l_ .NOTE BRIDGE FOR K ----~~ ~CHICAGO RIVER }'*"fllfififl SLAYERS-- -- > --OFEXPRESS CLERK . vOL. ~--£. oft C Names Committee to | MAKE BID TODAY _ FOR MEETING OF STATE FARMERS iA CHARGE LUNACY IN '--PLATT POISON CASE bative. Rodna»y 4224 se visee wreer se =*] -- AREF ACQUITTED LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT NO. 6 ~---- . BECTION TWO * LIBERTYVILLE, W Busy Cleaning Up Charging Viola-- tions gyProhiMofl Law. Boore which he furnished to sevar-- dMlflMWhfl' illeged ~ shooting of Joreph ~Satotips, hy & (* Perguson. who wese held to WALTONS the grand jury on a Muh.fl"muanhi the county jall, by Judse P L Pé¥-- sons. Mlomm:nnndl the other prturtpais in the shooting-- Previousiy he had entered--a plea ol "sot gallty." Mflwmw mgnm.-'.uAh- e4 to enter a plea of gullty to a to Ferguson, who is being held on a mamm.nuwn» ,... The court decided to let the 30 days Adams has served apply on the lio c00 sogu . <o Atit ho ame . Th .4 d _ octocttd Salotico, the evidence s«howed. is a || Meun.ollulat. He was |\ mm-nu-onmtofm, j son in law on the evening of Jazuary C l.vu-mnnmduuu picked a quarrel with bim. . Ferge | / son, according to deputy sgheriffs who | wade the arresi, wA intoxlcated | whea tha sahootink® woratred' Sal>|! tico, Wwho was @Bo:t tnrougth .~~ ow | Ilil'. prooasy "will ¥8~ ucrdfBDPAA Aotr| life, as bis left arm is useless. T1TJ| was in Victory Memorial hospital for many weeks. . WMack and E4 Waeliton, of LAke Por-- nt.vlomtmuhl Tuesday in county court, on charges of violating the problibtory law>~ were acquitted by the jutrt lite in the afternoon, a | verdict of "mnot guilty" being retarned withig a feow minutes. ~ ' Touy Zakroweki, of North Chicage, is on triai this afternoon on & charge vielnting the prohibltory |* is to be--followed by the trial 0 r CEA C n ts sesibh « similar offense. Geneva, liis, F&db. 4. --Warren J. Lincoln, on trial for the murder 0'1 his wife and protherind@w, took the witness stand today in the Kane mqmnfimwdl-' iy, the substance of 18 earlier confes-- umo;«nm'mncvm; at another time he angrily shook his Anger at State's Attorney Charles At Lm.fl".!'notid portod ho abused his own counsel _ _ * ---- Heroine of Nome "NOT GUVILTY" charge of wound-- trial of WI-- charged with catvan. lntdaiatadied erncon, a | ; retarned ' ; Chiceage, a charge l« al * _0X sith ANOTHER SUPER _ RADIO STATION SOON TO LOCATE Asserted that Wm. Wrigley Will Locate His New Station Near Deerfield. OTHER STATIONS PLANNED That the super radio slation whichk William Wrigley plans to open soor the practical assurance given oult io day. It is asserted that Wrigley has obtained a site for the siation twa miles porth of DeerRkeld. 'The radlo studto. it is erptataoed. will t« in the tower of the Wrigley building ia Chi-- caro and broadcez«ting will be by re mole control. --------~---- 22 lake County appears to be & popu-- lar location for new radio stations 1nd before longk. !f ail present plans are cartted out, Waokegan will be pra¢ m wurrounded by super--stations. instance, WLS, the m_-'lto " .. 4 a dfi axtvencrmare id uk 1 buck statiod is seriously cousidering the advisablility of lecating is sew super station at Grayalake. The Zenith company hbave about docided to ipcats their new uper sta tion near Wheeling. neas the lake County line. Both th's station and WLS would have their studios in Cui-- Cago. # WCBD. the new super s.ation a' Zion now is operation &s is also the power(ul «tatio® at Eigin. It appears that the timo is not far distant when owners of crysial ceis in walkegan and--Lake W be in their glory for They '!!...2;?40 pick up the programs of nany of /*» nest ata> tion®. FORMER MAYOR OF ' LAKE FOREST, 70, . WwEDS NURSE, 39 Edward F. Gorton, 70. retired cap italist, of the Virginia hotel, Chi cago, --was married yestérday to his nurse, Miss C. A. Johngon, 39, of Batarie Miss JoJhnson auried qrou-m first wife until her death a year ago. ,Sumfly Mr. CGorton was taken dAangerously ill and Miss Jobnson at-- <+ended him. The wedding ceremony was per-- formed at Miss Johnson's sister's home in Batavia. Mr. Gorton was mayor of Lake Forest from 1895 to 1902%, and start-- ed many 6( the improvements there. He is a retired Board of Tradge op erator and is reputed to be a mil-- ME Wk i: A. T P s se o Ciliy by a fury In ths vounty court this afternoon. _ He ArG been charked with vioclating th* pro-- hibitory law. Wiliam ':'ia"'b. the well known justice of the lt u,)."'"llfi.'}"fl at tha conclusion of the Zakrowski FrouNo NoT auiL.Tty § is serrousiy COqmI®nii® l C1 00 00 Mlity of lecating is sew Kulle tmiked in a loud volice, stating in at Graywiake lln("mu"-'."h'"m th company bhave about | basement, and that he would sahoot ipcats their new #uper .u.'ibun the minute be poked hbhis boead Wheeling. near the Lake{A&pove the main floor. The m' " 1 " _ 11sd bnsmmadktats mik / aev,. TLAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, mear Ime same o i dg ks 's station and | promised immediate aid., t studios in Cui--| Tbe blaf did wonders. A voice # from below cried s per s.ation a' "I'l sprrendeg,)at me come up *"~ n &s is also the "You move &n fnch and F4 kiDl Wwiua Tt anmears [ rpu." Kulle resaponded . :--Lake "Counotz:is' Bi .. Cirealation Greater than other Weeklies GRAPPLES WITH BURGLAR; WRESTS ~ GUN FROM GIANT Oscar J. Kulle Captures Thief armed, and caught at disadvantige, overpowered a youthful giant who was pressing a doaded revolver at his stomach, struggling with him on a cellar--stairway for ten minutes, can be tojd today as ope oft the most un-- usual stories of'daring to occur in the MAKES FIGHT UNARMED Coukey Cor eCR e errge <an n rmrame nsm Oscar J. Kulle, proprietor of the ivo Points and _ Waukegan--Belvi-- ere roads service siations, is the man who made the capture, and the victim is Onni M. Kato, of 546 Helm-- hoiz avenue, Waukegan. Kato, charged with attempting to rob the service station 4t-- the 'oht of a gun, and with intentions of mér-- der, was held to the gra j bonds of $109,000 by J e Coubon troday. He X" preliml mary. hearing se ie s t o iAE ENE n -- 4 1. l rcrcra in eaerge me of the SpanishAmerican war veteraps. He chanced to pass by his station . Belvilars and Waukegas roads, and noticed a light through the window . m--sw=el. 0 _ SEES LOOT ON CGROUND * As he drew closer he ceaw a Ford roadster under the North canopy. He approached with caution. In the rear of the service station he located a broken window. Loot was scattered «Wu" the ground. A shadow of --a Rklant loomed up inside. Kulle looked for m weapon. A small stick, almost worthless, was his only reward. ldhlooho'hr.nkwwtutbo could call the sherif. He had no change. By a céustions hunt he found ~tbat the mak wase in _the besement, . and sot in any of the upstairs rooma. 5 At this time two men drove up «sk-- | tng for gas. Kulle in turo asked for is mickel and faceived ft. He © asked Fearing that the man withia might be able to make an escape in one of the two automobiles, bhe locked his own car, then tried to lock the road-- ster. 1t bad no key, so he returned to the window, and crawled through it Into the building. The man was not to be seen when the lights were fash-- How a man of average stature, un-- that they take stations at Single--handed in Gasoline _ Service Station. : Py . nea 1 B®. -- . i Kulle. who served ; & ckm petty fAcer in--the navyy 1 years, was . th dant 99e Archat iorrelliin t tz *edratnl O "I'll holid my bands up. let me sur-- render*®" begged the voice from be-- ¥ia¥ ~Kuios--@at ** A > The burgiar pat! se The burgiar pa mo Keed. Slowly he made his way up the cellar stairs. Kulle realtzed his position and took a post at the head of the stairs, partly out of view. _ _ KATO PUVLLS GUN. The head and shoulders of the man came into view. His hands were eclevated. but slow!y coming down to shoulder level. Keile held his stick 1M threatening. "Stick up those hands or Up went The bands. An continued up the stairs. A of the stairwazy the right ped like a fiash and came a #un that found its way atomach have avoided, he fough!t baCK.. !!~ grabbed the gun hand of the giant and they fell to the stairway. , Kato, it is thought, had his fager baek .of the trigger of the gun and couldn't explode it.. He Mlod that he nm':: to do this, but Kulle wasn't a mind reader and ftought on. They grappled tor tan minutes with Kulle fnally overpowaring the man and getting the gun. He made him take a seat in the thialkt. ----_----_---- -- _ >_--.. KaATO F8 s FT. 2 iN. ' The deputios, rushing in the build-- ing, amazed at the disorder ot ~the toom, asked Kulle it the gun was his. Kailo Mmovunllp, which fuor-- ther aston: the Ofieute: Kato, a Michigan man, is §8 yeare d'.nMWoWMLMtn pounds Rheavier than Kulle. "; was broke, couldn't seall my car and needed money," he sald in Jus tice court. "I Wt'\; f#ashing the ".c::"x the man #o be nfio&' would got away. I w 4# "not have htm, EP coulda't," _______--_____ He had planned a stickup on the place earlier in the eveoning, but de-- faysd, ho sdimitted --ta Aaputioes. -- Kulls was lightliy scratched by the Waybe it wae the yoars in the nary be it was the yoars in the nayy "¥You move and yod will CHRRE OE C + ccvh Avoided: he fought back.-- Hc M# _5 4 s lhoo Abohstatt ns . P--~amintter e BPE Y PP that helped nis,"* Keails said with :« 1::." morntar, aftor _ visiting 8 Attorney A. V. Smith to see about getting a warrast At the head ; gally. * _ : hand 'rav! Attorney Hatty W 111 shoot." forth with to Kulle's Eva¥BODY HAS l OUR "WHO's WHO" l ',"l Bmw-m '*':' reu «;-'"??'-'.:9'.-""'-*.; «mmimpr~ These Towers anflsedbzm Public Service Compary to Support the New 132,000 V o 1 t Electric Transmission And that is Why Stores Don't CREATED _ MUCH feel they can't afford to pay COP'S ATTORNEY TRIES RUSE TCO gan Aveaue at Lake str had told Trafle Policem exactly where bhe bhoeadod Attorney Harry W. Starr paid HIliE aluantion -- yesterday before _ Judg! jJohn R. Newcomer to charges of a! tempted murder, disorderly conduct eekly -- WAUKECGAN WEEKLY SUN _ ing, lodged against his .poilc cMent. * " Hie laid bis entire satross 00 tact that Covington had bean art by a city policeman, whon tha {ef?! tory is in the Seuth parks juriedic tion. despite the faet that Wooll was stationed therse to meintain trafic ordéer. ' Jndge Newcomer will meka his 4e cision Saturday. In the meantime ho raised Covington's bond from 431000 to $2 508. se The colored policoman drew up to the cutb Monday in Ald. Jackson's car, It is aald. He was in pliain clothes and Woolt told him to move 08. He arry Them, Reporter Finds ~ _ Upon Inquiry. _ P o. sactes . oo on en e en 5e < > Woolt a quick peok at bis gun. e went on into an ofice building, while TT CC _a uetebets Tha he was nabbed, after a AlTOERI®. /'> headquarters, when Capt. Hogan tried to n-bv'; his star, Covington knock-- @m. \ -- 100 rkas T aara t Woolt reportad to 'Capt: PRITIOR-- gan of the traffic division. "-- The captain sent a wagonload cops and when Coviegton cmese ha was nabbed, after a struggle. upport the New 132,000 V o ! t °t ine; the Towers are 127 Feet High. temoved. Hs was too lato eframeony. Some 22-- MEA CA K5 Thets tions today a protest against British Intertsronce in the Mosul Mixed Genersa, Feb. 4 --The Turkish gor-- mnmant sont to the League Of N# IN LAKE FORESL TUAKS MAKEK.PROTEAT NEW STEEL TOWERS e street, after he liceman L Wooilf from parking AD CHARGES 5. 1925 «> JIve was w tor-- c.,.g.. réder 08 tB8 | apqugh * aa artested But re uk M . } Chartes | Patrick--Ho-- paid Hitle on the rrested The man in this writeup opte was nearly thrown out of hi own home. H+ posed as a book agent when his wile answered the ring of the door-- bell, Me lnsisted upon gving into the parior and selling her some gems ol' the bookshop. His wile was 80 in-- terested and told him to wait until her husband ceme bhome, as be was somewhat of a bookworm. She had always known bim when be looked like this picture, and on that very eafternoon the barber had ased the clippers on hbis Deerfleidian map. The subject of this sketch, it you have not suspected it, is: * At He Is the vencrable recorder of deede of Lake county, x position be khas held with great cradit continw-- ously since 18§93.. Prior to that he held a good posiifon with the goverm ment in Washington, and his early Nite was -"::-h :("h.l:d teacher at Doqwll. e po were larger and more dnmo!":!!a than he was, but aeveral w ho to whip the teacher never got big epough to do it. = But returning to the * Charles Gorham sa¥K f Y walking along the st day after the book agent , and thought lh- recogaized i e Gorkha m mistake, passeéd on. Ma-- Brock en walked int« own office and Aiked for a mAr license. Miss Ansa no stord, nad been his assistap: (0of hany 7 raptied: "You are in the wrong t There mfly jsn't a M world who bhas a tetter me poetry, and ho can recite* fFram the "Chars» of the L trom the wour vVWe OO OS prompy BP gade" to the "Wreck of the MHesperas" without takinz n long breath. Many of the pooms h* recites are excep tHonaliy long and be hasn't seen tham ,hgho in halift « century. _ f is not a politician. n the tow times be has had «ocalled opposition he let the other fellows advertRe him When they got tnrough he gleaned BREAKS ARM IN the \ Miss Frances Creasey, Libertyrille, .u"od'". on an Hi'm 1 ington_ streat or-- above the eibow, Ste was o8 the (Georga James, 1516 Wost Washington LArony ©2220000 o4 coch ammanibd t " * e oc + > ~HH Y To ~_ DeWit Hunter, LEW!S 0. BROCKWAY FALL ON ICE in O'N tew men _ihe Anpgxrance ol 1 man in the ;&" 8 PUBLICSERVICE to be completed by the Public Ser#» lco Company, the _ hant from the new gene hn 3 '"ak Waukegan --zouth to ~#, ¢« tance of 28 miles. *X in a great superpo® ¥Van bullt rapidly with t *--¢ i¢. t¥ the egergy; ol a poo! has been created an enlarged. -- A vast todustrial : a aumber of iscoune several large> gene feeding electrical e its twofold mission of the _ heary l-urcvw between two of its ing stations. Joliet Bervice Company's * is the Commonweal pany's and 44.15 mile lins will comnect the an interconnection } with the Northern | us mentioned before, volt system of 'the Company near Chica AUTO WRECK®)d _ WHEN IT SDS _ _ INTO LIGHT P01 €HO impuis wh (wse4 _ The Gardener touriss Frseland. North Chica pletety wrecked last n o'clock whens the M# on the parement in Mc# nearing : Cammings craaskhed into fl'rfl' 1t the side of atr aaisa was anzpned off # cago Has C Blame ley . V. Freeland of Norti\ | be injured adl Chains proved automobiles last-- tremely slipper37 pavements. .& $ MIT BY &A d JAP BT with -- the * doadition ¢ n apt & iA C #4 > B# ".I"»-' a96