' Wanted Him Sent There Be-- -- .. cause He Objected to Her j Staying Out Late Nights. . ed her home for the winter. Mrs. : 'Kohln and Stewart are in Chicago 'mnd Gordon has gone to Pasadena, ._-- California. > Raymond Meyer left Friday for Fair-- ~mont, Minn., where he will visit at ... M4e home of his 'uncle, Henry Meyer, "_ t muvun emer family has moved into fiknlu O'Connor house, recentiy ¥acate4: by the Neargarders. Miss Edith Stryker of Oak Park spent the week end at the home of her brother, Irvin Stryker. ~ ~ Garden, and Plans for the Coming Years, were discussed. Wednesday afternoon the Garden Club was entertainer by Miss Sadie Galloway. "The topes, Our Last Year's A. M. Locker, field superintendent Of the International Counsel of Re-- liglous Education, addressed the work-- ers and teachers of the Sunday School. At-- 7:30 he preached at the regular 4yening service. . * Mrs. Lizzie Carroll McHugh of Chi-- pago, who was ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Julia Seyl, for several months and has spent the last three months at the Highland Park hospital, was relieved of her syuffering on Sun-- home on Osterman avenue. --The Woman's club held the regular meeting Monday evening. Mrs. The-- odore Weise and daughter, Miss Ber-- tha rendered a very pleasing program of readings and music. County Supt Simpson visited the gramar school last week. Mrs. Douglas Dye is visitng at the home of her father, Rev. J. H. Hold-- graf. She wil later join her husband in Texas, where they lwfll spend the the winter. . Peter Peteng':u returned from the Highland hospital, but is still confined to his bed. > ning. Mras Mary Rockenbach of Lake Zurich, was installing officer, assisted by Mrs. Sadie Beckman as ceremonial marshal armd Mrs. A. HoybeB:.n'mui- clan. _ Following the installa: Geo. seM m accompanied Mrs. Heybeck _ Wwiolin, when the company en-- "lpcial hour of old time dances _ by delicious refreshments. ; "2.-- Timm and daughter, Mrs. Keller are spending several _The new electri, shop of William Desmond, on Deerfleld Ave., across the--street--from--the-- shop, is nearly completed. There have "been no new cases of emalipox reported. Under thé strict quarantine, the doctors have the epl-l demic under control. " Mrs. Carl Horenberger was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mailfield at Wilmette Sunday. Ed Knaak of Downer's Grove was the guest of his mother, Mrs. T. L. Knaak, Sunday. ,*A*Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Meyer and son, Alvin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac Wade in Glencoe Spnda'y. John Fritsch of Northfield was the guest of Christ Koeblin Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fritsch had as their Sunday guests Mrs. John Fritech and son Ray and daughter Caroline and son Cyrus and wife of Northfield. _ Mrs. Ed Therrien of Highland Park was the guest of Mrs. Julia Peterson Monday. To facc, ho e Be sure to be out to the card and bunco party, followed by dancing, to be given by the R. N. A,. Saturday eve ning, Jan. 31, at the Masonic Temple hall at 8 o'clock. The members of the Royal Neigh-- bors of America and their husbands and the Woodmen and--their wives en-- Joyed the installation of officers at the Masonic Temple hall Thursday eve-- --. Marian has been looking after he ehildren, but the task appeared to the court to be too difficult," be eause she appears too frail for such ¥% % 4 %4 % % % % 4 4& JA % % % % % A * D E E R F I EL D * # % # % % % % 4 % 4 * * % % % % 4 ~Landau is able to work most of the time and is to make an effort to contribute towatd the support 0t the four children, Ruby, Ediyn, Robert and Elizabeth, who have been taken to the county juvenile home en North Jackson street. . Efforts of «Marian Landau, 17, who thought her--~father was insane be cause he objected to her being out late at night, and filed insanity eharges against him, failed in he:! effort, but she did succeed in . get-- ting the juvenile court to provide a home for her four motherless broth ers and sisters. They are the chil-- €Oren of--Edward Landau of Deerfleld, who is an epileptic. U % 4 4# t % 1« % 8 4 & & 4 4 4# 4 4 * M ILL B U R N *# soin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gor-- don Bonner at dinner Sunday. * Mr. Rgoft son Harold of EHim-- burst, spent at his old home here. % A party in honor of the 16th annt-- 'flw_lbbouhmhonmm- %Fohh&" . A. Bonner entertained her BSunday Achool class at her home last Irvin Stryker is seriously ill at his in Chicago Friday and Saturday. °/ . The trunteos of the church had a boo a gto to the woods and out wood for Mr FAILS IN ORT TO SEND DAD TO ASYLUM n Kehler has clos-- Damwille, IIl., lost an attempt to go under commission form of govern:-- ment Jan. 20, 'when less than half of the voting populace deteated the plan by 358 vqtes. Indifference on the question accounted for the loss of the issue, according to Danville men. Frank G. Smith, busifess man-- ager of the Waukegan Daily Sun, through his familiarity with the com-- mission form of government, had been called upon by Danville news papers to give his views on the matter. He presented facts gleaned from the city governments of Wau-- kegan and nearby cities. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman and Mr. and Mrs, W. 8. Deuman and son Elvin had dinner with J. 8. Denman and family Sunday. Maxie Irving and Carl Anderson were Chicago visitors Friday., the church Friday, and will have an-- other to saw it at the church, DANVILLE BEATS COMMISSION FORM Kansasyllle, Wis., spent a fow days t hisweek with their daughter, Mrs the accident eccurred at the 29th street crossing of the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee electric railroad, Zion, at 10 o'clock Thursday night. Carsley, who lives at 3010 Gideon Ave., Zion, has the contract for Zion's fire and police station now under con-- struction. He was driving west on 29th street and was only a short distance from the crossing when he saw the head-- light of the limited train approachins from the south, He app'ied his brakes hut the auto skidded to the tracks, the front part of the machine. extend-- ing over the rails. With the train With a limited train rushing down upon him only a few feet away, Glena W. Carsley, contractor, leaped from his automobile and saved his life, while his automobile was demolished as it was burled a distance of 10% Gienn W. Carsley, Building Contractor, Escapes Death + by a Second. LEAPS FOR LIFE; AUTO DEMOLISHED AT ZION CROSSING LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1925. Settliement for the death of Mrs. Millie Brock, aged woman of Win-- throp Harbor, who was killed by an automobile driven by Leduard Bishop of Zion, Aug. 30, 1922%, has been made, it was learned ~Saturday. It appeared that the woman apparently bad sufficient time to avoid being struck by the machine, but became confused and turned back. The ac-- cident occurred at Sheridan road afid Tenth street, Winthrop Harbor. Suit was started in the circuit court but later was dropped. Bishop fgreed to pay $900 to her husband, James Brock. SETTLE FOR DEATH OF AGFED WOMAN Mr. Carsley received only a few scratches. The front fender, both front wheels, a rear wheel and the rear of the machine were smashed. An unusual feature of the accident was the fact that the glass in the top of the machine was not broken. Mr. Carlsey is shaking hands with himself today. © only a few feet away, leaped through the door of his car, just as the train hit the machine, which was carried along the tracks and missed him only by a few inches. 1 International Tractor, 8--16 plows, all in A--| condition. 1 International Silo Filler, in Good Condition. 6--roll McCormick Corn Shreder in good condition "New Holland Feed Mill, > 10--inch burrs ; Deering Grain Binder Deering Corn Binder Crown Mower, 6--ft. cut Saturday, January 31 HAVING DECIDED TO QUIT FARMING, I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON THE FARM KNOWN AS THE CHARLES RICH FARM, ON ALLEGHENY STREET, 14 MILES SOUTH OF _: GRAYSLAKE, TWO MILES SOUTHEAST OF CRAYSLAKE, 2 MIL%S SOUTHEAST OF ROUND .__ LAKE, 4 MILES NORTH OF IVANHOE, 3 MILES NORTHEAST OF FREMONT CENTER,ON _ Shocks of Corn in Field. 4 HEAD OF HORSES 1400 bu. Northland Oats, free from all foul seed; 150 bu. Barley ; 25 bu. Blue Ribbon Wheat, 25 tons 'l:neofiy. Hay ; Quantity of Clover Hay; About 6 feet of Ensilage; 1 Stack of Corn; 50 Four Close Springers; 1 New Milker; 1 Heifer to Freshen this Spring; Holstein Bull, 1%/4 Y¥rs. Dane Hay Loader 2 Sulky Cultivators 1 Walking Cultivator John Deere Sulky. Plow 2 Walking Plows 1 Corn Planter 2 Caldron Kettles '___1 Blaik Team, weighing about 3,000 Ibs. 1 Bay Team, weighing about 2,000 lbs. TERMS:--All sums of $20 ind under, cash; mfim.;m..ae&ofs..u' given on good bankable notes, baring 6 per cent interest. Nothing removed until settled for, J. F. Pfannenstill, Prop! FRED GRABBE, Aactioneer. ----Head of Cattle=-- The biggest value in a winter car for the family VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALL FORD PLANTS $660 On open cars Demountable Rims and Starter are $85 extra All prices 1. 0. b. Detroit Touring Car FARM M ACHINERY The Fordor Sedan provides room for the whole family. Yet it is a light, easily handled car--thekind mwmtiotthemonthsoxchmbhwuthc and difficult driving conditions. t!!:ei. re.thdeeply % th"lmblu withtixe bomhubg two wide, u seats. It you to keep warm, yet have plent!?i fn,hux since the Fordor Sedan is equipped with Cowl Commencing at 12:30 p. m., the following Property: GRAIN AND FEED §520 ¥ou cannot own a car that offers you better value or more widely useful service. And the greater economy of operating a Ford lends emphasis to the practical worth of this car to you. '/(/@ao'.gr.ou ! Us» Ventilatorand windowsthatlowerby revolving regulators, You cannot own 2 Iron--wheel Farm Trucks 1 Narrow--tire Wagon 2 Sets Bob Sleighs 1--Light Bob Sled amy. waly rrey, new 2. Wagon Boxes 2 Hay Racks 1 Set Gravel Planks 1 3--Horse Wagon Hitch, eveners and neck yoke ; 1 Double Dise for Tractor 2 Sets Harrows t 3/z--in. Truck Wagon 3 Sets 3--horse Eveners 2 Pony Carts and Wagon 1 Corn Sheller 1 Manure Carrier, with IG SAL 100 ft. of cable; > '\' 1 Hay Carrier, fork and pul-- _ . _~ ley and 160 ft. of rope; " 1 Milk Tank, 10 ft. long 1 Milk Tank, 6 ft. long $ 1 2/ h.p. Stover Gas Eng. .. 3 Gasolene Tanks 1 Colony Hog House, 6x8 ft.: _ 1 Small Corn Crib vy i 1 Buzz Saw and frame {u 3 Several Chicken #, 7 Gates 8 Cba Cans 20 rods 32--inch woven Hog wire f 1 Set Driving Harness } 2 Sets Heavy Work Harness Several Horse Collars _ _ And many other articles t 7--in, belt, 80 feet long Ctats ¥C