¥22° SS JUDSON HAS _ A WORD TO SAY 1 _ OF ORPHANAGES beasts of recopd breaking pros | for 1925 sh@uld not sweep n"-l & rs of their feet, according warning gounded Thursday by , " B Stewart, director of iitural economics, University of ®, In an address before the nn-l ' week. | ) t way to be assured that the iR year will reward farmers "is Atinue to emphasize economy in , etion and sanity in marketine." | serted. and added that "by no i# should the throttle be opened Bor heavy increases in produc-- except as weather may -- swell Arsge Of presen: price advant-- 4n cutting down debts and ing one's position as aA mer is a sound policy for Af@rmers to follow during 1925. bilitation of Euronean: factories be expected to bring into the _ the competitive disadvantages ' which high factory wage scales American exporters of surplus immended. Performances No Criterion. Vof the poorest ways to fore ire prices is to judge by pric-- Fuled for the last shipment of ck or the last crop." Dr. Stew-- tined. "Only a part of the finTxltinz in the price situa--, 1924 will continue to. operate eorresponding portion of 1925, | the weather in the northern mmg its-- 1924 record of i vorableness. most yulnerable spot in the eture at the present time is t taze of which manufac| fi: United States may find | ves in the export markets e first effécts of the rauan;l o have become spent. M"'E;;. 27 Years Em Lk. Bluff Orphan-- rices go according to the tren'd hltu$ prices. Dr._ Stewart dedlared that the downward ' cheap farm products cannot as having spent its full a until Canada wheat produc-- s# are more clearly establish-- a to prices and until Rus-- , mu become re--estab-- t er--restricted figures as of land tenure and other itc influences determiné. * wart Advises Against Misled by Forecasts Record Prosperity. ECONOMLZE COMING <EASON author 'describing Orphan-- remarks-- twenty--seventh year of serv-- to a close and the 19€9 who have passed through } are reviewed, 1 would re sayinik, "Bairns are nae sma certain joy." -- St"year hWas been one of the line." We have cared bildren and placed ten in are a certain joy, but. nae on. . The fall weighing just :-n but two children un-- and Gives Views. ophthaimic Mated last year wore (1) : (2) Central Heating p'l Grymanasium : and Baby Fold; (5) ru Kitchen and Cottages for raliet facts have come to mut office from Miss rétiring Superintendent mvg Orphanage. She ht their work of the work has been done 'n teeth by local dent-- h this department our i# also analyzed semt-- ie * aPUEE & We extend thanks to our friends for their help, their interest and their . x 2 2 v2341c 100 Wehkama w TW CCC David Starr Jordan telle us, "there is nothing in all the woild so impag-- tant or so interesting as children. It one would be of real use in the world, he must do something for chil-- dreo; if he yearns to be truly wige, he must study children . You Can dress the sore, bandagt the wounded, imprison the criminal, heal the sick, bury the dead--but there's always a chance that we can save a child." "l--'l--e}' srtix'u'irstlcal report for the year ending September 1, 1924, is as fol-- lows: i . e 220. _ Children in the Home, Sept 136. . . Number in Home, Sept. 1, 1924 140. The Lake Bluff Orphanage receives from Waukegan and North Chicago thru the Chest funds the amount they have taken from our two cities in recent years in drives and tag days TWO BOYS BREAK PAROLE:; CAUGHT Two youngsters, said to be paroled from the juvenile court, were arrest-- ed last week by Deputy Del Weale, at the request of Miss Mary Polma-- teer, probation officer, who charged they had broken parole. Weale found one hiding in the attic at his home and the other coming f'rom a pool WANTED--More people who want to sell something thru the want ads of The Libertyville Independent. Applications for admission, 175. ' Number admitted, 84. Placed in homes, 10. ' Placed in other Institutions, 3. Died, 1. Keturned to friends, 66. Children helped during the year," ....Big, red, ripe, Maraschino Cher-- ries in liquid cream, coated with rich chocolate. They fairly meilt in your mouth. The appropriate pack-- age for Washington's Birthday. An appetizing package every day..Reg-- ular price, pound box, 59¢ Birthday Sale Price, Lb. * 49c A writing paper of good quality with envelopes to match. Regular Price of the two, 80 cents. 1 Ib, Paper & 50 Envelopes Birthday Sale Price 59c Sale Starts Thursday, Feb. 5th------Ends Feb. 14th Celebrating the Twenty--Second Year Large delicious peppermint creams dipped in a heavy coat of rich choc-- olate. Extra high quality. Regular price, 50¢; Birthday Sale Price, Lb 39c PURETEST ASPIRIN TABLETS 4 Keeps the skin soft and whte. Won-- derful for rough and red hands. Prevents and relieves chaps. Is very cooling and soothing. Regular Price, 25¢. Birthday Sale Price 19c Keeps the teeth clean white and beautiful--without injury to the enamel. 'The pleasant--tasting, com-- monsense dentrifice. Big economy tube. Regular Price, 50c. Birthday Sale Price 39c PHONE 55 Promptly reileve colds, neuralgia pains. . Made from true Aspirin. Regular Price, 25¢. f Birthday Sale, Box of 24 1 The M Store PURETEST GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER women during their leisure KLENZO DENTAL CREME PEPPERMINT PATTIES Twenty--two years ago forty progressive druggists, under the leadership of Louis K. Liggett, joined together in the co--operative manufactire and distribution of drugstore merchandise, with the idea of giving the public quality goods at saving prices.....Foday these orig:nal forty Rexall Stores have grown to 10,000 and constitute a wonderful system of reliable, service--giving drug stores:--We, with thousands of Rexall Drug gists, are celebrating the Twenty--second Birthday of our Company by offering for a limited time only, tremendous savings on seasonable drugstore products. -- Be sure and take advantage of these opportunities. N ig U NT 1. 1924 DECKER & NEVILLE BUILDING INCREASE OF 18 PERCENT IS SHOWN IN ILLINOIS State Report Shows $441, 314,600 Spent for Building Springfield. I1ll., Jan. 27.--All previ-- ous records for building voiume in Chicago and Illinois were broken in 1924, according to a statement Assued by the F. W. Dodge Corporation which has compiled statistics. Building contracts awarded in Chi cago rea~hed a total of $302,044,300; in the state as a whole, $441.314.600. Chicago's increase over 1923 was 35 per cent and the state's 18 per cent. Actual construction, however, did not aprnear to keep up with the demand. Fifty--five per cent of all construe-- tion was constituted by residentia) buildings; 14 per cent. by P\lb_llc works and utilities; 13 per cent. for commercial buildings; 5 percent. by indnstrial buildin=s: 4 per cent. by eduvrational _ buildings. Residential buildin@gs composed 64 per cent. of all construction in Chicago. OBITUARY »0,0 Mary Ann Nicholas was born May 13, 1860 on the Rafter farm, one mile west of Libertyville, and died at her home, 737 North Nakewood Avenue, Chicago, January 26, 1925, at the age of 64 years, 8 months and 13 days. She was the daughter of Mary James and John Nicholas, and was one of two children, a brother, Frank Nicholas, 'preceding her in death 11 years ago. She was married inearlywomanhood to George Hurd Chard, of Gages Lake, and for a few years lived on the Chard farm north of Libertyville. To this union two children were born-- Your Choice for Regular Price, 350 each Birthday Saile Offer, @ Our Best Tonic. Enriches the blood builds up the strength and improvy-- es the health generally. Palatable. Vim, vigor and vitality in every drop. Regular price, $1.00. Birthday Sale Price _ 79c Softens and whitens the skin, keep-- ing it clear and beautiful. A real protection against the damaging ef-- fects of wind and weather. Also an ideal face powder base. Regular Price, 50c. Birthday Sale Price 39(: Assorted cuts and handles. Good quality white bristles. These are all hand--drawn brushes. > During th'.-'..;.' ;;6'!" Two Packages of Tea or Coffee at '_-- Virtually Half Prige. Liggett's Olive Oil 12%%oz, 2 for 19¢ Ballardvale Raspb'y Jam, _ _ 156 oz. size ....._.___._.._._2 for 49¢ Imitation Vanilla Extract....2 for 26¢ The pleasant and effective laxa tive. Gentle in action, but abso-- lutely wure. Ideal for children, in-- valids and aged people--as well as for robust persons. Regular Price, 50¢c. Box 60 Birthday Sale Price 39(: QUALITY TOOTH BRUSHES PURE <FOOD PRODUCTS REXALL ORDERLIES in 19¢ eleven years ago, Mr. Chard dying in October, 1913. Mrs. Chard joined the Methodist church at Gages Corners before moy-- ing to Chicago, but later took her let-- ter to the M. E. church at Austin, \whm she was a member at the time of her death. The Rev. Mr. Carson of . Austin preached the funeral service, |which was held from the late home in Austin to the M. E. church in Liberty-- ville. Interment was in Lakeside cemetery. Kdna Chard Croker and George ¥. Chard, both of Chi,ago. After a few years, the couple moved to Austin, Chicago, where the family have since made their home. She was preceded in death by her husband Besides the two ,.hildren, she is sur-- vived by two grandchildren~George H. Croker and Mrs, Florence Croker Cooper, all of Chicago and a host of other relatives and friends. The Maison Carree, or Square bouse, at Nimes, France, is perhavs the most perfect of extant specimens of ancient Roman temples, Jt is theught to have been built in the Second century of tha present era. During the past week, on account of the icy condition of the streets, many drivers of automobiles have encroach-- ed upon the sidewalks when parking their cars. Dennis Limberry has been busy leaving cards, asking the offend-- ers to keep their cars off the walks.. Joan of Arc's Betrayal Joan of Arc,. the French national heroine, may be said to have been be-- trayed by her own people, since it was the duke of Burgundy who captured her at Compiegne and sold her to the English. HUFHITUY sssscco--ccescccesctreererccccsncceccl l 1.00 Mineral Oil, Russian type 69¢ 15¢ Suliphur, 8 oz...._..__.__.18¢ :fi Tincture lodine .___._.198 Cream of Tartar, 4 oz....._____23¢ 25¢ Epsom Salts, 16 oz...._.___15¢ 15¢ Soda Bicarbonate .....______.11¢ 40c Camphorated Oil, 4 oz.....____.83¢ 590 Rubbing Alcohol, 16 oz.........19¢ 50c Witch Hazel, 16 oz......._._.___.39¢ 50c No. 6 Disinfectant, 16 oz.......39¢ 25¢ Tinker Tape ............_._._._._. 50e Tinker Tape .......___._._._..__._... 256 Kidney Plaster ....._._.__._._.. 25¢ Belladonna Plaster ... 250 Belladonna and ° Capsicum Plaster .. 25¢ Capsicum Plaster ... 175 Clinical Thermometers, Milled by the French process and delicately perfumed with every 50c box of Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powder--the pow-- der which adheres so beautifully * ° Regular Price . This Sale of the two _ -- 750 both for -- Soc 20¢c Boric Acid, 4 oz....._.._......15¢ 40¢ Essence of Peppermint, 2 oz 33¢ 30c Glycerine, 4 og ___.___23¢ 25¢ Glycerin Suppositories, o0 50c Bay Rum, 8 0%............_._...._.398 T5o Harmony, Lilac Vegetal.......59¢ 100 Cara Nome Talc................]96 100 Wisteria ToHet Water......._.79¢ 500 Jonteel Compact, 4 shades....89¢ 256 Jonteel Talcum........._._..@__.198 506 HaAit FIX ...l....._..._._._...._._.._.890 Ancient Roman Temple PURETEST PRODUCTS FIRSTAID PRODUCTS TOILET ARTICLES THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1925. GIV EN AW A Y ¥if 19¢ 19¢ .190 43 Snb t