tive marketing act. One hearing before the Senate has already been held on the bill and it may 'be acted upon soon. : Its pass-- age or defeat will concern materially NEW CO--OPERATIVE MAEKK! * ING BILL BEFORE STATE LEGISLATURE One of the most important pieces of legislation waich ever concerned farmers of Illinois\~ is now before the legislature--the=new co--opera-- The act, if passed, will pernit farmers to pool and market their products without fear that the action will be considered a restraint of, trade. It authorizes the formation of non--profit co--operative associa-- tions, of eleven or more members, for the orderly marketing of their own products,. It aims to make the dis-- tribution as direct as possible and to No «stockholder may own more than one twentieth of the stock. It provided that any person who LvlulyMblanfiQ mbout the affairs of a co--operative association organized under the act The act does not interfere in any way with associations organized un-- gflnoldeo-mutinbv. It al-- lJows them, however, to come ih under the new one, if they wish. Nor does the bill limit the use of the word *4eq--0perative," . 35 1 s shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Provisions are also made for action against members who break 'con-- tracts, in order to protect those who are loyal to the organization and to insure efficient marketing and finane-- ing. In brief, the new co--opérative act, which is similar to jaws already passed and operating in' 18 states, merely grants to the farmer his right of organizing with hisd neighbors for the marketing of their own products, It does not take away, however, the rights or privileges of associdtions which are already organized. With co--operative marketing as-- sociations in every major lilincis farm product already set up by the Illincis Agricultural Association and county farm bureaus, the success of co--operative marketing has been es-- tablished in this state as the farmers' greatest opportunity for economic stability. GETTING GOOPD RESULTS ON AREA WORK IN BOONE Percentage of T. B. Cattle Less | °C enmmmzmmens ® IN BOONE . Mrs. Hiram Bartiett came home Since T. B. Testing started in { last Thursday from St. Louis after Boone County, July 1st the m'-lmndln.m winter with her daugh-- uge of reactors found in herds has ; ter. . drmed""mmhl'n' Mrs. Frank Johnson is visiting in cent. <A total of 2477 cattle have | Chicago for a few. days. 0 cent. <A total of 2477 cattle have been tested with 475 reactors to date. Some very remarkable results have been obtained in cleaning out T. B. from herds where 50 to 60 per cent of the cattle reacted to the test last July. On the rétest which started January 15th a goodly numbver of these bad herds have come through clean on the second test. On the second test in some cases one or two reactors were found. Twenty--two car loads of reactors _ Pnd.--Cluster Bud--For seab and canker worms. Apply when buds are showing pink, but before they have have been shipped to Chicago for slaughter since July 1st. SPRAYS AND SPRAYING For the convenience of those who are planaing to spray this year the «chedule below is given. Right now is the time to apply the Dormant apened, use in 50 gallons spray: 4 Ts. dry lime sulphur, 1 Tb, powdered lead arsenatée. _ _ _ _ _0 _ _ _ 8rd--Calyx Spray--For seab and coddling moth. Apply when most of blogsom petals have fallen off and before ealyx cups close, use in 50 gallons spray : 4 Jos. dry lime sulphur 1 Ib. powdered lead arsenate, _ _ 4th.--Three weeks after fall of petais-- For seab, blotch, codting moth, Curenlions and leaf epot. Ap-- ply 3 weeks after petal of blossoms have fallen. Use in 50 gallons spray 4 Tbe. dry lime sulphur, 1 Jb. powder-- ed lead arsenate. 5ta.--Nine weeks after fall of pet-- als--For second brood codling moth. Apply usually between July 15--30th. Use in 50 gallons spray: 2 Ibe. lump lime or 8 lbs. hydrated linte, 1 !b. powdered lead arsenate. y _ NOTE:--If three sprays are to be used instead of five, use No, 1, No. 3 and No. 4. 2. PEARS. < Use the first four sprays given for ."hdt.heum-"d- g:m materials as suggested y under apples. 4. cu?;mn: * ist--Dormant Spray--If seale is found an trees, apply before buds found an trees, appiy Dezore Duas and leaves have opened entirely. Use hi!pllonwmf:uhhl-n @nd.----First Summer LAKE COUNTY FARM BUREAU IN LAKE COUNTY EDITED BY J. J. DOERSCHUK County Farm Adviser. For ----PFor brown rot, leaf spot, and plum cureu-- lio, .. Apply just before buds open. Use in each 50 gallons spray : 2% lbs dry lime sulphur, 1%4 lbs. powdered lead arsenate. 8rd.--Second Summer Spray--For brown rot, leaf spot, curculio and slug. Apply immediately after pet-- als nave fallen. Use in each 50 gal-- lons spray: 1% lbs. powdered lead arsenate, 2% lbs. dry lime suiphur. 4ta--Third Summer -- Spray--In case of damp bad weather after see-- ond Summer spray. Apply 10 days alhr&fdabave.fl_'uo'r;nu::hx gallons spray: 2% phur, 1% lbs, powdered lead arsen-- In mixing dry lime sulphur and lead arsenate it is advisable always to weigh out the amount needed and 'mlxthhinln-fllqwfltyd'm 'and in turn strain this in the barrel through a gunny sack or some sieve of that sort in order to catch the lumps and solid material which has not been dissolved. If this is not done, a great deal of delay may be caused by the solid particles catching in the hole in the disk at the nozzle. Lime sulphur, when being dissoly-- ed should be dissolved in a small quantity of water just to a milky consistency then strained into the barrel,. Lead arsenate can be made into a thin slop and also strained into _ :Spray schedules for other fruits and for brambles can be obtained from the Farmi Bureausoffice by re-- points which you will find helpful. In figuring out the amount of each material needed to spray your orch-- ard use this method: _ "Young tree just in Dearing ap-- proximately will require 1 to 2 gal-- lons per tree per application. _ . ----'A middle--aged tree and middle-- sized tree approximately will require 2 to 4 gallons per tree, depefiding By knowing lpprozim:&'ely how many gallons of spray will be re-- cuired per application and knowing the amount of material needed for eacn 50 gallons of spray it is easily figured what amount of material will be needed.--From Peoria Co. Former. _Old trees and large trees approxi-- mately require from 4 to 6 gallons The Lake County Farm Bureau has a supply of bulletins on "Spray-- ing Illinois Fruits." > Mr, Scarborough called at the E. J. Weiskopf home at Libertyville Sat-- urday afternoon. -- -- n Next Sunday is Easter. Our S. S. will have a program at 10:30 A. M. to help us remember why we have Easter. We would like everyone present. -- Parents as well as children. We would like to see as many par-- If you don't believe the French are artists, the most beautiful woman in Paris is siid to be 58 years old. The Register is the farmers' ad-- vertising medium that brings results Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luebkeman spent Sunday with Mrs. Emma The women of the Community Club will entertain the men at the next regular meeting of the club. Who says the men are not curious? the children. It is also the first Sunday 'of the second yuarter of the year and each child has a good chanee to start o perfect record for many want to come and help Sunday school. 1 The Reliable Laundry size. DIAMOND LAKE You will soon want to have your RUGS cleaned and of course you want them cleaned in the VERY BEST WAY. There is no better way than NAPTHA DRY This way cleans them thoroughly of dirt and spots and renders them free of Moths or a possibility of Moths later on. Call Libertyville 67--R when you are ready and we will clean them the NAPTHA WAY. CLEANING. MDHM&D!&! HOUSEKEEPERS 4e _ our 24--2t To the unknown owners and to all persons interested in the following described lands, or lots or portions of same, TAKE NOTICE. r year 1920 made by the County Treasurer and County Clerk in the County Court in the Court House in the City of Waukegan, County of Lake and 'State of Ilinois according to the Laws of the State of Illinois, And to E. P. Blanchard and to Pub-- lic Service Co, Take Notice that on the 29th Day of July 'A. D. 1921, W. B. Smith purchased Lots 2 and 3 W, A. Cannons Subdivision in Sec-- tion 15, Township 46 N. R. 12 As-- sessed in the name of E. P. Blanch-- ard, and the time for the Redemption of the same will expire on the 30th Day of July A. D. 1923. W. B. Smith purchaser, To Oscar J. Kloer, Loretta Kloer, Of Sale of lands and lots for State, County, City, General and Special Taxes, State of Illinois, County of Rake, TAX PURCHAS-- ERS NOTICE. s That a Tax Sale of Lands and Lots for delinquent Taxes, for the C. W. Heydecker and W. C. Foster Take Notice that on the 29th day of To Ella P. Browne, Alex F. bein, Chicago Title and Tru whiéh'i:v at 129 Genesee Telephone 258 PUBLIC SERVICE 00. will allaw as a credit in the & Broms t of toaster, _ c Full particulars at any our the NOTICE Park o1 i Suits for Stout Figures ' _ $24.175 to $59.00 _ m selection of styles, made of finé F mmmdmmifiufi:mm% In Women's Coats, Suits, Dresses For Easter----Attractively Priced Authentic Spring Modes Suihwi!lhfliaprominentplaeeintheEaster Parade this year and every woman will want a Parade this year and every woman will wWant a suit for Spr%m thoug she may not want it for Easter. e have assembled a wonderful e&eflmofughgndohflorodnfltsmadeof fine quality Twills and Tricotines, at modest prices. Sizes 16 to 40. Stunning New Suits For Easter $99--590 to $4959 s ;',' A 7 s M > Nee s ty % )f, "': \fl'v ,~' / Ns A 2 \ '%' v%' 0 ' x¥ Mla4l\, & W 1 J M e Hiad ~;'.5',"':'"'5:'!I11;§':'o,' ¢ -- B | n# ALLK [AE \@.' t M K e w | #@ & Th & : ~ ' ' : ('A U & . 42 M / is 4 : e m 73 \ V s o s' & * s | 2 i. s ts ra C | <" oys --~VB! oi i. a C ®R f'%;'ilii;fj'f;;éj%"':v.'.-.f.-*' ':'f \ - C ~~~*+ -- Everything in Plain Figures--One Price to AlU s