416 F t % % _~. .: Puzzie No. 1 : You won't have to consult the 69--horizontals to solve this puszle, Kyery word may be found in a high sehool dictionary, ... «Bs &' ~ A little more difficulty than usual will be encounie because of the number of unkeyed letters. But that 12. 14. 16. 19. 22. 44. 25. 1. 32. 34. 85 40. 42. 43. 44. 45. 45. 49. 51. 52. 61. Bang. 63. Chair. 65. Atop. 67. Bphere: 69. Prophets. 10.0wed. 71. Intended,. 73. Couples. 1%. Therefore. "6. Thinks. 71.' Examine. Sport requiring poniey Wireless, A step. Musical drama, / Betimes. More sugary. Pipe joint. Hebrew Deity. Part of leg. Orgars of hearing. Like. Rested. Sully. Wayside hotel s CROSSWORD PUZZEE _ 12. 13. 16. 17. A drunkard, Number. " Depended. . One element of a produg You. s « Peruse. . Vile. Accomplished. Tardily. --Fipres of the body. Existed. & y o To restrain water. Ocean, Wily. g * 2%. More ancient 24. The present. 26. Dispatch. %8, Bilent. 30. Uaruly. 82. Requiremerti. 34. Distant. 85. Infant's ory. 19. Pig pen. Toward. 37. Fish snare. 39. Assent. 40. Preposition. 42. 456. 46. 47. 61. 62. 64. 58. Profound. t9. Measures of d 61. Bignal system. 63. One who ride; #5. *nquisitive. -- -- . Pojet . : > 11, A portion. 19. To depart. La'Cr. Geographical plan Trousers. 3 To exist. More ancient. The present. Our land. Hardwood tree. Beast of burden. Single unit. Entire gain, Co--ordinate conjunct.ion Center of the universe. Note in music. HORIZONTAL Value. & Profound. Measures of disian HORIZONTAL Puzrzle No. 2 > « usual will be encou_meyett with this purzle, 14. p t f 26. 28. 30. 31. 33. 21 39. 70, Perish. 72. Negati 74. Present 41. 47. 48. 52. 51. 59. 60. 62. 64. 66. Minute openinag. © Jewel of delicate colors (pl). Allow. Conjupction. * 4 Place of public contest (pl); Organs of. sight. §in. Cleverness. pevour. Flights of steps. Truest. Tool. Electrical element. Clear profit. f & Appointment. Rolls of film. * Fertile places in desert. Got up. © Snake--like fish. . Time of earth turning orce an axis. , . \Ventilating machine. ° | 1."Composition of molecules, %.-- Reynard. 2 3. Mark of infinitive. ** p _6 4. Irregularly shaped© slip Jp>~ a heel. d 5. Personal pronoun. ° / * 6. Paintings or statues. *: 7. Printer's grie!. 8. Recompensed. C 9. Negative adverb. 10. Pad. t -- s 11. Hank. . 14. Encounter .+ 15. Coagulate. > 18. Ancient. -- 20. Slang for w@omen. %2, Unit. 23. Beam. 1 %4. Bitver white metal. #%5, A tree. f 27. Compe'!. * 29. Bmail bed. Lyric poem. _ _ Bird of the night. Partner and friénd. Large cistern. Harm. 8 Mobhammedan person More painful. Resinous substance.> Second person pronoun (pos#®.) Ponderous book. **, Quarntity. * + Serpent. -- Brooding. piace. ture, * Porish. -- Negative. f' 41. 47. 48. 50. #, To woar away. 64. Finished; A coniferous (rée, the wodd of which is used to make Jong Native metal. 3 Possessing savor or Aavor. Center--Of the universe. Musical direction for sHlence. Feminine pronoun. s Address of respect. Animal's --Jair. ° YERTICAL YERTICAL °* s so much more {un. §8. Also." _ | . The statement that it you place & ~*.| horsehair in a puddie of water it will --~ . turn into a snake is ridiculous on the '_| face of At, thitrugh apparéntly many .: | people stif believe it. It should be easy to denionstrate with a horsebair. ~* | The fact that a hair or similar object placed in water has a tendency to -- | wriggle and twist like a live object has Answers to Last Weeks HMHcme -- ownership : inspires self--fe spect in individua's, which, in turm, stimulates fn others respect for them --makes of them better men and wom--. én, better American citizens, better husbands angd wives, better parents. It gives thom a standing and an in-- fuence in a community second only to the inflwence exercised by intellectual and moral character.--Exchange. given rise to--this superstition Of the Same Family The "timber" wolf is one-- found in the northeastern part of the United States, while the "loafer" wolf inhab-- Its regions in the vicinity of Arizong. These may be regarded as the sAme type, the only difference being in the terms' applied {o theth:in various parts '6f the country. & M 'Spanish Note -- _ 'To _This Home Inspires Confidence Horsehairs and Snakes «y¥ Puzrtie No. 1 Puzzle No. 2 Puztle No. 3 Purzle No. 4 4~ asl¥le wnt gelf--1e-- Tmported English broad-- cloth . Overblouses. Also golored volle Overblouses. Neatly finished. Made of silk striped and brocaded materials; also of heavy laces. 75¢ value. Oft: wool Coatings with plaid lining and interlined. Large pockets and belt. Mainish tailored. Children's "Uskide'"' sSHOES enuine Broadcloth OVvERBLOUSES Blucher style; moccasin toe;--everwear sole; spring rubber heel.: Sizés 84 to * $2.48 Pair A Store U ) Prevails. "The Bost Stove » O the Novth Shove BRASSIERES Very Special 49e Semi -- porcelain Dinner sets with two .line gold décoration. Service of six. _ Made. of Chamoisette. Wrist strap styles. Broken golor . assortments. Reg-- ular $2.00 . value. $1.35 pair. Women's Gauntlet GLOVES OVERCOATS (Second Floor) 43 piece Sets of DINNERWARE $6.69 (Second Floor) $1.69 (Second Floor) $7.98 (First Floor) (Third Fidor) $1.35 JANUARY CLEARANCE (First Floor) Knit of plain and brushed wool yarns. The values are very unusual because of a special purchase. Choice of several colors, trimmed with wide satin ribbon. -- Women's Blip--over SWEATERS For Sport Bkirts, New spring _ plaids, _ 36--inches wide. A wonderful value. 98¢ yard. New styles. Slippers of patent, suede and satin. 2 and 3 cyelet tio Oxfords in light tan calf. Cuban and Tow heels. fls Popular '"Gloria Bwanson" Polk -- HATS Womenr's: New FOOT'WEAB $5.69 * Save from 10% to 50% in Our 10% inch Alu minum Griddle. Wear Ever make. Requlres MO gréase,. -- Special Women's Flannelette NIGHT GowNns8 Brighton--Carisbad . make. High colors, floral patterns and stripes $3.00 value. $2.00 All Silk EPONGE (Second Floor) Men's Flannellette _ PAJAMAS / $1.98 (Second Floor) $2.95 (First Floor) (First Floor) 98c GRIDDLE pleco Pajam#s Shits (Third Floor) $1.35 (Second Floor) $1.95 $1.98 Women's and Misses' DRESSES Of fine wool fabrics and silks in new spring shades. Sizes 16 to 20 and 36 to 52. Oof shadow mnrqu_lutte wish ruffles and tie backs in pink or blue. Choice of--ten new shades Splendid for dresses, linings etc. §6 inches wide. »* 45x36 inch Pillow Case. Full, bleached. Empire brand. Made of heavyy mus+ lin. £ of 36--inch Brocaded 59c Value * PILLOW CASES Each CaANTON . $1.98 $1.149 * Entire stock. Choice of several styles. All sizes. Highly polished Cedar and Matting covered chest. (Second ¥Floor) CURTAINS Boyy Ovorconat3 AR0 q,F!S WiIhter Coats Sigés to 10 (Second Floor) (Second Floor) w Aevasautoce--qpenizes m)-- Reduce Boys' ard Girls' GOATS (First Floor) $15 (First Floor) 9D¢ $3.98 d 20% Fur trimmed -- and -- silk lined Coats of suede and pile fabrics,. Values to $60. Coney and Sealine Coats with large Australian Opos-- sum ' collar. Reduced to clear at only $49.75. 9 inclh heavy Alumiaum fry pan. Famous Wear : Ever make. Special. FUR COATsS $34.75 Cearance of COATS $49.75 (Second Floor) (Second Floor) Prioted Scarfg in c *' 39¢ _ O95¢ P"lemg' cb pbogadirt C+ These Values. _ | xi tA $§1x90 Crepe Spread with bolster.. Choice -- of rose or lavender. $6.50 ue. Crepe Bolster and SPREAD SET -- Fine -- quali bed Sheets. I Tornm size 81x' Light fleece elhow sleeve, Unionsuits. extra . sizes. 81x90 § ~ ~ $3.98 (First Floor) $1. (First (First 0§ $]