-- HAYOC WROUGHT BV STORM IN ILL. 3 & People in the Northern part of--Illi-- do 'not reallize what havoc was e in tho'shot'stor: to;:r weeks-- in Aistrict south of Dwight and mmm to East St. Louis. Reports that came to the state cap Itol at Springfield this. week show that W created by that great is almost beyond com-- * For examplée in showing how ter-- rible the storm was it is said that for three 'or four . days , following the f 'i @utomobiles were on the 'Rtreet in Alton,ias a result of their pwners being unable to extricate from the mass of <trees , polls, «ate., which «werestrewn over the Northern Part of State Doesn't _ _JIp--the first place, from a private source the writer beard . that the Western Union Telekgraph <Co. lost about $4,000,000 in the storm area in Tilinois alone. Furthermore it is said that the 'Telephone ~Companles sus-- tained a loss of almost $2,000,000. Be-- sides this comes the expense to the railroads themselyes and it is a safe estimate to say that in the total a loss of several lnlmoxs dollars was Crested in this state. *« ~It hapepned in this way: A man zflfl be driving home on the night of storm and gudd & tree or a pole would drop in front of him; then when he would ' to turn around to get away; he' would find himself bar-- ricaded by a similar obstruction at the rear. It was necessary to abandon the -- . cars stay-- ed there for so ¥4 R ~__ sMaALL TOWNHS ELESS, Indicating: the ¢ tvroifll} by the storm, comes.report of.severa instances in the lnm towns in ger company comes along and desires to establish that service, a procedure 'which few of the big companies de-- sire to undertake in these days. be-- cause there is said to be little profit in small town business. ASK GENERAL RAISE -- | Before the lilinois Commerce Com-- mission last week appeared Represen-- tatives of 150 telephone companies who pleaded for assistance from the eommission for the rebabilitation of the telephone service over southern Hilinois. 'Their request that, the--com, sion .authorize _ the . issuance ~ of b ~§2.deo,ooo in its>bonds b:n.ld:d - 'storm _emergency t These bonds would: be paid for by an m-u telephone rates in all the M ry affected of not; more than 50 tents per phone and therefore the commission has a big proxem before & of deciding whether these bonds shall be allowed or not. 'The com-- pany's representatives insisted © that unless relief measures of this sort are. gl.hvol that the¢ompanies would not able to re--establish service. «. At Jdecksonvilie,IIL, the service was practically demolished and as "th:z get away; he would find himself bar-- ricaded by a similar obstruction at the rear.. Finally It was necessary to abandon the car--and. cars stay-- ed there for sevetal. C _ SMALL TOWNS ELESS, Indicating: the destruction wrought by the storm, un:.mt of .several instances in the towns i southern Tilinois where small tel phone -- companies ~were completel wined out. To the writer it was e wiped out. To the writer it was ey-- 'plained in at least two cases where women had invested their life's say-- Ings in the purchase and operation of the small telephone companies. One of these was that where a woman had put all of her husband's life insurance into a telephone company and had been operating it herself. The storm wiped out both of these businesses so completely that the owner did not have a wire in use. According to re-- port in several of these hlun'eu the e ns O e 2CA T the Illinois Bell Telephone Company it' is sgaid that there is a chance serv-- fce there cannot be restored unless an incredase of rates is granted. It is estimated that the loss to the Tele awhana Mamnany alone in Jackson-- company. is net an integral part owners had no creserve fynd with which to build up a new -- line and therefore those villages will} be out Of telephone service unless some big-- phone Company alone in Jackson-- ville represents abovi $100,000. _. The Western Union has practically moved--its entire office force from Chicago to Springlield where emeér-- gency headquarters nave been estab lished and geveral crows are working out from that ofice. . According to re mtelepluo tinemen have been ht "to Springficld headquarters ¥or the rehabilitation work from all ;gruolthucouuymoctth- even coming from as far as New York. Realize How Southern Sec tion Was Hit Last Month. U 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 & 4# 4 % % * % Mr. and Mre. Ilioyd Benwell and thildren of Wankegan, vere in Round Lake one day last week. Miss King's Mister, of Harvard, was here Tuesday. 8 Mr. Young and 'brother of Johns-- burg, were at the Peter Meyers home Monday. D 4 4 4 UA A %4A u4 4 4 4 4 % % _ Mr, and NMrs. Jim Luby and daugh ter, Elinore, spent Gunday at the Jim Cuarrab Wborse. -~l~u Amann is epending a few f fim't3, Mro. Milford Smmith, f . Tuoker and 't1its. Witiam Ith of Cirapslake were in Wankegan $ °¢ TOTALED MILLIONS bepons + Ad + Mra Oal 1nd Mrs. Golyd h:o"fll oft :snnn rpent a fow urs at the Peter Mevyor home last Floyd Reawghan is on the slick is now driving a ne# LAibertyville Wednesday to attend the funeral of their uncle, Frank Ingrish, Burial was at Rose Hill, Chicage. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Dell 8Smith and daugh-- ter, Valoise, and Mrs. B. K. Tucker spent Cunday at Libertyville. . ._. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frost and chil-- dren spent Sunday at the John Dowe home at Kenosha, a% ur.mmuwuzt ter, Julle, Mrs. Ed Brown and da ter, Lilab, were in Libertyville last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, George Renehan were Chicago callers one--day last week. Miss Velma, Fitz was a Chicago call-- er . Tuesday. Mrs. Kate Stadtfield spent a few days with her mother at Lake Defi-- ance recently. Joseph and ~Ellen Wickersheim of Grayslake spent the week end with thir grandparnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Schumacher. * moy'ud Elimer 'Hendee were in Waukegan Thursday evening. Fred Cashmore was a Chicago vis itor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hendee were in Liberyville on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leo Hendee was called to North Chicago on Sunday morning to visit her mother, Mrs. N. Kretschmer, who is very il1 Mys. Chris Dillon is in a hospital in Chicago. Mrs. C. Thompson spent Wednesday with her sister Mrs, O. A. Howard. William DeWane attended the road in Chicago one day last week. Joseph "Davis spent Friday and Sat urday in Bristol, Wisc. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hearst of Chicago, were Round Lake visitors last Tues-- day evening. -- Mrs. L. A. Fits and Earl Jacobson were in Libertyville on Saturday. Clayton -- ughes of McHenry was in Round Lake attending business for the Illinois Bell Telephone Company. Clifford Echulander, of Jonesville, Michigan, is spending a few days with his uncle, Milford Smith. __Jo Fitz and Frank Drummond were Waukegan visitors on Tuesday. Miss Lillian Larkin and John Clark were callers at the Fitz home on Fri-- day. > --"A. Allen and Harry Drummond were Libertyville callers on Tuesday. MXr. and Mrs. Ed Hendee and daughter attended the funeral of their unclé M. Ingrish, at Libertyville Wed-- nesday. * Mr. and Mrs: Nels Hoagaard spent Funday evening at the Sumner Bauer home. Mrs. Gonyo of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Winthrop Harbor spent last Sunday at the Jim Triggs home. > Mr. and Mrs. John Killey and Mrs. J. A. Allien were Waukegan callers Tuesday. V Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh of Fox Lake spent Sunday at the Peter Meyer home. Miss Florence Smith was i Chicago visitor on Tuesday. \ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor at-- tended a bunco party at Waukegan on Friday evening. Sana Peterson, Nana Junge and Em-- egene Killey, graduates of the Round Lake school, ran the highest averages at the W. T. H. S. at Gurnee. . Mrs. Sumner Bauer and 'Mrs. Mary Kennedy were in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Webber have a new Ford sedan. Mrs. Jane, Vasey is spending a few days at the Lee Benwell home. s C.--G. McCandless was a Chicago caller Friday. An automobile belonging to Joe Hi-- ronimus of McHenry, was destroyed by fire Monday evening near Paddock Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor visit-- ed Sunday at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Cossman, at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morrill--entertain-- ed the lattr's mother and father and a brother of Chicago Sunday. 4 4 4 % 4 4# 4 ¥% 4 4 4 4 % 4 4 4 4 Dr. ani Mrs. F. H. Martin of Liber-- tyville spent Friday at the Frank Drummond home. Miss Eleanor Pnt&ol Evanston was the guest of Miss Mary Jane White ov'r the week end. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Murric of Lake Villa, called on friends here Sunday. George Wallace was a Chicago vis-- Mrs. Ray Clark and son spent sev-- eral days with Chicago relatives re-- cently. > Mrs. Lowell, of New London, Wis., was a guest in the home of ber sister, Mrs. T. P. Walsh, Wednesday, E. D. Collins was in Chicago on bus-- iness Monday, Mre. Yonker spent the first of the week with 'relatives in Chicago. _ The first of a series of card parties given by the fire department was at-- muaded by a large crowd last Friday t. Thieve sagain entered the store of Hook & Co: Friday night and succeed-- ed in getting away with considerable clothing, etec. 'This is the third time within a little over a year that this store has bee robbed, and it is hoped the gullty ones will soon be caught. Itor Wednesday, The Rev. H. R. Flower of Antioch was a caller among his parishioners BOYS TAMPER WITH MAIL AT RAVINIA ~ The police of Mighland Park are _mi'pung l.tu mhmt laxt morning, ys enter-- wmmmmmm of the boxes : and! scaitered 1 wmalil about on the floor. Noth« «was reported stolén. but the 'nre making an effort to clear > case a6 that : an-- example may of the culprits. Saeveral boyr . been questlioned but all ds } having taken part in the rifling of . the bokes, was a Chicago vis 8 ie D BRUNDAGE ONLY 'ONE QurrTiNe witn HIS THLL "CLEANED® He added that, in the code depart-- ments, which includes all the ad-- ministrative bureaus of the govern-- ment under the governor, and par-- ticularly the state eleemosynary in-- stitutions, there is no deficiency. The governor exerciszes n6 super-- vision over the other major state offices, such as attorney gene secretary of state, auditor and urer. Small to. lesue Statement. _ _ Governor Small, it was indicated, will issue a formal statement in a day or two, based on the situation in the attorney general's office as it is set forth by the department of Wiil Denounce Innuendos. _ The plan is, according to informa-- tion 'said to be in the possession of the: governor's aids, to make it ap 'mr that excessive expenditures were made during the last year, and that these expenditures mounted higher than usual around primary and elec-- tion day. . * L The governor and budget officials --are Setting ready to denounce: these innuendos as -- political propaganda without any warrant--in fact. tive mansion are that, with the in-- terest cases Anally up to the Su-- preme Court, the governor's political ehemies now plan to have the Sen-- ate' appropriations committee, if they finally -- control it ~with Senator Wright as chairman, start on a fish-- ing expeditiqn through all the ccode "It is grossly unfair for any one to circulate such reports. They are not trtie. ~I have worked with many public officials, and I have never been associated with a state official or an executive who is more careful and moré determined to keep all ex-- penditures down -- to the minimum consistent with service than is Gov-- propaganda, already set in motion in Chicago, on the part of 'the anti-- Smail faction, that the governor's aids have gone on a spending spree and shoveled out the -mpmum' to the point of exhaustation. ¥4 4 4 4 U# 44 & 4 4 % 4 4 4 4 4 4 ernor Mr. and Mrs. George Olson of Waw kegan spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs, 0. Anderson., Miss T14 Runyard of Antioch spent the wer's end at the home of Dr. Miss Grace Slocum spent the week ~Warren Edwards and his nephew, Webb Edwards, of Chicago, spent the 'g;:'u' with home--folke. The annual insurance meeting was held Saturday at Masonic hall. The same officers were re--elected, Chicken pio dinner was served by the ladies of the church. J 'The C. E. Society held a social8 Sat-- urday evening at Masonic hall Maxie Irving fastened a bob sled behind a truck and 26 ----werit for a sleigh ride. They still enjoy the old fashioned bob sled ride, but horses are too slow. \ SBuperintendent Kittleman of the budget said: 2 of his broken leg and brought home again. He is under the care of Dt. Carl Chepe was taken ,to Victory Metworidt hoepital for an Xiray picture Ing at the school hous6 Friday eve. The Millburn Cemetery Association held a meeting Monday to electt offi-- wers and to transact business for the coming year. i '&O*QQQQ'OQQQGQQQQI *# D EERFIEL D bid # O 46# U 44 4 4 4A 4 % % % % % ' The union week of prayer services Wmume Bunga-- low The--pastor, V. E. Stake-- , and M. J, Aunderson, were well pleased with the Interest shown by the people of bath-- congreg»tions. ' A bus lead:of people of the Bunge-- low ~~urch attended the evangelistic moeting held at Barrington Tuesday \ Ralph Peterson of : Chicago spent last Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Julls Peterson. Mr. and **rs. Austin Plagee and deughter, Lorayne, were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Leith of Evanston Bunday. -- It will be in reply to the alleged Mr, Mericle of lon, 111., is the new manager of tlie A. and P. store, «j + Marry Green has moved his family Intw their--new home which wam re * Grammar Achool P. T. A. held tho January meeting last Priday after: m'A large r«mbor of T::r.ltl and wete presont, was In charge of Mrs. Ho-m The P--T. A. held the monthly meet-- MITILLB UV R N LBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 44 \I Simmons Gray Label "| All Cotton Mattress Miss Griffith of Racole, Wis., is now O.R. Barngrover has moved his fam-- 99 |ily into the house vacated by the H. ----]Green family. Pfi There was also an art exhibit of the work done by the pupils of the school under the direction of Miss Jeppson. Raymond --Clavey returned Saturday from a ty'o weeks' trip to 'Texas.. . -- 'Miss Rhorbach, of Santa Barbara, Calif., is visiting her sister, Mrs, A. J. Johnson. x4 * Miss Susie KEaston, who is teaching A&At Elmhurst, was the week end guest at the home of her father, B. Easton. Mre. D. W. Guy was the leader of the Missionary Society of the Bungalow church Tuesday afternoon. Chester Wessling is staying at the Ira Fehr home while his son and wife aro quarantined. . There is evidente of considerable excitement since the health officer has notified parents that all children are to be vaccinated. The officers decided that Kenneth Wessling has a mild case of small pox. _ _ _ Mrs. Harry Olendorf and sons, who have been visiting at the W. B. Carr home, have--rcturned to their home An Kirkwood, Mo. -- Harold Vant and E. H. Selig have opened a real estate office in the Arno Frant: house. Mrs. K. T. Fowler, who fell on the ice, a couple of weeks ago, is able to be about again. We wish to express our appreciation and thanks for the sympathy shown and floral offering, to our many rela-- tives and friends during our recent bereavement. . Mrs. Mary Duffy and Family, LLEWELLYN 1O _ * gEFK A PARDON paroles will hold its quartely meet-- ing <in-- Spfl:fiflfld next Tuesday to consider applications for pardon or consider applications for pardon or commutation of sentence. Among the cases on the docket is that of James R. Liewellyn of Highland Park, who was sentenced to serve one year in the state reformatory at Pon-- tiac on the charge of having at-- acked a school girl. Attorneys for his The state division of pardons and SPECI FOR SATURDAY |%:>=>. From 12 to 3 P. M. 'fisnA an'd 7 to 9 P. M. A. A. Grandy The Ray Furniture| »im ____and Paint Store CARD OF THANKS CNTR CROWN "CORN KiNG" AT ILLINOIS EXPO ~FOR STATE FARMERS has ever known, according to J. C. is of the Oolege of is 9 x 0 Aclonn;u who has the show in-- charge. . The show chas more entries and a greater number of'counties represented than ever before. It is a feature of the annual "Farmers Week" at the, col-- A 'total of 430 entries, 255 of which are ten--oar samples of corn, Are entered in the classes for grains of all kinds. <~The number <of en-- past two years. but the crown wili go to a new wearer this year, as the judges of the show and did not enter the competition, Farmers from the tries ~last year totalled ©420-- while the total in 1922%, the first year of the show, was 143. Fifty--six coun-- ties are entered this year, while last year the number: was 44. J, L. McKeiahan, of Yates City, has held the corn king title for the that has ever represented that dis-- trict, Hackleman said. > Judging of the entries will be com-- pleted tomorrow afterncon when a reading is made of the germination terests which have been run on every sample of corn entered in the show. Ten kernels from each ear are-- be; ing germinated and : tomorrow the germinated seedlings will be placed before the samples from which the kernels ~were taken, thus making it. possible for the exhibitor and visitor to study the vitality and dis ease condition of the sample. VOLO COW TESTINCG ASSK. RECOKD FOR DECEMBER "are Entored in Stgte--migde Contest This Year. During the month of December 396 cows were tested.> Of this sumber ten cows produced over 50 lbs. of B. ¥. and 37 cows produced over 40 lbs, B. F. orthuu',mbczoqemml!&t- Steins.and 17 were Guernseys. .' high cow, a Registered Holsteln, own-- 1925 AL L. Huson ............_.GH H. Mathews ...__.GG ¥. Hironimus ......GH ed by the Nicholside Farms, produced lfi'uu:a'ucnxunr. , high .llec.ncl..-lom by F. Beckman, averaged 966 Ibs. and $2.8 lbes. B.¥,. per cow. Bert Vazsey ........GG Nichol#ide Farms RH All those whose--cows produced over 40 Ibs. B. F. follow : 4 o Potato vines poison tobacco plants, says & scientist. But some cigar mak-- ers leadned how to do it with cab-- bages long ago. SNO W'S)»~~> Owner PHONE 306 LIBERTYVILLE, es $4, 1829 1041 1280 8.8 84 8.5 8.3 384 4.0 89 8.1 8.1 #.8 4.4 5.1 4.4. 8.6 3.9 8.% 4.8 5.0 44.8 40.0 49.4 47.8 40.5 409 55.5 42.4 40.5 50.1 62.3 41.1 48.0 711 €66.8 81.3 $2.8 811 =@ | Office in First National Bank Building Hours;:--1 to $:30 and 7 to $ip. m, ' Residence on Broadway. opposite Par#i In c-'um& Hail, l;n.ru , Bank vy;CTORY AFFILIATE® . *' councit S V AMERICAN UNION _ . Vlolwz M ~mbers c»dm% m M Meet. and Fourth l KEvenings of Each Month,. --«-- _ WILLIAM l;r'gc"x.n. Proa: _ GEORGE C. 6 Beeretary, _ 4 LUCH --BUILDING -- _ -- _ Res. Phone 13§ M Office Phone N Caitle Tested for Tubercuiosi FREE OF CHARCGE FARM AND ~ ao to 41 a. RED GRZ Telephone 16843 -- _ LIBERTYVILLE, ILL1ONIS Attorney at Law LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Phone 217--M -- complete for a set figure so--7 mway know just what cost wil> Going to Build? Cemetery Work of Every VYETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian LIBERTYVILLE, ILIJNOIS Phone Libertyyille Office With Farm Bursau, . 8. Government Veteringriast Grir nel!, Inspector in Charii WAUKECAN, ILLINOS _ . LYELL H. MORREIS MANUFACTURER. OF ', and material on DR. J. L. TAYLOR «K K «<EFR