: UCpe Hake County Register _' _ PAGE FOUR a man by his clothes and a woman | ***"* *° ' by her lack of them. | # $ & But, it 'The nearest approach to perpet-- | beefsteak ul-odonhn:n:i:nflu;drlnk. careful t« If réformers made out laws you\ > would have to sneak out behind the) Circum barn to chew gum. -- the. 13th, do a three lwur.jo:.. -- The older generation still judges warked because he takes all day to Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, at the post office at Libertyville, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879. Issued twice weekly. "Sthb" says you can have a full house if you have the jack. % t # It is easy to stab in the back the man who keeps ahead of you. The SUN is clearly consumed with fear lest the inquiry reveal substantial proof of fraud and attempts to "fix" the Small jury and seems willing to go any length to embarrass and block the investigation. It must be remembe¥ed the grand jury is not con-- fineduisaplfitjnryinacriminalase,mmbemf going to their homes each evening and are at liberty | to read the SUN'S nightly tirade and absorb false | impressions through misrepresentation in the columns | of that paper. | wotional service. Topic: "How Shall We Choose Our Good Times !" Lead-- er, Miss Jean Schanck. Pres., Miss Eva Williams. 7:80 P.. M.--Evening worship-- Music by both choirs. Sermon by Governor Small's Lake county organ, the Waukegan SUN is trying by every possible means to discredit in the minds of the grand jury the investigation that is in progress into serfous charges of jury tampering during the trial of the Governor in this county. The SUN, in face of Judge Edwards instructions to the grand jury, commanding that strict secrecy attend its w publisnes from day to day an intimate review of doings in the grand jury room, p:etends to reveal the' vote for and against indictments and quotes alleged arguments of the jurymen. Worst of all the SUN emphasizes its opinion of the evidence presented, ridicules efforts of the prosecuting attorney and belittles every attempt to get at the facts in the case. nuisance sometimes. # # # Why is it that moths seldom make the mistake of eating a patch? Phone 112--J Mr. Jack Bradford, Choir director. Mrs. Lyell H. Morris, Organist. 1000 A. M--Sunday school. Mr. George F. Pearce, Gen. Supt. 11:00 A. M.--Morning worship, sermon by the pastor, good music by the choir. 6:80 P. M.--Epworth League de-- Every attorney we have heard express an opinion on the matter has declared the SUN'S methods rank contempt of coutt. We have never known a parallel disregard of newspaper ethics in our experience. ;:.u«;r Last Sunday was an out-- standing day. Let us endeavor to make every Sunday better than the with us ____ JAPANESE DINNER At the Church, Wednesday, April 18 at 5 p. m: Music ] (Auspices of the Epworth League) Prayer meeting Wednesday even-- ing at 7:30 . Always helpful, Come and receive help and give help. Libertyville Musical Seciety Appreciation Concert in our church on Thursday evening, 19th. Forty voices, orchestra, organ and piano, under the direction of Prof. Walker. This promises to the in Libertyville.: Tickets are on sale. You can't afford to miss it Come and bring your friends to a rare Services on Sunday, April 15 (the Second Sunday after Easter) will be Holy Communion 8 A. M. Morning Prayer and sermon at 1100 A. M. Bunday school at 10.00 A. M. 'The NMorth Shore Sunday Schools hold their anfual Easter ralily at St. A retentive memory is a blamed i&'l-u-by'.'o-"a:-mh The offering made by the children fi.mm.zmm- will be announced and presented. 1t 8T. LAWRENCES3 EPISCOPAL KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers You will not find tactics of the sort permitted in Chop Suey, Rice, Rolls, Butter Charles J, Dickey, Pastor, Succeeding the Waukegan Weekiy Gazette for the missionary work of the Ice Cream ALONG THE CURBSTONES Observations By A MAN ABOUT TOWN DISGRACE TO LAKE COUNTY FRANK H. JUST, Editor. EPISCOPAL Cake tell the exact truth. -- % & # Busting clay pigeons is popular with trap shooters. Auto speeders seem to think man is made of clay. j # # &# But, it isn't advisable to order beefsteak in a restaurant that is careful to keep its knives sharp. a % e e Circumspectively speaking, this is PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Mr. W. G. Wells, Superintendent. You are in-- Preaching service at 11:00 A. M. on the topic, "Thrusting in the Sickle." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Evening service at 7:30. Subject "Thy Gentleness Has Won." _ _ Bill Hafemann says when a good thing is put over in our town there are a 'bundred peol;;e ready to take the credit, but when something falls fist you can't find anyone who will take the blame. The adult choir will practice Fri-- day evening, the Juniors on Wednes-- day. Good music at both services. Mrs. E. L. Sayre, Organist. The average restaurant bill of fare is truthful. Just order the "small steak" listed and see if they do not "BLEGANT THOUGH When her friends exciaim over the tastiness of a dainty afternoon frock or the shameful extravagance of a stunning evening gown, a certain en You hase you tan be magent "Well, you you can be elegant these days even though you are im-- pectunious." _ And she is no exception; women everywhere have discovered how easy it is to make their simple gowns. The principal difference, in m'li:-;mfim;'nh.:ohm :;:L ooo heart to fnch m 0 being or years to fus to put on those finishing mlki:!r.c)ys:'also ulm h:l: that give "an air" as indefinable as acids in the system, s it is unmistakable. cause irritation, . this bladder weakness. heen 'yohe 1o somse the 4 Gesprens degitigy eftervercem. uic sense , de & nvin'} of interest in home m."vh::h everyone shoul mtinn ts t Po, t Repntem an | 2o 1. rina o o activ with the piled high, this spring oitmavoid"m most amazing range of €O0l--| ; ns By all means everywhere piled high, this SPMING | ome, avoiding serious Hdmey complica with the most amazing range ut «xk | Stc0 " By alf means have your physt ors in beautiful filmy fabrics mlmn examine your@kidneys at least heard of before, in silk, wool, and ) twice a year. 4 A cordial invitation is given to all You Can Save this coupon to t# q i0 The United States Governmant | Adires If you never have, you can now, Sendforyanoovcufl';or:eu FreeBookwhhhdww to accumulate money ms:'i Trum&vhp&m"n.k e for your copy today and take the ; t and take the for your copy fir;tmmmund To get the book mail Wahington, D. C. & i# i# HONEST BILL 0 ' Whoever mvh*mddfinof&lm County Board of Supervisors at the app:r~aching 'or-- ganization session, will render a distinct service by placing W. J. Obee, member from Deerfield township, at the head of the committee which is to have charge of building the new court house addition Mr, Obee is a building contractor by profession and they call him "Honest Bill' in Deerfield, whica title he'is fully deserving of. (If Obee heads the public building com-- mittee, everybody will get a square deal, and most of all the tax payers. Besides Obee is fitted by ex-- perience and knowledge to render real service in the position mentioned. _ -- IMPECUNIOUS" is why the intelligent buyer prefers to buy from the man who is intelligent enough to know that advertizsing pays. He feels sure that no man is going to advertise something he is ashamed of. He has confidence in the man who advertises. And he feels safer than in trad-- ing with someone who keeps his business a serret. o&pmmdhmn{"dmmuu county that they are here. HOW DO THEY BUY? + How does a farméer buy implements* By driving into town, parking his flivver in a handy place and walking into the store and ordering it delivered at once, signt unseen? Well hardly. How does a woman buy a dress? By stepping in front of the dry goods store and telling the proprietor to send out one of such and such a size? Not on your life. The farmer knows what machine is best for his business, because he reads the ads of implement nouses. He knows what he wants even better than the man he buys the im-- plement from. It isn't guesswork, for long years have taught him just what machinery will work hest his farm, and which will pay for itself quickest. The woman knows what colors are best Iiapted to her particular type, and she also knows when dry goods are reasonably or excessively priced. The fact is that the farmers and the housewives read the newspapers---- and they're educated along buying lines. And that without every conceivable < electric nelp and appliance will be considered as hopelessly. old--fashioned ind im-- The wonderful modern gown in paper put out by the big fashion designers is as far removed from the old bungling "dress pattern" as is a 1924 limousine model from the "horseless carriage" of twenty years ago. It not only tells you how much material to buy and how and where to cut, but provides you with a re-- production of an authentic Paris gown with minute directions as to just how to put together the differ-- ent pieces, down to the finest detail of finish. Taken as a whole, American wo-- men are undoubtedly the best dress-- ed women in the world, and they are becoming better dressed every year. For they nave learned the secret of having a really smart wardrobe at practically the cost of the materials alone. possible as it would be w the convemjience of mail deli ear-- rier, without the automobile or the cotton poisons from the Nq* i¥ we get sick. _ Rhenmatison, am'. liver trouble, . nervousmess,-- di#zimess, sleep lessness and urimary 'disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. _ _ The moment you feel a dull ache ir the kidneys, or your back hurts, or i the urine is clomdy, offensive. full o sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding. begi: drinking a quart of water each day also get about four ounces of Jad Sait from any pharmacy ; take a tablespoon Quart of Water . _ Cleans Kidneys acid of s and lemon jur bined m&hfi. and has ber for years to Aush and stimu! kidneys; also to help neutral acids in the system, so they no cause -- irritation, thus often . hladder weakness. -- Take a Littie Saits if Your Back Murts, or Bladder is Troubling You Jad Salts is incxpensive: make delightful effervescent lithia--water drin which everyone should take now an: then to help keep the kidneys clea: and active and the blood pure, thereb; ul in a glass of water nd in a few days you It won't be long, now, before life No is fame of caute es ces aus o y en tm ~~ =--~ COUNTY REGISTER, -- sATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1923 efore kidney ol Violin solo--Moon!ight--MacDow-- ell--Miss Hilda Hapke. c ug. Everyone is cordially invited, no admission fee is charged, and you are requested to be present and bring your friends. Soprano solo (a) The Last Hour --Kramer (b) The First Primrose-- Grieg (c) In Italy--Boyd--Miss Frances Bishop. 0 The regu'ar monthly musical of the Libertyville Musical Society will be held in the Methodist church on Monday evening, April 16th at 8:15 The committee in charge of this program; Mrs. Filora E. Sayre, Miss-- es Marjorie Taylor and Eleanor Cor-- coran and Mr. E. L. Sayre, have planned to make this evening's en-- tertainment one of the best of the season, the theme being "Nature's Moods" and the several numbers are all appropriate to the subject. Flute solo (a) Still as the Night Deep as the Ocean--Goetze (b) Snowflakes--Terschak -- Mr. Dale Collins. y -- Prograta Organ solo (&) To Spring--Greig (b) Bridal Song (Garden scenes) -- Goldmark--Mrs, fiora E. Sayre. Piano solo--La Fileuse (The Spin-- ner) --Raff--Mrs. Blancke S. Bell. Piano solo--Spring Song--Mendel-- ssohn--Miss Eleanor Corcoran. Ray Furniture & Paint Store Baritone solo (a) Blow, Blow, . LANGWORTHV'S Ask to hear: / Y--Y--YOU T--T--T--TELL HER I--I--1--S--T--T--T--TVUTTER! Fascinating Fox Trot Played by The Cotton Pickers Wlm MUSICAL SOCIETY MUSICAL NOTES Come in and get your cataiog NOW! . C )ew Vocal Chorus by Billy Jones "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans ALWAYS Something New in Brunswick Records "Brightest Spot In Town" o New Releases Daily No waiting to end of the month Brunswick Records can be played on any phonagraph The World's Truest Reproductions | Hear | Compare! SUPER SYNCOPATION Thou Winter Wind --Sarjeant (b) Trade Winds -- Keel -- Mr. Frank Wright. ooo The chorus for the Musical Even-- ing to be held at the llethofi;t' Church on Thursday evening, A 19th, have been hard at their work for several weeks and Prof. Walker reports that they will be in a'finish-- ed form by the time of the enter-- tainment. This is an appreciation concert, and is the only musical giv-- en by the Musical Society for which a charge is made. Tickets have been placed on sale and the commit-- tee in charge are looking forward to filling every available seat, the prices are reasonable and for an entertain-- ment consisting of a cnorus of forty voices, our own fine orchestra, the wonderful pipe organ and piano,one Organ solo--The Evening Star-- Wagner. Tnroughout the program, Miss Marjorie Taylor will portray in verse the subject of each number render-- The Misses Hapke gave a joint recital on Wednesday evening, of which this column will give a full report in our next edition. Piano solo (a) The Prophet Bird h'omt scenes) -- Schumann "(b) Hark, Hark, The Lark--Schubert, Liszt--Mr. Arthur Miller. of the Society--and let'; fill the church to capacity. Watch for the program in next week's issue of the DOROTHY DALTON A VIGILANTE Dorothy Dailton, Paramount star, organizes a vigilance committee in "the Crimson Challenge" her new picture, which will be at the Audi-- torium Theatre next Sunday. She uoes this to run a bad gang out of Lost Valley and to avenge t'h mur-- der of her father. It meant wild When you are suffering so you can hardly 5:1 around, just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest re-- lidelf'x';own. Nothixl:.hu srn:: concen-- trated, penetrating t as {7:"' as soon as fou apply Red gcm b you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and sore-- ness are gone. _ c . _ _ Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching joints. It can-- fiot hurt you, and it certainly stops that old rheumatism forture at oncé. _ Ask any good d ist for a jar of Rowles !{ed'ol?edppet Eub. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package. RED PEPPER FOR RHEUMATIG PAIN Libertyville, Ill., Phone 10 AUTO PAINTING Dymond Avenue and Mechanic's Road Phones 372--R and 372--J LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLINOIS BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN New Shop Latest Finishes Your Truck or Car Lettered or Monogramed The undersigned having been &etitioned to be candidates for members of the Village Board of the Village of Libertyville, Lake (Jouna'figlinois, pledge ourselves if elected to pave aukee Avenue according to the decision of the Court and to carry forward any other improvement when petitioned for bL a majority of the front-- age to the best possible advantage and least ex-- pense to the Taxpayers. All campaign stories to the contrary are false. We further pledge ourselves if elected to trans-- act all Village business in the best and most feel assured of getting value economical manner. DECKER & WHEELER To the Voters of Libertyville HERE'S A TIP Libertyville Flower & Vegetable Company (Advertisement) Paya apposite the auar and heady an :nmry?gon' supporting "Ot." riding, shooting, and all kinds of ex-- Gray hair, however handsome, de-- notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appearance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few miopl of Sage Tea and Snl¥hur s its appearance w- old. Don't stay gayl young ! Either prepare the recipe at home or m(mm any drug store a bottle of yeth's Sage and Suiphur Com-- pound," which is merely the old--time recipe xmm'ed by the addition of oth-- er ingre s. _ Thousands of folks recommend this ready--to--use prepara-- tion, because it darkens the haxrtn- tifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, uitdarkens.ommflymdcvm You moisten a sponge or soft with it, dnm this through the hair, taking one strand at a time. B( morning the gray hair disappears; af-- ter another application or two, its matu il color is restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you ap-- SAGE TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARM When Mixed With Suiphur it Brings Back Its Beautiful Lustre At Once and the quality of the goods incomparable. That is the verdict of our customers. We are specialists in the art of tailoring to suit. The Fit Is Perfect Geo. B. Mason J. R. Mulholland Robert Sitz ~ _ W, H. Studer She will be so pleas-- antly surprised that you will be more than rewarded for your effort. and it may bring you luck. Why not take one of our plants home tonight to Mother or y our Wife? JOHN CICHY We Deliver w