| DEERFIELD | azz.l- P.O'Cun&&l.fit. Ot-- Deerfleld.© Office. i from 9 a. m., to 9 p. m., on Wednesdays and t -'zorsthy lddd: returned niversity Tlinois, zday.' ,tu-hgvtfihtuh. muum-umf Springs, Illinois. ment to Miss Millnouse, yPul of town who are also students at the 'E..dl.m Misses Rosa-- and Marion Warren of c y Wiss Emily Lane of estern ~ For Picnics, Balls and Parties. Arrange your dates now. ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TX 1. A% LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE Tel. Praitrie View 273W--1 J. N. BERNARD, Prop: ~--_ ~-- _ Telephone 202, Libertyville HERTELS PARK 48 For Rent Half Day 30x 3 1--2 Douglas Cords CGUARANTEED 10,000 MILES Mx4 " 32x44 " 33x44 * 38x4 80x3¥ mand 81x4 Mr. and Mrs. George Ott moved into their new bungalow on Second street last Saturday. Ethel and Lelah Kreh spent Fri-- day with their father at Wadsworth., Charles © G. Pettis is building a ~Laura Neargarder-- entertained a md'hw friends at a y --party, Wednesday after-- .:t.-dln.lolurtot?uu:!. little daughter, Mary Jane Highland Park, were the guests of Mr. and Mrc. William Kent enter-- en ty $ 'Macy of Mr. MR iee pag inper ce thris summer to Hammer of wmmummmfia north of Edwin Johnson's ty 1 mmind Un wice mi wilh Miss Cldir M. Lyon of DeKalb. _ Izzsac Goldberg, one of the leading realty owners of Highland Park, and who owned considerable property on field, UHied Sunday morning. The funeral was held Tuesday with buri-- al at Waldheim. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Gunckel and u-.ulq,ldt'ltnruhy-or%f brtwuk':vhu'lhlfid:'- ' Mn'hds.ln. Gun-- kel. accompanied them. 1 The Deerfield Men's Club will give its first annual Stag and dinmver at the Gréen Tree Inn of Everett, My'rqwlu, June 14, at eight o'clock. Taey have arrang-- ed for interesting speakers, and who is a member of the Deerfield M{h':':'iumwm ried, W x R f d fiwmca.-m open a Confectionery store Saturday chased at the same time they bougnt the large building. W VififioUfide mm.fiol-e.pkhdbc number of her little friends at a Deerfield Mercantile Co. The Senioy Class mol the Deer-- field--Shields High "Monsieur Beaucaire," wil} be presented Tues-- ter, Patricia, are spending a month fi."" suo?-mum. ln.wnlh-mmn-lhn week from a visit with sister in Jowa. Her nieeo Miss Kroft accom-- gkdhcrhmonihnmu Haggie home. lu'fi'.'mm had as 'her t, several days of last week, a several week's visit at the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. Raymond George Rockenbach is very i\ with pluerisy, Alex Mackey visited his brother in Milwaukee. last Sunday. -- -- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blaine and daughter, Shirléy, are spending the week in Burlington, lowa, and vici-- .iz.n.l. Huan returned to her home in Chicago, Tuesday, after a Miss Eva Williams of Libertyville, Roy Meyers is working at the Miss Louise Huhn was ill this THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1923 ke@es »pent Busciny afterteon at A. | . This Jms moon you hear about &A y m@_cf&m lmmi.th birthday.. Only the immediate fami-- 1y, children, grandchildren and great children were t, and mir,wwumm".um: Mr, Wiehohdnhmy.udns and up to the past few months al-- was @s spry as & man m teans, At present '.':: Mra. Wickersheim are very much under 1: '(V-Q-: -weel.vd.b to walk. ' m an Busch m|s.nlm.drm' ©LT % «ol _ John Grewe of Wheeling, a form-- er is v since -...'::':.g .'-" O?Q last winter, seem | 'atrongth, being catcoly mbie to A surptise party was held at the J. N. Busch home Friday night, the ocsasion being Mrs. Busch's 75 th more and gave us some excellent a«inging. | _ C Al Bunton, Jr., and ~Clarence Busch business -- callers at 'helhgme-d-ym Bunton, Sr. says h« almost bought a fine team °fflu':'fi-l.3. Anderson,.a pretty gray, but decided to wait a bit as they seemed too young to as yet. Our merchant G.I'.'&rlfl the baseball fever too, and has join-- ed our "Stars" and if the others mnqryuufulldmuc.\ M., is, they would make a 'run m-zvit'noutn'enflng. Mr. Mrs. John Draper of Keno ?npfilmflalb&yum& . Weidngy home. % __ N. F. Busch beught a horse from Elmer Stahi, last week and from all reports it can trave! about as fast as ~ PFord, _ M¥Y. Bublits and family have moved into the G. M. Weidner resi-- Mre. Cora Weiand was a caller here last week. Monday Emil Geest was a business caller in Wheeling, Friday night. Jacob Gasser regeived a letter last week from hig @ister, Mrs. H. Knopf of Georgia. : <tates they are very much ienced --at present as harvest time is on and berries are ripe, are having so hiuch rain it is sible to get in the--fie'd or pick ies. !t has been raining daily for the past three vweeks. Wells are . overfiozing and * Waber Wornes ams maipn Har verson are mail 'rlg m-. All our boys have -- good positions there, but we miss them here. > Peter Sievers and family attended a -- birtnday party . tendered Mr. Smail of Area last Monday night, it was a grand affair and a general good time was had. _A --bunch of our young folks at-- tended a dance at Shaugibutg, Sun-- Mrs. Geo. Pfister and Enmma Sturm, . were at Long Grove: last much sickmess is caused by too much surface water in them. John Draper -- of to,h., Wis., was a caller at the tmore, Tues-- day evening. He u&"nd Weidner ar: employed in the Nash Auto fac-- tory there. Leonard Disney, the Rawleigh's man made his calls in this vicinity Some new arrivals in town, they w'lnth.(l" Weidner resi-- dence formerly occupied Ralph Halverson and family. W:f-v"'! learned their names &s yet, but wel-- Geo. Weimer spent Monday at the Matt Wickersheim bome Mrs. L. Keiler spent several days last week with her daugnter Mrs. Henry Potts. / : Mrs. Ed. Giss has Again great luck in the poultry line having a lot of Victorin and _ Isabelfle Weidner Matt Mrs. Nelson from Leithton was at Grandfather did Bot »ave to do it, but now the w hus to be fenced in und fehe@@ ~u1. Every year thete is tremi@hosus damage done to. mlthntt" s and young orchards by nds of -t script cattle, larly _ in Bouth, where freefABg-- stock cop-- stantly invade the groves and gar« dens, and cause alrmoost incalculable APTAKISIC Tuesday night, _ ersheim is on the sick MW/omead Cow s Converse and !&mn spent ;o.'"lr': mu&fmmmhrhdo] what we w iulncm .fiqis mfihc:ru. f cream 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. V¥. Wait on Saturday even-- ing, June 9th given by Volo Ladies' aid. y invited. Miss Myer of Area, is spend.. ing a few days with Mrs. Tom gton and family en-- mmc fm;?;llfim from eounty: Sunday. -- McHenry #ou The Tromblce family spent Sun-- day with ves at Hebron. Our held a pienic at Des Plaines near Sangatuck last Friday with the Sangatuck school. A erowd attended the barn dance 'at Frank Amann's Tuesday Misses Florence and Elizabeth Roane 16#t Friday monll%for their home at yke, _ II1. ey drove through in their Ford coupe. Miss Elizabeth Roane has been en-- gaged h our school again for heve aql called on the Ed Hinic "A Paipof Sixes," will be G"DMJA'-,:km 'x'..m '.'c" 23 MM' 'Thursday June 21. Seats may be reéserved at Wat-- son's drug store. . _ children, . motored _ to Arlington Heights last Sunday. > A number . from vicinity motored to Aurora, last Sunday where y uflh League ~at Phillip's se A en oi if viei at . H. A. H, Mitzemann has been enter-- taining hig The Rev. E. Hitze-- mann of ton, T. the past Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Larson and children, mmotored to Clinton, Wis., wedding of Miss Alico Christenson, of that and Mr. Christ Hall of Fred attended the funer-- :?&Lm.dlhbm. :fllmdnm.mtulg: h home Tuesday evening. #Im-dlh-m's&vn- informed. : _ The farmers are lamenting about the hay crops which looks very poor. Jacob Wolf and family are enter-- taining a brother from Minnesota, the youngest one of the Wolf family, age 71 years. ¥ Ir.nndsln.&lh;.mifm go, spent Sunday at Faner home, Ed is employed by the Hines Lumber Co., as truck driver. _ Alice and Alexander Bunton and Ts ues agn s by i saw m.zmw Mrs. Keilet of Long Grove has been visiting at her daughter's, Mrs. ,mdbnnhd,hmmu r» delivered it with his truck. Miss Richm is engaged to teach the next term of school, so we wery Geo. Weimer, who is staying at :*.t;l,flud:'-lmt&m,,inthe L. B. Anderson was up in Wiscon-- gin last week, he purchased two cars of mixed cattle and one car of thorough breds. He will return and buy more» sometime this week. Alex Bunton was a caller at And-- erson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Matousek and baby', have moved from the Max SI::nl hLfln mt:neflet s in biz, about 900 of them, all m%&umd all sizes and has already sold a large Miller home ~to the N. F. Busch Miller home for the vpast> four | A--No--1-- condition, nearly -- new months, after a visit here they will | _ tires, newly painted. Price $350.-- number of them. again take up their abode in Wau-- J.N.Mbmdmw The school had their ': nic at the home of Mrs. L. i Seturday, afternoon. All kinds of If these animais were behind strong fences, on good pasture. they would get along better, and growers of cultivated would have a better chance. z rupning the stock on fenced ranige. certain felds can be utilized for growing feed, and a good Anish given the caftle before marketing, . which means they will bring a shuch high er " price than the gaunt, long herned "mntelopes" now sometimes sent to market This free--range stuff .is usually tick--infested, tough,. wild. and an Altugether _ inferior, unprofitable animal. If these animais were hehind There #ill be a strawberry and ce en visiting at her daught o Potls of Disiagud Lake. Mr. and Mrs, Adam Hanselein and FORT HILL C¥ FOR SALE--Double & FOR SALE--Tomato and f fi-nt& Will deliver in . P ~ 819--J. > + " K 6t FOR SALE--Airedale pups, E: to $8.00 if taken at onee, Bristow, Phone 206--W--2, FOR SALI--MI"EH-- by chicks, from June 1 to J 16. Price 15 ~cents. John %& Area, Phone 248--J. 2t POR SALE--Hemvy> work weight over 1500 pounds, l'a--' FOR SALE--&--room, story and a Pa't, coleaees gurage, Jof 1005140 "Soot. for ganiage and aging Phone 414--W--1. fl:& BABY CHICKS--Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds, $10--100; 'White Rocks, FOR SALE--Registered and grade Guernsey cows. Ideal family cows. FOR SALE--Two residence lots in FOR SALE--Som# _ good cows and helfers, Prices For full information call artyville 807--J. M. H. Petersen _ _ 41.6t FOR SALE--My five acre country FOR SALE--Brown eouch, alhmmma FOR SALE--Two year old pure bred ;l'&htdn bull. Wirts 'Bros.. Phone --R--2 Area, III, 44--1t FOR SALE--Aster plants, 25 cents :do-s,ho-'bloo',"m. dozen. Mrs. B. J. Harms. Phone FOR SALE--If you have $300.00 in cash to pay down you can buy & five room cottage at a very rea-- in Maid and Pudarete ~tommane Plants Alsp eanly eaboage Wi FOR SALE--Outside grown cab-- bage, Caulifiower, Konirabi and FOR SALE--Steel range, used short time. in excellent condition. Call FOR SALE--180 sacre farm with lake frntage near cement road. Good nine room house; large base-- ment, dairy and horse barns, silos, tool houses, and other smaller buildings. Abcmsomm ouk timber 50 acres in Entire farm drained. Very good loam goil.. To insure a quick sale this farm is priced at 40% less than its real value. If you are in the market for a farm, either to live on, or for an investment, don't fail to see this one. -- For further information see A. R. Schnaebele, Register Office, Libertville: 98--tf FOR SALE--Six--room house. All Calling Cards. Rose Reds, $12; Orpingtons, Wy-- andotton, $12; Legrome # OK. Owner John W. Beese, Lake Road Phone 278--M--2. ~d4--2t 'rontage. $6,500. ne $MB--R. rving Payne, Area, k g« 2500.00 1t To ¥ay them how "Bee feet. For particulars call 74. balance the same as rent. You've got to act quick to get this. See horses. "Mr. A. Huizenga, Prairie View. Il., Old Mill Farm.. . 45--3t Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. If you wankt to buy anything, or if you have something to . sail, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convinee you. & , DJ for Classified B1X Gordon W'--mgng' ing & £umhr C Complete Material to BARGAIN SALE ON GARAGES WANTED--To hear from owner of modern house for saie in Liberige WANTED--T'wenty head of WANTED--Girl for general house-- work. Small house. Two in fami-- ly. Phone 268--J--1. .a-a SALESWOMEN WANTED--Two of WANTED--25 laborers, wages . 60 cents per hour, All summer's FOR SALE -- A wonderful home, eonsri;uting of seven rooms, strictly modern, hard wood floors, bath, hot water hea plant, cement : basem't, tubs, exceptionally fine electric light . fixtures, glazeg--in breakfast room m;ich, u;r':;nedom front 4 large garage, ultry won-- s ie oc n "os. frontage, abundance of FOR SALE--100 FEET. OF. MIL-- Bomfiw-fihufi He was satisfied with his first u9 Ri OS ons ang you wit be setiames . *' l one you # Mr. Take 12e Daziere, fhanding aifulls for T enphone th0¢--4. Te Nettie Kidder, Area. Til prir~ pleasing appearance and personali ty.htw.ul-d'gdflr ; and i Write O. ours L W. $m~ 45--1t Mary's of the Lake. Ares, III, and Green WILL DIVIDE. PRICED YERY ATE SALE. SEE A. R. SCHNAE-- BELE, REGISTER OFFICE, LIB-- Secratch Pads, all sizes and good -- and ?-nit'treee consist ing o a;z)les,puu,dnr- ries and This chowehomexli':mhd% block from Electric® Sta-- b&l&nceasghl. T..d. Stahl Co., 287, 688. Ex-- clusive agents. SOtf blocks from the depo! owner leaving city -l:i . H. W, Area, % Register of-- itively is being sacri-- :d,:llgltbeseentob( reciated. $1,000 cash, PAGE 24 s Pike $