}A Dr. J. P. O'Connell, dentist, Of-- Te oo Pabdd Moaatie e t., to 9 p. m., on Wednesdays and DEERFIELD | >>:z~. Mrs. W. A. Whiting and danghter, Mre, :al.-" Powers of In%m were luncheon © guests Mrs. Elmer Clavey, Tuesday: The Friendly Bible class will have a bakery--sale, Wednesday afternoon at the Milton Frants Plumbing M'onw-m Mr. and Mrs, mz;n- ir Sunda guests, YB. James Dou&crty.nd of Chi. $E m man. ie ue n " » 8 the Roll home, at i se a e Heights, feage mfldfb week at the home Miss ohnbon, ' ofhwbna;hh for visit her daughter, Mrs, nd of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Schneider 011 Chicago spent last Sunday in Deer-- 12!.,, fithbq:bgh He '1 park. A good time was enjoyed !' all. hk . In the evening/the t enes ?2:.:";"3' Congregational : Hudsgn, was the speaker of the .n!niz' Eliubfiifla:?l.dtbelel , and Bert-- Shial ie on e beree nt ---'lwt:vldm Iu'. i; curke 4 Friday from a e tlb, ,tfh:om*' e o en e ip mbt?-.fl Kiest of Amna, 2PE Y \Merner and fi Sunday, Wedres-- .m with her Cumming ofl_ \A ponnaied _and _ Miss Miss Nellie daughte AY, JUNE aFgrd i 1; hu nmfih'g n & : ;"dd! "%" in cash nz ut:- The iwelve m'm"é'.i company in its inféney Henry Ford 3"'"#'&'&-&&, dl.ro:l" * his car to the public at ltudonfq'g Efid&eflm Ford 2. Arigke race in al country. finds it enjfoying the greatest pros-- pefity in its hig '1,'3* aked in carrying out An: ' on program of enormous mily 'messsgary to bring to. the ever increasing r"ord Ce w atl posted. Two times a week for two FOR %Atnu--l~ FEET. G- MIL» WA A ' Prorsary' " ©0ub " Berre WILL Dlzl.a PRICRD YVERT REASON ; ATE SALE SEE A. AR BELE, RECISTER m' ERTYVILLE FOR SALE--Rhode Island 1 by chicks, from Jufle 1 to 1 ' Price 15 cents. John Area, Phone 248--J. 48--2t BOR SALE--Two residence lots in FOR SALE--Two teams --of bliack FOR SALE--Steel range, used short in excellent condition. Call FOR SALE--Brown leatiier --couch, also 4 burner gas stove, Call 208-- R1. 4b--1t FOR SALE--Six acre farm near L4-- and Triests; Italy, 'There also is a ;:rfaanfint plant at Cork, Ire-- The Ford Motor Company of FOR SALE--If you have $800.00 in eash to pay down you can buy a five room cottage at a very rea sonable and can q.' balance same as rent, You've got to act quick to get this. See Belgium; Mane celona, Spain; FOR SALE--Kindling wood by the dedlCmn,in the wrontey and over he over m en more wib.lé.' d'eontnetwlththm' pu""'kn branches . and associated companies are located at _Buenes Aires, Sao Paulo and m South America; Havana, Cuba; are assembling plants. 'Thesé ' points of contact with the n# in the last year and today areé dudngnnandtndac%' 3 6,700 every eight--hour work Nflhi:ih &?m"huu.pd ng y, pu mmmh&nht,&-m International Weekly. w There are thirty--four branches of the Ford Motor Com in ' United States of which twenty--cight "n ., and several points in and ngar, A :'f.m.eoo building under eof ng struction at Dearborn, Mich., : vide a new home for the ?d-e,m Laboratory. It also will tion at River Rouge. _ There also are manufacturing units at Hamilton, O., Northville, Mich., Troy, N. Y., Iron 'Mountain, DR _SALE--Doubkle houst, six rooms each. Stove freat, 80 foot frontage. $6,500. Phone $13--R. Irving Payne, Area, II. -- 44--f i;.--'""-l.;;. PERRUY -;v. Andottes, $15; Leghorne, $9, 'Cath_ C,. Reds, $10--100; White Rocks nssessments paid. You can save A. K. SCHNAEREL, Registe: Or View. IL., Old Mill Farm,. 45--8t FOR SALE--Strictly modern six room house on full site lot in ext sellent location, Fine shade trees. This 'place is offered for quick cash deal at a price that is less m:rzdbm'fi'ofl ueA £ roee es fakilt Apply at Kohout Green Phone 174J. ' If you want %0 buy anything, or if you have something to sall, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through thess columns. You will get results. f "M? There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake fi tn so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you ' your wants known here. A trial will convince you. C Minimum charge, 25¢. .6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. ~ i sch . Mr. FOR SALE Classified Ads BUY Complete Material to BARGAIN SALE ON GARAGES WANTED----To Bear from owner of after years of work and &x by Henry 'otdllflhm rt a most sturdy depend-- al in Operation. Like pther ord pro n."..m" 'l ~org plant at h:::' s produc inraatcs cemati es e inss at. a d -- nary A, 1922, for $8,000,000 and only on ae mak ue tional $4,000,000 to -n-_-__._fi se baver piant. moy hi Geameaier al in operation. Like other: plant 2t River Rouge in prodbel at the rate of heep page with the Lrow w:'m-m, head of 3 io. Alrs Ain thas who ns Joat wrie Cig three fom feet m)-n---l-yuqfi ness not only in but in the British possessions., The Fordson Tractor was brought out in 1917, during which year 254 losses, though under no obligation to pnnythm-uhudt'r. facturing institution in the day but it stands alone, a t industrial marvel, into every dvflchtcuumm ality and genius of its and guiding spirit, Henry Ford. The Lincoln lalch' a gan, on March 29 5 thorized i O . 000. . It is now known as a division of the Ford Motor and has an annual capacity of motor W general house c&h--nb& 'r-.h.a ly. Phone 268--J--1. muhc-qm' FPOR SALE--Eight room house, reé-- &m-fi"flhfl' s G:".ud wfll'".' 3 'one x WANTED--Experienced farm hand, WANTED--Experienced farmhand, E'o..':..'" small .. _mllhhhmflfi."% information inquire Register of= modern for sale in Liberty-- tiile 8. w. Ase, @ "Hoaete Not only is the Ford Motor Com-- Do may, Abply Register of Seratch Pads, all sizes and good & PA «en s 4 L