el BATTLE REFUSES k 3 .:9 . > January 24, 1925, > >« "/~ . Oe ar e Fulton to J. &ldvdl'rd',flo! n + Y uts. Part of block 20, McCay'a second _ > Peadh to Town of Lt Ft. WD $10, -';f' ® stamp '$5.50. , o wh is « hk |/ L* &Im and wite,. to: 'J... 8. '_ ., . Schwerm.: wzm.;aww;m V 0. . stemp--B0c, ; :©*\> *X > +. lC ~*_ ~ M..W. Graves and wife to 'Margaret '" ____.. % Conley. Lot 14, J. L Shaw's.subdn. 1y ' _' <) aind wile 3t tens, Lot 14, J. L ,fi'{ ,;',"",«'A"A "% m )" 7!: ':,_':'9' VC Oe oo TW t sdfint mscc clubcrne i6 wl 0 4. tuaty ihertapmndniny wiudvt ~*~ a06, J. L. Shaws secomd subdn on Fox. ac *) "'M"n' &1) A ' y ,tnmu.%w..r. Weg-- --. /. mer and wife. Lot 26, Oakwood subdn. wilk 'Dm' , Scth C e . .19 . ««~ .. L. J. Wicks and wife to E. R. Moore. . Part of Sec. 34, Axon. WD $10, staaimp / " : 'O@seek Canterbury and husband to -- R. C, Canterburr Lpts 11 and < 12, \~-- Canterburys Greenburys Green Bay _/ sead-- subdn, WD $10. U _ --__-- M. Dentech and wife to H. A. Lund-- --\._ RBL Part of Sec. 6, Deerfeld. WD $20. -'::?u'&.rm.flO.LWto --~---- H. A. Lange and wite, it tens. Part of, 4 :;.H.WWDN.MD . _). WR Micks and wife to C. Kemnits ~_~-- and wite, it tens. Part of lot 12, Gold-- hy '&Mnlvlou'.l.m.1 .. Part of lot 11, Goldemiths Divn. WD _')f 06 " - \ V\ Ts K; und wife to J. Jacobsor. 0_ > Lots 44. #6, Green Bay Heights _ __'. addn. WD $10, stamp 50c. j _ ~~~ R. J Dady to M. Baczoch, Lots 22 * > t t wfia 89 30 and #}1, block 4, ,f% eyers Bubdn. Deed $1651, stamp $2. o . . Philya®w and wife to C. E. Rob-- * seadn and Lot 24, Golds Subdn. Lots 44 and 48, Gree addn. WD $10, stamp i g,:.n.gun.- -- TirrtkXk ..-;-S"---- . ko h s * l.&-gr_bi' _. X VA m * -- MEETING IN C0. "Pupits Day" to Be Observed "at Libertyville With Fine Program for Youngsters. This is an annual eveut being feat-- ured by T. Arthur Simpson, county superintendent of schools and it has become very popular. It is estimated that the attendance Saturday will ex-- seed 600. "Pupils Day" for the upper grade children of the rural and village sehools of Lake county is to be ob-- wmy Hall, Libertyville, nekt > y in ag all day meeting. NOTABLES ON _ PRORAM The morning program, starting at #:45 o'clock will consist of a showing of flms on bird and animal life, from the University of Minnesota. W. I. Liyon of Waukegan, one of the fore-- In tae afternoon there will be mA historical program and entertainment. The Star Spangled Banner is one of the assiguwwents for memory work It looks s 1# Atty. Albert L. Hall, may bave to gird his armor 0: to put a halt to the gossip that is sti.l being "heard about the recent sckonl election in District No. 60, known as Green-- wood Park school. Several months «&go an election was held and Atty. Hall was declared the winner as di-- rector over Henry H. Kieffman by one * At that time Kleffman claimed one Of the voters for Hall was not a citi-- wen, and that two others had not re-- gided in the township long enough to establish it as a legal voting place.-- «ind wile it tens, Lot 14, J. L. Shaw's Rs ' Bulllvan to F. J. Seit, Lot 'enmayer to W. J. Falton and '--:g*. .:Lm 47, BRonaie K. Conley, fi'fl W. Graves tomu_ Tt 14-- 1. L Shaw's TODAY SOVIET OFFICERS ARE BEING KHLLED rLondon. Jan. 28.--Assassinations of Soviet officials in Russia are piling up at an alarming rate, according to ad-- vices received today by the antiSo-- viet Morning Post, which stated that there were 83 political murders in De-- cember alone. 2e 5 "fifi;m riots and rebellions were reported in the Ukraine and the €ri-- mea, the dispatch said. Chicago, Jan. 28.--A switchman was killed and two other men were in-- jured today when a Pennsylvania freight train, crashed into a string of empty freight cars in the railroad yards of that railroad. SWITCHMAN I§ KILLED. clnded. Misa Groo, a winsome mald of eighteon, was adjudged~ winner from among two million school mna-mmu Canada who entered the contest, of which a million submitted essays Local contests were held in 4,784 communities and the 45,000 win-- ners of these contests had their . essays submitted to the Interna tional Judgos for the eleven grand prizes, of which the home was the wmse SD.Tobuas d first. The other prizes woere ton scholarships of $300 to $1,200 and 1,000 distinguished essay medals umm.umm tered over a wide area. , Besides the essay, the contest-- ants were obliged to make lighting investigations . ana thoroughly M"*'_wv ing. 'Thoir cssays were supposed uummm&M .own home, giving the apecifications of wattage for each reom. The International Jadges of the nam meanie es 0 1 C Sfi C achools, Chicago, -- llinois; MrS.| ) x.m mll':m. editor,| ,, n'.:m:;'ir:nm.: P. 8. No Brookiyn, m.n Shepardson, pro--| * P t YTEEU ) Ans%l aneinaoring | I the Daik ow 80. Forves. eattor k * Ko,. Brooklyn, m..nmw fessor of electrical engineering, Ustversity of. Minnesota; Georks R. Anderson, profezsor of Mum!-- nating engineering, University of m-.-,l.mku- woutive manager of the National Kleotris® Ligxt Association, repre-- senting Frinkiia T. Grifith, prosi-- dent of that mssociation, who wa's unable to ba prosent. WPB w« | Puca * m Why Is It -- = THIEF WALKS OFF WITH GEM WALLET Baltimore, Md., Jan. 28.--Before the eyes of several clerks and one of the members of the firm of the James Armigar company, jJewelers, a thie? picked up a leather case con-- taining $25,000 in gems, walked leis-- urely from the store and disappeared in the crowded downtown district of the city this afternoon. Peking,--Dr. Sun Yat Sen, South-- ern Chinese Leader, has not yet un-- dergone the major operation contem-- plated, physicians annouuced today. His conditiocjis critical they said, and fears are held that he will not recover from the illness, the result of an ab-- Wil-- scessed liver. ~"Yet when these samo men reach 'their 'homes #be thoughts »of ad-- vanced methoils ang& conyenience 'seem loft behibd: 'They rotain }ummnum'nb- ably considered the best when it was installed, but which is now ob solete because of the developments ugmmmmm perience and investigation. ' "Caretul thought "was given to the lighting df our house and has resulted, L believe, in our having a well lighted home. ~1t is well light odclup"um'nulopd to provide euficient Jight where it might be needed. A 'center light gives general !llumination, while thairs for reading or sewing bring the light , diractly whers Gesire A shade in barmony with the Ar-- ture and the room covers: each buib, but all are dense enough to prevent glare or dye strain, Rome aro glass, someare allk and some are parchment, dach being adapted to its surroundings. The basement abades are metal. -- % "Smail baibs are usod in decora-- lUve lampa to prevent annoying bright spotr; frosted buibs, where there is a possibility of their be-- Ing geen with discomfoft . Poria ble lamps are placed on each side While-- there has been a marked reduction in the aumber of emallpox cases in Waukegan during the last week, reports from Bpringfield show that there has been an increase in the number of cases from other parts of the county. Kight new ~<ases of the disease were reported from Lake county last week. Ounly one of these new cases was in Waukegan. [ Several cases of the diseaso de veloped at Deerfleld, causing the au-- thorities to take steps which they believe has ~effectively prevented--a spread. 'There has been more or less general vaccination there of those who were exposed. Health Authorities of Waukegan are much encouraged over the logal sizuation as there have been an uB usually small number of contaglon cases,. < A fo weases of chickenpox have been quarantined but in the big majority of cases the patients have mild cases. -- By® observing --strict quarantine the authorities have suc ceeded in reducing the number Of O'MCMOWOM"& _ Reported: from Waukegan, cases to a minimum. SITUATION WELL IN HAND LEAPS TO DEATH _ IN NIAGARA FALLS There are. two foor lamps and one table lamp, each containing. two 40 watt buibs. 'The brackets over the mantel and two --l__"'--o; jlets permit rearranging the furni-- ; Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 28.--"God !'fl'c-: every one forgive me, for I, Mr. olas Iverson, know not whence I go or what I do." -- Leaving a card bearing these words on the sidewalk ner. Prospect Park Point this afternoop, a 'man beleved to be Nicholas Iverson of New York, mounted the guard rail and leaped to death 'over Niagara great--grandparents and parents liviag. tive lamps each havre a dining room table, while 15 watt eandles are at each side of the Pbuffet; A double convenience out-- tet is under the table and another by the buffet. "Our kitchen is Mghted by a 150 watt 'celling fixture with a 40 watt lhmp ovyer the sink. Appliances may be attached to a double con-- venience outlet. : *Rach of the two bedrooms has a 40 Watt lamp at the head of the bulbs hangs 28 inches above the bed. 'The <three double conven-- lence outlsts make rearrangement of the furniture easy. "The tyo 40 watt brackets by the bathroom mirror furnish eaM-- clent light. 'The 40 watt center Axture is unnecessary becanse of the smaliness 'of the--rooth. The double convenilence outlet is for The baby daughter of ond Thorne of St. Lauis "The basement Nas 40 watt lamps in the trunk room, in front of the turnace and at the 'coal pilé. 'A 100 wait lamp is over the laundr® tubs, A double convenience outlet CASES TN LAKE : COUNTY LAST WX. is available for appliances, ience out-- (23 _ Chicago North Shore and . Milwaukee Railroad Company f | LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE-- A "TELEPHONE 74 \ _ TENDING the GIANT fobd "White Coal", they call it where waterfalls turn turbines; "caged lightning" is another name used to describe the unthink-- ably gigantic force of electricity, And its use on the North Shore Linendwmotiv;mwetoftmim over ninety miles of line is attended by men have made the application of electricity to transportation their life work. - The 'current, generated at 33,000 volts in a distant power house, is carried through miles of copper to sixteen substations at vari-- ouspointsaloggdxeroad,wherethe voltage is stepped down and transformed to a degree efficient for train operation. ';"'l:;rcefitrilfng point of fifl North Slt\hoere power syst:fm is the il:'owct' m -- F complete disposition of power, cunentfoadfirstinon:usecdozmelinc,dmin 8 es s en tea. mt & ) dl} tations au maticall:, anl:lo :lsrlea:ly gnlfof:bcmmtheNord\ Sho:: North Shore Line hu«ve been so equippedo;r&et "automatic' is Merchandis merely a relative term on the Nort Sl'\orel__mjei every Despatch iomractnics Rrevinitsort® "biuimrmg sri> ie annyiit' wFSAEI P 7 where, there is human judgment and trained knowl-- edge in final control. * T l« t}w # # s . oi i Ho niiepamne mde mor dioe ine. HOUSE WIRING CHATS UBLIC SERVICE COMPANY In building a house the plumbingiis planned as a unit and made complete. Electrical wiring should be planned the same way--in full, for the whole house, 'That is the econdmical than it is to do so after and practical way to do _ the house is completed. it When you are build-- We will work right with ing a home and looking -- you to make your house forward to enjé@yment of -- wiring complete. With-- its comforts you cannot -- out charge to you, we omit providing for the . will go over your plans fullest measure of elec-- . and submit estimate of trical conveniences. what proper wiring will That is the economical and practical way to do it When you are build-- ing a home and looking forward to enj@yment of its comforts you cannot omit providing for the fullest measure of elec-- Certainly : it is infinitety |**~ better to put in all your -- Or, you can obtain same wiring at the time of from any electrical con-- building your house _ tractor. _ OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS THEBO BLECH, Dist, Mgr, Waukegan. GUs KRUMREY, {nfl Rep. Complete Wiring in Your Plans -- Include North Shore Merchandise Despatch a.::dn'-'mu for shippers 2i