_ «> "De woild shtiah am gwine to be _ _ _ @estroyed," he confided to a fellow es : employe. -- "Dat ain't natshral fog, it _ . mm smoke caused frum de burning _ _ _ ef the crust ob de earth." _ N. _ With each passing moment Sam _ _ became more nervous. With such _ @mdvance forebodings he looked for-- _ _ ward with great dread to the dawn _.', 'Of a new day when the almost total 3 eclipse --was to darken the earth. «_' That would be the day of reckoning .. 'for.all, he was quite certain. _ NE w HANSOM _ CAB; POPULAR IN LAKEF CO. ONCE Hom Ford Buys Old Cab to Add to His Museum of Ve-- hicle Relics. Bale of a hansom cab from the sta-- bles of the estate of Gen. J. T. Tor-- rence to Henry Ford for the motor magnate's museum of vehicles of all ages recalls the days when hansom eabs were almost as numerous in Chi-- today. Contrary to general belief. the equipage with its driver perched high behind and its horse appearing to be in momentary danger of being lifted from the pavement by the ap-- parently overwhelming topheaviness of the vehicle was not confined to pub-- lic usage. o According to Robert C. Irwin, su-- penintendent of the C. P. Kimball & Co., plant, which built the Torrence cab, many such were made for private stables in the early days of the han-- som vogue. _ Similar equipages were owned by the late Columbus R. Cummings, mul-- timillionaire father of Mark --Cum-- mings of Lake Forest; Clarence Buck-- ingham, Thomas F. Lynch, wealthy whisky distiller; A. W. Goodrich of the Goodrich Transportation com-- pany; F. C. Austin, and many others. Old--time Chicagoans recall with pleasure Gen. Torrence, Randsome and stately. In his glistening silk "top-- per," his habiliments of the finest monéy could buy or sartorial art fash-- ion, drlvlniabout in one of his smart equipages, 'he was a familiar figure. It was not infrequently. that the han-- som was to be observed parked in front of the old Torrence mansion, now the home of Mrs. Harold McCor-- mick at Bellevue place and the Lake Bhore drive: The cab was built in 1887, and cost itls tCwner $2,500. Today, the same vehicle with the same grade of work-- manship and materials, would stand its purchaser double the sum. COLORED CHEF _ _ THOUGHT WORLD woULD END Became So Nervous He Burned . the Pies for Gin Flora Club's® _ Dinnr Dance. reading about the eclipse Saturday, looked forward to the event with many misgivings, believing that the earth probably would be destroyed. " Last Friday afternoon the sky be-- '*Bam Browid, colored chef at the Glen-- Flora Country club, had been came darkened. with a --mysterious fog or smoke. The sun could be seen ©uly faintly and it took on a strang-- er uncanny appearance. Sam gazed Into the sky and fear gripped his streets as the modern taxi is 42 | CHURCHES | FIRST ?"BTHODIST EPIMBCOPAL , Rev. Arthur W. Mohas, Pastor. Bunday School at 10 a. m. The Young People's department has as its goal 100 per cent attendance." Last Sunday several classes had 100 per cent, and the attendance in the depart-- ment was larger than in many months. At 7:30 p. m., evening service of song and worship. Address, "Opinions About Jesus." Morning worship at 11. Sermon by the pastor, "The Universal Appeal." Junior League at 6.30 p. m. Epworth League Mission Study wuc:wnn. Miss Johnson is ef. Kimer C. Kiessling, Pastor. . Bunday School at 9:30 a. m. German services at 10:30 a m. English services in the evening at T:80 o'clock. Y. P. 8. meets next Tuesday evening at 8:00. Everyone be there, as this is hn important meeting. The North Shore Zone Rally of the Walther League takes plaae at Wau-- kegan Feb. 6th. 'None of our members dare to be absent from this Rally. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. Miss Ruby Williams, Organist. Miss Anna Steiner, Choir Leader. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G. Wells, Supt. > Morning worship at 11. The su ject, "Following Christ." Evening service at 7:30. Theme, "Severing Home Ties." Hear the adult choir in the morning and young people's choir in the eve-- ning service. ~ S8T. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. . Services Sunday (the Fourth Sun-- day 'after the Epiphany) : Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist and Sermon, 11 a.m. Church School at 10 a. m. ' Feb. 2, Candiemus, Feast of the Pur-- ification of the B. V. M. Holy Eu-- charist at 7:30 a. m. NOTICE TO PERFECTION MILKING MACHINE USERS IN THIS TERRITORY: _/ There will be a service man at my store in Ivanhoe, on Friday and Sat-- urday, January 30 and 31. If you will bring your machine to the store, we will overhaul it free of 'charge. ST. JOHN'3 EVANG. LUTHERAN 1t ~_ _ CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the sympathy shown and assistance rendered during the iliness and death of our little one. Also for the flowers and automobiles tendered. We had a little treasure once, He was our joy and pride, We loved him; oh, perhaps too well, ._--For soon he slept and died. All is dark within our dwelling, Lonely are our hearts today; For the one we love so dearly, _ Has forever passed away. . CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and relatives for sympathy shown in the loss of our mother. _ MRS. GBO. H. CROKER. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Services: Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Subject, "Love." * L. H. DIETZ, Ivanhoe. paints. -- Excellent opportunity. Sal-- ary or commission. Jed Oil and P-.Int Co., 3101 Burwell, Cleveland, 0. .. . T FOR BALE--Buffet, dining chairs, rocking chairs and davenport. Call Phonte 220--R. b--1t CLASSIFIED ADS. BALESMEN for lubricating olls and SsUNNYSIDE PARK TRACT OFFICE Telephones 469, 897--J, 206--M FOR SALE--Smaill stucco house, lot fruit trees, hen house. $8500.00. FOR SALE--5--room bungalow, mod-- ern, stucco. $7000.00. | FOR SALE--G--room bungalow on cor-- ner lot, modern. $7800.00. WANTED, LISTINGS. We can sell your property. * SJNNYSIDE PARK TRACT OFFICE WE HAVE FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT FROM $3,000 UP, TO LOAN ON LAKE COUNTY FARMS. INTEREST 5% PER ANNUM. REASONABLE COMMISSION AND ATTRACTIVE PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES. R. B. DIXON, GURNEE, ILL. 46.11f MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con sid:rable amount of special funds to Ipan on improved farm or city prop erty. We invite your ingquiry. First Natio:--al Bank, Libertyvyille 10-- LOST--Monday on Milwaukee Ave., a black leather book holder containing two electri,al books. Finder: please return to L. Risula, 6 So. Second St., Highland Park. Telephone 710--W. Reward. FOR RENT--190 acre farm near Long Grove. Apply to G. H. Anderman, 120 N. High St., Albuqguerque, N. Mex. HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE--Eightroom house, mod:-- ern, with gas, electric light, furna,e heat and bath; barn, hen house, large orchard; on two lots. Inquire Walter B. Plagge, Telephone 63--J, Lake Zur-- FOR SALE----1923 Chevrolet coupe, i coupe, Cadillac. touring, winter en-- ¢©° wure.> Landwer Bros.; Lake Zurich Garage, Phone Lake Zurich 1. A+t FOR SALE--Ford truck, Ford coupe, Ford touring car, KFord speedster, Chevrolet truck, Overland sedan, Page perfect condition; 5 good tires; $295 if take nat once; cash or terms. Main Garage. Phone 456, Libertyville. . -- 4tf FOR SALE--1922 touring car in A4 condition. --This car was taken in trade on a new Chevrolet, and will be sold at a'reasonable price. ©A chance to get a--good car for little money. Call Libertyville Garage.. Phone 202. 50x150, in Mundelein. $1750.00 R SALE--8#--room modern house, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE MONEY TO LOAN FARMS F @ SALE REAL ESTATE 52t w# °94 Wk FPOR RENT--213 acre farm in Fre mont township, 344 miles southeast of Round Lake; rent for cash. For particulars inquire of Mrs. Kate Raw-- lings, Grayslake, 111. BSt FOR RENT--20 acres; 9 room house; improvements; new barn; farm im plements; 5 minutes drive to R. K. depot. . Reasonable. Will rent sepa rately or together; immediate posses-- sion. John C. Huehl!, phone 233# W2. FOR RENT--Farm of 170 acres, 1% miles southwest of Grayslake, one-- halt mile from paved road. C. 0. Rich, Grayslake, I!L, 42t 85x175 feet, near station. $7,500; 2,000 cash; EZ terms; valuew!ll dou: bie in spring; need mouey an' must sacrifice now. Address X X X, care Inc»--pendent. 1--13t MUSBST SELL my garage or cafe site FOR SALE--Delco lighting plant, in good condition, cheap; also small motor, : Write W. R. Ulim, Ingleside, Ii!linots. 43t Guernsey cattle, at reasonable pric-- es. One three--year--old cow and two yearling heifers. Also a few choice bulls from six to fourteen months old, out of high producing dams. We will be glad to show any of these animals i# you will call LINDENHURST FARM, Ernest E. Lehmann, Owner, Lake Villa, III. (On Grand Ave). -- 5--8t FOR SALE--1 hard coal heater, self feeder; also 1 gas range. Telephone 164--M. 42t FOR SALE--3 light bob sleds, with -- box attached. Phone 701, Lake For est, NL 4--2t ~ keys, gobblersa and hens. Bergeron Stock Farms, Lake St. Rd, two miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2. -- FOR SARE--16 tons of fine alfalfa 'hay; all in barn. Chris Hedler, Gur-- nee, II1L. Phone 10--L--4. 42t FOR SALE--Set héavy sleighs, wag-- ons and boxes. Roy Stantliff, Half-- day, I11. . $--3t FOR SALE--Pure bred Bronze tur-- Paige Jewett ,_THURSDAY, ©]JANUARY 29, 1 m FARMS FOR RENT | . J. Lyons MNHINIHH | TELEPHONES Cars Wow! Easy to tune--allowing you the opportunity to select the program that sounds best to you' it's the greatest buy of he season. See it. &))3 \ e ce | Tuesday evening we received KFI, KHJ, KFQU, KJR, and KGW while local stations were broadcasting. Libertyville Battery and Electric Co. Yes, folks, if you would take a few moments i day or to to hear &ce('i'RBE SYME--J':MMOM&EEEC&I:&.. {nuufu-nuth coast, assuring you of the finest entertainment every night in the week. & *#A Syncophase Set for $150 . A 5 Tube GRIEBE _ BAW FILING--Filing of all kinds. At LET ME DO YOUR TILE WORK AD the Reppert place, on School street, opposite® school house. b2t * Tolls pock potinie aod deonagd Jewelry. Hoke Smeilting & Refining Co., Ostego, Michigan. 46tt kinds fancy tiling and marble, K. C Blazer.. Phone 132 W. b--23t FOR CARS REPAINTeD, GUARANTEED -- HOSIERY--Samples, your size, free to agents,. Write for proposition. paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick sales, repeat orders. International Stocking Mills, $407 Norristown, Pa. * M4--tt pDOm . on T POWs TV , aZmaDG . dDGmnnud s Rockland Road, first house east of the River, Libertyvilie, 11L 44 FARMERS l Of Lake County! | AGENTS WANTED To show our appreciation of your patronage in the past. ° We offer you Special Values in dress .__-- and work Clothes and will be '-- glad to meet you _ We invite you to make our store your headquarters during your meeting in Libertyville. While our big sale of last week is over we have decided to keep On Our Goods Thursday -- Friday -- Saturday J. B. MORSE & CO. PHONE 400--~LIBERTYVILLE SALE PRICES PLUMBING 518 N. Brainerd Avenue Henry J. Lichtfeld CALL AFTER 5 P. HEATING and SHEET ME T A L WORK e' Wonderfu F Selectivity f Easy: to Tune ! It's Some > OAE NNN Phone 163--R $4 ¥% Tw t S \4 vt--6 390 caimp Ix