Discontent with the low prices.re-- ceived for milk by the farmers of Stephenson county, I!l., resulted in the organization in September, 1921, of the Stephenson County Marketing Company, and the construction of a modern creamery -- and . receiving plant at Freeport, with receiving stations at Damascus German Vai-- ILLINOIS -- CO--OPERATIVE SELLS BUTTER IN CUBSA uty y)15¢ The Reliable Laundry Star Models & Prices Commercial Chassis, Plain ...........}..}}}}>>>>>>> Commercial Chassis, Starter and Demountable Rims .. Roadster, Starter and Demountable Rims ........... Touring, Starter and Demountable Rims............. Coupe, Starter and Demountable Rims .............. Sedan, Starter and Demountable Rims ............>. Station Wagon, Starter and Demountable Rims ..... Delivery Wagon, Panel Top, open front (Starter and Delivery Wagon, Panel Top, vestibule front (Starter Delivery Wagon, Six Post Top (Starter and De-- 109 S. SHERIDAN ROAD North Shore Tire Shop These prices will last only for a short. Absolutely guaranteed and which are manufactured by the U. S. Tire and Rubber Co. The prices were advanced and are still going higher. PRICES REDUCED ON HARTFORD CORD AND FABRIC TRES You will soon want to have your RUGS cleaned and of course you want them cleaned in the VERY BEST WAY. There AHART & WAGNER This way cleang them thoroughly of dirt and spots and renders them free of Moths or a possibility of Moths later on, Call Libertyville 67--R when you are ready and we will clean them the NAPTHA WAY. 33x4 30x3%%4 32x3%% 31x4 yp@gflqumm Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers JOHN B. KUKAR, PROP. 1150 Sheridan Rd., N. Chicago, Phone 73 HOUSEKEEPERS DAN ROAD WAUKEGAN, ILL For demonstration telephone T791 All prices are f. o. b. Detroit Dealers for Lake County Hartford Cord Tires $14.95 | 34x4 ________$25.95 1935| 32x4V4 ________ 31.85 | 23.75 | 38x4%4 ________ 32.75 25.45 Connty Farm Adviser. than NAPTHA DRY ~ Hartford Fabric Tires ley, Lena and Dakota The compa-- ny was incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000, and about 500 members. Since that time the mem-- bership has doubled and the capital stock has been increased to $75,000. One shipment of butter packed in tins was sent to Cuba. A wholesale plant has been started at Rockford. All the property, including the creamery and a large warehouse for storing salt, twine and other sup-- 34x4 32x4% 33x4%% 3$Ax4% 35x4% --_.--.$ 955 30x3% ---- UBE : Rims..... $285 33.65 34.45 319 414 348 610 610 STATE GUARANTY HOL-- STEIN SALE, APRIL 19 & 20 plies sold to farmers, is owned by the farmer stockholders. The third Illinois Guaranty Ho!-- stein Sale will be held at Aurora Thursday and Friday of this week. A number of Lake county breeders and farmers are planning to attend this sale. It includes some of the outstanding animals of the breed in Illinois and will be an event very much worth the while of anyone in-- terested in the advancement of the breed to attend. Several breeders from Lake County are consigning animals to this sale. The shortest BARGAIN SALE ON GARAGES _ Complete Material to Build a Go Substantial G-ngo'lul.din' Glazed Sash and ing Paper Building Plans flnudc:' Free Gordon Wrecking & Lumber Co. 12x18 1--Car Garage $50.00 18x18 2--Car Garage $75.00 BUY NOW Before the Spring Rush Take Electric line direct to 22nd St., North Chicago. Office across tracks to the east on Sheridan Road. Open Sundays for Your Convenience 36x4%, 33x5 3bx5 ________ 39.95 37x5 ________ 4235 30x3%%, 8.S8.____ 14.95 THE LAKE COUNTY R $5 DOWN Accompanying the ma-- chine the buyer during ind is en free (1) A hflo'g (2) An EKlectric Iron (3) An ElectricToaster Washing Machine Balance payable at the rate of $7.80 monthly. PUBLIC SERVICE CO. of the toaster. K Full particulars at any of our Electric Sales Shops, the nearest of which is at of Northern Hlinois Federal GREAT LAKES, ILL Phone Waukegan 306 delivers to you a Waukegan, 129 Genesee St. Telephone 258 $ in lieu of the table z.uh place of the iron same amount in place e __ 10.85 _$34.95 _ 39.15 REGISTER, WEDNESDAY There is still time :o put on the dormant spray for scale if this has not been done Use 5'; gallons liquid lime sulphur to ~0 gallons of | water or not less than 15 lbs. of dry l lime sulphur to 50 gallons of water. About 2 gallons Of spray are nec-- essary per tree for 10 year old trees and up to 4 or ~ callons for 20 year old trees. cuts to dairy profits is the best bulil you can buy. a Ex"?" Station ist ratem." the value of pure, buls. The pro-- duction ofi fromy tows sired by & bred bull was increased over $,000 Ibs per cow per year and the d@bghters of these halfblood cows w#8 further increased by nearly 5000 Ibs of milk more. This kind of produétion makes some profit in dairyf@g compared with very little or less than nothing from scrub cows. IMPORTANT SPRAYs Luce Bldg. Ht YOUR EYES--CONSULT OTTO R. THOMPSON VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 66 LIBERTYVILLE Hours: 1:30 to 5 & 6 to 8 p. m. Sundays & Holidays by Appointment Office in First National Bank Bidg. Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park VETERINARY SURGEON 161 Lincoln Ave. Phor Kaiser Bldg., Over Gas Office Phone 26 Libertyville, Ill DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD WELL CONTRACTOR & DRILLER Deep Well Pumps and Cylinders Phone L4b. 286--W--2, Waukegan, IIl. Nature has decreed that bread is the logical food for the growing child. It is truly the '"staff of life." We are co--operating with Nature--and producing a loaf which is 100% pure food. Only the best sugar lard, flour and milk are used, and our sanitary system of baking is the finishing touch. OUR BEST The next important pray is when BAKE--RITE BAKERY G. F. Pearce, Prop. Phone 355 .. Libertyville LIBERTYVILLE SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building. lephone 57 LIBERTYVILLE C. B. OLNEY, D. V. M. HENRY BOYSEN, JR. Assistant State Veterinarian Assistant State Veterinarian Professional Services LYELL H. MORRIS J. H . HESLIN OPTOMETRIST ROOM 9, MUBRAY BLDG rHONE 988 DR. J. L. TAYLOR Doctor of Chiropractic W' f * 0 purg, pu of d by a pure . over tb i the dabgh B. H. MILLER CUSTOMERS THE CHILDREN! LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 152--W TO COoME SOON LIBERTYVILLE _ from -- serub bred bull was s per cow per ters of these Phone 35 the blossom buds show pink. Tnis time use only 114 gallons of liquid lime sulphur to 50 gallons of water or 4 lbs. of dry lime sulphur to 50 gallons of water. To this must be added 1 pound of powered lead ar-- senate or 2 lbs of paste arsenate of lead. Then the calyx spray follows which is put on when about three fourtns of the petals have fallen off using same strength as for the "pinki spray." As a considerable quantity of fruit has already been killed in1 the soutnern fruit district, and as| the outlook for lessened production this year as a result of the very heavy production last year, it is likely going to pay very well to. spray all our fruit this year. Prac tically all of the Illinois peach crop Farms, Houses and Lots Sold f Exchan of Proj a Specialty Cash Or On Easy Terms or "Mmfl MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Office Phone 3148 N. Ashland Ave. Lakeview 478 CHICAGO, ILL 2 Doors South of Beimont APRIL MONTHLY REPORT LAKE TY COW TESTING ASSOCIATION 11923 E. A. Forman, Tester Five Highest Producing Cows. ' Production _ Lbs. Owner Breed Day of Test Milk Frank T. Fowler PBH 80.7 2502 Frank T. Fowler PBH K4.6 2623 Frank T. Fowler PBH 76.6 2375 Hawthorn Farm --PBBS 70, 2170 Geo. White PBH 50. 1350 Five Highest Producing Herds ()wner Breed Lbs. Milk Frank T. Fowler PBH 1346.9 A. £. Benson PBH 1046.0 Geo. Whitc PBH 901.9 H. C. Ames PBH 628.3 Alex TLindskor PBH 810.5 (Jwner breed Lbs, Mulk Lbs. Pat Frank T. Fowler PBH 1346.9 43.72 A. S. Benson PBH 1046.0 34.77 Geo. White PBH 901.9 34.44 H. C. Ames PBH 628.3 30.84 Alex Lindskog PBH 810.5 29.52 For the fourth month Rose Christine Mercedes, F. T. Fowler's purebred Holstein cow leads all the cows in the Lake County Testing Ass'n with 2502 lbs milk for the month and 87.5 lbs. butter. His herd also leads the as-- sociation for the third month. The ration of the leading cow is oats, bran, cornmeal, barley, oilmeal, soy bean meal. and cotton seed meal. 18 lbs. per day with 25 Ibs silage and 12 lbs alfalfa hay. 4--14057 our operations, Company rendered a greater volume service than ever before--and ut a d-ufi' transportation charge--aithough it has carned mo profit for years. Remember these FACTS when you hear the roads criticised for poor service and high rates, & St Paul Mitwaulue s . TO PUOET SOUND=*ELECTRIFIED Since business began to develop last summer the Milwaukee Mh-w-mmoolfu?fizmfiuhm same months of any previous year. Over third--or 33 cars were loaded with one-- percent--more Comparing these same six months peridis the average ies pulth o e en s e ate Tok -- 20 the a Qat rate is now lower compared with the rate before the War the price levels of other industrial products. hi _ _ This shows that in spite of the Miners' and Shopmen's was 179,666 :-é;- more than in the same six months Vfi#--hlh increase of more than one--fifth--or 20 n-{-' «e RAILROAD SERVICE IMPORTANT Thirty Days Notice Telephone Your Order Now If you are planning to change your residence or business address this spring, arrange now to have your telephone moved. On account of the large number of moves to be made at this time of the year, Is required on all telephone move orders betweenApril 15 and May 15 and avoid delay in the installation of service in your new location. 18, 1923 ILLINOIS --BELL TELEPHONE COomMPaANnY Five Highest | Breed ler PBH PBH PBH PBH y PBI Telephone 9901 (Continued from Page Six) Mr. Simpson visite«. school and had dinner with us. has been destroyed as well as the Georgia and Arkansas crop. This will tend to make other fruit more valuable. The fifth grade nave finished Mace's History and are reviewing. Fuesday will be Mother's Day. The boys have charge of lunches this week. The menu consisted of Monday, cocoa and marsnmallows, Tuesday, peas in butter, Wednesday creamed --corn, Thursday, stuffed cabbage, Friday, baked beans, Report cards were given out Tuesday. _ The gymnastic class are able to do the "Daily Dozen" quite well. HAWTHORN SCHOOL Fat 87.5 78.1 Lbs Lbs. Fat 43.72 34.77 34.44 30.84 Test $4 9 ( Miss Priscill# Thatcher spent the past week visiting in Libertyville at the home of Mr. and MY#. Geo. Mason. Albert Dyer and Warren Darby were business callers in Waukegan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gosswiller attend-- ed a dance in Chicago Saturday evening. Mrs. Caroline Mitchell left home Saturday for an extended trip thru the middle west. She expects to be absent some time. A good crowd attended the Com-- munity meeting at tre church on Thursday evening and from reports the men enjoyed the entertainment that the ladies gave immensely. Vis-- iting day at Pumpkin Center School was the entertainment. Mrs. H. Kane, Mrs, Mitchell, Mrs. Umbden-- stock, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Luebbkemann were the proud mothers who witnessed the perform-- ance of the scholars. Mary John-- son, Minnie Bartlet, and Mrs. Goss-- wiler were the school directors and certainly were a success. Piano solos by Genevieve Kane, Helen Brockmann and Myrtle Weiskopf and recitations by Grace Allanson, Luella Kane, Esther Mills, Hattie Horman, Genevieve Kane, Elizabeth Brockmann, Bessie Kane and Hazel Dyer were very much appreciated but the vocal selections were the hit of the evening, not only because of |the excellent rendering of the same but the fact that they were all original. _ Elizabeth Brockmann and Bessie Kane gave a vocal duet, Pearl Bristow and Dora Rouse and Mrs. H. Kane, solos and Libbie and Helen Mills gave a parody of Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shehen. Mary Jonnson as president of the school board presented the men with suit-- able gifts at the end of the program. No admission was charged but over twenty dollars was given to the club which they plan to spend for new silver. The next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Mills Hiram Bartlett and Frank Hol-- land spent several days visiting-- in Chicago. Boys and girls will delight in the chebo{mhthohhd':: mance Land" to be and Saturday, thhv:.h Tom Mix as a modern "Ivanhoe." on Wednesday, April 13, will dis-- close. T. Roy Barnes plays the leading man's role. Household Hints Attention, girls! Suppose your father was reported to be bankrupt to--morrow; would you be able to earn your own living and hoid wour family together as does Marion Davies in her latest Paramount-- Cosmopolitan _ production, "Adam put your feet under the chair. New will last longer if wuh«lm'-'.ul& toe nails are trimmed closely. The last word of advertising is ex-- preased by a concern which says: "Drop a little of this mixture in your wife's coffee in the morning and cure her of smoking. As Eva King, Miss Davies' only worry is how she can spend her dad's money as fast as he is able to pro-- vide it. Then comes the shock of her life. Her father "Joses" his en-- tire fortune. What does she do-- sell her jewels and live in comfort in an uptown apartment? She does not. She equips a farm in the coun-- try, the only piece of property left of the onee magnificent King estate, and makes it pay. Then a strange thing happens, but what, the picture itself, at the Auditorium Theatre Marjorie and Mrs. Robert Rouse spent Supday with their mother Mrs. H. A. Mills. Mrs. Weiskopf of Libertyville was a Diamond Lake visitor on Thurs-- day. x y _ egar. When taiking th money use a little sugar. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray and son Keith spent Sunday in Liberty-- ville with Mrs. Ray's parents. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brockmann were Waukegan visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs Frank Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gosweiler went to Chicago Saturday to attend a party. Chicago. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Smerzs next Thursday aft-- erncon, April 19, Mrs.~Steerp and Staats one day last week. farmers around Diamond Lake are putting up brooder houses. -- Our school election passed off very quietly; there was no auto service so the ladies stayed at home. Gor-- don Ray was re--elected. . _ -- l.indluaww ud:.buina.mpu aukegan Friday afternoon. Mrs. Towner will help serve; every-- Would you do as Marion Davies Does in "Adam,.and Eva?" Quickest way to remove corns is When boiling fish add a little vin-- One lighted gas jet consumes as Wednesday, April 18, will dis-- DIAMOND LAKE air as four ATTENTION, GIRLS 9# PAGE SEVEN in 44