S We give DOUBLE S. & H. Green Stamps | * on all cash purchases during this sale. (CJ ~<~ ~THE LAKE | J _ CoUNTY NATIONAL 1 Triggs _ [ Phones 24 and 25 2s 4P 10 Days Sale "HOME GROWN" Comb Honey, peF comb........__...25¢ Club. House Seediess Raisins, 2 packages..___.__29¢ 50 to 60 Size California Sweet Prunes, 2 Lbs. for...._25¢ Fancy Large Stewing Figs. 3 Lbs. for._.____.__.___43¢ Shipmate Strawberries in Syrup ; to close out, 2 cans, 47¢ Califormia Apricots in Syrup; while they last--only a few cases; per can...__....______. _ ________ 25¢ Buddie Brand Selected Sugar Peas, 3 cans for....__ -- Nice Chunks Boneless Rump Corn Beef, __ $ 4 10 12 Lb. pieces, per Lb...________________ California Hams, 5 Ib. average, per lb Fresh Plate Beef, for boiling ; 2 Lbs. for...__..___. Snider's Catsyp. large size bottles, per bottle Delite Vun'm and lm;n Flavoring, non-q'/col'x;lic; will not bake or freeze out ; 3 sizes ......_20¢, 30¢ and 50c We ha've just secured another barre! of the Best Bulk Cocoa and will sell same in 3 Lb. lots. The chidren, as well as the There is no obligation asking information or advice 1 am always glad to be of service ALL OF THE FOLLOWING PRICES ARE WAY BELOW THE RECULAR SELLINC MARKET : ~ Our Regular Monthly FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. and Ending on February 14th are invited t(j'avail yourself of like hot is PROTECIION »'=s MNVESTMENT ME A T S CcOcoa in ho rssmmnoces. 1oe __...10¢ 34. 15¢ 18¢ 'g*t*~ id Decker & Neville John Cole blossomed out this week in a brand new pair of blue denim overails. -- John is girding up his armor and plans on attending court at all the sessions When the tria} comes up in which Voliva is trying to oust the M. W. of A. from Zion. Mike Boehm, Libertyville represen tative of the Reliable lLaundry, has bought another lodge truck, which he put into service last week. The busi ness A the isundry in this territory was too heayy for one truck. Notice to Members of the North American Union: Miss Mabel Schiey, of Newbetry Ave., phone 120--R, is the new collector. Dues must be pald on or before the first of each--month, or delinquents stand susperded. 6131 tos conducts a large market in' the _ _John G. Wirts, W. L Woodin, 0. A. Rockenbach and H. A. Watson _went to Peoria Monday to attend the State Meeting of Cunty Fair Officialy. They als visited Springfield on the trip., V. Bartos, of LaGrange was here Wednesday visiting Leonard Blank, of ', Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Noble have been ::fuu:o for the past week or so. } tfrom there went to California to {spend several months. = Degree. T. F. Swan, Secretary | Next Saturday 'night Jochheim's Bakery will award the capital. prizes in the contest which has Zeen running for the past two months. Winners must be present to receive awards. There will be a special meeting of Libertyville Lodge No. 492, aA. F. & A. M. on Saturday evening, !';L 7, at 7:80.~--Work --on --the ~Master / Mason's . . M. Aichison and Mrs. Jennie Gris-- dale, of Whiting, Ind.. were here this week to see their brother, David 'Atch-- ison, who has been vyéry ill. P. 8. --Don't forget Rirthday Sale this Thians and the¥ have MADE good in every way 80 why shouldn't wa BE provud of them. POR instane, we know * A MAN who spits all THE time when he's TALKING to you, and AROTHER man in this TOWN pulls the lobe of HI8 right ear whenever HE gets into an argument, WHICH i# often, and still ANOTHER man we know CANT eat pompkin pie and I8 partial to red neckties-- AND so it goes--and IF you were to ask us WHAT our chief hobby _ IS we believe we would HAVE to say that it's > PURETEST Drugs; for we HAVE been selling them IN Libertyvilie for five GUESS8 it's Local and Personal Short Items of Especial Interést to. Libertyville People . and Mrs. C. J. Rudolbh of Des| Charles Munsen and Willian Scho as ama Kn *ecbabir s sk i am aol ui WR & i SHEETING, PILLOW -- TUBING, all widths PURE LINEN TOWELING ----W.--Carroll--& Son Cc 'ere guests | o h in Aeme EBE PA coien i M un Toet e s t w it n :A 0s ie on Wl sB ind ut * c in LLINENS wn,w the | et th BO. | tot{p"" I o. p a's [ and -- M > ~~4 O Me , uns eosg e C Uenur ie e C¥ ue 2l . . l --_ M "* _ "f"""vv;'sw se e uns tin s ut 2t e' | woth on Herenm--ary. B¥ " dheer + * | _ _The play, "The Old Oaken Mg*'thwm am-r.é | to be given at Gridley hall Feb. 4, 16 care of the new Sunnyside Subdtvision }Mll,mlhelmfleel,o{&.lfio, tbeO-'m-andfi'to(tbe,Cope _eph's Dramatic Club, promises to be d tracts. . ae estimated cost of the re® 0o ues ts M MEson, t B 1 entértainmebt Bobbie Folger is now a member of the WLS8 Lullaby Listeners Club and wears the badge of the order. The meetings ot~ this novel organization are held eyery evening at 7 o'clock over th: radio from the Bears--Roe-- buck stat. on in Chicago, with "Little" Glenn Rowell &6d "Big" For# Rusk in charge of the ceremonies. "Sm y" the duck, and "Static" theparrot, Theatre has been o _ QO. D. Haven and daughter, Miss Ila. and-- Mrs. Joseph Reuse left last Sat-- urday for Pasadena, Calif., wherg they will spend two or thret¢ "Months.' The Havens will visit at the home of F. G. Haven, who wil be remembered in this village. He was in business with Charles F. Smith in the 90's, occupy-- ing the buwlding --where The Fair Store, now is. ~-- -- 5 -- [ Tonight (Thursday) is ladies' night 'u the Kiwanis Club. Dinner will be Agrved at the Parish House by the Wamen's Guild of 8t. Lawrence's Fpis-- eopat church. After the dinner dant ing will be enjoyed. ---- Henry Thayer, gardener for Mrs. W. B. V. Ames, who has been taking a va-- cation and visiting friends in differ-- ent parts of the country, has returned to the Ames estate north of town, to ffl things in shape for work in the Spring and summer. more «than special interest It is a In Connection With Flagg's Barber Shop Shampooing, Marcelling and Scalp W ork EXPERT OPERTORS AT YOUR SERVICE t * Cleanliness and Complete Sterilization Our Motto. _ WE AIM TO PLEASE THE LEUCELEA B E A UT Y P A R L O R . THURSDAY, -- FEBRUARY 5, 1925. 84 this novel organization The. village board met in regular ry evening at 7 o'clock | Sesstonmast Puesday night. The usual lo from the Sears--Roe--| batch of claims was allowed. The mat-- n Chicago, with "Little" | toe rof sewer service tor the south side afd "Big" For® Rusk in | Of the village was discussed and a ceremonies. smi{» resolution was passed setting Thurs-- "Static" theparrot, day, Feb. 19 as the date for--a public + &fl'fi??'n)!' _1 c iservice In District Ko. 3. 'The rerritory. I;of' _",.,,Pfil!%'- o !flmw OPEN EVERY DAY AND WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINCGS Appointments, Call Telephone 70--J. allwidths Hours 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. The Womens Auxiliary of the Amer-- ican Legion initiated 19 new members at a meeting held--in the parlors of the Libertyvilie gn Monday night. About forty members were present, and after the business session a chick-- en chop lue; supper was served. The Auxiliary now has about 60 members. Last week the following officérs were installed : dent, Mary Gotti; 1st vice pmw%o'wue; ~--2nd vice preseiden . Drury; _ seere-- tary, Marie Stier; chaplain, Elizabeth Whitney; treasurer, Blanche Mitchell: historian, 'Gladys Tovell:aergeantat arms. Myrtie Earl roject is $18,656. } farm sausage, and decided 'theq and there to get some. He bought the pig and all the necessary ingredi-- ents( but could find no garlic. No gar-- lic, BD sausage. He combed the vil-- lage of Rondout--no garlic. He was about to give up when he found the odorifous vegetable at the store of Triggs & Johnson right here in Liber-- tyville. Ray uses a package of pepper-- mint daily 8 ' ';mdodrum. with hero, beroine, villian ;'ncvortung. The action centers in the |fortunes and misfortunes of two or-- phan sisters, portrayed by Mrs. Jas. |Yahnke and Miss Quinta Gotti _ . he t advance sale of tickets is very sa factory, and indications are that the ;house will be sold to capacity for each | performane. Ray, Andrews, he of the telephone mpany, always has troubles. Last N We oA F t i raraagp 6n + PR M on onl W on * MA These Items--Mean Economy to You REASONABLE _ THESE SASH ARE A CREAT PROTECTION . [ 1'_1' *~NOTICE A MATERIAL SAVING IN YOUR FUEL BMLS. Estimates on the different ed promptly Telephone 47 Libertyville Lumber Co. | _ EARL H. WE CAN FURNISH ON SHORT NOTICE ANY SIZE STORM . I M SASH FOR YOUR WINDOWs, AND THE price is very. [ _ STORM SASH 1 | CONFIDENCE Canteloupe Preserves |4-oz._iar oopirrevivere veaenrsutee No--2!4 can ___. Washing Powder m package fOf on iiergra e en cmnaes GRANDPA WONDER SOAP-- 10e Stze, _ E(@q -- 3¢ size 7 bars for.. Cthars 4 California Oranges Fancy New York Jonathan Apples First National Bank | --Help to Reduce > Your Coal Bill: LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOS Look upon this bank z* As a sincere friend------ f One you can trust | , 4. And talk freely with sR : ! About business affairs, _ {{[f ~~-- Knowing that they will PE Be kept confidential. CC I] & C ' initnbintninintaintetstntenntzmnanned " Down by the Old Depot [ "" 10¢ 35¢ 20¢ 25¢ 16¢ 15¢