3 -- %A; | t ols LSTORM SAS 4 ~--| Start the New Year withWork _ I am always glad to be of service j t aff, : W CaN FURNISH ON m", it o aarioe. _\ _ [f _REASONABLE. _THESE SASH ARE A CREAT--PROTECTION _ _ P NOTICE A MATERIAL SAVING IN YOUR FUEL Bs l_ FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent _ _ N /. --. Provident Mutual Life Insurance Go. _ _ --> «5 Estimates on the different | . sizes and styles furnish-- -- ed promptly® | _ Telephone 47 --OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, BUT A FEW DOLLARS MORMEE is ROOTION o#s L COoUNTY NATIONAL ¢ Y¥ou Can Do It Here It Is Not a Question Help to Reduce "Your Coal Bill _ TeX Merad 29 Je . ts t sl SnA oo stt * CCAmenays C ~>.0> 3. APRON GINCHAMsS "The Bank of Service" Carroll: & Son Co. 12 yards Ric Rac for ~--THe Libertyville Garage received a ear load --* the New Chévrolet cars Monday. There are many ijimproved features on this new car, and sales are being made as fast as they can be manufactured. -- -- _ E. D. Hubbard has been ei as sub--agont for the Aetna ,flm Ti,donnw.'and will write all kinds of in-- surance. ® ' . The Chicago Daily News carried a picture Monday ~evening .of William Whigam, Libertyville's 88--year old ice skater. The News sent their staff pho-- tographer on a special--trip to get the photo of the youngster. A card received from a user of our advertising columns 'says: -- "Discon-- tinue farm for sale ad. It was sold first time the ad appeared." There is no question about the pulling power of advertising in The Independent. ~ About all Joe Hart can do just at present to break into print is to tell of the fabulous amount of coal he has shoveled into his furnace during the past few days. "Joe comes dowh town oncte a day to get his--paper, then goes home and polishes up the shovel . Coulson,-- but> his case <was continued until such a time as Salotico 'could 'be reported (beyond. the point of death by 'physicians. Are : hear the opera "Martha" at the Aud-- itorium. * B A.. C. Ferguson of Libertyvilie, charged with shooting Jooe S#@lotico of Rondout New Yur: eve in an 'at-- tempt on his life, did not come to trial Saturday before Justice Hervyy Mrs, Chris Hapke and daughters, Misses Mayme anud Hildegarde, left Sunday morning for California, to re-- main for two.or three montlis, -- 7 {".:..'hq.r:p'l'md Gurnee, at the Aoner Taylor home. * ' John Husted of Chicago is here ¥is-- iting at the Ed Appley home od north Milwaukee avenus. > Mr. and Mrs. F, P,. Dymond left to-- day (Thursday) for their annual win ::nlunflon to-- West m-n-ut ' 'Charles Thayer, deputy shetriff for a nuimber. of (years, is recovering from a nervous breakdown-- he ferea several months ago. He is employed ~on -- the -- Harry . 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Carroll Gridley were in Chicago Wednesday : evening to farm at Wilson, where he is helping to harvest ice. His many friends will be' pleased to learn of the im-- provement in his health, Hours 8 A.M. 10 8 7. Jewett Local and Personal Iktems of Especial Interest to Libertyvilie People Tt We are yvory proud to offer.to our patrons of the Auditorium Theatre Sir Hallt Caine's mighhty story, "NAME THE MAN." in tilm form, Thursday and Yrilay nights of this week. Every one wilt be surprised at this rematk-- able photoplay, inasmuch as it is not ' wlvertised as a special, and turns out | to be ons of the filme of 1924. Txo in ::&rl Tribune, in-- cluded "Name the Man" as ono.of the best of the year. By the way did you notico that she had listed the "Clean Heari" which has been shown at the 'Anditor®urm some weeks ago* "Hecrets |"Cant. Blood." and "The Sea Hawk," | A lot of people are blinded by the |tears in their eyes weeping over op-- pco 'nities they missed that they can-- not 'see the opportunities that are | present. _ Wo6 aAre selling highly re-- |stricted home--sites in Sunnyside Park |B8ub. at one--half to one--third what oth-- lers ask. Our easy terms will please |you as much as our low prices. Buy 'now before the boom hits our village; ) then you.will not be paying a profit to -!fi: other fellow. . You can write for }information without incurring any ob-- |Ugation. Sunnyside Park Tract Office Aat Electric Station, Libertyvilie. Tel-- ephones 469, 2" * °nc ~ ; ---- Bekt . _ G. T. Luce and Attorney Lyell H. Morris of Libertyville, closed a deal this week for 4,480 acres of Lmd'l'n Montana.. The tract is located in Still water county, about $0 miles west of Billings, and is in the best ofl field in the country, according fo geologists. There are several producing wells in that vicinity, and--more will be drilled this summer. Messrs Luce and Morris already owned 3,040 acres of land in Montana before their latest purchase. Mr. Luce expects to go to the western state about Feb. Ist. * Miss Bery! Lathrop, Prescott Bt., Waukegan, county tuberculosis nurse, was painfully injured Monday after-- noon when, as .she was leaving 'the court house, she slipped on the icy steps and fell to the sidewalk, injur-- ing her leg. She was taken to Dr. Knights office where an X--ray was taken to determine the extent of her injuries:t _ ~ Frank Ingrish, 67, of Libertyville, who was operated on at the Victory Memnvial hospital Jau. 6, died Sunday in the hospital. The funeral services were held at noon Wednesday in the home of --his . brother--in--law, Howard Mason, Libertyville, to Rosehill chap-- el, where services were held at 2: 30. Burial was in Rosehill Cemetery. --Bert Finsted isu't saying much in regard to a stunt he pulled a week or s0o ago. A m)octtng limb interfered with the draft from his chiimney and he dicided to remove it, Bert climbed the tree, and wielded a saw merrily. m%ty so@n there was a crash and and limb Went down, taking most of the chimney with him. : Yes, he had used the saw on the wrong side. :A meeting of the Lake County Road Officials' Association will be held next Thursday; January --22.-- This will be an all day affair, commencing at 10 a'clock in the morping. The meeting will be held in the rooms of the Lib-- Milling Co.), H..E. Underbrink (yep, he's principal of L...T. H. S.) went fish-- ing last Sunday. They were accompa-- ried .y Ed Snyder. Most folks gave Hoskins and Underbrink credit for knowin.,. better, but a'll know Ed is a kood fellow and can't help being that y. They spent Saturday afterncoon in the balimy breezes catching bait.and then went:to an unnamed.lake in the merth part of the county. l(ol'tdlm day was t&ken up in cutting ho through ice twenty inches thick. No one HWas a record of seeing any fis», and the contracting parties refuse to make & statement. © Anyway they say the exercise was good for them. _ The Parent--veachers _ Association, through the courtesy of G. C.. Gridley, has secured, for a benefit performance "Peck's Bad Boy," with Juckie Coogan in the title roll. 'This wilt be shown at the Auditorium Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday, January 20 and 21. -- Forty per cent of the advange gales goes to the P. T.--~A., and advance tickéts are being sold by the school childrén. The P. T.A has greatly appreciated the support given its excellent programs so far this year. Wo are glad to say It has merited this support and we hope to see their good work firled gtill further by a capacity attrndance at these performances. . , -- Mr. and Mre. A"M-,'m:' Mrs. Ed Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. e De Vo"r and gny. Mr., and Mre, Barney Bochm, Mr. and Mrs. George Hagner and family of Waukegan were guests at the home of Mr, and Mra. Mike Boehn» Bunday. Among a aumber of --smaller real es-- tate transactions recorded ~SHaturday was a nedt deal in which R. W. Chit-- tenden -- and wie transferred a farm just east of Gurnee to W, B. Ames, for $20,000,it-- is indicated by the rev-- enue stamps attached. ¥ Glenn Hoskins (mne oi (uo »6u«tls #% of the New year, at the parish house, flCHURCHEsfl Morning worship at 11. The pastor will speak on "Thy Light Fas Come." This is our communion service, and #ull dtho membership should try to at tend. Young--people's meeting at 6:30 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. The topic is "Joy--~or Shameé.":© *J #+4 Miss Ann Steiner, a graduato of music from Chicago, will train the young people for a special choir for evening services. This is a fine plan for the young people to get training without cost to themselves, and also givres them ~opportunity to express church loyalty by service. Come and hear them,.,~ __ _ ; _-- t _ added to the Board G, C. Gridley, who 1y now in his nineteenth year 0f serv-- Jtce with this institution, which has just m the most successful year of its .. Officers elected were as follows:> Ben H. Milier, president: J. L. Taylor, vice president; G..C. Grid-- ley, vice president and cashier: Harry C. hmt. Asst. Cashier, and Dale 8. Collins, Asst. Cashier. ~Following the meeting, the officérs and directors of the bank were entertained at a sump tuous dinner at the home of William Walcond on Cook avenue. " T .1;# i B.cfin. Pastor. The services on Sunday, January 11, (1st Sunday after the Epiphany) are: Holy Communion at $ &. m, . . Morning Prayer and sermon®at 11. Chureh School at 10 a. m. The Women's Guild, with Mrs. H. C, Gleasonas chairman, served ~dinner to the--Kiwanis at their first meeting Miss Ruby Williams, Organist. Migs Aun Steiner, Choir Leader. Bunday School at 9:45 a m. W. G. Wells, Supt. -- L e -- Morning worship at' 11.. © Subjett, "God Doing a mt and . Complete Work in the World." .M ' Young People's Society at 6:30 p.m. Miss Roma Corlett, President 4k Evening service at 7:30. --Subject, "Seging and Being Changed." The young people's -- choir, led by Kiss u--?n:m mudcat_mmurfl,cu.' : Wednesday evening we will give a [ unwumehnmhmmmuq. > the moving piceures in "From Trees . to Tribunes," a four reel presgentation. of the proceéss of making a newspaper. A--reel of comedy for the children, and Mr. Coe of Chicago will tell how a new M _ power came to their church. Novad-- ? mission foe. You are invited. i; a ~--G----+ j # I CHRISTIAN. SCIENCE 8SOCIETY -- Bteiner, will sing at our evening serv-- The shareholders of the First tional Bank, at their annual -e Ieen c on' M wrnntetai onl ormer rec of J. 8. Gridley, Ben H. Miler, J, L. Taylor and Wm. Walrond, of m.:s ¥ille, Albert Sauer of Long Grove, Fred I» Thies of Gilmer. They also Rev, Arthur W. Mohns, Pastor. Sunday Sohool at 10 a. m... E. Koekn, General Supt, _ _ T2 are abso innplom nepntene ropngrst esnt ue Fan anite o and "Abnhfigeou" : mtmm in the 'season. Morning worship at 11. Address by Miss Bertha Creek, of the W. F. M. S. JAAA J--PHLaad Third , First National Bank Bidg. Third mw First Nat'i E:k Bidg. Sunday School at 9:45 a. Services Bunday at 10: 45 a. m. Subject, "Sacrament." _\ Third Flot, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. Bervices: Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Bub "Life," * ----Q-- FIRST'**ETHODIEST EPISCOPAL J I. 8.----A 50¢ bottle for $9¢, this week only. _ WE'VE heard some awful -- > LIES in our time, but 5P THE ONE Charley Nalley 18 TELLING since he DISCOVERED a snake in - THE INDEPENDENT baseméent WILL, surely hold you FOR fAwhile; ne says a MAN out in Wyomiing one DAY found a big rattle BNAKE pinioned under a ROCK and he took pity on . IT AND released it and -- . THE snake followed him HOME and became a great PET and it watched things AROUND the house like a : REGULAR watch dog, and ONE night the man woke UP suddenly and there WERE sounds of someone CHOKING in the room and WHEN he turned on the 1JGHT + was the snake COILED around a burg ar's THROAT and it hKd its TAIL out of the window RATTLING for the POLICE! And wo may just ADD here that we are * DOING a rattling good BUSINESS now in REXALLI, Cherry Bark COUGH SYRUP, Better & GET YOURS right away. * LINCOLN LUSK 1 i CHRI8STIAN SCIENXCE 8OCIETY Rev. Guy Smock, Pastor. Fe ~ 34t. * J 0 ~/ } 2 C \ ¥ | P CC , ese Items Mean y a S rgthairecets conomy to You Mr. Farley. . Mission study, "China's Real Revolution." Leader, Miss Jose-- phinge Johnson. Evening worship at 7:30. Song ser-- vice, with special music by the choir, Address by the pastor, "The Treasures of the Snow." A Holy Communion at 8 a; m. Holy Eucharist and Sermon, 11 a.m. Church School at 10 a. m. The annual meeting of the congre-- gation for the presenting of reports, etc., will be held in the c&reh'may. January 16th, at 7:30 p. m. y _ The annual meeting of the dmrchl Ald Association for Lutherans meets school took place Sunday, January 12. |next Wednesday evening at 7:30. _ ~'Whe annual meeting of the Women's LIBERTYYVILLE CLUB ______.____. (the second Sunday after Epiphany) Rev. H. B. Gwyn8, Pastor. The services on Sunday, Jan. 18th 8T. LaWRENCES EPISCOPAL 2+ yetRrary m :y .| .First National Bank | If you'veread it If you haven't~---- ~ 4 If you want to help the P.T.A..---- "PECK'S. BAD Boy»g : AUDITORIUM THEATRE -- _ [ -- True Happiness comes l Through helping others It is the constant _ Purgose of tlm Bank _;l'o l/;elp in every way That it safely can The men and women Of this community. Hillcrest Brand Peaches, oo fl 'NQ. 2'/2 can fOY....................;...A.......: 'f" * Fancy New York Jonathan: Apples No. 2'/2 can ...............'......:-... Swift Washing Powder _ GRMA m m--- t ':i ;\.q 7' 7 beis for _IUC thais tor _AIC [ _ per dozen ................. Canteloupe Preserves 14--OL JML .in:cxervecnecer 3. cans. for :.............::::Z sz White Soap.Chips aae assibus patas us i s a a on eurrammn aevent sonanel sdescsensesascss on abnas obertsorecnne ns o I P A »4)7" . k ;;,:' V,t«w ;f"'» Ra n tds s 4./ 3 is ug o t . oi 22 t o Tok e it r . t i nth Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.--. _ _ _ ing at 10:30. 'R , ht 4 S gees 1 Guild took place Wednesday, Jan. 14. The treasurer's report, read by Mrs. E; B. Ellsworth, showed a most success-- tul year in every way, ln.m was unanimously --asked "to continue her office as s#ecretary--treasurer, and consented to do so. 'Mrs. H. C.; Gleason was appointed chairman for the three months ending March 31st. 'The wom-- en will serve the Kiwanis Thursday evening, Jan. 22, ln"tbe Parish: House. Mrs. Nellie Meade is the chairman Jor Iadies' night, the first Thursday in §T. JOHN'S EVANG. $ »Wl/ > 79 Weby AYALs w# SWz vf 855