t ¥h _ _ Enjoy Meeting _------~--~<_~At Wilmette ' at the post office at Libertywille, Illinois, under Act of _ March 3, 1879. Issued twice weekly. § E Succreding the Waukegan Weekly Gazette $ Established 1850 The . Federation of Clubs of, the "Tenth Congressional District of Ili-- e e e' o io h tame Club Delegates W« & t# #% Occasionally the right man in the wmmha where the windows are nice-- ly fitted with jron bars. . % # & Some fellows never seem to be at a strictly cash store. s 4 & # _ . Many people seem to think that nois, met with the Woman's Club of Wilmette for an all day meeting, Wednesday, March 21, 1928, at the First Congregational Church of some regret and great inspiration. Joy in the fulfilliment of 25 years of splendid growth in the district-- regret that this was the last meet-- ing, at which we should see our much at the luncheon, served in their own our communities and to our country, . The 25th anniversary of the dis-- trict was very fittingly and beauti-- fully celebrated by the hostess club, loved and wonderfully efficient Mrs. James Campbell, preside as district president and an awaskening to the opportunities and possibilities which lis before us, to be of real econ-- elub house, by a pageant, written of the Woman's: of Wilmette, A lovely birthday eake, surrounded 25 silver and white candles, was Lh&o*dfibmfi table, in the middle of the hall, at which the president and officers of the district sat. Then to the ac-- wa.':..uh and lovely maidens in white and silver, corresponding to each of Yet Governor'Small is right now advocating an ad-- ditional bond issue of $100,000,000 for road building in Iilinois. Boards of Supervisors all over the state are being urged by friends of the Governor to pasy resolu-- tions favoring a nuge road bond issue. -- Delegations are escorted to Springftield to enlist the Governor's interest in good road programs in the particular territory each ther bond issues, $114,000,000 of cash for road building during the néxt five years, and that sum is sufficient to carry on all the road puilding that--will be possible in a five year period. xt The Illinois Chamber of Commerce, the Illinois Bankers' association "~maniufiouolbuhulnn all over the state by exhaustive study and research have determined there will be available without fur-- each tald of the wonderfol work in the past of her department and her vigion for its future, they caused a light to glow in--the minds of their the i after giving a mb.mdhmld the district during the last 25 years, Mrs. Campbell was presented with still another birthday cake of a somewhat nature. A hage NW&---M in by four women and presented to Mrs. Campbell with a neat little rnmt'hm-- work, Upon the top layer being wemoved, a shining little head was revealed, which gradually arose un-- i1 the charming figure of a little child stood up in the cake, with one Inyer for a collar and another for a It akirt, a very pretty pic» ture 'The cake contained pair of tall silver candlesticks which were the parting gift of the Board to their president. The afternoon's program was presented by the Fine Arts Depart-- and was indicative of the splen-- 4n the various \ The program "March, Improvization to the Tenth ie We s ies KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. ALONG THE CURBSTONES Observations By = 3 A MAN ABOUT TOW N FRANK H. JUST, Editor. wHY A BOND ISSUE of --much joy, District," by Mrs. Dwight C. Oreutt, | who is 1st vice--president of the dis--| trict. . This was followed by two violin numbers given by Mrs. Harvey L. Brewer of the Woman's Club of Winnetka. Tae Wells Park Wom-- n'sanbauunntnv-zu- joyable selections --and Mrs. D. Cunningham of the Evanston Wom-- an's Club very charmingly told of the work of her department in | «ponsoring an exhibition of home art form the very good work of some xfi % # & Now let the March winds blow. hitherto driver may not always find a jail on his route map, but it's there. f % % # . Another gign is the uu;fi@ it worth while to t : a~lollar. *¥ # # 'The song "Home Sweet Home, will be 100 years old May 8th. Yes, it was written by a married man. % t # ' About 100,000,000 stockings are Normal Department of the Chicage Art 'Institute, exhibited some ex-- amples of industrial art, toys, tex-- One form of conceit may be seen in the local man who thinks that no bootlegger can deceive him. % $ & 'The less a man knows the more he delights in springing an occagional Many a Libertyville wife does not believe half her husband tells: her, and he does not tell her half of what Miss Mary Scovell, head of the MNMILLINERY FOR SPRING Now ready for your Inspection. . We are showing a very large assortment of the very newest styles in Ifyonwant#W HAT for EASTER come in early and get yourel»lfioial _"lt_pckiseompl@' $ l * * A NEW LINE OF FINE SILK HOSE $1.50 TO $3.50 There appears :.-«. linte 'need for more road funds. The state is ad y 'financed to carry on a five year program if every mile it is physically ppos-- sible to construct is BUHt in that period. The t aunm%ufi d primarily as\ a politics asset to nstist Ge rmc Mllinlhflzl:" e tion. It would afftord opportunity for " . all over the state and prove a tremendous factor in th Governor's favor. _ bine in CN t _ The Lake County Board of Supervisors is'on reeard as favoring the Governor's proposed hundred million dollar bond issue, and we believe acted in good faith, but without appreciation of the political significance of the proposition or knowledge that there is sufficient of money in sight to provide for all the permanent roads tme state can byié#d in the next five years. _ And Illinois tax payers are not in a humor to assume the growing burden that Governor Small's administra-- tion is heaping on them. Three years ago this state Why not call a halt, at funds are depleted? . had no bonded indebtedness.? Today we nave $189,000,-- Wt to $88 for each man, woman, and child N represents. These n re told to go home and in~ if it and x Smail is re--elected, the road improvements they ai will materialise. _ ; Ladies® Spring Hats A. W. LINDROTH LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Zor--the establishment of an indys-- tiles, basketry, etc, and made & plea Hundreds of pounds of fresh Easter candies just arrived! Colored candy eggse in all sizes, dainty hens, bunnies 'and Easter ors are jade, purple, rose, laven-- er, American beauty, etc., all sizes priced moderately. ' élastic and shirring at knees dainty hens, bunnics and EASICT _ qorees the stock in 6'.; . HWinmense stock of fancy boxed chocolates in special Easter Langworthy's overflowing with tiny colored can-- Every wanted material, all colors, ln"fl'lh'..ll "JTust One of a Kind" Easily selected from our Immense Stock of clean fresh, desixrable merchandise. After weeks of wahklng preparation we are ready as never ore to take care of your holiday requirements with complete stocks in our every department. Just received! and oh so smart! Silk Bloomers Easter Suggestions Silk Dresses GIFTS OF LASTING VALUE LAKE COUNTY RE t, SATURDAY Candies until our available "BRIGHTEST SPOT IN TOWN®' c« Novelty Goods brand of paper, in plain and fancy Garget, --a disease of the gow's.ud-- der, is due hwm which is often transmitted to the human, especially children, in the milk supply.-- This can be absolutely prevented if the milk is properly We can only mention a few--a& visit to our store will dispose hun~ dreds of others--paper bells in Easter colorings, Bunnies, hens, roosters, baskets of every descrip-- tion, grtificial Raster lilies, fancy colored candles, paper and cellu-- loid novelties, etc. fancy buckles, new long s aldmdc.l- Easter Novelties : art k one of pro-- pone ntoignat wings oo e Coitge Art Mu Jackson Park: -- '.hi:." industria! art schools § ry and as art :fi--v-v*flmdw 'in the products of all our in-- dustries, there is need for the edu-- cation of industrial art workers. FA selected for Raster's wm&'.m.- nong which are, vanity cases, Stationery hv t C f HdEy j px? nmeare tik ogss is is d es zy"""'""': ln: p. m., on request m_twhllfizu- rest was taken out Wednesday by Edward Fabry, conductor on the North Shore line. The latter charges that Huston threatened to stab him with a knife, after a heated argu-- ment over the fare between High-- land Park and Waukegan. In court Wednesday . Huston denied that he threatened the conductor and asked for a continuance, so 'he could pro-- duce witnesses, tedious task which would consume much time while Rodriguer stayed hgm ¥iy w Thursday was accepted and: the indeterminate ~sentence passed. In eleven months freedom may be obtained on good behavior. RODERIGUEZ GIVEN found him guilty anda a new tria) was denied.. Attorney George Field Paris has a new form of jazz. Cut the cables and gink the ships. which have been chosen after con-- #iderable investigation and thought," declared Lieutenant Bottoro. "The Waukegan branch is intended to care Quickest way' to begin Tigheds io bepih it ngHE aow. _ * STABBING CASE IS POSTPONED, {or. the WAUKEGAN Is CHOSEN CENTER FOR FASCISTI {(Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) FLOOR PAINT Present Gallon Price PAINT SPECIALS We also have small. quantities of Sherwin = Williams Floor Lac Varn-- INSIDE FLOOR PAINT Present Gallon Price 2. Sherwin -- Williams house paint in colors as long as stocks last at the following prices: ce S bike" . .. ..... JA SHERWIN -- WILLIAMS PORCH -- SHERWIN -- WILLILAMS FLATTON RAY FURNITURE & PAINT STORE ONE YEAR TO LFE PHONE 9 Sherwin -- Williams Scarnot Excello and Marnot Varnishes, Old Dutch Enamel, Ete., all of which we will sell at much less than regular prices. The mixed t lead oil and turpentine market is onthhdfi':i:ndwha'thphthzmm up full blast you will find much higher| ronphont the paint Tine."" if 300 infond painting We have decided to discontinug the Sherwin -- Wil-- liams Paint Line and offer for sale this spting it will pay you to buy at these for. the membership in that district in eermonentent able among ns in par-- ticular part of IMindis, and to give Them "the: valie: of the magnificent effort of webirth which the Fascisti of Italy are making for the whole people of Italy with unshakable de-- termination," > To Adopt Paraphernalia "It is to create a state of mind which shall be vigorous, conformirtg to the renewed Italiap 'strength and Friday and Saturday MARCH 23--24 PRICES $35. AND UPWARD Remember is last week that allow u-z-ah&u':nd-u-flqu'"" We Make The Clothes ' That Make The Man 325 Our new models for Spring come in all sorts of fancy mix-- s+~--serges, worsieds and a few Every suit guaranteed to fit. JOHN CICHY On Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th ONLY, we offer Linseed Turpentine, per gal ....... ... $1.68 Dutch Boy or Carter's White Lead : 1i¥ ibe .......... ... . ... .. HABt We do not furnish containet and will notsell more than 10 gallon to one oil, boiled or raw, for which this fatherland .of ours im-- poses on us--and to defend all the \'", w\M vfl% lfl&h-{' h it #m.m:wflnw organization of the Fascisti might zdopt the uniforms and other para-- phernalia. which have . helped to make it a power in Italy and that this would transfer to it in this country some of the prestige which it now holds among the Italians in the native country. § 3.70