~Mrs. Townsend Smith and Mrs. Charles LemkGhl were Chicago vis-- ih Mr.--and Mrs. Robert Dawson of Prairie View spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrz. Frank Baumgartner. . ing of the death of Mrs. Herman Knigge of Deerfheld. Her death was caused by heart trouble. . PW A little uuit;::nm at the home of Mr. and Frear of Grayslake Wdz!dl 28. Mrs, Frear was formerly Miss Lou-- day wm---nWlm Five members of the Rainbow Class of 'the Alp'u:d}ny senool took am 15 dozen ols in the LakpBoif orpnanage Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Langworthy of Libertyville called on Mr. and lno.m&nhy, J6hn ht and Mrs. Win. Al-- bright were Chicago visitors Fri-- day. O. Bell of Highland Park spept Sun-- day at theé F. C. Shaddle home. ise Ransom. Mrs, Myron R. Wells was a Wau-- kegan visitor Saturday. Helen Russel was on the sick list last week. Mrs. Thomas, Delacy of Liberty-- ville spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Harry Pfannenstill. _ -- 12 Mrs. Waiter Stark and son Buddy visited her sister in Janesville the latter part of the week.. § Mr..and Mrs, Myron Wells called on Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hollaad Sun-- Mrs. Metzner was called to Mil-- waukee last week on account of the illness of her mother. wuests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daw-- zon of Prairie View Saturday night. Dean Aynsiey of Highland Park called on Area relatives Monday. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. A)}~ bert Roder and Mrs. Myron R. Wells visited the Lake Bluff Orphanage and presented 105 quarts of fruit which the Ladies Aid and other friends do-- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roder and fam-- \y visited Long Grove relatives on amemeeiauenas On Missions" at 'the "Pridhy. afterncen Mrs. Herman Kueblank called on Mrs. King of Lake Forest Sunday wrtertained Mr. and Mrs. Zoeliner of Libertyvilie, Miss Woodcutter-- of Luhhnn,&.l.'fil- Dawson and Mr.-- Kenney Half Day on Sunday evening. * meeting of the Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. John Rouse proved to be a very interesting speaker and all the members reported an after-- noon well spent. 'Mrs. John Deitz is spending a few 1ays in Chicago. # ~Mrs. E. H. Bluhm and 'daugh er Alva were Chicago visitors Mon-- Aynsley Ross was a Chicago visit. or Saturday. | CGames were played followed by re-- fternoon. Misa Mildred Porteous entertained Six' at her home Saturday evening. aY morn-- Word was received Monday Mr. Miss Viola Wells spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bader, Mr. and Mr.--and Mrs. MRS. M. L CHANDLER Local Editor . Phone 122 y es | .. Nmd AREA |f:°:':-m of | mmcmumf#fl work on a new play, "Am I »ing?"whhhfieywmdufi lfim in the near future. It's a that will make a hit. LONG GROVE SCHOOL _ There were ten perfect in attend-- n:.hr..'ut. e 'eighth month of school start-- ed March 29. j the eighth graders have finished &:'u--l"hdfl-'nfi. fifth and sixth grades made a map of the Central States this week.. Some of: them were very good.. The first, second and third grades made some rabbits, chickens and eggs for Easter decotrations. Well at last our schoo} has received a flag pole, aftr waiting a long man for the oo the t'bGl!ldm.MM In. a match which was got up in a hurry Tuesday night the Area Sharks trimmed the Grist Grinders by 490 pins. Al Neath was high R. Waters W. Jonnson A,. Ktrumrey Th%w is starting an active to see that the sick of its ts receive flowers. 4 The Dramatie Club had a delight-- ful meeting. Monday night at the J. Fred's Pick--ups. -- Communion service next Sunday, "Choosing the Great Adventure" is the topic. --A large attendance is ¢x» A number of Ivanhoe folks at-- tended the Aréa Athletic Club meet-- wney e ce is , 1 When? ~A; 6. nere? _At Ivankoe Chu Way?* To g you fun and the enjoyment of . high class entertainment m and dramatics. The choir g them. t# You won't miss the biggest treat of the season. -- You're going to the Congregational --Church _ Friday night, April 6, to enjoy the Golden West Novelty Entertainment. -- 7:45 alleys in Waukegan by 77 pins. Both teams were tied in the Ast game and, Johnson's quintet forged ahead in the 2nd game by 20 pins but lost the last game by 97 pins. ' natdl' & i game, Fred's Plz-q:mohnun'n Pick--ups last Thursday ' night at the Richelieu school 'Wednesday afternoon. Carl Rau 'wh_m a:ngz: looks up to d . ' Mrés. John Hans --and ©daughter Mabe! spent 'Saturday cevening at the Herschberger home. Rev. KalkBrenner was a Prairic View caller Monday. The Kock girls spent Sunday at the Moldenhauer home. Ralph Meyor attended the funeral of his grandmother at Palatine Mon-- day. Mt. andMrss 'Wickersheim> and family spent Sunday evening at the Johnson's Pick-- Muhike Wilkening Murrie 146 176 190 177 115 182 137 146 183 138 166 2015 314 417 421 our e /4 Ne Mrs. Steineger spent several days the past week in Chicago with her daughter and other relatives. Milton Mumford, who has been very sick with scarlet fever, is at present getting along fine. > Earl Somerville was transacting business in Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Charles Ettinger of Chicago spent the first of the week at the home of Mrs.: Sophia Martin. Wm. Ross is preparing plans for building on Lake street. ~It is under-- stood that Mr. Ross will move the mmmua-md lot in order to build a new resi-- Mrs, Chris Mortensen, who was operated on in a Kenosha hospital over two weeks ago returned to her home here last Friday. 'Mrs. George Kuhaupt went to Mil-- waukee on Tuesday to visit with her sister, Mrs. Schiamer, who with her husband expects to leave soon on a trip to Germany. C § e day afternoon for a with lhhhmmfii ed Miss McLinn, Miss Theima Hnuudhng'-tth"r_h-!o week. 4 lmwd'nhcuw'; -A-uuhvhhchmddnl sick for some time and was on the nhh;whluhvu:.nh.' .'. '-Mpm = W. McGee, returned . to ll&h. Mo., last Saturday to fnish her nurzes. training course in the Os-- teopath hospital there. "" gosts more per capita to ms : running expenses of ruta) echooly énm than in the cities and in-- «orporated villages, a¢ o .,1 yb 4i¥ ures. compiled by school : ficials of the state. e pupils in a country school cost not less than $1,000 per year, or $200 for each pupil, while in cities and larger units the cost is about $40 each, » _ -- _ Figures compiled -- that 165 school districts of Illinoig ower than five pupils a! n 'W' dv;.'hllo in 1,581 there . ly attendance of fewer | nine pupils, These are figures given out by Francis G. Blair, state guperin-- tendent of public imw*' ts came as far as Homewood, II!., Sat-- urday and/on Sunday their daughter and her husband and son, Mr. and Mrs. Craven, motored out with them. Mrs. Louise Huff of Chicago visit-- ed over Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herman Fox, --and family, returning to the city on Sunday. In 1,176 districts there is an at-- tendance of from six to ter and in 2243 filtrfil'p runs fro:mf eleven to . AT' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keulman visit-- ed with relatives in Chicago over Sunday, KS Ts Mr. and: Mrs. Robert Selter, who have been enjoying a trip to New Orleans returned to their home at Grass Lake on Sunday last. They m Schools Cost of (miagoondely%lh"- tended the "Build Your . Home" Exposition at the Coliseum, --.~---- Mrs. Rhymer has rented the Fid-- dier fiat. on Spafford stret. w Mrs, Lee Middlendorffspent from Wednesday until Sunday in Chicago at the home of--her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, being called there by the illness of her mother. ons Sog : ar dn san. bvinbnngme h n week's vacation at home. Robert iand Justus : Kalkbrenser of Elmhurst spent .a few days with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Kalk-- make up for it. week's vacation at home. Mr. Pearl Herachberger is enjoying a Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. All kinds of Auto Repair Work calls, Reverse charges on long distance 8. SsIMMONDS THE STAR LAKE PHONE 44+4+--wW The. plan . contemplates a local branch in every county, to be officer-- ed and operated by local farmers and sportsmen. To each local or-- ganitation will be assigned the duty on o uk county are mm,wafl-.,h are respected and that all offenders are properly punished. $800 was filed Saturday morning in. the Circuit court by the Sinclair Re-- fining Company against J. M. Can-- non, garage man at Lake Villa. The bill charges the money is due by the company. Springfield, Illinois, April 3rd.-- A novel organization, gomoining in muuzdu farmers and sports-- men of state of Tllinois, for " pouldnm;lpmudioa.hbz:. formed under the name of the Illi-- nois Game Protective Association, with state headquarters in this city. Mr, and<Mrs W. J. Bristow of m':'m visitors at the home of R.J. Bristow on Sunday. Mr. 'i:: Indl{ Schanck and m &A c'l.m, were guéests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray on Sunday. There are more than 1,157 vari-- lolli; $ ce |'~ ils growing out of pop entil mmzbswnndwhe»- sules, baskets of flowers and notes ma in wobbly letters by children too young to write, but not too young to send messages of cheer, addressed to "A hero" or "A buddy." These surprises are placed on the trays on stormy days, and make the bed--ridden ex--service men realize that they have hundreds of friends among the school children. f ongribute w'g for NW% Orphanage. | Eighty dozen were 'de-- livered 'n: orphanage from the Diamond . L Church. Mertill and Car! Weiskopf were Diariond Lake visitors on Sunday. : > Mrs. Leroy Kane entertained the Mills u;n dinner: Sunday. Mr. 'and Mrs, Dick Horman have settled down in Rob Rouse's cottage, We're glad we are not losing them from .our neighborhood, _ .-- G BED--RIDDEN EX--SERVICE MEN _ CHEERED .BY CHILDRENX FARMERS AND SPORTSMEN COMBINE FOR PROTECTION FILES SUIT TO each week. / The work is z done ::dfltyllnhw}ledc;-muu everyone from w mb%;fst dignified 8th grad-- er has a in it. f "Gloom chasers" are being provid-- ed for tray pationts in the govern-- ment &nd the contract. nospitals, Register Want Ads Get Results. Suit for collection of --a bill for ~ ANNOUNCEMENT GEQRGE A. JONES, D. D. S. inbang and shor o neet dlao gave t toe mifk on tine imb Piabe Preoding KING KORNDYKE HEILO LYONS NO. 330242 --« FOR SALE . King Korndyke Heilo Lyons 5th a three Wednesday and Saturday DONE PINE FARM VOSE ND LAKE *_ I am opening dental offices on the second floor of the Cit-- of each beginning 1h mvnek April COLLECT DEBT A SON OF _ Fred Blizzard of West Town, N. Y, m..auu»uowz ' of the Milk Producers Market-- ing Company, as general manager. Ever since the inception of this or-- ganization it has been felt that a broad, competent general . manager was required.' Upon the election of the Committee of Nine, this body as-- sured the farmers, that with due care they would at some future date find and hire some man to fill that te-- mhbpodtim It is now --some months since that committee came into being and after its diligent | search in the milk field, Mr. Bliszard aifter 23 years of continuous service flmmmhr»mpm He will take up his new duties in the Chnicago office on April 1st, and there hopes to meet producers of the Chi-- tion it t-----m nssy hair only be had by brew» t ds . -- Your Te ow pig m meiked Tow an or an or two of Sage and Sul-- enhances its appearance a hun-- makes: or mars the face.. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an ion or two of Sage and Sul-- EMbmah& Don't bother to the mixture; Hopsin Ralment se parie ' n!-"figk E--( md-zhb- :-bh'hhd&-fi-i Monday and Tuesday, The eighth grade have finished mm-ubmm for Easter also some Easter baskets, The eighth grade are reviewing in Civies for their final> examination April 5th, Mrs. Lohman and family were bus-- iness callers in Round Lake Satur-- day. 'All the telephones in this com-- munity are still out of order from cago dairy district and discuss with them their--problems And try to work out a plan whereby they may receive a profitable price for their milk. SAGE TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK It's -- Grandmother's . Recipe -- Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair td thit hh l be ind 19 Pee: \ F m l o mixture qfla Tea and Sul-- We for GOULD-- SCHOOL ' ve our school room décor-- GURNEE, ILL to Manchuria wants America's worn-- out street cars. . But what . would that leave us to use., *X 3k t and Shaverernt Lolian ad sons at Will Lohman's Wed-- nesday.. .' The City Council of Peoria h:':p- propriated $4,500 per annum & full--time city health commissioner, and ~$1,800 per annum for a ful}l time experienced millk inspector. BUILD 32 ILD Z2z NOW! ¥ Camps Luce, Paul Jones, Aviation and Farragut C n BHKEATHING BOARDS-- McCORMICK . DEERING LINE T. oc id 1 apeially pocss «$4.50 | @.."""__:$1,00 NOTE: The quality of tumber and millwork used in the con-- streoien of thoss eaiope vias Reatenls of ins vess best aradh Government Bldg. Material at Big Savings! GREAT LAKES NAVAL CAMPS Water Storage Tanks-- Heating and Plumbing Material aa"a'-:"fi"z:"'" m * s12°0 -- bargain at..... l '50 Wash Bowis-- Enormous Quantity of Pipes, Vaires and Fittings, 1 in. to 6 in. CGordon Wrecking & Lumber 4 '[]'flthomemhbumwmm {x'::&yhmxflcfi" for your Mc-- Conpnick eeritg fems tools. " They cout no more, and they are guaranteed to fit wear as well as the. original parts. . In fact, there is no difference n en raniaes peaane m the same patterns, and from the same materials. When need repairs or extra parts for headquarters. on short notice ndlumth:mlce. yoa 9P SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 39 Libertyville, L Eyar sc 3 s "E'fli..l , in es $1.25 hat ges Th "¢95 every way possible. KEWANEE BOILERS--O5 per cent new--$425 AND UP All sizes complete--Inspection invited. 9!'5!'!. ,d._-d -"'2 ?2 m:':-nl GREAT LAKES, ILL_--PHONE WAUK. 148 BP s+ '§$20 °Y BOARD FEET 17 in. -- 6 in., No. 1 clear, Wall Boeard-- "American" Wall Radiators-- Tapped , for and . hot Address : 928 North Ave. Waukegan,. DL FRED GRABBE Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales down tank, fitted with latest Talngs, and white v1410008 SL Telephone Waukegin 919--¥--4 value per sq. ft. at. Worth new $4.00 $1.75