\~-- _ Diving Record? dflint-u- Sand and Gravel «wither of a very iLivest-- turn of mind or else he is E':*_fl-flnm-b pr 0 nug t iss dn oullearegmpett. Breinges. t winp. 4 Albormrrermett day morning he was seen to go out on the company's lake east of the in & little skiff, row over to some-- pontoony anchored o1 the far side of the lake, straighten up m nA on into tht said ' to been hb' a resort . NMek won't say a darn thing, and finl'w'l;w-nmm to figure out he is training for some bilf aquatic event, or has had an offer to go into the movies. put over with 100 per cent of the ditizens boosting it. interesting meet and should be well A J has invented an inge-- of power. 'i-év-h:d&o wind is cight mefers a second, the dead in the United States every 'This average will be greatly &m-maynb'w scheduled for Saturday afternoon, Mfifléhb- model develops four horse power. Its equipment indicates a storage bat-- tery by which the power generated may be beld reserve to secure ser-- ¥ice when the wind subsides,. -- :.m ac 1 '.:!!"'l.'a; Sn e e t the meet was vl:y-do'-.' the way Although Libertyville led most of only five 'ht:n in fourteen poe zn h e qamnine o io Sieaage, c c omner n the frigidit; w SEVENTY--THIRD YEAR--NO. 37 W a1lV an e y & Final Seore L. T. H. 8.--61; Maine An average of 125 people drop day's Meet. ' TRACK MEET SATURDAY Antioch and L. T. H. S., is :r\v f + . rram Meinig y atom fln v» smm oniinsnioeg ' i j :':' 4 # ) w y 2 f A wl 8 n Falie : . & ¥& : i4 'S T. 4 2 * ':> 4 """ . a y £ i «6 W' 4 + .? ' : _1 a~ MA L | 6 ' F l . " P 4 e § @ 4 ; * 1 C ee wee ; h T Sheriff Pdwin Ahlistrom returned M_guumfin'w;nto wenlent at all times for the public, hfih:hul-.bfih&fi: Ts snn roe is on "h"mu near as can be checked, nothing was fifiq::mm&thb without detected the -hmm'zmz nT--dmmm ;l-tyct g 'pu..-unu nlti#fi'-.p&!l-- scrutiniting Wverybadyry tects, it is s tecth, It is wfih the bandits will soon be found. _ reluet-- ance to stille and expose Un: canines cause people to @0&" investiga~ SHERIFF HOME FROM HAVANA the intent of the theriff's activity, which he termed a vacation tour in that section of the country noted for its fish. » n raom dml f now &Hde'hlhtc-i-u ma'==u~m«m' from the ---Lmun i".:h"":. IQI;": -:'d_w!g:"wi-fl-- T inmoaniis yorn nature. Mdh-l"' Indiana, a large :dmmfi' The cost of. the "Nautilus," one mnaah,-.u-mun the cost of the deficit THE NAUMLUS WILL S00N BE n.neru-b due to ar-- rive this e k'tmkl'tn: Intest. ~As soon "us the books The printing of the "Nautilus" has was rife concerning ~*"To Judge Joseph R. David und J?MC.N: * ou are two dirty a child away from its mother giving it to its foster mother. :! money and you more mother could. K JUDGE EDWARDS Echoes of the Alice Beatrice Nuttall® case are still bein@ nds 200 Aihine doeey wards and Joseph David, who awarded the chil to its foster parents, Mr. and Mré. James Nuttall of" Wauke was defeated in favor "of Attormey Albert Hall. 'The vote was 3 to 2 in favor of the selection. §* LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINON BATURDAY, MAY 12, 1923 ' and safety «aid T y that he to have & motor cop on t "mill day and In order c;:lh' of Com-- m %, a motorcycle will have to be by the + m Bal® , announe-- Hm he w oust Sars 0"1&&-! of fire depart-- m week. Hutton is \ to replase G O'Farrell. . to Co Balz, Hutton the fitle ' chief not chief. ' nisai Balz, to be fire chief himse!! . Themas Kennedy, po-- r;"""".':'? C¥Z of m Cap-- :h}louh also be re-- # day ca e chief of police at 6 Tuesday morning. '.-wagh_- ml&tnfib"n civil service exam Chief Lyon has a member of the Waukegan foree for stated that it . nl'". uy by Ferris for $800 this sespite the fl"h + not to of public %:hm-h-' _ Lawsuits were hinted || the were over . 4 with® filing of an appeal 3. . e from a forcible er t in the justice court. . Keagle was of attack some time & 'pastor appeared on and t the atteation of the ie Sunday services on April 30, B. O. Fritsch, J, a Ernest Gieser, said to & y of the trustses church, filed a 1nith.'~h¢h0 of A E. Smith e c} st occupied by the CHURCH ROW g Park's church duel formmdfiowlflth the First United Evangelical ruufio"(fl Rev. Kea tor of Highland Park, Fights to Retain Posses-- of Parsonage J Register head of the Mineral Point Zing c pany, arrived in hb':'l: day night after a sensational race in a special train from his winter home in Los Angeles to receive medical attention from his family physician. ~--Mr. Jones, who is i of cancer, time for the distance is 68 hours and | . i coK foms: 44 hours and 64 minutes. -- -- The best ies of were that tha t d the 2,220 miles in 48 ' min-- utes. The regular Fo 80 minutes, <mpgibon+ > _-- His brothers did not look for him, when he dida't come home. for a week, as he had often stayed away ful'fluafllhflfiy \lidn't think of it. noon of Tuesday, May hm"hfinfi"% Bolah"&:h-od o'clock :ththnh ha ua-u ve Mu&omfu-bp'fl before being found. . h on yee t oo raoite ed of being in ill health his JOHN cl the ey nfi""""g'.""i';'""""fl It proved to belong to Mr. Elfring. TG aail them rannhe thesr homen * ing then to their homes, m&mhm ?h'nhdh',uflhdol&dr-h- nok h-.!t::::n e occasion es for the boys leaving the! Limberry, -u-h; -I-&i.u: & whicy they cond aot iive setinine _ _AUTO ROBE CAUGHT N HMireaomens Thrge etttseg yoar old boye, Hher. in oaanam s and J &r, s CHICAGO BOYS STEAL Boss a small cottage with bmangeRiat o ie B wnge o w ie i elyrin iridek home ts wark. ie fing ted -- team -- of THROWN FROM WAGON AAY up turned ng the "widk urday, . 'the badly lesa _ Mr. Stah} also head of a cireuit of retail 'hlA. but was later to Chi-- cago where he another | end of the buying trade. o Seven years ago he came to Wan-- m-fih':&mfifl,' tate .business. a He has ever been as a hard worker and a for Wan-- kegan. He has made a of ffi"hmr Lake coun-- ty. His death, it said, took away one i e thay whily 1is fothen Math 'was m of lm%, he ~' position w ien his brother, Theodore °O Ned is oaefranty for m his wife, Mrs. g'fiu fAive brothers, Andre and Benja-- min of Waukegan, and Jamen of Lonisville, denth was inevitable #t might have come Thursday 'or ten years from now. "Peto" Stahi, as he was affection-- ately known, was born in 1961 in and Harvey of Chieago; and four Iaghien it t nuu.u.m-h«t{ln :'.':"s.?:%".':'fi..: pronounced him ies treatment has been dissovered that of Country club. He was also a At 6 o'clock 'Thursday morning in bed. ~He was dead. was r~ glad to meet. He had a kind word and a cordia} handehake for all." He had a amile every day in toward him." * nttention. Day after day he pick up friends in his machine shooter.' He too big to stoop ooo mpo eaarneg thing, i. wan m good as a gold $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE (Continued en Page Pour) A MODEL CITIZEN o