CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 11 Apr 1923, p. 9

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Star Models & Prices Commercial Chassis, Plain . Commercial Chassis, Starter Roadster, Pluin ........0000}00 0sc3 6 xk n enc e e 9 Roadster, Starter and Demountable Rims ...... Touring, Plain ...........0.}0 00366636366 e 'Touring, Starter azd Demountable Rims........ Coupe, Starter and Demountable Rims ......... Sedan, Starter and Demountable Rims ......... Station Wagon, Starter and Demountable Rims Delivery Wagon, Panel Top, open front (Starter Demountable Bims) ......}...}0csss0.c 000. Delivery Wagon, Panel Top, vestibule front (Starter and Demountable Rims) .................... Delivery Wagon, Six Post Top (Starter and De-- mountable RIME) ....;.:sslscss sxsnsnscraners 109 S. SHERIDAN ROAD Introducing---- Gingham Week, April 9--14 Gingham--its colorings cool, flower--like, or splashy, but always charming --has become dear to home needle--women. It lends itself to frocks for anyhonroftheday.tocurhins,tosflpcoven,tofrocksmdmitslar the younger generation. That is why Gingham Week at this store always provides such intense interest. It offers many a suggestion for you. Genuine Imported French --382--in. Imported French Ging: ham in a wonderful assortment of newest colors. _ Absolutely fast color. 69e yard. --27--in. and 32--in. Domestic Ginghams comprise this lot. They are fast color and spe-- clally priced at 19c yard. Tissue --32 inches wide. _ Attractive new Spring colors and patterns with interwoven silk or ratine stripe. 59c yard. AHART & W AGNER 69c Yard Domestic 19c Yard 59c Yard DAN ROAD WAUKEGAN, ILL For demonstration telephone 791 xclusive Dealers for Lake County All prices are f. o. b. Detroit The Best Stove ~On the Novth Shovs Starter and Demountable Rims Mina Taylor Dresses $1.98 and $4.98 These dresses are so unusually attractive in styling and made of such pretty and fine ginghams that Gingham Week displays could not be complete without directing your attention to them. dnc is o Pb deavitecs , Two Remarkable Values Are Featured t This Week at $1.98 and $4.98 hinmite ie aniolgh t At Specially Priced Are: | Imported Tissue I n ich 79c Yard Tis --382--in. Imported Silk Striped Tissue Ginghams. A service-- able and cool fabric. 79c yard. --82 inches wide. To be c} from a full range of colors and checks. All are colors. 49c yard. Genuine Scotch and English Ginghams 49c Yard Genuine Peter Pan Ginghams 69c Yard 36 inches wide. This ( am is in solid colors only is guaranteed _ abso! $285 319 414 348 443 645 610 610 630 620 of There are about 110,000,000 peo-- It gets 70 %NOW zero at }'d in this country who wish they | the north pole "Mt a party when were someone else. you forget yourself and cus-- Tissue Ginghams 45¢c Yard --Fast colors in newest com-- binations, the patterns are un-- usually attractive. A special value at 45¢ yard. _ Calling Cards. Register Office. --A wide and varied assort-- ment of pretty colorful t-- terms and various checks. '&.ey are all color fast. 25¢ yard. THE LAKE COUNTY 32--in. Domestic Ginghams 39c Yard 32--in. Sudan DECKER & NEVILLE Domestic Ginghams 25c Yard RECGISTER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, When every man is sowing his wild oats he expects to Erow sage. Balance payable at the --rate of $7.80 monthly. $5 DOWN Accompanying the ma-- chine the buyer during the continuance of the Special Sale is '{iven free (1) A Table Top (2) An Electric Iron (3) An ElectricToaster If it happens he is provia-- ed with the table top and the two appliances named, we will allow as a eredit in the purchase of other merchan-- dise $5 in liew of the table top, $7.50 in place of the iron and the same amount in place of the toaster. Full particulars at any of our Electric Sales Shops, the nearest o f which is at PUBLIC SERVICE CO. of Northern Illinois Loans and discounts, including rediscounts Overdrafts, unsecured _______ -- U. S. Government securities owned : Deposited to secure circulation (U. K't YBIUC) : ::----mmucommcicms. Emss All other United States Government se Total Other bonds, st Banking House Real estate own«~i other than banking house _ Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .___ Cash in vault, and amount due from national bank Checks on other banks im the same town as report ing bank e s Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treacurer __ e Capital stock Sumlun fund Undivided pr Reserved for Less currer Circulating n Certified e'-« Demand depc Washing Machine Demand depo=<s (other than bank deposits) sub ject to Roe--erve (deposits payable within 30 d Individua} deposits subject to check .________ Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 day (other than for money borrowed) .______. Dividemds unpaid _____ on Total of demand deposits (other than bank de ts) subject to reserve ____________ Time ta subject to reserve : of deposit (other than for money bor Other time deposits .._.________._...__._. Total of time deposits subject to reserve Lake County National Bank The Reliable Laundry Federal delivers to you a Total Waukegan, 129 Genesee St. Telephone 258 You will soon want to have your RUGS cleaned and of course you want them cleaned in the VERY BEST WAY. There is no better way than NAPTHA DRY CLEANING. This way cleans them thoroughly of dirt and spots and renders them free of Moths or a possibility of Moths later on. Call Libertyville 67--R when you are ready and we will clean them the NAPTHA WAY. No AT LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON APRIL 3, 1923 State of II1., Co. of Lake, ss. Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers Libertyville and Park P ugne Linecarriie 1k REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ) + renmmnmmesarataiore ie on oi 60 ce en mintenacss ... 40,000 0 nited States Government securitiee 41.025.50 icks, securities, etc. im w $55,8388.40; Furniture & fixture _ $5,988 $ .o cogvgaremse -- 24,681.98 erest and taxes . 11,644.06 xpenses, intere<t and taxes paid s outstanding . ooo outstanding . ____ _ __-------------- HOUSEKEEPERS in RESOURCES. LIA BILITIES ' During the past three years the Farm Bureau tarough the circular ilot.t.ers and the Farm News has re-- | peatedly maje mention of the fact that all service the Farm Bureau 'can render is free of charge to mem-- bers. In spite of this fact the so-- 'Iicitors signing new members for the new three year term have found lmany farmers in the county who ask, "What does it cost to have my ksoil tested, my chiekens culled, my seed corn looked over, a farm visit? FARM BUREAU SERVICE FREE TO MEMBERS soil tested, my chickens culled, my seed corn looked over, a farm visit * and any number of other services trat might be wanted. The mem-- bership fee of $15 a year, $10 of which is for the Lee County Farm Bureau and $5.00 for the Illinois Agricultugal Association pays for all service that the Farm Bureau and the State Association can ren-- der. In no instance has the Farm Bureau, the Adviser or the office charged for any service rendered. Very naturally it is necessary to conserve time, and occasionally it is difficult to make a visit to an in-- dividual if it happens to be the only call in that community for the time being. Nevertneless it is always the desire of the Farm Bureau to serve its members promptly in any way possible. Not Mind Readers Occasionally some of the solicit-- ors would hear it said that the Farm Bureau had not done certain things Service for the Asking. Help Y ourself mn:}dov;?:;idm- day mw'. s(;.-pfi. Notary Public LAKE COUNTY FARM BUREAU Reserve District No. 7 41 26.04 14.31 16 $1 $1,008,857.9 1 $537,019.67 $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 91,0 190 .2 61.8 155,235.00 EDITED BY J. J. DOERSCHUK County Farm Adviser. ~4,649.50 2,155621 43.44 81.57 11.73 1.32 91 or that the Advisers had not been n his farm and various other com-- I merts. Upon being asked if he had ever asked for any of these services, the usual answer would be "No° and naturally the Farm Bureau kuew notring about what may have ; been in the mind of this member. | Misunderstanding Astonishes Workers It is the duty, therefore, of lhe1 memoer, first of all, to ask for what | he wants. For instance, if you #o | into a cafeteria and pass along with--| out stating just what meat is "anl-% ed, you will probably get by the long row of different meat dishes wnh-' out any meat whatever. Likewise, if you do not help yourself to any--| thing else on the saelves or trays you will probably go out hungry.! Meetings are held, often as many as | '200 a year by the Farm Bureau, and| any megting which the Farm Bureau arranges is free of charge. Anyb member who takes no interest in meetings, demonstrations, the Farm: News, or anything that the Farm Bureau sends and gives a'!l mem-- bers an opportunity to partake of, Iwill naturally be ignorant of the op-- eration of the Farm Bureau. In other words, the summary arrived at by 123 men who met February 19, at the Lee Co. Farm Bureau office, after having spent from one to ten days apiece without pay, to reor-- ganize the Lee Farm Bureau, shows the following: 5 per cent of the farmers were really too poor to join, 10 per cent were too tight, 50 per cent were misinformed or mis-- understood the purposes of the or-- ganization, 10 per cent were contrary and 25 per cent wanted to ride a free horse. Therefore, 50 per cent of the farmers who did not trese men decided, really misunder-- stood or were misinformed as to the work and activities, and the policies of the Farm Bureau. Naturally the Farm Bureau cannot go much over half way in bringing before a mem-- ber, work which should ve of in-- terest, and you as a member must come the other half way.--The above is taken from the Lee County Farm lBumu News and meets conditions common in Lake county also. FARM BUREAU NO 2 TREATING SEED POTATOES Now is the time for fanning and treating seed oats and dipping seed potatoes for scab and black scurf. The most effective solution to use ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building. Telephone 57 LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 66 C. B. OLNEY, D. V. M. VETERINARY SURGEON 161 Lincoln Ave. Phone : Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD Luce Bldg Hours: 1:30 to 5 & 6 to 8 p. m. Sundays & Holidays by Appointment Ph wWELL CONTRACTOR & DRILLER Deep Well Pumps and Cylinders Phone 14o. 286--W--2, Waukegan, saVvE YOUR E NSULT DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 LIBERTYVILLE sCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Assistant State Veterinarian Assistant State Veterinarian Professional Services HENRY¥ BOYSEN, JR. VETERINARY SURGEON LYELL H. MORRIS J. H. HESLIN DR. J. L TAYLOR libitibnd OA s > + comail Doctor of Chiropractie B. H. MILLER 9( er Bldg., Over Gas Office 6 Libertyville, T1 LIBERTYVILLE Box 726 Telephone 152--W LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE Phone 35 @ BELVIDERE ROAD <-- _ I1$ BEING PAVED N1 Grayslake and McHenry Travelers Forced to Make Detours With good weather this week considerable progress should _ be made in grading Belvidere road in preparation for the concrete pave-- ment to be laid this summer. Work was started by Darrow and Jacob-- son last week between Wilson and the Green Bay road an| by the end of the week, the road should be ready for concrete netween the Warren township line and -- Tele-- graph road. A start has also been made on the construction of the concrete cul-- verts and with good weather th should be completed within thrz months. * Work on the bridge over the Desplaines _ river has continued throughout the winter and warm weather promises speedy comple-- tion. The two river piers are com-- plete and excavation for the abut-- ments is well under way. Belvidere road, or Route 20 of the State Wide System of Durable Hard Surfaced Roads, will be paved from Waukegan to Volo, or nearly across the county, when this work from the west city limits of Wau-- kegan past the Green Bay road, Telegraph road and _ Desplaines river to Milwaukee avenue, is com-- pleted. It is hoped that construe-- tion may extend the paving to Mc-- Henry this year. = Belvidere road is now closed be-- tween the Green Bay road and Mil-- waukee avenue. _ 'Travelers for Grayslake and McHenry should take Grand avenue through Gurnee to Milwaukee avenue, turning south on Milwaukee avenue to the Bel-- videre road. Signs have been posted at every road intersection around the detour, and with the concrete to Gurnee and a fair gravel road for the remainder of the detour, this route is far pre-- ferable to any other. for the potatoes is as follows: one ounce of Corrosive Sublimate to 8 gallons of water. Immerse the un-- cut potatoes for 1% houtrs in this solution. This substance is h.:u. effective than formaldehgyde as it is quite poisonous care should be taken in keeping it away from In treating oats for smut use 1 pint formaldeheyde to 10 gailons of water, then spray this on 80 bushels of cats, cover for # hours with a blanket after which spread out to dry. This is a sure treat-- ment for both kinds of smut in oats and the loose smut in barley. Fan-- ning and treating of seeds is about as sure a sign of spring as the honking of the wild geese fiying norta, the flocks of mallards and pintail, also the song of the robin and the call of the blackbirds. Spring and seeding time are bound to come in spite of a little snow once in a while. STRAWBERRY CLUB Several boys and girls nave enter-- ed the strawberry cluo. Remember that you can get 200 good plants for $1.00 by joining the club, You have until April 20 to join the Strawberry Club. Interest in fruit growing of all kinds is on the in-- crease in Lake County. We have the advantage of Michigan climate and the conditions here, besides the best market in the country right at our door. Strawberries yield well and an average price of $5 to $6'or more a crate seems assured which is much better taan southern grow-- ers get. Near Zion farmers have ordered over 30,000 grape vine cut-- tings to set out this spring, prin-- cipally of the Concord variety. With market conditions at present better than Michigan can boast of, the fruit industry looks good in Lake County. There has been some loss of spring pigs but we hear of some very good litters. The Duroe Association is offering $50 in each county for the best ton litter so there is that re-- ward for the best hog raiser in the county as well as a state prize in addition. The contest is for tae pro-- duction of a litter of pigs to weigh 2000 lbs or more at the age of 180 days. There are several for this ton litter club m and Polands, May 15th is the last date to enter. Let the hog raisers of Lake County show what can be done here. It is hoped that the other breeds will offer prizes also. SOIL TESTS FREE TO MEMBERS Sometimes we bear of Farm Bu-- reau members who think soil tests are not made right on the farm or are not free to members of the bu-- BOOST THE TON LITTER PAGE

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