| Brings the | --Lowest _ _ Prices \ ----of the _-- Winter'! at extraordinary low prices is an exceptional opportunity ;figfifl?odd'piec&s, broken lines and discontinued I;:attter'ns. POss 14¥ i i LE 6 PAINT STORE--THE FAIR--Libertyville, Illinois to come early and secure the benefit of saving your own dollars at this itinuing Unti ) wWOOD BEDS in combination Walnut and Oak; bow--end patterns. Values up to $50.00, You are cordially invited to inspéct the merchandise of the three large stocks rarticles not listed in this two--page advertisement a ts :m T/ % t . k " /A 3 « { . 4 6 %% > |--otad ¢ ud 4 P $ P y . s f e k P h e # ® ( 1% l e Ew 2C 3 ; - 3 6 % 4 a * -- "':.';':'l;'. % -,'_;-" y S ut 9 EN OAK BOONE KITCHEN CABINET--Large flour bin;-- drawer; complete set spice jars, coffee tea and @A0 OF E & PAINT STORE containers. Worth $75.00. Special............... DNS BOX SPRINGS--For full size and 3 {t. 3-- in. metal beds. mds ______ $19.65 $23.85 $31.65 ENAMEL PORCELAIN TOP KITCHEN TABLES #FOOT EXTENSION OBLONG OAK GOLDEN FINISH TABLE----Twin pedestal style, @90 cr ENAMEL WOOD TOP KITCHBN TABLES, BQUARE FIGURED SANITAS TABLE CLOTHS, #FOOT EXTENSION ROUND OAK TABLE--Fumed fin-- i Ann style. © @90 Qr BEMLCHINA GOLD BAND SET OF DIsHESs #% CLEARANCE SALE tm in t in w m s y ce m ale d t t m ts ts s ons ts s un ds wfi on oe on e us us us s t e on t ue ue m s an on in s n m un un a.> Aemmadecaionibdiaddiielisnminng 1 + >' .: 4 w on mt i ue s un n Othesr used and new machines: y § 42) ONOVER PIANO --~ MADE BY THE CABLE . «-- A bargain for someonse who wishes to buy & FREE BEWING MACHINES m' l'vu'.'. _ MOAK CASE All ball--bearing Machine; all Toys not sold during the Holidays,. We offer TOYS! TOYS! iutctcinbatniateietatatnbetaieiaiatabatatetatas. take . $25.065 both straight 9 Marked %# to /2 Second--Hand Furniture We often take in on exchange pieces of furniture which are in very good condition and have on land at present several couches in leather, odd chairs and rockers, dining ta-- bles and chairs, beds, etc. We will price and show these articles during this sale. There are some real bar-- gains and it would pay you to look them over. PICTURES--PICTURES 25% DISCOUNT-- and Odd ANY PICTURE IN THE HOUSE AT 4w 1 January 24, 1925 c i n mM 2 m d T L n uy h faas i rhetre D tal'+ s B ¥ ap Ne i: MX SE C D# 6 #odl %M* uP tust w y "mer *s ) Susk "m io h:bm About 600 yards of 27--inch heavy weight. Outing Flan-- nel in pink and blue checks, stripes and plaids; --also a few dark picces; the regular 25¢ goods,. We sold them lately for 22%%c. To give those who can't come the first days an equal chance, we have to limit each purchaser to 10 yards. Sales price, . L&_-- * BEST OUTINGS--15¢ Ten pieces A newest 1925 patt A few pieces of 27--inch Dress Ginghams in large plaids, per yard * Women's extra heavy tieecea Union Suits, long sleeves and ankle length, the kind that has been selling for $165 to $175. By cutting off the kleeves you can change them into short sleeves. _ We will take--quite a loss by selling them for Children's heavy ribbed bleeced Undershirts, girls' and boys'* drawers; sizes 6 to 18; also a lot of the old fashioned extra heavy fleeced children's pants and a few undershirts, These goods sell from 60c to 90c. Also a lot of women's fleeced drawers; closed styles only,; sizes 34 and 36. All go at the irdiculously low price $3.00 Grey Blankets; size 64x76. Some are slightly soil-- ed; also a few white ones. 3 * : $2.25 j Men's pure worsted $3.00 turtleneck Jersey Sweaters; green with red stripes, and red with green stripes. Men's sleeveless Khaki Sweaters, part wool. Men's and boys' heavy Cotton Sweaters in small sizes. Little boys' and girls' wool Sweaters and Slipovers. lined. We just bought a lot of old--tashioned high--bust corsets --Thompson's Glove Filtting, $4.50 grade. Those who still wear that style can get saizes 25 to 26, for @Extra large grey blanwets 70x80, well fleecod. We have been selling them for $3.50, now, Children's double knit wool mittens which yor never bought for less than 25c. Boys' 20c beavy lined Ticking Mitts. Girls' 75¢ Suede Lisle Gloves in dark red; some silk Eample line of $2.00 and $2.50 Corsets; mosNly sizes 23 to 26. . Women's and children's Te and $1.00 wi.l Hose in black and heather' mixtures, A lot of womren's Sport. Ribbed Silk and Lisle $1.00 Hose, in a dark blue .mixture, onty, 85¢ We have a fow sgizes in Men'a Iaundered and celluloid Collars, Also a fow styles in Arrow Brand, 25¢ and 35¢c. Soft collars which we wanat to close out. If you can us> the siz os, thoy ara corthinly chrap for Women's small sized fleeced and suede (iloves Women's $1.00 Wool Hose in~gizo $'4 on'y All wool !, Socks. value CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTS--10c ALL--WOOL, JERSEYS FOR 98c SILK AND LISLE HOSE--S50c 32Z--INCH -- GINGHAMS--19c 5 patterns; gubranteed. fast colors. They are for 29c. For ten days you can get all you want SPECIALS IN BLANKETS UNDERWEAR FOR 35c MEN'S$ COLLARS--Sc CHOICE OF, THE LOT CORSETS FOR 98c -- nind tnlined ©1,50 s ouly. A'lso a 1 .$2.98 $1.148 19c 395C 98c TDbe -- 50c 10c 25¢ be 32--inch --Dress--Ginghams in the THE FAR Childron's All Merchandise In This .: Big 10--Day Sale A Big Value for Your Dollar :JANUARY 14 TO 24 Women's Goodrich Zbuckle Overmhoes; sizes 2%4, 4, 5 and 54 only; regular price $2.50. . ' 96 'We want to close out all our Women's high cut lace Shoes in black and brown gunmetal and vict kid Shoex, worth from $3.00 to $5.00 go: for, -- ~« . Mopimgn Misses and children's all felt Slippers; ~also sizes 2 and 4 in Carpet Slippers: ° No ie s oi oh. i P o ouece is W Men's best make 4--buckle Alt Rubber Overshoes. Sizes 7 and 8 only, / dR > Sa2.dB -- .c «Little Boys' Ball Brand all--woo!l German So¢ks; ww $1.25; <closing out price, : DR. DENTON'S SLEEPING GARMENTS 75e & -- Smaill sizes in Jersey Kanit drawer Leggins; also some large size wool knit leggins. & * for Children's $1.25 Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments in siz« es 1 and 2 only. % # 75c ® f 150 rolls of Scott Tissue Tollet Paper; the price every-- where is 18c a roll.. This lot goes at s« * _ Closing out a lot of Rick--Rack, Biss Tape, Braid and Stickerel Trimming, 106 and 15¢ pleces go WOMEN'S 2--BUCKLE OVERSHOES 98e -- 6 BABIES COATS 3. CIRLS CoATs _ BOYS OVERCOATs . _ BOYS' MACKINAWS FOUR WOMEN'S FINE PLUSH COATS _ MEN'S OVERCOATS | . _ . Children's S--buckle Arctics; sizes 9 and 10. Babies' all wool Caps and Bonnets, were $5c and $1,.00. The soiled ones go for 10¢. o *" 9 Children's 65¢ all--wool Knit Bed Socks, Silk ard wool yarm in 8 shades, worth 60c a ball, goes The clean ones for' 25¢. Fancy edge Shelft Paper, per .piece, Crepe paper, plain colors or flowered, Children's allailk 35¢ Windsor: \ Loadcod with goods worth 3 or 4 times thm SCOTT TISSUE----2 for 25¢ SEE OUR 10c AND 25c BARGAIN COUNTERS --$1.98 2D5¢ 98c . 25¢ 10c : 10¢ be 4c ids ts ¥a t No wcige s t ag 36