Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suydam are \I&mdnflyfl. ' Boyd is driving 'a new x um«m:.u- igg . on ibtqpel) «.+ io Mre, T. K. Cook spent Tuesday in Chigago on business.. ---- -- Mrs. L. Lusk of Grays Lake was a Libertyville visitor Thursday. Lake County National Bank Their judgment and their experience form part of 'the safeguards which are thrown around every dollar deposited in this bank. You will find this a good bank in which to deposit your savings. F. B. LOVELL & CO. Oz ~__ . FP.DYMOND ; C.F. WRIGHT _ A. G. SCHWERMAN H. C. W. MEYER -- C. R. GALLOWAY PAUL MacGUFFIN CEO. A. WRIGHT These are the men who formulate the pol-- icy of this bank; the men who pass upon all the loans that are made. the ~risk of late deliveries--higher prices-- the h'hc":dll l-'-o-l-nhc E"-',". Now is the time to buy your Winter supply of harte their storms and cold spells. OR A DOCTOR? T t Lo "ha ie whien Winiels A FULL COAL BIN---- 8 M wunts ;:':;-tlmion'". returmed home at na, In. ln,'m Difl'm Florence of iol!yvaod. Calif,, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. several months in Libert Mrs.:Judson A. Mason of Wauke-- gan is the guest of Mrs. Sarah Ma-- son, Milwaukee avenue. * Bill ~Laughlin, who has spent Miss: Stella -- Langworthy. spent Wednesday in Chicago. Bold in bulk or brick in any quanatity, Nm%'ll. members North American not paying June dues before July 1st positively risk suspension, _ _ Mrs. George Evert of Rondout, left Wednesday for Los Angeles, California, to spend the summer months visiting relatives and friends. m'l:mbeuvbomndmu ast regular meeting um-- biz Lodge No. 131 missed a treat. After lodge the entire meeting ad-- Mbstmpflc{ and were allowed to choose their re-- freshment at the expense of the en-- tertainment committee. It was de-- cided during lodge to serve re-- 1_....«.%.:&.'5.«1 each meeting during the sunmer J. Wirtzman of Chicago, formerly of Libertyville called on James Mad-- den fanily and other friends in Li-- bertyville last Tuesday. Tiger's Claw" Money! Money! Money weeks in the William 'h,;;h tage at Clear Lake, Wiscomsin. Miss Marjorie Moore, who has been visiting her sister, Miss Wini-- fred Moore for the past two weeks returned to her work at St. Luke's hospital, Racine on Wednesday. SUNDAY, JULY 1-- Katherine McDonald in JACK HOLT and EVA NOVAK Friday and Saturday, .. June 29 -- 30 . Wiliam Laycock and Harry Gallo-- way were very successful fishing at Clear Lake, last week, Mr. Galloway landed a 25 lIb. Muskie besides many smaller ones, * --Ray Andrews and family Irle Andrews-- are spending Miss Madge Holt is employed as bookkeeper at Titus Bro#., electrical shop, in place of Miss Mikired Evil-- sizor, who is taking a vacation. nurwmw,m in Libertyville a few days this week, l:gd Vrs,. Charles Jochheim will mwmwm tyille next Saturday. y will re-- aid&i:qdfl;mviflap. ' of Chiesgo and a visite to Laramie, Wyo. Mrs. William Fendick went to Chicago, Thursday to meet ber son, Gordon, who is returning from a WARNING! a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Blumberg and daughter of Waukegan were in Libertyville on Saturday,-- ---- K4 © Misses Edna Biere, Lillian Shep-- l':'ndud Biere, | were in i':&" fhd Nttle daugh-- ter; of D , were ailsts of Mrs. Maria C. Waiison, Wednesday. Dt.l.E'larfi:ln. Martin and Auditorium Theatre TT'S A THRILLER Plenty of huge pieces suitable for public firework mss sufiett ordery from tlube, fasigen, socielies and and tiMEL orpantiations, ts well as from the individual. Safety -- Torpedoes Repeating Cap Pistols Sky Rockets Cap Pistols Sons--A--Guns LANGWORTHYV'S $ ~--~-- Personal and Loeal Items of Particular Interest to Our Libertyville Readers Y ank Largest collection ever assembled un-- W der one roof in this community! Every kind of firework nov please the child or grown up!| FIREWORKS and two cot-- GENERAL MERCHANDISE State who really do ful-- fAll Mrum'mdlym re-- edvincl-tun-tbpdifial plum pickers committee says. All bathing suits designers must be from Missouri. > Rev. C. J. Digkey and Mrs. Dickey are entertaining Mrs. Dickey's sis-- W:nmm.ndm;auh ters, of Portland, Oregon. "BRIGHEST SPOT IN TOWN®* day. Mrs. Bert Kifider and children who have spent the past year with Mrs. Kinder's -- parents, Mr. and Mrs: Charles will leave for their home at T: a, Mexico, on Satur-- The Club House William Deeker was a Chicago visitor on Friday. Mrs. Nettie Mason and Mrs. George Eaton @pent Friday in Chi-- cago. x Mr. and Mr® Fred Lemker were guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Umbdenstock _of Long Grove on Sunday. [E C. L. Coonfér, local transfer a drayman is driving a Ford truck. Mrs. Roy Wrisht and little son, and Miss Hm,c}m-- Wright, who have been & relatives in Li-- bertyville, r!%ed to their home in Omaha, Neb., Friday . lflumgflm of --Evanston visited at the William Decker nome onFridqiv., & R. J. Lyons of Area was a Liber-- tyville business visitor Friday. in accompany Greenwood on her return to. J rd -- Saturday and visit lll:A.'-'umudfiu. Madge i¥ick «~motored from Wufilfl\%flqumfim Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Greenwood will Chicage 8 Fred Jeske, a member of the male quartet called t "Meodians at Drake fi" e Th Melodians several numbers on last Sattirday @vening. Mr. Jeske is last «wening. Mr. Jeske is m:mwh, haying spent some time herg. He is now located Mr. am O, U. Rollins and family rnéed home Friday after m.'-'myrnnk A;n'm Glenview. Mr. Appleyard has a large field of peonies and has sold W'M#Em&hmw Phones 24 and 25 Ceyion and India > In %% pound packages. These teas are the _.t%qnlity fmfi-dutud-:k"bd& Hot Weather WE would like to have you try a®package of Club Hogse Black Tea, j . E. L Sayre spent Friday in CLUB HOUSE GRAPE JUICE 430 N. Milwaukese Ave. AY Thommessen and John Bottger of gnrt:oufi?&-bym church, at 4:00 o'dflfi.llv.n ward E. Ganster, offigiating. 1 MISS MADELLYN THOMMESSEN AND J. BOTTGER® MARRIED Suggestions @'clock, by nuptial high mass, Rev. Father Luttrell officiating. _ The altars of the church were de-- corated with palms, ferns and pink :ld-hhm-l-doum setting ceremony. ll-la,-.fl;:'dufln organ and the impressiveness of the service was augzmented by the sing-- iac«lu:?ab.ll-ld.mtfi. ugo Gotti, Tom Delacy. h:bm Wmm'y'ii: white satin crepe % t mntnhwbuhfi:':enwm orange blossoms. _ She carried a shower bouquet of white rozes and sweet peas, The bridesmaids, sisters of the groom, were Miss Genevive Ayres, maid of honor, and Misd Loretta Ayres. Their dresses were of pale lavender organdie over yellow and apricot organdie over blue with hats to match. They carri-- ed pink roses, The groom was attended by An-- .t;hony Wambaugh, a'cousin of the ride. * . Frank Huber and Wilbur O'Neil of Lake Forest acted as ushers. > The marriage vows of Miss Minnic Jw',hhdlr.flln. . Jochheim ~of . this city, and Herbert A!';d Chicago were celebrated at St. Joseph's church, Wednesday morning, June 27, 9:80 lll? MINNIE JOCHHEIM AND ERBERT AYRES . MARRIED Mrs. Nola McCuaig and Miss Flora Churchill of Chicago attended the musical ~«comedy "Once in a Blue Moon", at the Auditorium theater, Wednesday evening. -- })| -- Libertyville Lumber Co. |-- ;| Don't Let Your Roofs | ---- Stay Bad® -- | Special Price Inducement W'hfidma'. jotegt> 3: 1 Hately ' following the duf &m;-hnu.'uwh-ndu for several years, they being her uncle and aunt, and a wedding din-- ner was served. They then left for Chicago from'where they later de-- W. W.; Carroll & Sons Co. | _ éanton crepe. The bridesmaid, Miss Esther Henley of Oak Park, former-- ly of RED COMB SCRATCH -- The bride wore a 'gown of griy Down by the Old Depot In the fifteenth year of the study and sale of life insurance, I have taken the sale of "Provi-- dent" insurance, because I have found it gives the greatest service, together with absolute Valdura Asphalt Paint 300 Bath Towels, an assorted lot, FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent -- 223--W The best man was Clarence If you need new screens or want to repair the old ones, see us. We sell all kinds, ® The First National Bank ial Life Insurance Company Luck is Often a Cheat Table Linen, Napkins es > Shepiing Tobing: Rustte Natm . |-- GOOD ON WOOD OR IRON® There is an old saying, "Gold is where you find it." -- That's Luck. se¥ But if you iut a little at a time in the right place, you'll be sure to find it when you want it--with more added. -- That's Foreaight. 1 You can't depend on Luck for the good things of Life:.. But Foreeighb--depoaifinga little money every pay day in an int-- erest--earning account»at this many. you wan! can-- not lfim:y exnployed n the _ affice' re, taking a two weeks vacat this time. § surnée parted for plant. Than A Half -- 'The bride is a daughter of They will make their home in ts