_ =$t ~J. B; MORSE & CO. m wa &4 i Our First Big Sale of Overcoats _ SALE Big _ 'The winter is not over yet, so you'll need one for the blasty days still to come. PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Values that have sold all season helk® _ ~~826.175 e }'"~" > _ _ taa. 10 Vakes wp o $250 _ @10 75 BUY YOUR LEATHER COAT NOW. All leather Jackets priced especially low --for this =-- _ -- _ _ $9.50,.$11.50 THIS SALE DRESS SHIRTS \Our variety of Shirts offers you the chante of getting a good selection in a variety of ma-- Good Work Shoes, THIS SALE ,..._._ Good Dress Shoes Steven Strong Shoés THIS SALE ......._._._._._._. Men's first quality Rubbers THIS SALE ......._.._._._._s Fig THIS SALE ... JANUARY 14 With Bargains of Extraordinary Good Work Pant, ATHIS SALE ... THIS SALE .....__._. Heavy Wool Dress Pant, Hanover Mill Worsted Dress Pant, Values up to $8.00, THIS SALE ....._._._ Q;'s"sfi"" $5.65 ae e' **____..$1.00 g:'f,.... 89(:' 51.359 $.1.65 Black Gun Métal DUress Jhoes, $6.00 values. @- THMS IBMEE neaprncreessesse css ic ectorec ramrcive 4g CHILDREN'3 HATSs AND CAPS AT AVIIY LOW PRICE on Maibon t ©$3.98 and Brown Blucher Sho«s @4 B Fy SHOES AND RUBBERS -- ~"EVERYTHING FOR MEN" erit Every Day _ d / td it --© /. _"/ 4' Il' PP ,4, e I' l/'///'o wa } + 3 uy 7 d l |: *T d e B ____ 8245 ___$4.85 ___83.98 **_ 9$1.00 ~_--$1.98 . $4.35 Beginning January 14th and G Big Underwear Sale Glastenbury Wool Undershitts; sizes 34, 36, 44, 46, 48, 50. Regular price up to $3 THIS SALE ........... 16. nc $1025 An ideal Wool Mixture Union Suit for comfort, warmth and service. Sizes in this lot, 34, 36, 46, 48, 50. Regular price $4.00. . SALE PRICE ..:..........".....::»mmovcuuseitisc nssm $2 035 Heavy Cotton Union Sut.. o $2.50 value. THIS SALE ........__. $1085 Heayy Cotton Ribbed Shirts and Blue and Grey Chambray Shirts, $1.00 value. SALE PRICE ... Plain Gray, Blue and Khaki Wool Shirts, / THIS SALE ........_...._... SPECIAL SALE ON FLANNEL SHIRTS f t tts.. $4.9D Vsherup o 150 _ $9 8G _ DRESS AND WORK Silk and Lisle Drop Stitch. Anti--darn Guaranteed Sock, j PAIRS FOR.......................;....: Cotton Socks, regular price ] 25¢ and 35c. THIS SALE.... Libertyville, Illinois--J. B. MORSE 6 CO.--RAY FURNI 8, Fine grade of Flannelette Pajamas THIS SALE . ..::..24............::....ovisssisoite Muslin Night Shirts, THIS SALE ... ho. THiS SALE -- 2. _ ... POso® Roilins Hote For Ladies--Also Humming Bird. The Late Shades. ns Drawers to Read .e§/ery line and item of this advertisement' --It is to your 'l! t ad -- tss _ -- for your needs. Tremendous reductions on many otton Ribbed Shirts and 4 . :~$1.00 values, THIS SALE -- 59(3 Men WOOL SHIRTS shirts same price. SALE -- __$1.00 12c¢, 18e * $1,05 _ $1.35 / g3 qg 4o *¥ s ?')-"i u. *;~" *¥ _69¢ $2.35 VE OFFER To be able to purchase pieces or suites of the finest t during this great sale for it is our custom to clear away during mid< 'Slightly used Brunswick Phonographs. These Brunswicks have been used by us for demonstrating and playing Our 'u;mtee goes ~--with them. _ A re: chance to buy Brunswicks at reduced prices. $200.00 model ma-- at $125.00 model MALOGARY ......_._.._._.c.--cuco-- $125.00 model Fumed UE ... .siiovnnvirees ies aistnrinsisrnicessss Used $150.00 Colurbia Brunswick Phonographs Phonograph =....._.._._._._ Short pieces of lincleum, both inlaid and phin?ob--éfland 12 ft. widths 6 to 1 ?-rey-rdlatffom"cto 1,25 square yard Eo ynituWre, sexessunnb es onnannu03 LINOLEUM of walnut THE RAY _--6148.00 slightly Dining-ch on T ables-- -- OPEN E. $--PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE--Consisting of Oblong straight and one arm chair; 60--4inch Buffett, made of Walnut Period design. . Specially , priced --------,--;".-.------..------_-.---;;'53 M 000 BUFFETS 54INCH WALNUT BUFFET--QUEEN ANN "THIS BSALE ...____________._._._..__._--_.--supe«= 60--INCH WALNUT BUFFET--QUEEN ANN STYLE, TWO 48 INCH GOLDEN QAK COLONIAL ST¥XLE _ . Tm. m' --;----------""--omof--m -- ® Fm==) f *PIECB MAHOGANY Uphoistersd in good . To closo ......------*-- SMALL # made; one LPIECB MAHOGANY CANB, PAR f e of our biggest bargains, . ~. ; GANY FINISH CANE mg good grade. Velour; looge cush t lt m ae e w w ue e w e t e s on e an on tig ie m t t -..--.--c-.-m-', 1 f ¥ (¥f%o *4