CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 7 Apr 1923, p. 2

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; Ts 4 ** Church Notes l $¥§ " J, mu;::o :a{ LI:\'--cm-d!:' 6: ""'nl C# w9 ' io s i ies 45 un ukh Propie's So-- 3 C c k _\ 'Ie given oung People's So-- E 'L"'-dh" &3 Jarrett is on the sick list. a Gadke is i with rheum-- 3 "Ctism Miss Gross of* Libertyville spent | Wednesday evening with Mrs. Le-- . land Jarrett. George and Leonard Kelroy are on r ing ed a Bow EM in Milwaukee Wednes-- day \ Miss Bertha Wirtz of Ivanhoe will with Mrs. Waiter Stark during remainder of her school year at foe: le : Township . High School. € Mre. Jc.::; nn.',vm the | on l!n" the first prize, Mrs. E. O. Wells consolation prize. the second and Mrs. Grace Whitnev -- Miss Mary Rouse returned Satur-- day from visiting Dr-- and Mrs. E. V. Smith in Milwaukee. *! Mrs, Emma B. Rouse spent Wed-- Burlington." : «* s .c--, o0 __ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bavernsmith and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Chandler motored to: Waukegan Wednesday evening and saw "The Chfistian" at _!In".hn-..ln.W-.Fh- ner and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells attended the Thursday afternoon Last Friday evening the Ivanhoe .ndAm,boylofflnJmuRy Club played a game of basket ball at the gymnasium, the Area boys won the game by thie score of 25 to 21 by forgetting all the \rules and regulations the game got fairly Wedr evening the. Liberty-- ville boys came over and played with ( team, losing to the tune of 1 to: The Area boys were in the k';m&ttthum ers, i the last quarter the Lib-- ho morems "l.:'i:-ta-l c L' . '--'A rs. Myron R ealler T\ . Will Ray week visiting re! View. o Ho Bluhm Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ruebiank and Albert Knigge attended *the fun-- eral 'of: 'gister, Mrs. Herman Knigge of on Wednesday. Mrs. Myron R. Wells was a Lib-- ? Analirt OME 9 CC e as s. wil .spent one day last r wisiting relatives in Prairie atives * April 28th, Mr. Frazer of Chicago, the noted Indian sinker and enter-- i ARCHER SCHOOL A fine entertainment and basket wocial will be given by the school on Friday evening, April 18 at 8 o'clock. r-Mbm\-fi i or cakes. Admission is free. Everybody cordially invited. _4 --, The Citizens State Bank of Area the sick list. e o. thome Phoce They A movie actor is maurried and re-- fuses to tell his name even though the admits ahe knows it. ® PUBLIO AUCTION On the premises known as Hub-- hbard's Farm, one mile west of Wads-- AREA ing of the Fairfield Ladies Aid "w.lflm Each year there are thousands of people of ordinary means who lose throu ':wxh-" fionafi'thqh&nmmig_ "Get Rich Quick." For the person of mo , mflnomyw:ybpifinx, .. This bank offers you gecurity of principle, cer-- bank offers you security of principle, cer-- EJ of intrest Fate 62 8% and availabil-- ity of funds when needed-- o Ball Notes Playing Safte Mc-- ' Robt. Peth and T.Thonneson of Chicago, who have summer cottages on Grayslake, in the village on Tuesday. #4 ' Mr., and Mre. Jos. Slomer and Misg Lillian -- McNamara of -- Waukegan spent Sunday at the Walter Godfrey --E. C. Cook has purchased a new Chandler coach through Howard E. relarives. nome. --'Marcus Schlosser and family spent Easter Sunday in the Village with Victor Plk and family called at the Ed: home last Sunday. Lou Melien and family of Chicago spent Sunday here in the John Wicks uvav- C @W + r Sunday 'mere in the home of his moth-- er, Aa :+R Mrs. Tom Waish went to McHenry tolay to attend the funeral of an nome. uncle. Saturday. g Frank Moreno of Chicago spent over Sunday at the Klinger home in this village.. ? . Mrs. Frank Callies and Miss Theo Smith were visitors in Libertyville Dahigven were Waukegan visitors on Willys Knight cars for customers of Sugar cane is planted in the spring generally <in the: month > of -- April. When it has grown to a 'height of about seven or eight feet the leaves FAIRFIELD SCHOOL m § Sugar is a sweet substance made from sugar cane, sorghum, beets, or maple juice. "The sugar most com-- monly used is practically all obtain-- ed from sugar cane and beets. _ last Saturday, t Mrs. Hess and children' of Chicago are spending the week with Mrs. Horenberger. _ Mr. and Mra_F. D. Battershall and Mrs. Aura Shaffer were visitors in Chicago, Monday. fl.elhfi'&u;;:f Evanston epent over Sun at the home I Cuanies Rmmer Mr. and Mrs. Russell Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hook spent Saturday and Sunday atth e home of Mrs, Olson's parents, Judge and Mrs, Swanson of Chicago. i Fay Brandstetter, Clint and Robt. Washburn and Edwin Sheldon left Wednesday evening for Toledo, to sugar by e . f u'm~h--!-_fi"£'!'." bects. © The bests are first slised by M&Mnflm' Maple sugar is wbtained from the sap of the sugar or rock maple.' A hole is bored in the trunk of the tree and a bucket hung bepeath it. The maple sap is made into sugar by the evaporition process. Four gallons of sap make a pound of sugar which accounts for its high price. sections of the United States; es-- pecially Louisiana and Hawaii. The quantity of sugar used in the United States averages almost seventy--three pounds per year for each individual. CARD OF THANKS ' 1 wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their -- kindness and sympathy in my recent bereavement. Also for ings. GRAYSLAKE the beautifu . John Beye, Folly Farm ' ger and son visited at Geo. week at the home of her grandfatier Geo. Sturm who nad been quite ill but is getting along nicely es Plaines, the bunch arrived at Des<Plaines to late for the re-- s "hard . luck." "alce e Phister built a dandy mmills for E. J. Giss. "Tap "Mr. and uu.uuunhrgn.o:' ' Mm ud.zu:.'"? , s at Miller home in Libertyville last Sume day. #: *L > From WA m %:} -&w:m ~ome of a pargnits, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wicker-- Mr.:and Mrs. N. F. Busch spent 'Thursday at the Max Miller home in L Diets: of the Willys Light Co. soldan electric washer at the Crest-- more Saturday also one to Mrs. Max Miller of Libertyville.. -- s --» . Mrs.. Weinert of Chicago : spent mn&e:rdhflm Mr. and Mrs. Johrl Raupp. | _ Al Bunton Jr. spent Sunday at the Max Miller home at Libertyville.> The Geo. Sturm family entertained company from Prairie View Friday. Fred Busch spent Sunday at the Miller home at Half Day. Aguhluta:hrday.&mnd one half hours at Area for No. 6 on the Soo line, well there are better roads in view and autos will be used. No more long hours of --Mrs. Andrew Housinger was & ealler at the N. F. Busch home Mon-- day. that subject. _The farmers in this vicinity . Get. your auto license and wear 'em. Sharpen and oil up the garden tools and get busy®as soon as the Emil says ne would immediately employ.a stenographer in his busi-- ness office if he but had a typewrit-- or(cbt.m:g:::&fll:'lfl a pretty and effic-- uwmubmqnw getting ready Mr. and Mrs. Jon spent Sunday at the not going to let the old boat "play will soon be fine for autoing. * Weidner all from 'Wisconsin Sunday at the home of G. M. _ Petér Sievers believes in the early bird eatching the worm. He has a large bunth of little chicks healthy and full of pep as can be. L. Dicts was a caller at the Crest-- more Wednesday. J. N. Busch has been employed in ness ealler at Libertyville last Tues~ "' E: 4 / CiMkes a4~ hk afternoon. . Harry M'fl- at if Auts Kepite' wors All kinds of Aute R Reverse charges on . Kalkbrenner was a caller at Saturgday night at Address: Lakis Sales a } _..,_- Ye Day and Night Service _ PFhonge $17 Walter Weidnér and Fred a' coUN was a caller at J. N. Miss Cora Go# r of Liberty-- parents Mr. and Mrs. Char-- William < Umbdenstock, August Landwenr made & --business trip to NE w < :.~'*' T rs'rw \ <-- Yhse h.flm_.'z visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cleingmith, 'und Mr. and ; Cordes of Palatine spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krt h -- William Sauer of F.:stine spent Thursday at the V. Sauer home, Frank Holtje spent Sunday in Chi-- eago. Mr. and Mrs. George B: Umbden-- stock were Waukegan callers, on Fri. c e o mae e Raupp of Grove spent Saturday afternoon with his u\ Jae. and family. % Robert and Justus Kaikbrenner of Elmhurst spent the week end with their parents, Rev. and Mrs-- Kall> brenner. John Pahiman was a Libertyville tine spent Sunday with her parents, at the Crestmore, h:;.mufi"lomzm John Raupp of Long Grove was a ealler at A. J. Raupp's Monday. _' Mrs. Charles Herschberger Jr. and daughter, and Mrs. Henry Tonne es ie Miss Emma 1 ner of Pala-- .Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for W Cash Or On Easy Terms § mcoo'mwmnmm L. E. Jefferies and Mr. King of Emil Geest spént Sunday evening reR, SATURDAX wg -- A SUGGESTION ADMISSION: FREE Ladies please bring EYVERYBODXYX COME -- _ "'.f"v,'-d immediate value. € 'ustm?'::inm:e--dmwm Epemasspat _ ssto wider fields of profit and of growth« ./ ; - nmuunuumhmhndwfif"«' _ your swings open? _ As. 5 -- Get ready by saving--do it here and now-- ... REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Phone s N. A My~--~ CBHBICACO. ILL. :%m GEORGE A. JONES, D. D.S. On Friday evening, April 13 ANNOUNCEMENT Wednesday: and Saturday ~~~--JOHN HEIM AT THE ARCHER SCHOOL Two miles west of Long Grove on the second floor of the Cit-- of each week 1 19es beginning April ig Entertainment and At Eight O'clock ing dental offices .. Rev. and Mrs, Kalkbrennuer, _ .. ~ William Trost was a caller at the A." Wickerscheim home Thersday." / Ralph Meyer spent Friday at Pala-- Adolph Kalkbrenner was a Liber/ tyville caller Sunday. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. eral days last week in Chicago visit-- ing at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer. A Ann)trdthommorfi Bunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. John Krueger. * Miss Martha Sauer spent Wednes-- day in Chicago. i ~Henry Laseke Jr., oldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Laseke and 'Miss Cecelia Bunn were united in noly wedlock Saturday, March 31st at Des Plaines. 'The young couple will make their home in Des Plaings. 'They are staying for a short time with their ETT B7 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lascke replace the old burned. Dearborn !winofcum.l!tbm roads now using the station can ob-- tain the support of two or more ad-- ditional lines for plans already Fat people are happy because they have the bulge on slender people. drawn. The largest and most up--to--date mlur-hdhd\o::;u'm BUILD ZSME I Government Bldg. Material at Big Savings! E,?ibin last. ..__. PHBV |> 14 C K._......___. #iMal®® Knormous Quantity of Pipes, Valres and Fittings, 1 in. to 6 in U!Bflummlahm("l doinp--d-t'n! orig copteonte t romtrand Cormick--Deering farm mmnm "m * to wear as well as the um fact, there is no difference between I cT»mdmfl because they are all made at the same time--from th'mm-\dfiundnmm' When need repairs or extra parts for any mnum-mmmmmw headquarters. We will fir you up on short notice and guarantee the service. GREAT LAKES NAVAL CAMPS Camps Lace, Paul Jones, Aviastion and Farragat S :::_-m-romum Take' dlectric Un & gg _} &' h 08 ¥od | an O3 F 'Gordon. Wrecking & Lumber Co. > #TO8A *"'m EY " A n Heary rubber, 8 piy, in en §1.25 m .ln & ft. 10 in. : Ir *AX~ Apecieniy pives + $4.50 SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 39 -- Libertyville, HL KEWANEE BOILERS--O6 per cent new--$4286 AND UP l-M"":.-"tg'uu-tb_ ,:l_?;ug:-g wre. it %bW«w'fi&"e'f com» lumber miltwork in the nused y Horiy'. f "'. =. lumber is preserved K condition *A $12.50 * io. by 5) m., * $25 and Plumbing Material FRED GRABBE Auctioneer Addvems es M Farm and Livestock Sales Telephone Waukegan 919--¥--4 O tn.,No. 1 cleaz, _ § 4 "u shoots, like m us """ $1. 785 "American" hw:- Radiators-- Tefi inlcrartety "or umt * Che 4 1W

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