CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 11 Apr 1923, p. 3

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The members of the orchestra are First Violins: George Beckman, Arnold Keller, Adrian Supple; Sec-- ond _ Violing: -- Edward _ Bleimeh!, The school assembly hall was filled to capacity by musie lovers, Thursday evening to hear the pro-- gram of unusual merit, presented by the Deerfield Orchestra under the auspices of the Evangelical Church. _ The stage decorations were novel, with evergreens fur-- nished by the Ravinia Nurseries. DEERFIELD at an inexpensive rate. If it is not there perhaps a want ad will find it for you 592 SOUTH SHERIDAN ROAD Cor. South Ave. Waukegan Phone 168 Open Until 9;:00 P. M.--12:00 Noon Sundays There are items among them. PERHAPS This issue's classifieds are showing something you are Tires Battery ---- Recharging H.&P. Accessory Co. GAS AND OIL SERVICE STATION _ WORLD BATTERY SERVICE STATION REGISTER OFFICE PHONE 90 of BATTERIES TESTED FREE Complete Line of Whiz Products many -- excellent Tubes ---- Accessories Dr. J. P. O'Connell, dentist, has an office in Deerfield, over Hermann Confectionery sto.e, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R. VII. Rubenstein's Melody in F-- Orchestra. VII. Popular Selections (a) Carolina In the Morning (b) No-- VIL. Way," -- Wessling Orchestra Orchestra. II. _ Violin Solo, "Walzer"--Sitt --Edward Bleimeh!. II1 "Majestic Overture"--Zame-- cnik--Orchestra. IV. Clarinet Solo, "Love Me and the World is Mine" and "The Sun-- shine of Your Smile,, by Graeme Supple. Orders taken for tree trimming and Spraying Miss Frances Loy, Miss Edna, body Lied (c) The Sneak. . Fritsch; Clarinet, Graeme Supple; 1X. Reading, "Diplomatic Mrs Cornets: C. C. Dimock, Arno Fr&Ntz;| Dunbar"--Davidson--by Mrs. Ches: Saxaphones : Goor;;o:}lmrh x"l'd ter Wessling. neth Haggie; Euphonium, HArOld) y v;,j;0 solog (a) Souvenir de Vuant; Piano, Mrs. Chester WeS®~| 1 jpock__Reicker ~ (b) _ Souvenir-- ling; Conductor, Arthur Merner. | [_; [ °) [OOOAE! {"} ecuvenir-- They presented the following program : -- Phone 276--J--1, _ Libertyville, IIL Order Your Trees, Shrubs and Fruit Trees Now Edward F. Kuester | For Spring Planting Dealer and Nurseryman "Apple Blossoms"--Roberts *Call to Victory"--Wilson Pianologue, _ "The _ Usua! -- Furgus -- Mrs, Chester OF | Kidney and bladder irritations ofter result from acidity, says a noted ar thority. The kidneys help hiter this acid f':'om the blood and pass it on tc the bladder, where it may remain tc irritate and inflame, causing a burnin scalding sensation, or setting up an irrg- tation at the neck of the bladder, oblig-- ing you to seek relicf two or thre« times during the night. The sufferes in constant dread; the water passet sometimes with a <calding sensation anc is very profuse; again, there is diff-- Bladder weakness, most folks call it because they can't control urination While it is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is ofter one of the most simple ailments to over-- come. Begin drinking lots of soft water also get :g:yut four ounces of Jad Salt from your pharmacist and take a table spoonful in a glass of water befort breakfast. Continue this for two os three days. This will help nentralize the acids in the system so they no m are a source of irritation to the b! and urinary organs, which then act nor mal |g'in, ' Jad Saits is inexpensive, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon julce combined with fith», and is used by thousands of folks who are mm disorders caused by acid Jad Saits causes no bad effects in constant dre sometimes with a : is very profuse; culty in voiding it scalding sensatic tation at the nc ing you to see times during th be in &ll three towns. tomary for the village town hall from -- three Take Saits to Fiush Kidneys and Help Neutralize irri tating Acide day for a three weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Isabel Claussen of Lle Mars, lowa. Eugenia Watier spent last week end with relatives in Maywood. Mrs. Frei Haggie will be the next hostess to the Pot Luck Social Club. Last Wednesday they met at the home of Mrs. Ray Hummel. Mrs. Fred Haxygie and Mrs. Ricnard Helg Kli)dpey;s y Drinkin More W%ter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muhlke ex-- pect to move into their new little bungalow, the fifteenth of this month. Mr, and Mrs. Ravy Hum-- me! will move f:om the R. M. Vant flat to the Lincoln Pettis flat, to be vacated by the Harry Munlkes, The Doreas Society met Thursday at tae home of Mrs. William Kist. Mrs. William Kist*will leave Fri-- t Mr. and Mr pect to move bungalow, _ the month. -- Mroo: | Ne The Friendly Bible C'ass of the Evangelieal Church met Tuesday evening. at the Ezra Fritsch home. Miis Eva Williams and Walter Lightbody of Libertyville attended the -- Deerfleld -- Orchestra -- concert, Thursday evening at the schoo! house., day, who pital, Cai Mrs. Jean B. Gordon visited Bartelme of Nortnbrook,. We served :;'e'-- h" m' !'Iul. | &Iw .drgnkk'"whkl may ' nlw;':.our bla'(:dcr irritation nmnn mn twice a year Mrs. Conover. The Deerfield women acte/ as hostesses at the social hour which followed. Those who served were Mrs. Oscar Beecham, Mrs. Jonn Stryker, Mis. J. A. Reichelt. Jr., and Mrs. Robert E. Pettis. Cakes were «donated by Mesdames S. S. Love, L, Gloden, Richard Sunv'e, John Stryker, R. E. Pettis and Miss Vida Plagge. Coffee and cakes were Mr wh Sel spoke on "The Value of a ( Education." Music was furnished by M afte Roo tterson received first and second izes, respectively, at Five Hun-- X. Violin Solos (a) Souvenir de Lubeck--Reicker _ (b) _ Souvenir-- Drdla (c) Interpretation of Rosary --Kreisler (d) Eneore -- George Beckman. XI. _ American Home Songs-- Ascher--by Orchestra. They cleared over $200.00 at the concert which will go into the building fund for the new Evan-- gelical Churen. advar will appear April 14. THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1923 Forest College spoke tages of college life. fessor L. W. Webb western _ University -- Depart-- on '"The Value of a College Deerfield _ Shields _P: Association met Thur n in the English ith Mrs. Freiman, the ; eviding. There was a and plea for funds ) maintain the Lake F hip fund. A _ student at 11 at St. Luke nces of Jad Salts and take a table of water befort this for two o d filed, and nis the official bal-- n« places will is. lt is cus-- re to have the ee -- until --five Mr eorner of the room sand made im-- possible a comfortable temperature to be carried from the neighboring yard. The room was heated by a jacketed stove which occupied one Evanston; munc and readings by Mrs. R. J. Heatty and songs by the school. West Ridgo is one of the three schools in D: 108 and has within the last three vears met the <tate requirements (/ a superior ~chool. The recent acquisition of more playground wa« the last of the nec-- essary requirements. Lake county has three of tho few seaools in the state that hi\~ been able to reach this high standard. A few years ago the building was like so many of the rural schools throughout the country, attractive in many ways hut so lacking in the comforts and conveniences to which the country children are entitled as well as their city brothers and| sis-- ters. There were the old water pail dipper and wash bagin. Water had he there Simp educat lection at The West east of Dee DEDICATE WEST RIDGE SUPERIOR RURAL SCHOOL Hillegass of visited at the Philip Seully, co to Mrs. R mittee of whi was chairman upon the wo; cleared $53.00 Mrs. Willia; was tre week end guest c Charles V. Steiner of Central en for Bridge dred and four in Bridge w Boyle, first in Fred Horenbe The Parent Teacher Association Bridge, Five Hundred and Bunco party Saturday afternoon was a financial success as well as a socia! success. There were twenty--seven tables of women, which filled the entire asgembly hall. The prizes were donated by the business men of Deerfield. Two prizes were giv-- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whiting of Irving Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Petti. Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Anderson visited Miss Bernice Tucker of Highland _ Park; Sunday. . Miss Tucker, a D. S.H. S, graduate has returned from Trinidad, Colorado, where she was teaching, because of ill health. \ Mr. a Irving F and Mrs Mro a Mrs. R. M. Lord : of Chicago were S the home of Mrs. W. Pettis. . upt. F. be P Mr wuest ters--in--law, Ray Gunckel Avenue. Saturday « George Pfister of were the guests of Carl Lange, Tuesd: Charles and Rob« modelling the old B stead for John W. cently bought it. Mrs. Roy V. Hut Park spent Saturd: Principal R. L. land Park home « nue, caught fire The oeginning as if it might be fire had gained way before bein: damage was esti $5.000 and $6,000 Ap and Mrs. Romay "The Prince of comed;, will be . Assembly hall, Mrs. Joh ct as delegate fc Iso. _ The two hare the expense: Mrs.-- Sarah °S Boys intereste were M t ents to a short e high school, Fric 6. Dr. Spague tures and told e of camp life. Mrs. William | was the guest of and Mrs. Peter ! Miss Edith St snent Thurldly at election. Mrs. Brynaldson e 'moers of the pla; Liars," at her hom« o'elq.ei im tlye afternoon for this "Helle, m! Says Tom ts Saturday h Kidwell and to hicago. i1 y insurance G. Blair of Springfield to resent at Exercises on \pril 13. Hi mes D Saturd Mrs. I H . April 13. dedication _: narks by Supt iukegan, Mr ent of the bo No. 108; vo« s _ Mildred c and readin atty and son B 108 and ha cars met t a superior juisition _ o he last of Ige schoo'!, 1 and _ two d Park, is iperior rural jlair of Spr [ H a summer camp ring their par-- *ainment at the evening, April wed some pic-- 'taining stories had as hen <ter, Mrs. R mall childrer ing. on Raym iy guests I's father, April 3. Prttis are re rstadt home nan, who re ertained the "The Prince n Fair Oaks n' of Irving ith her sis-- Reeds _ and d Room of 4. Chicago. erdenomina-- central West Mrs. J. S. is chairman. mar -- School Five Hun-- First prize to _ Mrs. ed to Mrs. of Chicago parents, Mr. Taursday. f Oak Park dav with Mr. ker _a three ac t the Schoc av evening rab Ic an ster, Mrs Wessli k's Hign-- _est Ave-- lay noon. r a time ss as the e head bet weer Mrs is--| _ A deep well was drilled, a hot water nd ; neating plant installed and a press-- iure «ank provided which makes hot er| and eold running water possible in R.| kitchenette and toilets. A drinking en | fountain, electric lights and stove, new book and supply cases, an at-- ne| tractive sun--porch, piano, and tele-- ce| phone, all add to the comfort, con-- ks| venience and beauty of the sc'nool'] Not only was an improvement; nd | brought about in the physical equip-E at| ment but there was also an uplift | C.} achieved in the school and commun.' ity spirit. The West Ridge Com--; of| munity elub was organized and[ Ir.| meetings held each month. The Is(:hool became in reality a commun-- on | ity center. Besides carrying on the of | usual activities, the club has ne'ped iss | to pay for the piano, it has purchas-- as|ed a victrola and a playground slide, lo, | and provided interior furnishings of / which help make the scnool home-- like and beautiful. At a harvest n | home festival.last fall, farm and co| garden products, canned fruits and a | vegetables, and poultry were exhib-- al ited. The present officers of the n | club are as follows: president, Mrs. e | D. M. Blasier; vice president, Mrs. s | William Krumoacn; secretary, Mar-- ladies with Wyeth's and Suiphur Compound is that, m darkening the hair after a few applica tions, it also brings back the gloss anc lustré and gives it an appesrifite 6i Nowadays we get this famous mix-- ture improved byklhe ldditioflu of other ingredients by asking at any tUrug for a bottle of "Wyeth's S?r mdfi mw Compound," which darkens the ir so nlmra{)lly, 'o" e_vefly., that fio-- body can possibly tell it been plied. You just dampen a m: soft brush with it and draw this w your hair, taking one small mat a time. By morning the gray hair disappears : but what &fiu the Hair that loses its color and lul: or when it fades, turns gray, dull lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so at-- tractive, use only this old--time recipe. striving especialiy since the last great war for equal educational op-- portunity for @J! the children. There has been great progress made every. where in the movement of better rural sehools. West Ridge is a dem-- onstration of what can be done in this direction. District 108 has a right to be proud of what has been accomplished experience and t to carry on the w the -- modern . sc larged the main room and ouilt an addition to the school, which provid-- ed a kitchenette, two modern sani-- tary toilets, a light, airy cloak cor-- ridor, and a boiler room with coal rstoraze space. | larged the Druggist Says Ladies Are Using Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW | P for all the childres. e cn-.'et.\é m were the usual out--door unsanitary e type. Tnere was no way of provid-- tr ing warm noon lunches nor were| _ P] there conveniences for entertaining 6--tt the parents in the evening. In fact| ---- there were very few community | FOF gatherings. * pé In 1919--1920 the school board en--! ni Register Want Ads Get Results. Theatre next Friday, and Saturday, came into existence. It was scen-- arized by the author and Waldemar Young. A remarkable cash whnich includes Lois Wilson, Thepdore Rot: erts, Wm. P. Carleton, James Neill, Laurance Wheat, Lucien Lilliefield, Sylvia Ashton, Thomas Kennedy, and Ethel Wales was chosen. Al-- fred Green directed. That is how the story o# ~Iur Leading . Citizen," _ the -- Tnomas Meighan starring p¥cture which will be «lisplayed at the Auditorium star in," he said. "That's a capital idea," respo:| ed Ade. "You've played a crook i; several pictures. Now, in this sto», wr |! have you as something on tirely different. We'll make you : small town lawyer--a dazy fellow who likes to fisn better tnan prac-- tice law, and then we'll put you in politics and show how much dyna-- mite you really have when you wet into action,. _ We'll prove that 'there are no lazy men--the so--called lazy man is simply one who has not struck the right ;.' " That is how the storv o« --Imr "Hello, Tom," and "Hello That's the way Thomas M P'aramount star and Geory America's leading humerou« address each other. For Tom and George are personal friends of long sta Tom met George in Chica sugwested that the author . screen play. *"Write one for pervised by mily Brym« 1 natic |--work, -- literature, s, bring a variety the children which ir lives for better etter living. The cal welfare of the Tom !" Say few _ community | FOR SALE--1922 Studebaker five ! passenger touring car. This is a school board en~' nice car which is inexpensive to om and ouilt an| operate, and is in exceptionally ol, which provid-- good condition. You cannot do wo modern sani--| better in a new car. Priced very , airy cloak cor--| low for quick sale. Phone 370--J--1. room with coal| Libertyville. 15--tf tere lite ave been the -- last Kennedy,| FOR SALE--10 acres of land at en. 41-- Wgeeler crossing on U'aehrtyvmo | and Area cement y prem. _______| _ ises thereon eoum of 8 room e «:~et.| modern house, large barn, garage, isanitary | _ chicken house, orchard, shade f provid.| trees, small fruit, at a reasonable ior were| _ price and on easy terms. imed whose < her fhoo'I 12x18 1--Car Garage $50.00 beep | 18x18 2--Car Garage $75.00 )( | BUY NOW Before the Spring Rush cor ge @etfelielnt GREAT LAKES, ILL Phone Waukegan 306 l Take Electric line direct to 22nd St., North Chicago. Office across tracks to the east on Sheridan Road. Open Sundays for Your Convenience BARGAIN SALE | ON GARAGES Gordon Wrecking & Lumber Co. Complete Material to Build a Good Substantial Garage, Including Glazed Sash and i:ofl-. Paper Building Plans furnished Free BLACK SPANISH EGGS for Setting Took blue ribbon at fair. $1.00 for setting of 15. Home after 5 P. M. -- W. H. Gehinge, 320 North Ave., Libertyville. 26--6t FOR SALE--Plowman seed corn. Fire dried. Price $3 per bushel; E. Wilcox, Area. Phone 370--R--2. 26--2t FOR SALE--6 Registered Jersey heifers ages 4 to 16 months old. Also bull calf from a Federal and State Accredited herd. Those are the best bred calves in the State of Illinois. _ Will sell much below their value. Phil Donegan, Clover Hill Farm, Waukegan. 24--4t FOR ~SALE--White Legnorn eggs. Toc for setting of fifteen. Grant Lusk, Tel. 361--R--2 Libertyville. FOR SALE CHEAP--Clover nay and silo feed on Carl Schreck farm. _ Phone 267--M--2. Wailter Sage. 28--3t FOR SALE--180 acre farm with lake frontage near cement road. Good nine room house; large base-- ment, dairy and horse barns, silos, tool houses, and other smaller buildings.' About 20 acres in good oak timber. 50 acres in alfalfa Entire farm drained. Very good loam soil. To insure a quick sale this farm is priced at 40% less than its real value. If you are in the market for a farm, either to live on, or for an investment, don't fail to see this one. For further informaiion see A. R. Schnaebele, itegister Office, Libertville. 98--tf If you want to buy anything, or if you have something. to seall, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, FOR SALE Classified Ads charge, 20¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. EDWIN AUSTIN. 28--2t LOST--Colored laundry bag con-- taining soiled laundry. _ Finder please call 388--W. 97.9% FOR RENT--Appley farm with house and barn. E. F. Appley. FOR RENT--Fu WANTED--A man to drive team in Lake Forest. Steady work. Union scale wages paid. Tel. 258 Lake Forest. * 24--6t FOR SALE--Two--fiat building in convenient location, with sewer, water, gas, electricity and bath all in. Special assessments all paid up. Good income property. Pric-- ed for quick sale at only $3800. FOR SALE--International 10--20 Titan Tractor. One 3--bottom Oliv-- er plow and Tractor guide. In good working condition, will dem-- onstrate. Price $200.00. Phone "Area, 392--J--1. 28.6t FOR §ALE--Baled timothy hay and FOR SALE--Rose Comb Rhode Island Red hatching eggs. Leroy Kane, Area, I!!. Telephone 264-- R1. 28--10t FOR SALE--Plue Ribbon wheat and Wisconsin Pedigreed bartey, grown for seed. Recleaned and graded. Wheat $1.50per bushel, barley, 90 cents. Early Murdock seed corn, the standard variety for main erop for Lake County. Silver King and Plowman, shelled and graded. Butts and tips taken out. $3.50 per bushel, Phone 392--R--1. L, A. Huebschn, Area. 22--6t FOR SALE--In order to make room for a large haten of chicks I am offering for sale 75 single comb While Leghorn hens. Your choice from a flock of 250. Also 200 baby chicks three weeks old. For-- est Thomson, Telephone 10--R--1 Round Lake, I!l. 28--6t FOR SALE--Baby chicks. Mrs Summer. Inquire W. I. CO-NM; Phone 178--J or 200--J. 98. 9t FOR SALE -- Toulouse breeding geese, are laying now, also one gander. Call 388--W 27--2t 1 sell Taylor vacuum engines, no belt trouble or lining up to do, 1 Taylor engine, 1 Bull unit, com-- plete, $250. B. FINSTAD, R. Schnaebele, Real Estate & In-- surance, Register Office, Eiberty-- in, corn in stack. Phone 296--M--1. Earl H. Kane. . 24--6t LOST AND FOUND W. Rouse of Grayslake. Phone 203--R--2. -- IK--6t MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT WANTED PAGE TH wished house for 26--2t Xt

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