6 > . Wid Toka ad vay Wl fonke Fom Baid Rena o vay Malr fonie Trom a Libertyville man who fails to ac-- complish anything because he is too busy criticising other people. 1 'Over in Egypt they've king 3400 years , old« :'5'2. they may get around to the soldiers' so cheap hhm-mu they their express in-- d!'h-fl. fls Give a boy all the money he wants und he'll probably live to be 100-- for he'll never be worth killing. It is apparent that the children of the country are alive to the part they are to play in this wide--spread enterprise. Everywhere the schools are lending encour-- agement to the program. and we sincerely trust that teachers of Libertyville and community de not lose the opportunity, every opportunity, to encourage 'the children in the planting of trees and the care of those already planted. : Without the help of boys and girls in our schools it would be a serious handicap to any program 'to 'attempt its promotion, ~From Englard, France, Germany and Italy tree seeds are beifig acq-- uired, and these in turn are being distributed to every section of the country. x SALE OF WEAPONS 'New York state has in process of enactment a bill governing the sale and possession of revolvers which would allow responsible persons to purchase weapons but make it difficult for crooks to obtain possession of PAGE FOUR OUR FORESTRY WORK -- _: 'That the contiaued expression in behalf of a nation-- l program has borne fruit is best understood by fig-- ures just made public. These figures show that a mil-- lion trees will be planted during this year in all parts of the country. During the year 1922 several hundred At: it would seem that America and Americans have bBec concerned in their forest properties and are agreed that a national program is necessary. in ord-- er to contivue the supply that is so urgently needed for the country. A nation--wide program of tree plant-- ing is an important step in the right direction. ~ 'Area may, be a small town but she. does things in a bicm the entertainment of her For --~ One has only to make a brief survey of the situa-- tion to ascertain the growing need for a substantial forestry plan which shall be continuous henceforth. Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, qhmmummmufiud March 3, 1879. lIssued twice weekly. I see where an American bandit has been arrested in Mexico. 'Which The meanest man I know of is the one who will do you dirt and-- then .r-hl-nm-t-h- to him what you think of him. Counties Aiding In Road Paving Lake's Total for While Representative Homer J. 'Tice has abandoned his plan to have half of the automobile fees used for the construction of state roads not in the bond issue system;, he has not given up the idea of some relief to counties the of improving and mai these KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers Succeeding the Waukegan Weekly Gazette BB TE ALONG THE CURBSTONES y A MAN ABOUT TOoW N EASY TO CLEAN ATTRACTIVE IN COLOR HARD TO WEAR FRANK H. JUST, Rditor. -l:-dmum'mfl lie oftener than well--informed A8s , but Wnn t vieks 9 fth ues m' keeping up--with the fashions. -- And while I'm on the subject, one thing. L can't understand : is why fl'"nm-'ou_uh- fore I get my winter overcoat paid is further proof that bandits are safe only as long as they stay in being raised annually by counties for the r dAepattent to Tike vier oop orh an repicty | as possible and look after their impro-- vement and maintenance. "The burden of improving roads in the state system but not in the bond issue system", Mr. Tite says, "Is too wreat for the countlies. They must have help. regular highway taxes, and some of the counties can not afford to make the necessary improvements." He believes that while the trunk lines are necessary, it should not be The man who has to coax himself along isn't going to atmount to very much when he gets there. Maybe the preacher who is deny-- thinks hé can tell a better one. roads. He intends to push his bill re-- attention to very quiet people they are usually a trinmph of mind over chatter. Learning to write CURBS is like learning to write checks. Cashing in on either is the hard part. When you see a man out at the el-- a man or woman to pur a revolver unless they ean show thowmymamw biding citizen, d -- thi posséssion of the weapon is necessary for #& on. .. This, they ~'m operate to curtail th mcwomig" who have no intention of using. them properly. In our larger cities it would be hard to enforce such a law. But in towns like Libertyville it could be easily done by dealers ref to sell to persons with whom they were not pe ' mequainted. 2 $¥ A%' *A There seems to be no question but the reckless and indiscriminate use of firearms has become a menace all cealed weapons have failed. It is going to take other methods to disarm those who have absolutelyrmo 'busi-- ness being armed. And it is a problem in which every law--abiding, peace--loving citizen is interested, because none of us are safe so long as irresponsible people can get hold of a pistol any time they want one. _ We note that the mwb mruinctl'ifi:wauhui ssible for over America. Reckless use of pistols is claiming A h'vyhu.":ndyd,;"nhnolwtopwam who has price buying a pistol without their inven-- ~--. GETTING PUBLICITY : Almost everyone at.some time or another has to make use of the local newspaper as a means of secur-- ing some sort of publicity. Of course it is the fashion with a good many to insist that they do not like to see their name in print.. However, there are times when one cannot help permitting it. If--you are active in some charity work, or there is a'wedding, or death in the family, the name goes in. So since it is going in it is well to remember that only through your co--op-- eration can it be put in to your complete satisfaction. The right way--is to tell the editor: or someone con-- nected with the paper all the particulars, or better still, write it out and mail it or send it or bring it to the and prevents just such mistakes as some péople icon-- the REGISTER, your home paper; give out items of interest without forcing the news reporter to get them in a round--about way.. And you'll soon see hew much more valuable to you is your home paper than you may now consider of FABRIC [ trunk lines. ; Mr, Tice has been compiling figu-- res for several weeks on the amount of money raised by -- counties for road improvement in addition to the regular taxes. His statisties are not yet complete, but he finds that buge sums of money have been paid out by tax payers in various coun-- ties for this purpose. y The largest amount has been rais-- ed by Peoria county, totaling $165,-- 000. St. Clair is close second, with a total of $161,235. Iroquois coun-- ty's total is $108,810° and Cole: county's, $95,039. lines are completed before improving _ Amounts raised by all counties c the state for maintenance and im it, THF LAKE COUNTY RECISTER, sATURDAY, MARCH'3, 1923 Boone, $19,000.00 Bureau, $84,0919.94. Calhoun, $10,500.00. ;"5'5."'3;"'1';"'53 ""'"'"Bu:'l'u" patented rugs are -ag-. COME IN US SHOW YOU nmuw%fil;{ucs n?n YOU %?' GLY JOIN THE RANKS. -- _ J, B. MORSE & CO. ' Neither money nor the efforts of the -:b "JONTEEL" to if:.-i present hfl? mndofmlluq. ~_ "Will not injure the most delicate skin. e & Softens, beautifys and gives a youthful Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powd-- Jonteel Face Cream _ DECKER & NEVILLE Wl MIs F Tollet Water, Rouge and other toilet requisites Johnson, $14,000.00. Kane, No Report. {:k:r,_, $59,714.53. Kendall, $21,276.42. 0 ' .00. De Kalb, } port. Du Mw?i sn v-g{"fi'}fi;' Grundy, 00. _ CS .00. % Hancock, .00. rdin rt. e Henry, No Report. f Troquois, 10,00. =* Jackson, $81,500.00. :> Jasper, No Report. Jefteison, $25,000.00. ; Jersey, "u'&s Jo Daviess, mo report. LaSalle, No Report Marion, $30,500.00. Marshall, $17,000.00. -- Mason, No Report. Massac, $10,000.00 McHenry, No Report. McLean,: $6,900.00. Menard, $14,000.00. Mercer, No 'Report. Monroe, $25,000.00. Montgomery, No Report, Morgan, $66,000.00 o Peoria, smn:déo. iom'po. $7,280.00. = Pulaski, $10,000.00. Putman,. No--Report. Randolph, $80,000.00. Rock w-:' um Q Baline, No Union, No Report. Vermillion, $259000.4 Wabash, $15,000.00. Lawrence, $32,000.00. Lee, $15,000.00. Livingston, No Report. Logan, $97,000.00 Macon, )fi,cg.oo. lflm.}s'n'?opog? GS LIBERTYYILLE Report. Report. at the entertainment and supper at Diamond Lake Wednesday evening. Among those who attended were Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Schanck, Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Ray, Mr, and Mrs. O, Decker and Mr. and> Mrs. Warren Warren, No Report. Washington, No Report Weodfori: $40,000.00. Stark, $1,000.00. _ . wht *6 Repon. *' * Libertyville was well represented New Brunswick Records -- _ Now On Sale Something New Every Day o No No more waiting! f Brunswick now gives you new records daily. The old method of releasing ONCE A MONTH is abolished as far as Bruns-- wick Records are concerned. 4 g* Now we can let you hear new Brunswick Records any day you choose to come in. You'can get what you want TODAY on a Brunswick--the popular fox trot, the song hit of the hour, new ones always on sale. ? Here are the very latest Brunswick Records out. All ready THE RAY FURNITURE & PAINT STORE Brunswick Records play on any phonograph The world's truest reproductions! Hearl© Compare! Think df Me--Fox Trot (Eldridgo) Isham Jones' Orchestra You can always count on our having some new Rmmbu,metflnguwmqlq Brunswick Copy No. 3439 425 lines x 3 cols: News -- 300006# sale and manufacture ~of firearms when the general assembly returns to Springfield March 6. ~A joint hearing of the two committees on the firearms question has been an-- nounced for the afternoon of that house and te will try to get to-- mw.:.-pwwb MOVE TO LIMIT FIREARMS USE Both Senate and House in Scheme to Disarm Bur-- The judiciary committees of the glar Fraternity witk l i-dundf-u.' 7'»". s Representative Myers, # county, hvu'no:phdhh- ; , says troduce the bill because ofthis ob-- servation while on the bench. Murd-- er has become so common in Frank-- (Continued on Page Eight) of erime when the criminal is arm» ed, there are four anti--gun bills ,.a:?f.:mwo- of these is in the senate, introducged by Senator John Dailey of Peoria; 'Q:dthothor"fimm'hthhefio; ?lml&mmm:"o'ou,:' "«'%"."',.',,...' oune;.un.uto prevent the promiscuouns ownership In addition to several bills