The Deerfield Grammar School Parent Teacher Association met Fri-- day afterngon at the school. The children sang several songs under the direction of Miss Williams with Miss Berghield at the piano. Mrs. Oscar Beecham, the president ap-- pointed a nominating committee con-- sisting of six members wita Mrs. William Kreh, chairman. Mrs, Ray Hummel read a very interesting paper. The hostesses for the social hour that followed were Mrs. Jonn Stryker, Mrs. Fred Haggie and Mrs. Frank Peterson. Dr. J. P. O'Connell, dentist, has an office in Deerfield, over Hermann Confectionery store, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Merner, Mrs Henry Merner, and Mr. and Mrs Order Your Trees, Shrubs and Fruit Trees Now Orders taken for tree trimming and Spraying Phone 276--J--1, _ Libertyville, NL Edward F. Kuester Vulcanizing Radiator Repairing GAS AND OIL SERVICE STATION WORLD BATTERY SERVICE STATION 592 SOUTH SHERIDAN ROAD Cor. South Ave. Waukegan Phone 168 Open Until 9:00 P. M.--12:00 Noon Bundays H.&P. Accessory Co. Battery ---- Recharging For Spring Planting OF . If--:> Dealer and Nurseryman --BATTERIES TESTED FREE Complete Line of Whiz Products * l P aAPP 4A * SA Tubes ---- Accessories Baking Powder Contains No Alum--Leaves No Bitter Taste the ingredients printed on the label of your bak-- ing powder tin include Cream of Tartar--your cakes, biscuits and other foods will bemorehealth-- ful and have a finer tex-- ture and faste. T' is one of the rea-- sons why thoughtful women insist on ROYA L The ONL Y nationally distrib-- uted Cream of Tartar Baking Powder | To know |_ how good a cigarette |\--really can be mad : you must try a;hz Olp of Evanston were guests at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Merner Jast Sunday. Miss Grace Robbins who is attend-- ing the Pestalozzi--Froebel Kinder-- garten College in Chicugo is obtain-- ing her practice teaching by cadet-- ing under the supervision of Mrs. Elizabeth Silber Worth in the Deer-- Ificld primary room. Mrs. Worth is m graduate of the Pestalozzi--Froebel . Sehool. The Christian Endeavor Society of tne Presbyterian Church will meet Sunday evening at the home of Helen and Wallace Reichelt. Evangelical pulpit Sunday evening in the absence of Rev. Vere Stake-- miller, wno conducted an Baster choral program of the Diversy Parkway Church (of which he was formerly pastor) Sunday evening at the Hoyne _ Avenue Evangelical Churcn, Chicago. Rev. F. L. Reetzke of the Di-- versy Parkway Church filled the Mr. and Mrs. George Stanger of Highland Park visited Mrs. Stan-- ger's uncle, George Rockenbach, Sunday. The Parent Teacher section of| guests at the Kred |«vahn home. which Mrs, H. G. Phillips of Evans.l Mrs. Albert Hagi «i!! be hostess ton is chairman and Mrs. J. A.Ito St. Paul's Sewinz Club, Thursday Reichelt Jr. is secretary will attend' afternoon at her hone on , West the meeting. Among the P. T. A.| Osterman Avenue. imembern who will attend from Deer_| _ Mrs. Artnur M. ht had as her | field are Mrs. John Stryker, Mrs. luncheon . guests, Thursday, Mrs. | R. B. Patterson and Mrs. Oscar| Jacob Kiest and _ ushter, Mrs. {Be(»cham_ Edgar Wessling & :tle Virginia A surprise party was given Sat--| Wessling of Northiis k. | urday evening for Henry Juhrmnl,' Mrs. J. P. Sehne»» of Chicago llt his home, in honor of his birthday \'i"i"'d friends in Dostield, Thurs-- anniversery. | day. -- conference of Progressive Education Association at the Drake Hotel, Chicago, last week. There will be no school Friday in either the Grammar School or the High School, to allow the teachers to atterd the Illinois State Teacher's Association of the Lake Shore Divi-- sion at Evanston, Friday, April 20. A surprise party was given Sat-- urday evening for Henry Juhrend at his home, in honor of his birthday anniversery. The Deerfield Orchestra of the Evangelical Church will give a ban-- quet, Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wessling. Mrs. Nathan M. Sharpe nas re-- turned from Europe and has opene« her country estate, (the former Reichelt Senior farm) on the county line road. Mrs. S. M. Gooder will be hostes: to the Young Matrons at her home on West Deerfleld road Wedne--da; afternoon (today.) Artnur and Earl Kiesgen n' Ho' land, Michigan are staying with their sister, Mrs. George Herrman» Mr. and Mrs. Haro'd Plazge anc THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 193 Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. attended a MPs. ( Mr Mrs. Gu ursday l 2--pt. Hog, ........$8.52 Corner Posts .....$3.90 2--pt. Cattle ...... 3.30 Steel Line Posts .. 30c 4 pt. Hog, ........ 4.18 End Posts .......$2.70 4--pt. Cattle ...... 8.52 ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES 10 ft, $7.05 12 ft, $825 10 mafi'%ulz ft., $9.70 , $7.65 y f * 14 ft., g.&s 16 ft., $9.45 14 ft/$10.45 16ft. $11.20 PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES 10 ft wide, $5.65; 12 ft wide, $6.25; 14 ft wide, $7.25 STEEL POULTRY GATES 48 in. high .......$2.10 60 in. high .......$2.55 MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE 8 bars, 32 in. high, 12 in. stays .. .@»c 8 bars, 32 in. high 7 in. stays ...36%c 9 bars, 42 in. hifil, 12 in stays .....82¢ 9 bars, 42 in. high, 7 in. stays, .. .413(c 10 bars, 50 in. high, 12 in. stays, .. .35Zc 10 bars, 50 in. high, 7 in. stays ...46/c MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. high, 8 in. stays .....41c 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 in. stays ...47%,c BARBED WIRE, 80--rod spools: PER SPOOL E. 2--pt. Hog, ........$8.52 Corner Posts .... .8 You are invited to come to our factory for your fence requirements. You can select from our full stock of a large list of styles at the following prices: lutie au, Hign Sc AMERICAN WIRE FENCE 0. Klemp ifternoo Orders for Holstein heifer calves booked now. Make your reserva-- tions for choice heifer calves now at Also some choice cows®and heifers, close springers, for sale at farmers' prices. HOLSTEINS WIRE FENCE Osborne Farm 'mp will enterta noon Club, this reer of Glenvie: vest of Mrs. G M ckel entert pupils ? ext owe ansence 1 St. P. o $30 Each AREA, ILLINOIS t! Wed th number of =fllends at tards on Thursday . Out of town guests were MFs _ Almon Powers (Mildred Whiting) and Mrs. Roy V. Hutchison (L@U#8 Fletcher) both of Irving Park, @nd former Deerfleld girls. Mr. and Mrs, Georsze Labahn of Evanston and Mrs. James Dough-- erty of Chic@go were week end guests at the Rred Lavahn home. Mr. and Mrs, H son of Prairie Vie day with Mrs. Bar He H Sn M Auston Plagge [arder apartmen ouse, across fror am Plagye, and ottrasch Greenh: Little Helen G f Mr. and Mrs. ell and broke he: 1 with whooping Mr. and Mrs. H d Saturday from M M M ght Rockenbach's wheir new | €nue recent apartmer guests Sunday. ottrasch 1 primrose. 1 gardeni seorge -- Miss V m Holl; ey passe an. Mrs. R : had as her rsday, -- Mrs. whter, Mrs. tle Virginia orf, _ Robert ay Gunekel. ty for the ir husbands vseeks at the Harry Olen-- EACH Califor winter v s at Five ning. _ The is were Mr. Sh ihlke mov Ing enté Arlingt her, Wil-- th of the itif ich by last Sur her, Mr MT D laughter in the ling a tt and in the Pettis weet field tti tti n enbach and mmu Trene Rock-- enbach of , Michigan spent the week end at the home of her father, George' Rockenbach. Sh> ;. en route to morthern Michigan (o. religious conferences. the Mer hosp Those endowed with song and «desire to aid istry of music for ded are urged immediately choir for drill and instr Mrs. Becker as there is work to be done. ing his mother. Mrs Carolan, Margaret, William and Jnhn Vilm "l'. RUK?H ul Glenview, Saturday. Mr. Rugen ; very il! with diabetes, Miss Grace Carolan and her mother expect to leave next week to visit Mrs. Charles Moran -- (Bessie Carolan) who lives in Highland Park California _ (@a _ suburb _ of _ Los tion We are glad to welcome to our churech life Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett and family who have moved to the village from the country We are also glad to welcome to our church Mis« Mabel Koeblin and her mother who are moving to the village from Wilmette. The Missionary societv will meet at the home of Mrs. William Schin-- leber, Thursday, April 19. Mrs. Am-- brose Montavon will have charge of the meeting. A large attendance is desired by the committee. Those emdowed with the gift of song and «dJesire to aid in the min-- istry of music for dedication week urda th he tr p da Miss Hm Carolan wh> e es Manual Training in the Pa: Henry School, Chicago, spent week end with her mother Mrs. . Carolan. William _ Carolan Sareveport, Louisiana, is also v erail_ Assembly meeting in Indian--| apolis, Ind., about May 15. Out of' the ten Elders to be sent from Chi-- cago Dr. Davis received the -{our\h' nighest vote. We congratulate nim and the people of this church for this signal honor. | D the day My The Deerfield Orchestra has addej i new member, Donald Easton, who lays a <axophone. They are giving program every Sunday evening in he -- Evangelieal -- Chureh. -- Sunday vening George Beckman played a iolin '\'0'0, "Jerusalem." William -- Galloway -- was elected chool «director of District 109, Sit-- inday evening, being unopposed. 'rank Hempstead, the retiring mem-- er of the School Board, withdrew is candidacy just before the elec-- DEERFIELD _ PRESBYTERILAN CHURCH Mr H distinet field ch Davis by the fumes of earbon di-- _ Dr. Davis was summoned and ine department of the D&erfie!} intile Co. was converted into a tal, where they were revived. s. Anna Flood had as her Sun-- guests, Mrs. M. Cauley, Mrs. re Rettig, Mrs. Mary Freeberg, on Norman, Mrs. Frank Mow-- d son Thomas of Highland Park Etta Shergur, Mr.osnd Mrs. (Continued on Page Six) M. I T. Rogers of Lake Forest! 1 a member of the Town--| School Board of Education | ree years, at the election | rday afterncon for Dic-- ter omm Thomas. Pastor p th it ma ad to join the iction under consi--|erable bee an un-- Re ind emn-- | _ ch life| FC | order. to our | j George ; . moved nma to 1a FOR SALE--Gas stove, sideboard, sanitary couch, commodes, iron bed, and high chair, odd chairs. Phone 133--R. 30--3t FOR SALE--1922 Studebaker five passenger touring car. This is a nice car which is inexpensive to operate, and is in exceptionally good condition. You cannot do better in a new car. Priced very low for quick sale. Phone 370--J--1. Libertyville. > 15--tf BLACK SPANISH EGGS for Setting Took blue ribbon at fair. $1.00 for setting of 15. Home after 5 P. M. W. H. Gehinge, 820 North Ave., Libertyville. & 26--6t FOR SALE--180 acre farm with lake frontage near cement road. Good nine room nouse; large base-- ment, dairy and horse barns, silos, | tool houses, and other mnllcr| buildings. About 20 acres in good | oak timber. 50 acres in alfalfa.| Entire farm drained. Very good loam soil. To insure a quick ulo[ this farm is priced at 40% lesq' than its real value. If you are in | the market for a farm, either to : live on, or for an investment, don't ; fail to see this one. For further | information see A. R. Schnaebele,| Register Office, Libertville. 98--tf, FOR SALE----10 acres of land at Wheeler crossing on Libertyville and Area cement road, with prem. ises thereon consisting of 8 room modern hnouse, large barn, garage, chicken house, orchard, shade@ trees, small fruit, at a reasonable price and on easy terms. 8 FOR SALE CHEAP FOR SALE--Rhode Island Red set-- ting eggs. A. Anderson. Phone 278--W--1. 29--6t FOR FOR SALE--In order to make room for a large hatchn of chicks I am offering for sale 75 single comb While Leghorn hens. Your choice from a flock of 250. Also 200 FOR SALE--Two stacks fodder corn; One brood sow; One heavy harness. Mike Benm, Phone 261-- W--1. 30-- 2t FOR and silo feed on farm. Phone 24 Sare, > baby chicks three weeks old. For-- est Thomson, Telephone 10--R--1 Round Lake, 111. 28--6t )R SALE--Several hives of honey{ 203--R--2. 2 26--6t bees. _ William NickOley, PrAiri@| ----------------------.--_----_..-- View, Route 2. 29--2t; FOR SALE--Baled timothy hay and ----___-----_\ corn in stack. Phone 296--M--1. OR SALE--A large quantity of| Earl H. Kane. 24--6t well rotted stable fmnanure. Wil];____----_.__--_--------- deliver. Charles Johnson, Liberty--| FOR SALE--Rose Comb Rhode ville. 29--2t [ Island Red hatching eggs. Leroy --------.--....--------------| Kane, Area, II!. Telephone 264-- Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates : 5¢c per line per insertion. » If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sall, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake ceunty in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. h FOR SALE Classified Ads EDWIN AUSTIN. --Clover nay Carl Schreck M--2. -- Walter 28--3t Mr. Dorband of Wheeling used a Bull Milking Machine for 6 months; lightning set fire to his barn and destroyed everything in-- cluding his Bull machine. He would not milk by hand again. He was satisfied with his first Bull so he bought another. Get one and you will be satisfied. BERT FINSTAD, Libertyville, . 30--tf FOR SALE -- A wonderful home, consisting of seven rooms, strictly . modern, hard wood ' floors, bath, FOR SALE--Two--fiat building in convenient location, with sewer, SALESMAN WANTED to solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases ) and paints. Salary or Commission Address THE HARVEY OIL CO., FOR SALE--Baled timothy hay and corn in stack. Phone 296--M--1. Earl H. Kane. 24--6t FOR SALE--Plowman Seed Corn $3.00 per bu. Where practically all Lake Co. Plowman Corn origi-- nated. Phone 370--R--1. Rouse Bros.. Area, IIl. 30--tf AND HE BOUGHT HIS SECOND BuUL£ FOR SALbk--Baby chicks. Mrs. R. W. Rouse of Grayslake. Phone 203--R--2. & 26--6t FOR SALE--A new DeLaval No. 12 creamy seperator, power or hand attacnment. B. Finstad. 30--1t water, gas, electricity and bath all in. Special assessments all paid up. Good income property. Pric-- ed for quick sale at only $3800 Easy terms if you wish. See A. R. Schnaebele, Real Estaté & In-- surance, Register Office, Biberty. hot water heating plant, cement basem't, %aundry tubs, exceptionally fine electric light fixtures, glazed--in breakfast room and screened--in _ front porch, has large garage, large poultry house, won-- derful lot with 100 foot frontage, abundance of shrubbery, fine shade and fruit trees consist-- ing of apples, pears, cher-- ries and grapes. This choice home is located block from Electric Sta-- tion in Libertyville and approximately 4 to 5 blocks from the : depot, owner leaving city and positively is being sacri-- ficed, must be seen to be ap{)reciated. $1,000 cash, balance as rental. T. J. Stahl Co., 237, 683. Ex-- clusive agents. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED PAGE THREE 23--10t 30--1t Te