CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 11 Apr 1923, p. 2

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'l'bladiaAHSodotyvillb.n--' tertained by Mrs. Henry Kueblank and Mrs. W. J. Williams on Friday afternoon of this week, at the home of Mrs. W. J. Williams. ° The Area Athletie Club will meet *. on Wednesday evening, April 18. It is hoped that a large number will attend as a program and lunch are PAGE TWO Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zersen of Wheeling spent Sunday at the nome of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zersen. The Kelroy boys who have been ill are gaining slowly. George Kel-- roy developed pneumonia the last of the 'week. Henry Meyer and a number of friends from Gilmer enjoyed an evening of bowling at Waukegan Thursday. » Byron Corcoran of Livercyyille é&lled on Area friends Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson of Prairie View on Sunday, evening. Mrs. Glenn. Miss Woodcutter of Lake Forest spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner. Mrs. Waltee Stark entertained her sister Elfrieda of Evanstormt or _ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lucas and their children were Chicago visitors Sunday. _ _ s _ _ Mrs. John Rouse and Mrs. Waiter Stark entertained a number of friends at Five Hundred Saturday Mrs. William Eddy is spending several days in Chicago visiting rel-- atives and friends. Dr. Jones who has opened up & dental office in the rooms over the Citizen's Bank, started work last Wednesday. ~He will ve in Area every Wednesday and Saturday. Dr. Jones has come to us to fill a need we have long felt and we are prepared to give him our utmost support. --« . e Donald Wa of Libertyville visited at me of his grand-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam-- eron Sunday. -- Mrs. Frank Mitchell was a Wau-- kegan shopper Friday. Otto Tegtmeyer of Libertyville Miss Evelyn VanZandt of Grays-- lake, who took part in the Fasnion Show at Libertyville spent: Friday night with Miss Mildred Porteous. J. W. Chandler and Joel Chandler motored to Grayslake on Saturday, _ Raymond Gould of Libertyville was an Area caller Saturday even-- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bluhm and daughters Cleo and Elva motored to Indiana and visited relatives over the week end. Mr. Bluhm's mother returned with them. friends as new members are always are going to see "Robin Hood" at the Auditorium, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights We ought not to miss the chance of seeing this ex-- tremely intéresting and popular moving picture which so recently played at Chicago. Mrs. J.~C. Dorfler is on the sick James Swan of Libertyville Monday list this week. Miss Nellic Smith, Miss Vera Por-- teous and Miss Lorraine Hubbard of Libertyville saw "Sally" at the Col-- pnial Theatre Sunday. 1 Mr. Frank Doiton who has been visiting her sister in Kansas re-- turned home the iatter part of the week. in.BertSmi.:pemfing._few Mrs. George Ray of Diamond Lake spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. John Hodge. J:Wflh saw omliy ME CIMC CMMI J MAPNCC PARACD CCCE t nial Theatre Sunday. ; ' Lydia Pohiman spent Sunday at| _ Kidneys Backache Mr. Frank Doiton who has been home. _ * They have naomnerves l'beref?oreq;l isiting her sister in Kansas re-- _z z2 zi z_ not cause pain. Listen! Your back» urned home the latter part of the BflrdofTrldombontoa;i.nhiacundbz'wxi". week. a(ommiderhgamelm"'w""dg quickest relief is Mrs. George Ray of Diamond for raising money for a new build-- ';'*h'-"' penetrating "St. Jacobs 'o"':l. Lake spent several days with her ing. It has been proposed to place u:ldb :\st::::'y The '?;:mm'":tilm daughter, Mrs. John Hodge. :ht:x on dlut'nnuctm on the eX--| and lameness disaweart%" n:' Mrs. Harry Payne and Mrs. m"" in the same manner that| crippled! Get a small trial bottle Dwight Doiph called on Mrs. Henry | ; Pot & porm' game is "nipped" | "St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist Van Plew of Libertyville Sunday or the "kitty." However, the plan| and limber up. A moment after it is afterucon c:t"'i onlhy lkor tne loan of the money :};:plnd you'll wo;\dcr what became of © n the kitty and regu! e backache or lumbago paM, o 0 Aptalg be patd. '""'""'t het 24 Ronest "So. Jacebs O _ad whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia MRS. M. L CHANDLER Local Editor _ Phone 122--J large numver of Area people AREA Area friends Sunday after-- Wells Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson were week end visitors in Chicago. Frank Stoerp was a Chicago vis-- itor Sunday. Mrs. Robert Rouse fs quite ill with muscular rheumatism. Gordon Keith Ray entertained Billy and Dorothy Bristow and Roo-- ert and Knedler Ray on Tuesday, the occasion bing his fourta birthday. _ Martin and Bennie Stoffel were visitors at Alvert Hafer's Tuesday evening. s s Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lemker and Miss Priscilla Thatcher spent Sun-- day in Libertyville with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lemker, Jr. This gratifying retest was very encouraging to the fa mers who have taken advantage of this federal T. B. work Mr. and Mrs. Herman Albrecht and family spent Sunday in Area with H. A. Watson and family. Dr. Brown, Federal veterinarian of the Union Stock Yards of Chicago made a retest for tuberculosis in some of the dairy herds this week. Only two cows reacted out of about seventy--five nead tested. Ray Hafer who nas been working for Walter Madson is now working for Raymond Meyer. _ _ Misses Alivera Behm and Edna Jones were visitors at John Fred-- erick's home Easter Sunday. Charles Anderson was a business caller in Wauconda Wednesday. _ Miss Margaret Stoffie is employ-- ed at McHenry. s Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strooks and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seibel of Chicago and Frances Suitor of Palatine were guests of Mrs. Geo. Ray on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bristow spent Sunday 'at the R. J. Bristow home. Mrs. Charles Anderson-- has been on the sick list for the past week. | Wright's folks. The regular monthly meeting of the Community Club will be held Thursday evening, April 12 at the church. The boys gave their charivari supper at Leroy Kane's Thursday evening and very kindly mvited the ladies. _A very bounteous supper was served and a very pleasant evening enjoyed by all. GOULD SCHOOL The eighth grade have taken their final examination in civics. -- 'er at Area The school children have been en-- joying a brief vacation altho it was occasioned by the illness of their teacher, Mr. Scaroorough. Mr. Wheelock, our former Farm Adviser, called on Diamond Lake friends Monday. -- Gordon +Ray and W. J. Cooper attended the monthly meeting of the Farm Bureau at Libertyville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright and daughter spent Easter with Mrs. Walter Nordmeyer and Peter Melliow spent Easter at William Lohmajn's.. 8 o Ray Hafer spent Easter Sunday at Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bulow's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Umbdenstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Weiskopf. -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nordmeyer motored to Wauconda Saturday. A number of friends spent Sun-- day evening at John Fredericks. Martin Stoffel was a business call-- HUBBARD SCHOOL Melvin and Emery Berghorn visit-- ed Mr. L. Ersting Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. family visited Mr. and Holland Sunday. _ The final examination in Civics was held Thursday. s Mr. and Mrs. Gross and family spent Friday evening at the Sand-- man home listening to the radio. The girls of the school enjoyed an Easter party at Lucilie Gervaris' home Easter Sunday. DIAMOND LAKE On account of the iiiness of Mrs. Holst the Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Charles Sturm this week, Thursday, April 12. MAKING FIFTY CENTS DO A DOLLAR'S WORK If we could just accomplish that little slight--of--hand with every one of our fifty cent pieces, wouldn't it be great" _ We could immediately decide to sell the Ford, and open up the usual family debate as to which is really the most economical --a seven pasenger tnat's open or closed. But while many men still puszle over how to strech half dollars, their But while many men still puzzle over how to strech half dollars, their wives and daughters have turned the trick. _ Mary not only has prettier clothes today -- sport suits, "simple little things for the afternoon," as well as more pretentious outfits-- tnan she ever had, but she's actual-- ly paying far less for them. And the strangast thing about the whole situation is that she seems to take more genuine pleasure and pride, not. only in wearing these becoming dresses, but in displaying tnem to all her admiring friends. Whereas stretching the family in-- come may have been the first in-- centive in the present revival of home dressmaking, apparently it has become 'a by--product rather than the main object to be ac-- complished. ' Women readers everywhere are taking solid pleasure in the hand work involved. This is due prob-- ably in part to the fact that possi-- bility of failure, as well as the old-- fashioned drudgery and uncertainty The weather man never reports a coal wave. of making garments without the aid of an expert, have veen done away with. Authentic Paris styles are just as avgilable on Main street as they are on (Fifth --avenue. The great designers now furnish with their patterns such detailed, care-- ful instructions that even the amateur need not go astray. While a marvelous range of beautiful materials, in weaves &nd textures never before known, prove a verit-- able mine of inspiration to the woman who can make effective use of her needle. At the present writing, this par-- ticular method of stretching the American dollar seems to be a favorite National indoor sport. It is found most college classes and college men are led by girls. wHY IBBTEROCO OCPPCO C DE i crsitppledl Ge(() l' sfmall trial bottle of * acobs Oil" from your druggist and l!mber up. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache or Iumb?o im hos 214. honest "St. Jacobs Oil" whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso-- lutely harmiess and doesn't burn the Ouch! Lumbago Pain! Rub Backache Away Instant Reliet with a trial bottie of old "Bt, Jacobs OH." Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. AREA, ILL All kinds of Auto Repair Work Complete Battery Service Competent Mechanics calls. Reverse charges on long distance PRAIRIE VIEW S. SIMMONDS E xperienced Auctioneer Farm au;_wock Sales a Specialty Address: Lake Forest, I!l PHONE 44W THE STAR Garage To know _ Welding Day and Night Service Phone 317 CcoUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY ALL THE MULES That there w@s kick even in the old days, in other things beside rock and rye is demonstrated in the story of the runaway mule that knocked down and put out of business the first electric light system at Savan-- nah, Georgia. This happened in 1885 and curiously enough over at Macon in the same state during that very year, another mule repeated the identical performance. In passing, we ca whether the citizen realized that they, t coming because the mules retarded, by : adequate illumination $27,000 ESTATE Petition to probate the estate ofl Mrs. dohn Ballard, o Libertyville,| was filed Monday in probate court. Petition gave the e--timated value of the estate as consis:ing of $12,000 real estate and $15,000 personal property. April 23 was the date set for probating of the matter. About the time you get over Chris tmas, somebody has a virthday. Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for _ Exchanges of Property a Specialty Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1888 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD Office Phone Lakeview 478 Oh Look! ADMISSION: FREE Ladies please bring baskets or cakes GEORGE A. JONES, D. D. S. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE On Friday evening, April 13 . At Eight O'clock ANNOUNCEMENT A Big Entertainment and Basket Social We have just received our Early and Late Seed Potatoes from the well--known L. L. Olds Seed Company, Madison, Wisconsin, who handle only high grade certified seeds-- The stock consists of Red River, Early Ohios, Irish Cobblers, Green Mountains and Rural New Yorkerd, and are in excellent condition. AREN'T DEAD YET. Wednesday and Saturday| Seed Potatoes TO BE PROBATED AT THE ARCHER SCHOOL Two miles west of Long Grove I am opening on the second floor of the Cit-- izens State Bank Building, Area, Illinois, and will be there to take care of your needs on of each week beginning April 4th, 1923. EV ERYBODY COME Call or phone before buying as the price is right. JOHN HEIM only wonder of -- Georgia , had a kick kick of their| many years,| » that region.| CHICAGO, ILL. ~_~"| Luey. and Rena Rosing spent niler Tnursday in Chicago. rgia| _ Jo. Davis visited friends in Rock-- kick | ford last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs. C. G. Brainard also M. B. Huson, motored to Waukegan Tuesday. The Mystic Workers entertained a very large crowd at thelyr Easter Monday dance. Dr. and Mrs. Martin of Liberty-- ville were visitors in the Frank Drummond home Wednesday after-- noon, PUBLIC AUCTION On the premises known as Hub-- bard's Farm, one mile west of Wads-- worth, On Thursday, April 12th, Commencing at 1 o'clock P. M. 31 head of livestock: 26 head of cattle, 1 pure Bred Holstein bull. 4 head of horses, from 4 to 8 years old, weight from 1400 lbs. to 1600 lbs. Quantity of hay, grain, ensilage, machinery and tools-- Usual terms of sale. Col. Slocum, Auctioneer. APRIL 11, dental offices ROUND LAKE AREA, ILLINOIS 3148 N. Ashland Ave. 2 Doors South of Belmont EARL N. LUX, Prop. | Mrs. Vasey has returned to her home nere after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Ben-- well at Cheteck, Wisconsin. Mrs. Will Hironimus was a Chi-- chicago visitor Friday. Mrs. Nellie Renehan is spending a few days at the Peter J. Meyer home. Henry Shober Chicago. Mrs. Dykes is ter Mrs. Tucker, McCORMICK . DEERING LINE MANY a man Government Bldg. Material at Big Savings! lVl mbdmmdermforhhmch}m. We maintain a ick--Deering Repair Service for your benefit, and under ordinary circum-- mmuwecannwctxoutreqtflrmu. But why take m{-chuwefl delay now may throw you behind later. SHEATHING BOARDS-- 'ht;]ohthekmudn(numbefolfore-handedmm hbefore the machines are meded'.,ym you BUILD LENGTHS-- BOARD FEET DIMENSION LUMBER-- tu4's, 2x0'8, 2x8's, 2110'1. are at it, make your insurance doubly sure by pur-- maqygqn@glucmmforywrm W-Comm-;bd-;;l m :'r'd casing for 1% frame, very nside wm,mu".SO doors _____.31.00 NOTE: The quality of lumber and millwork used in the con-- struction of these camps was generally of the very best grade. The buildings are dismantled with the greatest care, all nails are drawn, and the good condition of the lumber is preserved in every way possible. Heating and Plumbing Material Wash Bowls-- Wash bowis, white porcelain .unllodn'lrh;zl'"n. by 19 in., fitted with two faucets. -- Com-- plete each l'._..36050 Closets and Flush--Vaive-- White vitreous, siphon ac-- tion closet bowis and Sloan fluh vuive. A @19 CA m;:" Water Storage Tanks-- _ _ Enormeuns Quantity of Pipes, Valves and Fittings, 1 in. to 6 Gordon Wrecking & Lumber cottage. Size 2 ft. 10 in. by 6 ft. 6 in Frame equipped with pulleys and fits 214 SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 39 Libertyville, IIL. KEWANEE BOILERS--95 per cent new--$425 AND All sizes complete--Inspection invited. ah Bowls-- | Closet Outfits-- THOUSANDS of items to help you BUILD AND IMPROYE. | our prices--SAVE from 40 per cent to 60 per cent on mate-- Order Your ANY a man has come to grief by waiting too Camps Luce, Paul Jones, Aviation and Farragut visiting her daugh in Waukegan. spent Thursday in ibe* $25 LAKES NAVAL CAMPS YOUR HOME II1,--PHONE WAUK. 308 FRED GRABBE Telephone Waukegan 919--Y¥--4 Address : $28 North Ave. Waukegan, 41. Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales A Specialty DREESSED AND MATCHED-- Wall Board-- "American" Wall Radiators-- Including white china low down tank, fitted with latest improved brass interior trim-- mings, and white vitreous si-- g:::'mueti:?mclom bowl. 8 Y P BE scccuccloricmecces szo Tapped for steam and hot water, in variety of sections and units. _ A _ wonderful ft. at No. LUMBER! NOW! 22¢

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