CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 4 Apr 1923, p. 8

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P. . News and Sports. 6 ©;50. P. M. . Children's Bedtime f "100--0:00 P. 1. Wurcal Progrim. o enc ¢* $ ; on olinesepetemning 1 m i. o #. «aruq > "yo e i L. 6n yp> Aw C P F L * k. ' '.'--\x'b'»" :m-l!-u-m ef =#9 .: > Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Wilsaon, _ Walter McLaughlin «of Wl ' nttended the cantata: "Picnic im . at. the high sthool ® evening -- Mrs, William Fendick and son »wwmw-w- ents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strang at Wadsworth Bunday. . s i« _ thildren attended the funermal of Mr. Coen's mother at Rensselaer Indiana Inst woek. _ On account of the Athletic Carni-- ybb*-by'fiocvndnu-' the high school on the evening of 'April 12, the evening of April 19 has m:h&'wm menship by Mrs. M. H. Licber of Winnetks will be given Thursday afterncoon, April 5th at the town hall at 4 o'clock. It is hoped there -g..pam l-z_i--" owers made a fitting setting for the wendering of the beautiful celved on confession of faith. It was a day of peace and gladness. pared for the services. Communion ANOTHER COMMUNITY DANCE 'Did you folks ever stop to con-- tfinhlp.duuk?m Arst of all it must have rythm and Keep its rythm; then it must have melody to appeal to the ear with wikality to cause the dancers to call again for encores. 'This is the kind 'of music you will find at the com-- di-!l-uh;"b l:hfl" -lu»s-uhhlm"l'"' fety of dances as well as quality in music, conalsting of one :-dfismb_-l Sne. An evening of enjoyment is assured all who attend. -- > ---- * Weather Report: i 906 P. M. "Under the Lamp," a service including stories, Youth's Sunday, April 8, 1988 1100 A. M. Central Chotch vices from Orchestra Hall, Dr. erick F. Shannon, pastor. Mus 3:30 P. M. Studio Chapel Services. The Rev. W.'1. Kinselia, St. Phillip's Church will Service. A special musical y Caoir 400 P. M. Chicago Sunday ing* Club Services from MHall, Chicago. Special musical prt c'hmh&. Hundred under the d Rdcar Nelson: The speaker will be &mmfl A Andover, Mans. f and Mrs. Harry C. Wilson of o were week end guests of E SIX Henry Rurope seems to think peace Obligations under the direction of Dan-- i new members re-- by St. M_' Out » i Te weve uesd that it doesn't last long. Port Au Prince, in Haiti, had a big fire, but it is warm enough there to fiee scantily clad. Vice President his 'hflwmfim decided to put it in here. considered more handy. Harding has given«ap fishing for golf. -- You don't have to wait for a golf ba}l to bite. It costs a nickel to marry in Ber-- lin, but it is worth every cent of it. U, S. ships shoe polish to Africa. Bet they use it for cold cream. e e a iess 'Why not turn in a few flying fish? Tennessee hen laid tn egg nint inches around. Old timers claim it is as big as Mmh'lmm Census 111,111 is the num-- kdmumhm more like a crap game, Full--grown elephant captured in Africa is five feet tall. 'Tobacco Iafemann that the Village join the WM"} k be instructed to draw a w1 Wisconsin mran killed a deer wit'h Bad news for the bricklayers. fully described for the pur of fire protection and for sHpPN rom-,iqu y h" § } wl m Yr 96 [ ville, Lake d is, ' B roviding for the making of said 9 M' " l ner «y for." was read. -- i4 x# , say it Moved of the Hlinots Present, President J. S. Hyatt, M Bernard, Grummitt, Hafe-- sent, Eaton and Krumrey. ' Bill of Lioyd Ray was taken up. Hefemann that bill of Lioyd Ray tor.lbpd:"tn-tbnflll' .m of Libertyville. . Ayes, Bernard, Sturm, Hafemann, Grum-- making of a local improvement con-- vailves, tees and apecial and all other necessary adjancts and ma-- terial for same, to be made, '-l-] strueted and laid in, along and under part of Milwaukee Ave. in Vl-l lage of. Libertyville, Lake. County, Tilinois, hereinafter more fully de seribed and providing for N"' ing of said improvement by« pacial assessment and providing for the is g,.d improvement bonds-- het u."" . Moved by Grammits, sec-- W lfl%fi £ ' as Grammitt. Carried. ~ The matter of water meters out of order was discussed. out of order, at the reading on any 'quarter, the user be billed according bflo'nmifllaltheoufi _nmfimflm o Bernard that when water meter is Ordinance No. $44 entitled as fol. "An ordinance providing for the Thursday, Friday.and Saturday, A New Way of Advertising , mnerh oler bap io sartcn, w nX PAact Cala® -- 1 if a sale where you boy \im Iam at the reguler price--then anctber item of the mame kind for ie ce i ons snnb ie i en ratecreaeriean en sns s i nfecr hhao af A Avartiaitige * This sc was dereoped by the United Drug Co. as an advertising Blan. _ Suthsc thae (thtn' TELEPHONE 55 ts im | us i on ie sn o oi thocey 'Rexall DECKER & NEVILLE the county jail building. < The equipment « the office was n.oved to the ng across the road and the s were proced-- ing to tear down sheriff's of-- . *%TO VACATE PULPIT't.m-fl congregation. You no right to the pulpit and we won't let you PASTOR 1s FORCED He pointed at newspaper photog-- raphers and had thein ejected from the edifice. Then he did a 200--yard sprint just three jumps ghead of the iraté camera men, They moved to the uipit, occupied ""at 10 otctodik Mr. 'Cardwell ap-- As 11 o'clock; the h::r for the m)'u ofanho-' "'u"cu , picked up 2 Thalr and Saiked to the polpit.. h .He pleaded' that he 'be given a which to reward the of & RexoLL, stor: Saturday,: April 5th, 6th and 7th ZION CRAR GETS FINE Voliva had "some provocation" for what he called Nelson, he thought the verdiet was warranted by the evi-- four year stretch of legal: bettling black mark to the voliva record. In September, 1919, the first real explosion in the trouble was heard h&mdw_h&zfl earth notions.. Voliva pu and nally was brought to "w& .Mhhwdm C. Edwards found the .\Iflt'- NY »\C+ 'The hopes of Independents were wwhen Judge Edwards set aide the m@mflt'wfi&t mvmmu-fih'bi manding ~presence trod , scores of obedient and schooled witnegses who told of what. they knew in 'an un-- rave mveg Adivin y d -- tics of the Overlord when they re-- turned a quick verdiect finding him ment of the Lake county panel. > _ Stalling along in putting off the Into {(Continued from Page One) Auother Black Mark A high quality bottle. (Molded all in ore piece and guaranteed for one Mazimam Hot Water Bottle OF ONE CENT To hok fast long. "Thrst come, in A lates fro 3o m Mmm'%'éeh!"fl:fifi Good Chocolate Candy Pennicy~Do the Work of Dollars GRAND JURY RETURNS FOUR "TRUE BILLS--REPORT The adjournment was taken, it is said, to take up other angles of the quiz which mre expected to develop with the testimony of "Umbrella Mike" Boyle and Newmark. It is hinted also that there may be added indietments in the quiz. -- The indictments showing the com-- spiracy charges states in part: ; "Edward . Kautmay, otherwise known as Edward Morrison; Edward Courtney, otherwise known as Ed-- ward Morgan, and said John B. Fields, not being ignorant of the pending of the indictment '(in the Smaill case) but on the said twenty-- fourth ~day of April, 1922, in the County --of Lake well knowing the said premises as aforesaid and con-- triving and intending the due course of justice to obstruct and impede, did on April 24, 1922, in the county of Lake, state of Tlincis, unlawful-- 1y, feloniously, fraudently, malicions-- ty, wrongfully and wickedly conspire and agree together with each other and 'with one William J. Riley and with one Joseph Hahn, and 'with di-- vers persons whose names are to the said grand jurors unknown with the wrongtully wickedly cer-- tain dlleg .'-'u-uub'gid* Anigtrotion of public Justice, thet ts LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLINOI® (Continued from Page One) ¥exta room. It was figured at first that he had been summoned with regard to the alleged connection of Riley in an episode of past standing in High-- land Park. ----In the story related in courthouse circles William Bogstaff, Sid Mans-- field and Roy Lewis, arrested with a complete burglar set in an auto-- mobile made their escape from jail there. -- Riley is said to have appear-- ed later with a replevin for the auto but failed to show up when called back the next day the story said. _ This, however, is not verified and it was disclosed that the police chief was in on the indictments of three State's Attorney A. V. Smith and kis. special assistant Thomas Sym-- mes, were in consultation after the report of the jury had been made. 'The search for Boyle and: the others will be pushed vigorously and nmwm@'n&c-- ed contempt action on the part of several persons might be brought to Treasurer Miller and Clarence Spi-- vey ; Winnebago, home of Fred Steri-- ing, and Bond county. mmmfit:a'u d Aap» z)flmmmmh either roads completed or under contract. : Cook county, «which was mn.u.lmhmmm-. LAKE COUNTL LEADS LIST IN STATE ROADS h e Sonnne m ind dheue road are f m&wtb-flb:n by state administration that the standard is set by the time éontracts system as it now e%ists is sald to éffer another powerful lever to: the political party in power..© ©> (Continued from Page One) Standard Price Sale "fl:?b;; g&-u--u;fi:* ";lhlfi ia _B6c; 2 for 36¢ a -- C " ; 2 for 106~ ""3l ..3%¢; 4 for 26e h 2 for 26e _~<ont..._t5¢: 2 for He septic......25¢; m&-': h 3e3 _ mant..... S5e;1 "I'.."._..Jfl; & f ~---- --amnoate oo._._--50¢; 2 fex §he . ' ; a tee #6¢ . ; 2 for 26e ; 2 ton 36¢ Wool Powder 4 S piag t «* 'M.i,'n.;nuu let _ =__10¢; 2 for 11¢ M % +__1be; 2 for 16¢ MRETE 496 %tee ie uiess *E NP .. mfl _u'c: 3 fot $1¢ 85¢; 2 for 88¢ 1€°

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