ibrald, Friday, June 8. _ .~ e > u-.'q'fin- * Hideinthn® ind Samuwel motored to Green ?' "Bay on Bunday, ~-- _ im c Jfimflmdm:; Tit: Sod ts Hemy Welrondary. Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Schreck, Jr., announce the birth of . a.son, Ar-- one . kind .: of Lumber entirely unsuited to the need, where another of the same grade will ans-- swer the purpose to a "T." It is part of our service to advise our customers on both the quality and kind of Lumber that will meet_their requirements. Let us go over your with you. > Lumber should not only be of the right but also of the right kind. for the . nrm which it is to be put. * \Beus Mrs. Lyle Andrews was a Wau-- Gum Drop Strings Lake County National Bank F. B. LOVELL & CO. Will The Bonus Come Your Way? money, we are always ready to give you the benefit of our experience and mu.?h% For many of this will mean mmm ':y<v,h.u:m?w more , ties within your reach. % g_@mm#_mmy_yflrbluuqhm :i'mtintm 'The Illinois Bonus Law has recently been approved bythw'm All ex--service men who have ot done so should file their claims for this bonus at once. The State expects to make the first payment about July first, Only 40¢ Per Lb. ber too, that when you want to invest any Orange Slices should have at least part of it on an » Dr. Foley and wife of Waukegan 'were guests of Dr. C. R. Galloway and wife last week. Misses Marie and Hattie Bochm spent Saturday in Waukegan. > "Ag::o'hhhg Angel M'u'l: _ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Legate spent Saturday afternoon in Waukégan. Wolfft visited her par-- -- Miss Elsie Huss is spending a few .E_mmum. days with Chicago relatives, _ ; ted atzs 3. Busss spent Sat+| ""Cormee 3. 1. Tavior, yus a Cl %n--a.-.an..u--.&.wmmm- A Watson's drug store. 4 lil:ly.lnou."» lcglt E. Church. The last number of the season. M'o June 12. Pageant: America Yesterday, and Today, by Libertyville Grammar School pupils, Cook Memorial Park. 7:00 p. m., sharp. Wednesday, June 13. Dance at Diamond Lake Pavilion by Area Baseball club, McCormick's FOUND--Package a weekago Sat-- ":";:l'dflncz'-m,nb & glasses, owner may have them by identifying themn and paying for this ad.--Dennis Limberry, Marshall. 46--it "l,flmshm. gave MJ..S.ufiln under the auspices of the Ladies society of the church.> It was a Arthur Nelson and Miss Christine Jerev, botli of Waukegan will appear on w Mr. Nelson is a fine singer and Miss Jerev has a reputation as a pianist. I I" mfiv-- T "----- -' H!hm, West !nfi: ;'l\.-dulhhdnn.;&.l.' will 16. the hat on t :'.'.'..f:'{ The social dance Tuesday evening ""'W'Mh"fi on account of the death of Mrs, Hub-- bard. wite of the prefect. & Miss Ethel Titus, who has finished her course at DeKalb Normal school is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Waiter um' » Miss Vene Wheeler is taking a two :;v_,:&._fihhrdfl- in Mrs. E. 8. White and three chil-- ,h"&mmm'r for a visit with her , Mr. and lrl.J.J.leCo'jd&.m;ub ' Libertyville Woman's picnie "mbcb'ldWMy,Jumlonl Renehan's, Round Lake. Please re-- serve that date, | Mr. "I:lt l;k C.'Folmndzin, Robert, nday for a motor toDuluth.udo&anpfi.u'.l They will take an extended vacation. 'wDr.E.H.Bnl&nd vfloh;:; ednesday morning on a motor to points in Kentucky and-- Ohio. They will visit relatives, * Misses Ada and Hannah-- Meyer fiflhdutbbmd&drhthr.| August Meyer, at Lake Zurich, on Sunday. 6 hmfifl. Wilson and sons, are & few days, in Caicago with relatlvos. Mr. and Mrss Clinton Coonfer al--hyhal.pfl turned to her home in Chicago, after Thursday, Jane 14. '~ Commencement at L. T. H. 8. } Sgtm:ldimllo!thhdtyntnfi- ton I. B of Highland Park, spent Saturday in Waukegan on business. __ Mrs. Marvic Petersen entertained Ahe Young Matron's clubut luncheon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson and family, of Milwaukee were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wil-- son. h 1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May, of Waukegan, a son, on Friday, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. May, were formerly of this city, , T. A. Reynolds of Florida, former-- ly in business in Libertyville, is call-- ing on old friends in this village. Mr. Nicol of -- Chicago, was the guest of his old time friend, Fred er a few days ago. Miss Rena Decker of Evanston, Wmim.ét;ehr d'l'::by * . on K Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rowlings of Montana are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, 5 George Carroll of Maplewood, N. Y., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carroli, ] Glen Sayers is working at Wal-- rond's store. *Lorna Doone" Auditorinm Thea-- ter Tonight. * Rev. C.'J, Dickey and wife motor-- ed to Chicago, Monday. E Mr. and Mrs. Franz of Joliet, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. © Rev. H. B. Gwyn, was 'a Chicago COMING EVENTS THE LAKE COUNTY ® Personal and Items of Particular _ Interest to Our Libertyville Readers The Club House "APu:ot!!.t.','hthebestud; funniest comedy . A carefully | chosen cast will Grayslake a| clever _ show. r Bragg's twelve piece will furnish music. ts , Admission 50e, DJ rot miss it. | Adv. 2t. The big time hit "A Pair of Six-- es," will be pj d by local talent Tok uns t9ik, § Mss es Opame 14th 1 at ys House, Tickets on sale at Rexall store. Proceeds for the Legion building fund. Phones 24 and in the "Holy Fire of Invocation" which also chases @Way evil spirits. The Asakusa temple dates from the thirteenth centurv. ' AMERICAN LEGION TO sSTAGE FAMOUS PLAY AT GRAYSLAKE brooms of fresh | ) l:m clean the old temple dust the idols. These brooms, are rward burned The Temple of the Goodess of us That ies pitica priests clad in WERy and using should 'negotiate joint!y. 'The pro-- vision mh',t"a )nynm strikadnud $ the union's ' n which pro-- vided that union printers and mail-- ers employes in the same plants Huss is in chary his shoe store Deete 8 ip Pparat M *is shoe stome Specials For This Week poreite 201 T 1 ies Foot: ! quitrt jars, Frankforts, Nice and Juicy, Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 4 Ibs for ... ... ... .. 50--60 Santa Clara Prunes, 2 Ibs. for .;.......... Fresh Pork Shoulder Butts, 2 to 6 Ibs. each, The Best is the Cheapest In the Long Run 1 Forrest O@wen and Wilson Olendorf Dartsouth Alu-- mni luncheon at the Ham@ten club Extra Fancy Peeled Dried Peaches, Telephones: The' 37th annual gonvention of the Libertyville Cement Block Works At Libertyville Garage 430 N. MUwaukee Ave. NESDAY, JUNE is i0# _ _ 0.l.l..sik......... 18G flower, We need more of such by; to clinch fiothnl:t'mfion otlhfio com-- munity on things ehurch. es are doing in a quiet and effective "My American had-- been receiving instruction had completed their course and four young ladies were received into the fellowship of the church, . together with two others by letter, The church was tastefully decorat-- ed with spirea as the predominant speeches, class songs and exercises olthochfl".llh&"olfl'; g::e:.&m the 0&':"' the offer-- & course were the "Mnfl'dtfiom fimom;lnnu r' six of them for baptism. 'The pastor's class who "Lorna Doone" Friday and Saturday," June 15th -- 16th-- church on the day the children have ml. it was n'm at the last s"dlv-!'ghut. full to over flowing, -- listened © eagerly to the Wednesday, June 13-- ONE NIGHT ONLY rain tokee church on eontrol, it AUDITORIU M THEATRE -- Gloria Swanson MANY PEOPLE ATTEND CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAM Starring MADGE BELLAMY AND COMEDY In A Side--Splitting Comedy *"The Show House Delightful" inday, June 17-- _ MARY MILES MINTER It Works 50 .... ETe Wife" away from _ Gastam W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. Down by the Old Depot There were 460,000 fewer persons owl-hhmninlnzrunnh 198. The back--to--the--soil crusade needs a little ciling up. RED COMB SCRATCH -- BLATCHFEOFRD's CHICK MASH, -- Never Lose a Chick 2 or 126--J Anyone desiring piano tuned phone 45¢ per lIb. Hafemann's Dairy Fresh Churned Butter Don't Let Your Roofs ---- Stay Bad ---- Valdura Asphalt Paint 3303;& Towels, an assorted lot, Libertyville Lumber Co. wE HAVE ALL KINDS OF CcovERINGG If you need new screens or want to :r-lrfluldn-.no-. We sell W.. '. Chicago, piane FOR SALE PHONE 94 GOOD ON WOOD OR IRON The First National Bank Libertyville Ladies' Summer Underwear Children's Summer Underwear ---- AND IT COSTS YOU NOTHING NOTICE be spent thoughtfully! 'The stub of the last check shows the exact state of your finane-- es and is a constant protection against needless spending. Money in the bank is likely to A checking account ' is more than a convenience. It pays dividends by helping .to check outgo and stretch income. DAY AND NIGHT TAXI SERYICH Phone Libertyville, 806 -- -- . aukegan parents of Harry Smith 'm'l'»' 7--"':;--'"&- at the o':vidmyfib Meaker home Monday even-- ings