Mr. and Mrs. W. Brubher, of Lake Wurich, visited at the M. Hersch-- lm-.hby. s relatives at Wi m.&dfll ':u.l'.lmigmuo of tonsilitis last week, but is much better at this writing. Stelling is quite again x -fin.' * has moved with is on 1 F. Wells had the misfortune _ to ubnr-*nlh-tu- arm. -- He'ls doing well as can be ex-- _J. H. Rouse was a Chicago visitor Wednesday afternoon. 3 To Mrs. Henry Lohman who nas been mmmpumm W. 1500 : people | to . %--W.--uuu: There will be regular church ser-- vices Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Young People's at 8 p. m . After the morn-- ing s a meeting of all the m the church will be held s 'hiring a joint pastor to aill pulpits of Ivanhoe . and u%bb-mflmyh- pected under the cireumstances. W. J. Sauver and family of Palatine home, Sunday, __.W. Stiles and , were Sun-- dqvl'-ndho--akh-. C. J. Mason was a Palatine visit-- or Saturday.. h W, Stancliff is on the sick list. Mrs, Mead and son, were visitors ut the A. Stoerp nome, Sonday. Porcy Macther was a Lake Zurich visitor Sunday, accompained by L. 1 and we should fee} it our «duty to be present. Bul& and _ Henry Meyer rmmintvl&lr.nd rs,. Paul Meyer of Lake Zurich. Miss Viola Wells left Thursday evening for Cham where she will attend the I track meet on Friday and Sa e _ > on Wednesday. . Townsend Smith was a Chicago visitor Thursday, . --. ; R. J. Lyons was a Waukegan visit. or Thursday morning. _ _ "Deacon Dubbs," of last year, Be sure to buy your ticket and reserve it at the Citizen's State Bank and enjoy the time of your life, * Mrs. Harry McBride and Mrs. Charles Lemkuh! of Highland Park helped Mrs. Townsend. settle her new home in Winth arbor Maether and family. Mrs. Holtje is at the home of her Louis as Mrs. Hoitie has not E-ulnmbnlhr*' operation. » Yon ~can afford -- to drive many mileés to see "Monte Christo." PAGE TWO for a few days. The Ivanhoe Dramatie club wil M"An'llmt." at the ud Sivavany eeonitign. of this wetk, and Saturday evenings, of this The cast is the same as the one in The Area Ladies Aid society will have a bakery sale at L, A. Murric's Store on Saturday mfternoon -- of Fred Grabbe, of W was is 'g '"":fi W, D. and E. H. Bluhm "Tiscacts masdioa m wing ve a dance at J wflflm Diamond Lake on Saturday, May 19. Thursday morning for aukee Art. Voss and family were Pala~ MRS. M. L. CHANDLEER Local Editor . Phone 122--J A _ WEDNESDAY .. 900 =12:00 A. M.-- >A T _ SATURDAY 1:00 --6:00 P. XM. T O -- Citizens Bank AREA at Geo. A.: Jones DENTIST by ~~ Ralph Meyers was a Lake Zurich Arlington : Heights caliers-- Friday. _ Pivt dye 3¢ 50i dhe y Rurkerer torBawe of Mr. and Mrs. C. -- A number of the young folks at-- w.mcc&vfi-vfl- epent Helen Lafrents. % § The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. William Butt last Thursday afternoon. Don't forget . to attend : the bAl time was had by all present. In.:olmlonrdcuagmnt last week--with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keiler. Vietor ~Sauer attended the bank meeting at Lake Zurich, Thursday Mr. and Mrs, Joan Umbdenstock, and. grandson ,of Palatine and Mrs. rm'-lnln sd Mrs, Fred Lempker of Liberty-- William Cordes: and. William glm.muawnrw- son, Vietor of Palatine spent day Bvening at the Victor a ~William Saner of Palatine was a ville Sunday J. Harth of Arlington Heights ealled at the Elmer Harth home last w Rev. and Mrs. Kalkbrenner. were callers at the R. Reimers nome Thursday evening. t in s o o Victor Sauer and daughter, Mar-- zmmmm"lg- liam Tonne of Fairfield several days last week. , s fir. and Mrs. John Hans and r, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehrenberg of Li-- bertyville, -- * N s ~€ Messrs. Frank Holtie and Edward Kruger, have purchased new cars. was --a town caller Thursday after-- Thursda: -- Henry Ste his o "'B"-:.yu lling called .uot "fl, View, one day lase week . _ -- . Mluudw--a'zhh::r"d'g s wil muuamamm t Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bunn ' Quite a number of the town folks at Wh-a yhflg ir of. fi rt ville several : arents, Mr. and Mrs. willew, Srs. Hermih Aeigler and family,. FRED GRABBE Mr. and 'Mrs. William Sauer and Charles Herschberger helped Wil Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales Laverne Sauer, is ill with the Telephone Waukegan 1:¥A LONG GROVE of P the ballgame s | e ororn ue " at Libertyvillé for a couple _ "Sunshine and fresh air "b} wonders towards keeping milk uten-- sils pure and sweet, then why not M-ltin&od-hybmw rcomondcntm to get in print, however we fail to get the Jacob Zimmer from. Pullman, was a caller at J. N. Busch's Saturday. Max Miller /and family,;. Mr. and Mré. J. r;l-n. Geo, Weimer were wz;'- at the L""'&m e was dong. _ "'r.mfli?klm,nmd their 'baby Roger so we "*J" N. Busch had his plot plowed last la-hy,"mth at Geo. Sturm's Thursday, "'é*....n"""'":'fl:.u,& saw at . + m.&.wfi;':mud Zurich. 'They pronounced it a very Monday, w now that Al was not in mo meet ot Etert t Th horves by some bird filying over them and der Folks seeing the team of horses Mkuhnmfitsox started out, they were stopped ere Haben has gone into the undertak, ers business at Highland Park, We Mw. y ; Fred says he fears his plum trees. will not bear much fruit this year as the frost nipped the buds at : John Cargill and two friends spent several days Geo. Pfister will taks up work on the Soo Line in the near L. Diets was a caller at the Crest-- THE LAKE COUNTY RECGISTER, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923 Matt Umbdenstock, was a visiter We THE STAR s -- OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS y C¥ Nearest Store at Waukegan PUBLIC SERVIEE CoMPANY and bal!," 'he says on the farm they aze so frisky but in town, well thats The "Ear--Marks" of Success The Wheeling State Bank Below are three good arguments should Do you spend every dollar you earn, or have you learned to keep part of it? 'The answer to that question will tell you whether you have the "ear--marks" "of success yr on ~»# i~_ *4 & you haven't yet acquired that habit, begin now by opening a bank account. 2.--They also &1 the house. with a fresh, What Good Are Plants In the Home? WHEELING, ILLINOIS ©#" The farmers say the outlook for Efihmhmp'.m pastures are not more than a (Continued on Page Seven) i8 **'Cath Or On Rew Tes . _' Biablated fake *' MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD JOHN HEIM f EEAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE 1i ane eBicaoo, 111. . ---- 1 Done bain ut ham., es 4o en 6%"%"'""3;53 '*:."""'E'-'J':-!? .'36 hn ned Hen " @96 '.W'fl white faun * $19 50 | AAne" *« «... ® for 1 "Eeamaves| ie while they last___ '23 i5 Ask ... Enormous Quantity of Pipe, Vaives and Pittings, Gordon Wrecking & Lumber Co. 1z6 in.. 8 in. FLOORING-- 1x4 yellow pine. DIMENBION LUM 2xd's, 2x6's, 2x8' mm'.t DIMENSION LUMBER-- txd's, 2x6's, 2x8's, 2210'8 specially priced at@W*R«PV 4 doors ... P@AVV NOTE: The quality of tumber and millwork used in the con-- m-fi:fi-u-pmmlbd\bmldcz &--fid'&ths"mnn :-h'n. -'mfi_._(ndmd lumber is preserved in every way possible. dirpe h it 2ied B8 Rotth Chicage: (Ofleq acrems Iracks to ns GREAT LAKES NAVAL CAMPS LMest 2O WUMEEX Heating and Plumbing Material BUILD x8z NOW! P & ts. But v e i e eaned" hk while woo are at it, make your insurance doubly dm«qymfifplflcmh;': maya ces €1 25 THOUSANDS of items to he BUILD AND IMPROYE. t our prices--SAVE from 40 pir cont to 40 pis ainl ; ue Join the increasing number of fore--handed men SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY KEWANEE BOILERS--95 PER CENT NEw-- K $425 AND UP -- GREAT LAKES, ILL--PHONE WAUK. 106 Open !::. 'for Your Convenience "American" Wall Radiators-- e !3:."'.."' "_«.'-u.u" and _ 'units. 4 wonderfol Wall Board-- DRESSED AND MATCHED-- le=t"" $39.59 ie Frame and casing for 1% Worth new $4.00 $1.75 $1.00