* :X ut the school gymnasium. . Ad: C ied Leo Montgomery, Phone 475R «_/ -- / The Westminster Gulld of the Un-- ---- --_@s Sen church will meet at the resi-- c Of Mr. Brieger, 24%+ North x~ it, on ©~ Thursday. ~ Uuncheon ce > be served at 1 o'clock. CC . P was a full attendance at _ O prufhke miceting of the Lake Bluff Post § o American CLegion, at the w nl, on f wIght. Ar *' mm y banguet to be be'l:'l::.: * ear to *' ~{Iincoin's Birthday). at (he )loj i:h H. D. McDonalds have taken E. in of their new -- honie~ on . Critch n.q in the new South-- oz '. Ivis fi:.' m(;hmw. Most 4 % choice in particular _\ Ipcality have been sold and it looks W i &g thouzh there would be quite a ' boom in the spring. ied chaplils at the Naval Training I Mrs.. C. E. Heywood, presi Of Ahe State Woman's Auxtiary 4 . G. C. Bain, the gitted ora 4 . A saplendid . musical program ® bten ecranged by Prof. Harry c and --everyihing polnts to & § ~Moote_said it was likely the asso-- . . Clation would back larger appropria-- ; tions: for state normal schools, & ~~--~Sall ~four--year course and &n in , _ m educational opportunities that we Seel they should-- be overcome by «~~~ the --distributive ; fund. It} is now = gu.m a year but should be more. wil know after a conference with legislators just what sum we whall ask--for. It must be cousidered %M at state normails 42-- do ~what it ever was before,". _ teachers" association will be decided _ _ wpon at a,conference here Feb. 14, 3 WS to a statement made today " "BR. C. Moore, of Carlinville, sec-- Wu 1H.,; Feb. 5.--Measures '%o be supported by the 'lilinois state ist <as soon as Mr. Durborow @ enough, a major operation w bhad at the bospital in Lake Answeors to Last Week's int abhurcth In addition--to hay-- a uplendid dinzer the '"commit "There are 50 ©MADY have Puszssle No. Puzszle No. 1 onal opportunities that we state distributive fund. a lis; of good eveat which 4s t, the silver ton-- inegualities p Mn U C o. Pn Nee tm pur batiinate . It is free and blaces you 14 . Henry Fova!, past commander of| The Plan Commission of Take Post M;W has --been.| Bluff held a meeting at the village selected as a & to the F on Tuesday night and went over very successful affair, as is usual when 'this 'post undertakes anything, _ _"Art" Miller and Frank Geraghty Of-- the basket ball team, are playing thebest game of their caredr and champlonship affair, but will be for blood from the, time the whistle are in the finest possible condi-- tion.-- The game next week with toe 7,..."" Hash n&."" "r'lwu: Burinra a eto. 1 * amd | over all size 32 in. x 3 . l 2--in FP!i0¢. pQF ft, »+:spere+>++ .Glass _ -- fln 3 IncCHh 25c. 381. Organ of sight. 32. Quadruped. 34. Rent again. $5.:--Burned by ifiquids.>~~ 37. DBamage. 38. Everything.. 40. Digger for metal. 42. Bend. 45. Froren rain --Grops. 47. Wrath. --> 49. Charged vpon oath. 51. Gentlemen. 1 plece with drain board and ..a.kg:..'.d ::tm Knd up. Com C IHELMAINN | rsuecloteesicess fl." Write for iWustrated Price List Noe. T--2, Building Plans FREE' s * c o reguliate and limit the intensity f ~~ -- ~Pussle No, 1 s . |of the use of tot mreas and to de-- f is & s Thacra,. P 3 __-- _ |termine the areas 'of . open . spaces. _This is & --crous . crossword --passl¢, -- judging by the design.~ But s not |within and surrounding~ #uch -- build-- 80 dificult as to w.ako you cross, * ings, the this i6 td It is purpose of is comm *T T MRA EL |Phce, mss ce 4. |to all future buildings in Lake Bluff 2 t 7. 5 is observed and that the beauty Color of plants (comparative), Pertod--ot rime,-- -- > Present, C Throw. a M Henad us a list of our requirements covrering lumber, windows, etc Flat Rim Sink Specials--$3.00 and up White porcelain-- cast irona Bath Tabs, _ compléeté w it h _ indexed bath cocks and mnickle -- plated brass -- connected waste and over-- fow. --~Bbécially priced for quick BATH TUBS up Bath Tub,, Lavatory and Low T ank Closet fit. Complete with all fitlings, Bath Cock» and Paucets. Special, Sale ""."""'_'""' Bathroom QOutfits Reduced C With nickle--plated : Rogular $4.00 vailne. of the evening of Feb, 12 . Ben Rosenthal, (he vice comman der of the post, was absent from the meeting on Tuesday night, the first one he has missed _in years. 'lt"l.oon suspicious and his L:.l::. naire friends are prepared wit presenks, _ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ meeting of all Lake county posts which will be held at Highiand Park 60. Short piece o. woo! ca c wheel. 62. Meadow. "' xn n nngng.___..__._._. * % $o fxige -- SPECIAL TOILET SEAT 30. Oblique. 32. Circles of light. 34. Before. 36.--Domestic animal. 39. To calm. 40. Only this. 41. To pin or bolt. 42. Large fish net. 43. A large stick. 46. 51. Drive. 52. price 'l i B iA c s J : Plrg.ot vorb. "be", Catalog. Fstge Sperm of fishes. _ Space surrounded by partitions, Malicious burning of property. Satan. us $240 r hinge. Qut-- 9c : ~\ Seil, Don't Drift . ©** --} Sail, don't drift! Choose the port L you--wish to then--set--your-- -- 40--inch Charmeuse -- _ New Spring Foulards ------$2.25 Value, $1.97 Yard Special at $1.98 in .black and new Spring Shades: Lacquer--T}= =-- mu,__'l:_uw:wr. Distant, Mormora and Polbms. ~$7?5 value, $1.97 yard. > s course and hold it There may be con-- trary winds and storms that will set your sails aback and drive you far to w'lu'mub.mud son Liake Blufft is so attractive t'h;} have decided to remain. C been establisHed for the --residential district and algo for the business district. Thecharacter of the build-- Ings to be erected: in 'these zones i# specified© and the boundary--lines firmly established. * c Andrew Hoffman of Shields town-- ship is erecting a very beautiful res-- jdence at 'the corner of Blodgett avenue -- and -- Mawman road, Lake is observed and that t:: beauty of the village shall not marred by any nllll?blllpcu Zones have been established for the --residential building. The-- purpose of the Plan Comnrission is 'to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings and to regulate and limit the intensity of the use of lot mnreas and to da-- . Chenille striped Crepes in such attractive color colphiimtions with tan stripes and tan with blue stripes.~" Also brocaded Georgette gold floral designs and yellow with grey flowers. £347 vard 'This is an excelledit value.. 1t can bo'h!d in a variety of new Spring «hades. $1.98 yard '--Included are all the new shades for Sprinz and the patterns are Apusually attractive. $2.98 yd. 40--Inch Satin Canton, $2.47 y« A splendid quality satin Canton a value that sells regularly at $3.50 yard. Choice of grey, brown, navy and black. Specially priced «ip.the February Silk Bale at $2.47 yard. -- l New Spring Figured Crepe should sell up to $#3.98 rm sirable silks in broken color rangv,- saine, bho--peep -- 36--inch Brocaded _ _ Canton Crepe $1.98 = 1,000 Yards Silks Worth to $3.98 yard, $1.47 Specially--priced for ctearanco is an Yilk J .4 5 io * & lc tatins. daiainciine Extra fine -- qwality. Regular $1.00 talue. ed are all tha new shades for Sprinez and Choice of a wide range of new and staple shades. @rns are upusually attractive. $2.98 yd. $1.%1 yare. **~ s 5 Chenille Striped Crepe, $3:47 yd. $ e Striped Crepe, $3.47 yd. _ included in and new negsters have decided their estate for tho $2.98 yard , yela rélour and figured Georgettei. Silks that "**| To Remind You That the Fine is #¢ "The Best Stove ~ On the Novth Shove" SsFORE -- WHERE-- QUALLTY --PREF AILs" call again,"" a warning such as "Good citizens obey the law" or "Go and sin no more," designed by Judge gum«bmfifiq\ city ordinances are rung up by Judge O. P. EKstes of the Municipal Court on a National Cash Register Qo-' sucn allraclive color combpinations as: brown ie stripes.~" Also brocaded Georgette in blue with with grey flowers. $3.47 yard. s 54+ . _ TWIB 18 YOUR AECEWPT fon tut remaury Included are taffettas, A * 20.00 © --0212 Dtcéea "®Bite, red and gr ~300/--§1.98 --yard. very fine quality-- at $2.00 yard. O --P. EST ES MUNICIPAL JUDGE -- -- w n m in d & 3$¢--jach ,:.A,.!h.'.."!!'.'. S m n t on s ns on Ncas $2.00 quality $1.77 yard --inch Georgette Silk at _ $1.67 yard »e*a¥%e 2e a esaeseeecesss o e« «*--** patterns now. Not only is this a Sale, but a showing of the newest weaves, colors and patterns for spring--Silks that you are going to demand a little later in the season for frocks, ensem-- Introducing the Newest Spri Silks at Reduced Prices to Stimulate Early Buying nearly 160 shades. A Georgette of of very de-- date and has blanks for the and address: of the ofender, One part of the perforated ticket serves as a receipt for the man who Nas paid the fine; the other is made a part of the permanent court record. This novel register fesuing moral of the Ane, the Estes to--keep his customers awny 'In nddition to the warning on the back of the slip handed to the pris-- A on grownds of tan, grey and quality that sella regularly ww un un n un ol it S a% o oo ut o o o on t ts tb tb t ht t--eseu & @ @ t ow & GOOD CITIZENS OBEY THE LAW To set a good example To save time i To save money _ ~ For their own safety : For the safety of others And because it is right. cooa o t t o on on t m t e o s o on ty n aree ies w hi t is t + & Ravishing prints on Crepe--de--Chine, fiat crepe, Crepe Georgette and Chit-- fon offer a wide divrersity of designos and beautiful color effects, -- and other corded Silke, fall n line with fashion. -- [ Not-nln'-u.m--u: \dlpmm-.ll-hh offenders, but the daily court record of the amount of fines assessed madeé 'brtbndhoh-m'..u. ing in time, cleyical laboy and cest of operating the munisipal court. Except for nmore Sare, Httle change is seen in the spring silhouette. Fibric, therefore, becomes the mo-- mentous question in dress. AlH the--#¥bbed wilke, faille, --Is First Query of Spring Clothes Printed Silks, toj are of _ First Importance What Fabric? -- #e 00 4# 600# me e ,..,...'.,. (oveP * omm n *