to know and have the privilege of* working ledge of Enuaw only one of them is a all seem quite interested in the study of the life of Christ 1 am working and praying that the result of our study together will} mean some definite de-- cisions for Christ. My boys came to my home for a party one night a few weeks ago. We had a borrowed Victrola which they greatly enjoyed (as do all Chinese) and played "I have tol '5'. before that 1 have taken OM Somre outside acti\; ties. The '? sehool student body elected: ~president for the first term, whigh is now over. I'd like to tell you about all the students _ L. Flood purchased two teams of dapple gray horses from the Chicage gtockyards last week. ¥# About a month ago the set belonging to Mr. and Mra. E. Thomas burned out due to a s cireuit and had to be sent to the company to be reparied. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. O'Connel) visited the Wilkes family Sunday afternoom.. . # new radio was brought out in its plate because the old one conld not be fixed. The new one is m ramning condition and good ' have been enjoyed. ez dren brought toys and other gifts | FOR vnw."h'hb!'w.'x"m im of the adults brought white envelopes | : *" which had been given out on the rnire ducierin zoi Pokin n pl a $ prilhdmth-"'m "_-E words "My White Gift for the -"w 'The toys and the cash were use Ar Christmas presents to the * ne of the mission Sunday Schools in| /. Nanking.. Thirty .nine. toys . Were ) -- $4, mflmmw(?& Co is $125 gold.) were placed'| the to furnish Christmas cheer for more| _ /. :mebagmmm'm m ou guess ._,roruwhunr"filc : Christmas" in Nanking foreign Sun--| ; day sehool. ' «.. "There is so much to tell you 1| FOR don't know when to stop--but I'm| Fo sure that I've written enough for the | an« present. Later I'll try to write about| Ca Language school, Nanking life,. and | --.,_ other impressions of China as Op--| . , portunity offers. ' JUSTIN P. FOLLETTE. Shas Mrs, Elfring of Libertyville e wat to the home of Mr. and @ Vanderwerff to help her little @ mr, Fliz--beth," gel b c Birthay Sunday. $%4 _ Mrs. R. --. Thomas added new &irdale dog MM 0 Aéet kennel j % a and NMrs. R. * 'snily ", enjoyed dinker frow 'ome in Wunk:m % Rev. (Continued from last issue) NA +/ Writes FOR SALE--180 acre farm with lake frontage near cement road. Good nine room house; large base-- ment, dairy and horse barns, silos, FOR SALE--10 acres of land at fi w,h-i-:"' m house, -- orcbard, .shade trees, small fruit, at a reasonable price and on easy terms. 6 EDWIN AUSTIN, m:nsm--zlsfw% taken at once sell for $5.00 each. Females $1.00 each. Jennie Kern, 328 Wright Ct. Telephone 316--J. 12--6t FOR SALE--1922 Studebaker ' five passenger touring ear. This is a nice car which is inexpensive to Try to fall back on your friends mdm-q-h-m,r.- RADIO OUTFIT FOR SALE--We are discontinuing our busi-- ness and have two $150 KX Crossley sets that we will for '125':::!:. Terms if u: q-hr.:'-..h.-y.*y. w | receive from 1000 to 2000 miles. Will give one week trial. Holmes peopne > * e Libertyville, * FOR SALE--Reliable buildings. About 20 acres in good oak timber. 50 acres in alfaita Entire farm drained. Very good loam soil. To insure a quick sale fihhrmhpfledlt"% than its real value. If you are the market for a farm, either to live on, or for an investment, .don't fail to see this one.-- For further information see A. R. Schnaebele, If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sall, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known these columns. © You will get results, Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. -- Ts3 There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convinee you. . ..© ' _ Four burner, high 18 inch oven and broiler, in good condition. $15. Call Libertyville 114--R, 17--6t Scratch Pads, all sizes and good Wheniouthinkofafit-thinkoini"!'o matgerw at the occasion is, we can supply flow-- ers for it $ More Approp#iate? Flowers OW by wire in _ any part of the U. 8. "Say It With Flowers® Large, Lusclious Roses,-- What Could Be FOR SALE Classified Ads KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS, Inc. ILLE, ILDAJNt se Phone 174--J A Flower for Your Thought Kane, TL, Telephone 264--R--1 Area, eb?nom FOR SALE--Genuine unadulterated Vermont Maple Syrup in gallon _ cans, direct from maple orchard to FOR SALE--Rose Comb Raode Is-- land Red Hatching Eggs. Le Roy DAY--OLD CHICKS -- Continental roAt RENT--Flat, Inquire William FOR RENT--House. Phone % GOVERNMENT TESTS proved that Bull's system of cleaning milker with boiling water night and nom-- ing is correct. With every Bull Milker we give away Free, 1 pat-- ented hot water tank. $3 If you are using any other millk= er, we will sell you patented hot water tanks. Home made tauks 2 aoh Ruyter engines, + vacuum ho belt trouble or lining up to do, . 1 Taylor engine, 1 Bull unit, com-- FOR RENT--Dairy Farm, 140 or wuyhmmvu. advancement for efficient and ' T ts --Amp *4 a e WANTED--By married couple 'with grown child to share home of de-- sirable family, Privilege of light-- housekseping mnecessary, or will nnt?lc'finfldc* mi rooms. Address Lake Coun-- ty Register. * 164¢ Quality Hatehed Chicks, produced from. gelected flocks. We have all rival. We pay all delivery charges. Write for free catalog and prices. water, gas, electricity and bath all T wmm'ng up. h dlfl'qnhk;hn -ly::l'l: M,mmth- surance, Register Office, Eiberty-- Wm. R. Herrick, Prairie View, HJ, brooders of the better kind. Also incubators. Can save you money. Fred Parkhurst, phone 283--J--2, Phone $10--M. for sale. J. F. Phone 187--R. MILEING MACHINE TALK MISCELLANEOUS B. FINSTAD, Two--fat and oil burning tol'st We

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