CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 4 Apr 1923, p. 3

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dolpa Knask, Mrs, E. B. Jordan, Mrs. Romayne Stryker, Mrs. Ray Gunckel, Mrs, Alex Willman, Mrs. Beth M. Gooder, Mrs. Robert Green-- slade, Mrs, Elmer Clavey, Mrs. Harry Olendorf, Mrs. Frank Hemp-- stead, Mrs. B. H. Kress, Mrs. S. S. Love, Mrs, Eugene Ender. ; son, Mrs. Ed. Segert,; Mrs. --John Woodman, Mrs. Oscar Beecham, Mrs. Ray C. Humme!, Mrs. William Kent, Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Gordon Clouse, Mrs: Walter Lang, Mrs. Ray Parent--Teacher -- Association -- Card party at 'the" school assembly hall, ;m:n;':-nm, April 7, at two o'clock: Sadie Galloway, Mrs. William Galloway, Mrs. Russell La Velle, Mrs: Harry Muh'ke, Mrs, Aug-- ust Klemp, Mrs. Fred Haggie, Mrs. Albert Haggi, Mrs. William Haggie, Mrs. Richard B. Patterson, Mrs. Ed-- ward Brennan, Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. Fred Labahn, Mrs, Julius John-- oml: A. J. . Ender, William , James % Village Clerk, mn} Knaak, A'l'h vfl:::m will be held pril 17 the following tickets inun"lz "pl"- ez es wmi::E 10 ft., $8.90© 12 ft., $9.70 1Mft, $$85 16ft, $945 14 ft.$1045 16 ft $11.20 14 ft,, $8.85 icly g'"i 4 10 ft wide, $5.65; 12ft wide, $6.25 ; 14 ft wide, $7.25 qlll-mgrum -- 48 in. high ... . .. .$2.10 60 in. high ... .. . .$2.55 For president, Burr H. Kress. Cor, South ;g. W aukegan H.o 168 Open Until 9;:00 P. M.--12:00 Noon Sundays You are invited to come to our factory for your fence requirements. You can select from our full H.&P. Accessory Co. GAS AND OIL SERVICE STATION WORLD BATTERY SERVICE STATION DEERFIELD 592 SOUTH SHERIDAN ROAD 8 bars, 82 in. 12 in. stays.. . .28%/c 8 bars, 32 in.':....%c 9 bars, 42 in. lzinstuys.....aéc iesdb in ie if C IOMflhm_';... ll? YY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. 8 in. stays ..... 41c 16 bars, 58 in. _8 in. stays .. ..47%¢ PEOPLE'S TICKET of a large list of styles at the following Complete Line of Whiz Products WIRE FENCE Mrs. Elizabeth McHugh of Chi-- cago was the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. S, Love, last Friday. Mrs. Love and daughter, Berenice, return-- Rev, Vere Stakemiller had as his Sunday guests, Miss Margaret Zahn and Mr. Klingman of Chicago. .. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Gayne and little daughter Marilyn of Oak Park were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Gawne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will-- jam Plagge. Mrs. Arthur--Merner was hostess to the Woman's Missionary Society of the Evangelical Church, Tuesday. The orchestra of the Evangelical Church will give a concert at the school assembly hall Thursday even-- ing, April 5. ¥ Fred Kersten spent Saturdayat the Fred Haggie home. / George Yore passed away Wednes. day at his home in Everett and was buried Saturday. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Tully Yore, and three sons, Thomas, Edward and Joseph, and four ducbm:.n:l J. F. M, Mrs. J. J. ' Y, Mrs. J. C. Dorfler and Mrs. A: L. Dorfler. A son, Lewis Yore was in the world war and died in service. Thaé funeral was held Saturday at 10:30 from the home of Thomas F. Yore of Lake Forest, to St. Patriek's Church and cemetery of Everett. Mr. and Mrs, Baer of Chicago visited their Jittle granddaughter, Jean Gordon, mt .the home of Mrs. day with her loyv.lluuhhualln' Miss Bertha Wiess : of Ch will give piano lessons in Deerfic in Mrs. John Stryker's home. Miss Wiess is the daughter of Theodore Wiess of the Deerficld: Mereantile B;. .. $3 e K «s 5w , ... .41%e ¢ x+ € . k rir wmmAcron & m'mxfl' _ Deep Well Pumps and Cylinders Phone Lib. 286--W--2, Waukegan, NJ _ Hourn: 180 to 5 & 6 to 8 p. m.. Sundays & Holidays by Appointment _ . H. HESLINK DR. J. L TAYLOR C in First National Bank Bidg. " Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGBONX _ _ Telephone 57 161 Lincoln Ave. Libertyville School of Music and Dramatic Art an office in Deerfield, over Hermann Confectionery store, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Office hours from 9.2. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R. _ _ The following Chapel service was broadcasted at Radiophone Station KYW at two o'clock Easter Sunday afternoon . by . the Presbyterian Church choir and pastor. Invocation. Choir--"Christ is Risen"--Adams Incidental solos--Eva Fried!und, soprano, Grace Ropbins, contralto, Frances Biederstadt at the piano. _ Scripture Reading--John 20:11--17. Solo--"How Blest Was That Life" Kirkpatrick--Sung by Mrs. E.-- C. Becker, with Miss Biederstadt ac-- companying. Quartette--"Low In The Grave He Lay"--Lowry. S'n Mrs. Becker, Merie Tibbetts, bass William Fried-- Tenor Solo -- "Hosana" ---- Gainer Merle Tibbetts; Alice Emmons Mc-- Bride at the piano. Mrs, Herman Goldberg will be hostess to the Young Matrons Wed-- nesday afternoon at 'heyr home in Highland Park. HENRY BOYSEN, JR. Mrs. Arnold Keller entertained the Sewing Club on Tuesday after-- noon. > Mrs. R. B. Patterson attended a meeting at the Portage Park Wom-- r'- Club of Chieago, of 'which she s a member, on Friday, and heard Congresswoman Winnifred Mason Huck speak. The Doreas Society will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. Will-- iam Kist. Miss Louise Kellogg of the Grove Farm, a Sopnomore at Vassar Col-- lege, has made the varsity basket-- ball team. Miss Kellogg has been playing center on .the . Sophomore team. Mrs. Ray Humme! will be hostess to the Pot Luck Social Club, at her home on East Déerfleld avenue, on Wednesday afternoon. The McGowan family moved Fri-- dl)':rontbomm-flntto the Mary Wessling house, Mrs. H'ofl. man's sister and family moved into the Hofman fiat Saturday. ed to Chicago with Mrs. MeHugh and were her Miss Sarah Schneider has returned from Zion City where she was visit-- ing at--the home of an uncle. . _Henry Schneider of Grand Ave. is in the Presbyterian: bospital where he underwent an operation. Mrs. Mary Wessling and daughter Miss Laura, moved into the Milton Frantz fiat Thursday. Doctor of Chiropractie Kaiser Bldg., Over Gas Office Teacher of Vocal Music -- STUDEXNT or HoLMQUIST RUFFO AND STULTS n rouney s Oe . Assistant State Veterinarian C. B. OLNEY, D. V. . .« OPTOMETRIST --_ ROOM 9, MURRAY BLDG. l lu'. PHONE 983 . .. Assistant State Veterinarian Professional Services B, H. MILLER Telephone 152--W NELSON fust swhane *' +9 home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Second prize ringt Outft do-- ' ment Co. of As Eim Place ef Highland Park and the sachool tied "TThe (MF3 prict. 809 . worth -- of MM"&&- M was Mhm,mfin-m} visited in Deerfleld Sunday. 'fiu.'w" .cmayh- land Park spent the week end at the '~Mrs. Elise Druhl Knigge, wife of Herman Knigse, passed away very suddemly of heart disense, Monday for Arst place, they will compete| Simple buckthorn bark, Tess e e ns a ns e Brunswick records by the| STANTLY, inducing res! mu' Co. was often Removes sut awarded to the Grammar from BOTH + School. wikhpd.r': The Reiche!t Sr. fumily ofm:'ib eaused gas. EXCELLEN visited in Deerflield Sunday. nst appendicitia. -- Dec -;_!-*'W-(m-r-fl.m among the winner$. The following prize winners by Mr, M 5. aiet the conlfte Bast aoinh, .(&1. bm "Qd%;'bm to New Trier School, which acored 1250 points. ~Included in the "*mmrnflch the value of $200 from Q. R. 8. Music Co. of Chiengo. Becond prize, Two Vicias and one Violoncello, donated by William Lester and Son of Chicago, was to the University of Chicago MHigh School. which scored 1199 _ Third prize, $50 worth of Vietor nugr@nmm ser to B Eesn fel Reo, ead |-- The anng@l fonzregation meeting its members, or to supply men of the Pre@byterian Church ~was with machingry or other equip» held Wednesday evening. Reports !t sets the minimum term of : | from all '"' "' ents -- were n.d_ibeu'nip u" years, but set Rsolutions WeR sjopted approving maximum, _ the loan from our Board of Church| The Senat@ passed, 38 to 2, Erection in Né@w York and from the Cuthbem"w providifig for Deerfieki State Bank, in order to mova! olm municipal finish the : B@W . church Two new|cers for in office. trustees were élected, Ray Humme!] The House un@nimously passe, and William Kist. Williim Kreh| bil of Representative Ben Smit was re--elected but has resigned and| Pekin to accept Creve Coeur | another is to be appointed. Dr. C.| in Tazewell County for use : Johnston Davis was re--elected upon| state park. | . the Board of . rs, and Mrs, E. C.| _A bill introduced by Senator W Becker ", # Frances Biederstadt | Chicago, providing a charge of : |\in the musigal department. der for anyone who knowingly I, The Prespyte®ian congregation was wood alcohol or other liquor : invited to atfend the special chil--| which death results, was repc | dren's t Bt St. Paul's Evangel--| out this morning with recomme 'ieal Church, WBster Sunday evening. tion that it pass. l The E. 2 ntata at the Presby--| Senator Kessinger's bill provi \terian Chu B Fhursiay evening was for a tax on grain futures was | beautifully »Rresente and noddng'alled to the agricultural comm:i | approaching ts kin< has ever been|for redrafting. Senator Punlap's Schneider 1 Presbyterian hos-- pital in , Thursday avening. The women will act'as hostesses high school Parent Teacher % Thursday after-- A. three mét comedy will be pre-- sented by oung people of the Holy Cre - urch at the school assembly Saturday evening, April 21, feollowed by a dance with music by 1 s orchestra, The cast of the play : "Arthur Hummingtop, Floyd Tooy-- ford; Raigh Ormerod, Roy Hein-- Ticks; Joahus Gfl'l:'buul. h'd-.d » y Baker; m irg Kress; i oc ak wml ; Rosa Col-- given before. Phe c c icn will be held Saturday evening, Apri| 21, at which time s p\tvaul'-' term ex-- pires. As &¥ as is known Mr. Hempstead be a candidate for re--election, «/. Mre, : vey will entertain the Altar ry Society of the Holy Cross rch at «her home Thursday n. M Miss l'j@g e of Chicago spent PE:tgr with mother, Mrs, Sarah gge.. M / James &h visited _ Henry NOSE C!.Ofiag FROM A COLO OR CATARRH Divine Ht f'_!" 7' on fixion, Merie Wibbe mons McBride at t The annual éon; of the Preabyteri: held Wednesday « from all departm« Rlolut.lonc,' & the loan t-#'__" r Erection in New Y Deerficki State B finish the : neWw . ch trustees «Cle and William Kist Selig, Merl@ Tibbetts and William f db k VC Sermon, * t Arose," by Martin Luther Them & Text, Mathew 28: 6. "He is not here; (or He is risen." Tenor golo, "The Majesty of the Divine Humailiation" from the Cruci-- fixion, M '" ibbets with Alice Em-- mons MceBride at the piano. lund, rhnston Davis w e Board of B ecker and Mins F the my 'del lvihd to tenc en's se e at S al Church, Baste The Easter eant pia o £ hss es Up of Mrs, l*.lm,l SPR D, HIL, March : tt | William | The & ty passed, 34 . * s wotk m{ the Lants @0--0p@rative mark--; Fist Arose," by Martin bill. The senators voting asa 'Mdeflll Angels on Biederstadt at VY Auad & To against appendicitis. Decker & Ne. organs, c restless, nervy &" causing a nerv buckthorn bark, --giycerine, mmMufl STANTLY, inducing restfo m""m, C umh"l '% Gas On Stomach Won't Let You Sleep home. Her death was a severe shock. Patiueeh 200 'tigke chifran: Gloage of Libertyville, Miss Nina of Chicago Cart, Ernest, Marcus, Paul, Edward and Luella of Deerfleld Funeral serv. loes will be held Wednesday after-- nnum.'dodtrub"'fl burial at Northfield. Knigge's home was in New Holstein, Wis. The Knigge family have the sym-- pathy of the entire community, } morning at three o'clock. Mrs. n-ntndh-ll-l'-:s Rub Rheumatic Pain . -- From Aching Joints P Pain right out with _"-- trial bottle of old o "8t. Jacobs OHH." The quality of the Insul shipment wak shown by the of sales of ma&w'?fiamsvu to $8.50~a nundredweight, a very few going at higher prices. Mr. In-- gul feeds the crops he has grown on his own estate with proper balancers uind is a great admirer of the Here-- fords for their easy--fattening and market topping ability. Samuvel Insul of Hawtnorn Farm, scored another top price with year-- ling steers fed at his Lake County estate when he sold an offering on the Chicago market, March 27th at the peak price paid for this class of eattle. The shipment consisted of eago stock yards and cashed them at the top price of the day, which was then $10.50 a hundredweight. Senator Kessinger's bill providing for a tax on grain futures was re-- called to the Agricultural committee for redrafting. Senator Dunlap's bill appropriating $10,500,000 to the Uni-- versity of Tilinois went to second reading. sixty--four head, averaging 1021 pounds each. Taey were uniform, and attractive to tne buyers. The price realized was $9.87 a hundred-- weight. The steers were Herefords of Texas origin. Only last month, Mr. Insul marketed a carload> of steers of the same class at the Chi-- HAWTHORN FARM STEERS AGAIN TOP MARKET PRICE A bill introduced by Senator Wood, Chicago, providing a charge of mur-- der for anyome who knowingly sells wood aleohol or other liquor from which death results, was reported out this morning with recommenda-- tion that it pass. The Senate passed, 38 to 2, the Cuthbertson bill providifg for re-- mova! of inty and municipal offi-- cers for s in office. The House ungnimously. passeq the bill of Representative Ben Smith of Pekin to accept Creve Coeur Park in Tazewell County for use as a bill. m seng voting against the bill "fi::ur. Hux'nea and Mason, #; Chicago, The »ill now goes to the House. The bil}} prov that eleven or more may form nonprofit co-- operative assogiations to engage in marketing «@g#i¢ultura) products of its me y or to -wry memuers with m ¥y or other equipment. It sets the m term of mem-- Priva poisoned _ stor EXCELLENT BILL PASSED omm ind to no Take Rlectric line to 22nd stt NetthCBieaie: Auiiee css BARGAIN SA ON (:'rARM'néa Complete Material to Build a Good BLACK SPANISH EGGS for ' Tock F Setting Thigk Sieg roes mt ts ho ut FOR SALE--6 FOR SALE--1922 Studebaker five FOR SALE--Five er Chev-- mm:-fl.d-'h close an estate. . Inquire Drv J. Ls Taylor, Phone 101. . 24--6t FOR SALE--Fine saddle horse, an FOR SALE--Coal and oil burning brooders of the better kind. Also incubators. Can save you money. _ Fred Parkhurst, phone 283--J--%, FOR SALE--10 acres of land at FOR SALE--180 acre farm with lake frontage near cement road. Godniuml;:m;hmb ment, dairy and horse barns, silos, , tool houses, and other 'smaller buildings, About 20 acres in good oak timber. © 50 acres in alfalfa. heifers ages 4 to 16 months old. Also bull calf from a Federal and State Accredited herd. Those are the best bred calves in the State of lilinois. Will "gell much below their value. Phil Donegan, Clover Hill Farm, Waukegan. #A--4t better in a new car. Priced very !a_'forquiekw:h. Phone 370--J--1. Phone 172--M Libertyville.: ~26--2t «senger touring car. This is a rie'@r'hk_llbhun-dnb ie theren vomintng of B homs modern house, large barn, garage, chicken house, orchard, shade trees, small fruit, at a reasouable price and on easy terms. * Entire farm drained. Very good loam soil. ¥o insure a quick sale this farm is priced' at 40% less than its real value, --If you are in "tbomuhtttorahfnr-.fl-u ve on, or for an investment, doa't fail to see this one. For further If you want to buy anything, or if you have something .f rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known rough columns, You will get results in o $ e Pss There is no way you can reach as many people in "i"'"'" p hushatauumdatnm-hlo.eouu,umg m | your wants known here. A trial will convince you. L | Caleunnt . Minimum charge, FOR SALE Clags charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. °_ EDWIN AUSTN, P Sare y t a n hb P WANTED--A man. Steady work at good wages. Yore Brothers & Co. FOR SALE--Good ear corn; Timothy hay and ukvndlgll:g Phone Area 284--J--1, Nettie ; FOR * SALE--International 10--20 Titan Tractor. . One 3--bottom Oliv. FOR SALE--Baled timothy hay and corn in ~stack. Phone 206--M--1. ~ Earl H. Kane. 24--6t FOR SALE--Plue Ribbon wheat and * Wisconsin Pedigreed barley, grown . : for seed. _ Recieaned and graded. . Wheat $1.50 per bushel, barley, 90 _ FOR SALE--Baby chicks. «Mrs. R convenient © location, sewer, ww.mmfihflal in. Special assessments all pa up. : Good income s '!:%:n-bfh' h you R. *Real & Imn-- surance, Register Office, EBiberty. er plow and 'Tractor guide. In good working condition, will dem-- e standard variety for main erop ?!to'nn. shelled --and ded. Butts and tips taken out. $3.50 p« w:' Mm-l'l. 4: , Ts y* * Cnmyiae Bhee & b--6t * #'tg' Plue Ribbon ind 0 per bushel, barley, 90 _ w 4# A#

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